The Truth About the Coronavirus

There are a lot of theories about the origins and spread of the new Coronavirus. This discussion is dedicated to keeping track of the virus and learning the truth about it.

The video below will give an update of the latest info compiled and narrated by Stefan Molyneux.

NOTE: Video is removed as Stefan Molyneux is banned from YouTube.

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  • #864355

    New Zealand has gone a whole week with no new Covid-19 cases. One active case only from a known cluster. Could be eliminated very soon.


    T8……there are no true debt collectors, of massive debts, that’s why everyone keeps barrowing,  but one of two thing ultimately happen, one the monetary  system began to starts clapping then they start printing more money which starts to devalue money that devalues the debt, so what you buy , cost more and more, to the point of paying 100 dollars for a loaf of bread. All those who worked hard, struggled and saved there money get robbed of there value. There savings are worth nothing, an average home will cost millions of worthless dollars,  your money is simply worthless paper.  Then comes a total claps  of the monetary system, and the economy is destroyed. Who’s going to work for worthless money?  Governments clappses then  vilance breaks out everywhere, starvation begins to set in, because farmers are not going to waste their time going food for worthless money.  Things can turn bad quickly as economic clapps starts to take place.

    One of the  worst thing our country has ever done was to get off the Gold standard,  it caused a slow but steady process of devaluation of our monetary system.  Another thing was making brrowing to easy.  Had we stayed on the Gold standard system, it would have stablized our monitary system.  Our real debt is around one hundred and forty trillion dollars.  WHEN YOU CONSIDER 24 TRILLION FOR THE GOVERNMENT, AND AROUND ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY TRILLION OF PERSONAL DEBT. We are in the  worst shape financially then I have ever seen in this country.  The whole world is heading for a complete economic crash T8. IMO

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……..gene





    I think Trump wants to get it back on the gold standard. I’m betting it is one of his aims before his second term is out. That is, get rid of the Federal Reserve. But I think he wants to fulfill the other promises first as the Fed might put up a huge fight. That would be interesting if it happens. However, China might require too much attention in the coming years and he may not get a chance to pursue that.


    T8…..Yeah, the Federal Reserve should have never been allowed in the first place, we were a lot better of on the Gold standard.  My Dad told me that over 60 years ago. We as well as the world are in the grip of change, this Bablonian Systems of Governments are beginning to show sign of clasping. It surely is time we (believers) get, “the fuel in our flasks”,  to carry us through Jesus’ return, it is enminate.  I believe he will be hear within 13 years.  I am not trying to prophesy that, it’s just what I think, by whats taking place at this time.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene




    Hi miia

    You said: Coronavirus is God’s judgment on China’s widespread cruelty towards animals.

    Me: Are you serious? I myself think your getting of track. Its nice you don’t eat meat, I guess, but lets be real here.

    God bless


    New Zealand free of Covid-19

    Life back to normal at midnight tonight as we move to Alert Level 1. The borders remain secure, so no travel in or out.



    Yes I’m serious.

    Animals are tortured in China with the belief it makes meat taste better.

    They have been asked to stop for years.


    NZ has done well! Let’s hope it lasts and there is no second wave.





    I just can’t get over the coincidence that Wuhan is the only place in China with a level 4 biosecurity lab. Why is this not considered as a serious option for the source of the virus?


    T8, it could have come from the Wuhan biosecurity lab or jumped from animals to humans (which I believe).

    All major pandemics have passed from animals to humans (zoonoses):

    The Black Death – rats
    Bird Flu – chickens
    Swine Flu – pigs
    CJD (mad cow disease) – cows.
    Avain Flu – birds
    MERS – camels
    Ebola – bats


    As I see Covid-19 as punishment for the way humans treat animals, especially in China, it seems more realistic that it was zoonoses.


    Coming from the only level 4 lab in China doesn’t rule out the virus came from an animal. These labs have many dangerous and deadly strains of viruses that came from animals. For example, if Ebola broke out in China, that would likely come from a lab, even though the original Ebola was likely animal borne.


    T8, yep that could be right.

    I can see why they would cover it up too, if it is true.


    New Zealand could have done so much better. We actually could have stopped the virus entering our country altogether and then not suffered such a strict lock-down and economic hit.

    Ed J

    Here’s a very interesting little clip I want you see.

    (May 12, 2015) Watch 9:22 to 12:15 (3 minutes)

    God bless
    Ed J


    Taiwan is the real hero when it comes to Covid-19

    They warned WHO and the world back in December 2019 about the virus, but no one listened. The world needs to recognise Taiwan as a separate country and not tow the China line.


    The following documentary makes the case that Coronavirus is man-made. Is this the truth or not. You be the judge. It is worth noting that this film is banned on the major tech networks so you will only find it on alternative platforms like BitChute.

    Note: I have been careful to not mention this documentary by name because it would likely lead to the site suffering a penalty is search. To be honest, I am concerned at the current title too. I will see what happens.



    ‘Overwhelming circumstantial evidence’ points to COVID-19 lab leak

    The theory COVID-19 leaked from the Wuhan Institute of virology is possibly “more likely” than the current working hypothesis due to “overwhelming” circumstantial evidence, according to the WHO advisory committee’s Jamie Metzl.

    It comes after the World Health Organisation released its report into the origins of the deadly virus which placed zoonotic transmission to humans the most likely source of the pandemic.

    The report also ranked the likelihood of different hypotheses and claimed the virus most likely transferred from bats to humans via an intermediary zoonotic source, and that a direct transmission was the second most likely.

    The theory the virus came from a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology was deemed to be unlikely by the report.

    Mr Metzl told Sky News the WHO did not conduct this investigation, but it was a “joint study of an independent advisory committee” to the World Health Organisation and their “Chinese counterparts”.

    He said the investigation was not “capable of examining all the hypotheses” and therefore it cannot be viewed as authoritative.

    “The core point is that any examination of the origins of the pandemic needs to thoroughly examine all of the possible origin hypotheses,” Mr Metzl said.

    “It cannot be credible to say we’re only going to look at zoonotic jump and cold chain, and we won’t even lift a finger to examine the lab leak hypothesis.

    “This entire joint team study, in my view, is not credible or valid because they examined some hypotheses and not others, and then had the temerity to rank the likelihood of the different hypotheses”.

    Mr Metzl said the circumstantial evidence to support the lab leak theory is “overwhelming” including how the horseshoe bat – which was identified as the genetic source of the SARS-CoV-2 virus – lives in southern China.

    “Wuhan is well beyond their range, Wuhan doesn’t have horseshoe bats,” he said.

    “What Wuhan does have is China’s only level-four virology institute with the world’s largest collection of bat coronaviruses.

    “I can’t say for sure that SARS-CoV-2 began with an accidental lab leak, but the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming.

    “On top of that from day one, China began a massive coverup that involved destroying samples, hiding data bases and other records, and imprisoning journalists.”


    Hello friends, this is Adam from India after so many years I am seeing this Heavennet. In India we are in the midst of great Pandemic COVID19 new strain and many are dying daily. It’s really panic situation here. Please uphold us in your prayers. Thanking you all…God bless.

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