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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 21 2005,22:40)Hi trettep, We know from Genesis God commanded Adam and spoke to Adam. Adam knew who his father was and knew his Father. There is little evidence he knew the thoughts of God or followed those thoughts or instructions. Certainly it does not say man had the Holy Spirit. Instead we are compared with animals-both…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 21 2005,21:36)Hi trettep, The spirit of man is of godly origin just as this spirit of an animal is. Both come from the breath of God according to Genesis. It gives life in the inner man.James.2.26″For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead”It is good.Sin comes from lust and lust is…[Read more]

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    I believe the spirit of a man is purposed for the maitenance of the flesh. In other words it desires to care for the factors that influence the flesh whether it be pride, greed, lust, pleasures, etc… There is no comprehension of it for the works of righteousness.Paul

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    I liken the Holy Spirit unto Holy Instinct. Its a gift unlearned. That when one is Born Again they are a newborn babe and can begin to discern spiritual things. Now there doesn't appear to be a limit to what God gives you of that Instinct. Instinct is Ability. Like when a newborn infant knows to suck on the nipple. I hasn't been taught but…[Read more]

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    Is there even such thing as a normal state of man? For example does man either have a Holy Spirit within him or evil spirits within him? I will be studying this subject starting this evening at the beginning of the sabbath.Paul

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 20 2005,03:58)Hi trettep, Scripture seems to suggest that Jesus was baptised in the Spirit when the Spirit of God descended as a dove in Mt 3,Mk 1 and Lk 3. Prior to that it says “the grace of God was upon him and he increased in wisdom. It is only after that tiime that he is said to be full of the Spirit, impelled by the…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 19 2005,21:24)Hi cubes, 2Cor 4.7″ We have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves;”Yes. Jesus had his own spirit. He was not filled with the Spirit of God till his baptism and he lived a normal life till then. It was his spirit that pleaded with…[Read more]

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    Quote (Cubes @ May 19 2005,17:41)Sorry, Trett:  CF to me means Christian Forums, which is the first forum I belonged to before coming here.  I am here most of the time but do visit them on occasion.  I currently have a thread going there to discuss the Holy Spirit with them and I just posted some of the scriptures in this thread over there in th…[Read more]

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    Quote (Cubes @ May 19 2005,15:41)Also, I hope you all don't mind that I cite many of the scriptures in this thread contributed by Nick, Trettep, myself, stroshow and others on CF to demonstrate that YHWH/GOD/FATHER is the primary giver of the Holy Spirit.  (Jesus is well able to give us the holy spirit too but since I believe that he is begotten…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 19 2005,02:49)Hi, The Holy Spirit is indeed the Spirit of God. No man dare blaspheme the Spirit of God. It is poured into any suitable vessel and all human vessels can be used. God makes the vessels.The vessels do not become God but contain the Spirit of God. But it is only poured into clean vessels. It is our role to wash…[Read more]

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    Posted here by request of Cubes:The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father in Heaven and its through His Spirit that one IS God. For the Father is God and everything that has His Spirit is also God!Eph 3:14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Eph 3:15 Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, Eph…[Read more]

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    Yes, I'm involved in a lengthly discussion on another forum concerning some very deep subject including the differences between Adam and Jesus – or why one failed and the other prevailed in their temptations in a study of predestination.As for the 18 hours I mentioned – the Book of Enoch (Book 1) is the source of that information in the Luminaries…[Read more]

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    Quote (bic @ May 08 2005,06:33)Sorry for jumping in so late. Maybe this will help.Most people are unaware that two separate Sabbaths are referred to in the Gospel accounts. The first was an ANNUAL Sabbath, one of SEVEN occurring each year, called High Days. Most of these Sabbaths could fall on ANY day of the week. The second was a weekly Sabbath,…[Read more]

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    Also Sammo – I owe you an apology as I thought I knew my position like concrete but wasn't until I thought about the “between the evenings” part before and how a day started that I had to reinvestigate the issue. While my findings probably still don't match yours – I want you to discount the things I said earlier on this subject as I don't want…[Read more]

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    Hey Sammo, you helped me with some of your comments to understand this. Here is how I think it went down:Thursday – Jesus is crucified Friday – Jesus still in tomb Saturday – Jesus still in tomb Sunday – Jesus has risen earlier in the night before daybreak That makes 3 days and 3 nights.The reason that Mary does'nt show up until she does is…[Read more]

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    Quote (Guest @ May 02 2005,05:32)I was hoping you wouldn't leave it. The Passover was a Sabbath.Joh 19:31 The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was a high day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken…[Read more]

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    Quote (Guest @ May 02 2005,04:52)Quote (trettep @ May 02 2005,04:50)I don't believe you answered my questions – when was the lamb slain and be specific.Afternoon of 14 Abib – Ex 12:6Here is the problem with that – No work could be done on that day. That is why there is a preparation day for the Passover:Joh 19:14 And it was the preparation of…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 02 2005,05:00)Hi tt, Did you come to argue, teach or learn?Which do you percieve it as?Paul

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    Another problem is that you say that the Feast was 8 days long. That poses a big problem for your timing.Paul

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    Quote (Guest @ May 02 2005,04:54)Quote (trettep @ May 02 2005,04:49)He said 4 days – I don't see anywhere where it says 72 hours.  But I do find Jesus saying 3 days and 3 nights.Never mind.Sammo, I'm just trying to show you by you that it can be done and what the problem is with what your saying. I'm playing a student here in order to help you…[Read more]

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