Is Donald Trump chosen by God?

Has Donald Trump been chosen by God to lead America? If so, then nothing will stop him from becoming the president.

It seems that no man has been attacked by the media and by other politicians as much as Donald Trump has. Yet with every bit of slander and even true criticism leveled against him, he seems to get more popular.

The following video is an interview with Mark Taylor, (a retired firefighter) who talks about a prophetic revelation he received back in 2011 which says:

The Lord has chosen Mr Trump to bring America back from the brink of destruction…

He also says that Trump will have two terms among other interesting points, some which have come to pass and others yet to do so.

NOTE: Video updated as old video was taken down.

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  • #865625

    The Democrats took the word GOD out of the Pledge of Allegiance at the Democrat National Convention. At first I thought they made a mistake, but it wasn’t. It was done on purpose. Remember Evangelical Christians, and ALL, this is where they are coming from-it’s done. Vote Nov 3!

    – Donald Trump



    Proclaimer. …..From your mouth to God’s ear,  this election is far greater then people realize. If Biden and Harris Get elected, they will bring great wrath of God on our people. I believe they are ONE OF WORST pair of canadates that could ever run for the office of the president of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.   Prey for us, we need it.

    I also believe TRUMP HAS THE ANOINTING OF GOD ON HIM, even if he dosen’t know it,  he does stand up for what is morally right . He has done a lot for our country all ready, and with another term he can even do more. May God help our people to see this.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ………gene




    The rise of Nazism

    How is it that Sky News Australia has better and by far more accurate reporting than there is in the U.S.?



    Proclaimer……This election is going to tell a lot about the state of our nation, I believe.  I think president TRUMP was given by God to try to reestablish our nation back to where it was before all this Socialistic idlogy infected our nation.  It started taking  root way back in the 70’ds. I remember telling people back then,  that we were moving more and more toward socialism,  government was getting more and more intrusive in our everyday  lives.

    Maybe this is how God is going to gage our overall national attitude, even about him,  by how the turn out of this election goes. It sure will set a precident  for the future here, that for sure. This election is undoubtedly the most important election I can ever remember.

    All of you,  pray for our Country we sure need it. “MAY GOD’S WILL BE DONE”. 

    Peace and love to you all,  and yours………gene





    For those who think that America and Trump are chosen by God – lol, is all I can say.

    I remember when @miia said this.


    Objective thinking is rare these days. Seems most are subjective.

    Ed J

    For those who think that America and Trump are chosen by God – lol, is all I can say.

    I remember when @miia said this.

    Hi T8,

    She doesn’t believe the bible’s message concerning this…

    “But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end.
    27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven,
    shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High
    whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

    28 Hitherto is the end of the matter.” (Dan 7:26-28)

    “shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High”


    She thought we were crazy, but she wasn’t in touch with what was really going on.

    Time revealed her shortcomings.


    Excuse me? Why single me out.


    Lol. Not sure anyone else in this discussion said that it was crazy to think Trump would win. But time eventually shines a light on our words. Our words will be tested eventually and people say a lot of things in these forums that get tested. Business as usual.


    T8, I did not say it was crazy to think Trump would win! Go back and read page 2-3. Ed kept saying (probably elsewhere), and you I think that the U.S and Trump are God’s chosen people and God’s kingdom on earth!? THAT is what I disagreed with. So did Terraricca page 4, and others – so why single me out? Especially taking what I said out of context.


    There, fifth post above this one, Ed is saying it again, still.


    The son’s Kingdom is not of this world.

    Ed J

    Miia, I’m not saying the USA is God’s Kingdom

    Ed J

    Hi Miia,

    What I’m saying is: that the USA as the global leader of the free-world
    proves that Jesus is ruling in God’s kingdom, in the people of God.
    That is what Daniel 7:27 is teaching those with ears to hear.

    “The Key” is found in three feasts
    of the seven feasts of the LORD
    that we are required to attend.

    God bless
    ED J

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