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  • #235529

    hi all.

    what i want to know is,
    if in psalm 17 Yahwey says he will show his form, if God is invisible spirit, invisible cant be seen…………..then the form would be Yahshua (which is yah saves……….or emmanuel God with us)………..but in psalm 17 it is yahwey who will show his form.

    the reason im stuck on psalm 17 is because it was shown to me a while back after prayer about something. people here are saying God yahwey has body or form, but spirit is invisible.  

    and im trying to understand this verse. who is it about?

    1st timothy
    But you, man of God, flee these things, and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith. Lay hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you confessed the good confession in the sight of many witnesses. I command you before God, who gives life to all things, and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate testified the good confession, that you keep the commandment without spot, blameless, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ; which in its own times he will show, who is the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light; whom no man has seen, nor can see: to whom be honor and eternal power. Amen.

    i havent read any of this thread much, but see that this verse has already been mentioned here.


    to me prayer is a calm place where God is. how you reach that place, only God can show.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 04 2011,13:06)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Feb. 04 2011,00:57)

    Quote (thankful @ Feb. 03 2011,14:03)
    mikeboll64 and simplyforgiven, are you both scared of some of the things im saying?

    Oh  balony, there hasnt ben a day i would be scared to answer ur questions ???

    And I agree with what you've said in this thread.  Why would I be “scared”?  ???


    no, we dont agree on everything. im only here to learn. i dont claim that i know it all.

    i believe God continues to reveal himself to people and my mind is always open to learn.

    and theres unanswered questions in another thread which you have avoided answering mikeboll64!


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 04 2011,13:36)

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Feb. 04 2011,01:13)

    The Bible CLEARLY says that Jesus existed in the form of God

    And to you, being in the form OF God means Jesus WAS God?  ???  Why would Paul say form OF God then?  Why not just say, “Who, existing AS God…..”?  

    Jack, “form OF God” could simply mean that Jesus was existing as a very powerful spirit being before he came in the flesh.  This is a COMPARISON, Jack.  And I've been working with Keith lately in an effort to make him understand that people aren't COMPARED to themselves.  

    In other words, if Jesus is said to be “as powerful AS God”, then that statement makes it clear he's NOT God, because he's COMPARED TO God.  Get it?  The same would apply to “form OF God”, because it basically says Jesus had the “same form AS God”.  And as soon as you add the words “AS God”, then it becomes clear that he is NOT the God he is as “good AS” or as “smart AS” or as “powerful AS”.

    Psalm 17

    Hear, Yahweh, my righteous plea; Give ear to my prayer, that doesn't go out of deceitful lips.
    Let my sentence come forth from your presence. Let your eyes look on equity.
    You have proved my heart. You have visited me in the night. You have tried me, and found nothing. I have resolved that my mouth shall not disobey.
    As for the works of men, by the word of your lips, I have kept myself from the ways of the violent.
    My steps have held fast to your paths. My feet have not slipped.
    I have called on you, for you will answer me, God. Turn your ear to me. Hear my speech.
    Show your marvelous loving kindness, you who save those who take refuge by your right hand from their enemies.
    Keep me as the apple of your eye. Hide me under the shadow of your wings,
    from the wicked who oppress me, my deadly enemies, who surround me.
    They close up their callous hearts. With their mouth they speak proudly.
    They have now surrounded us in our steps. They set their eyes to cast us down to the earth.
    He is like a lion that is greedy of his prey, as it were a young lion lurking in secret places.
    Arise, Yahweh, confront him. Cast him down. Deliver my soul from the wicked by your sword; from men by your hand, Yahweh, from men of the world, whose portion is in this life. You fill the belly of your cherished ones. Your sons have plenty, and they store up wealth for their children.
    As for me, I shall see your face in righteousness. I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with seeing your form.


    mikeboll64 and simplyforgiven, are you both scared of some of the things im saying?

    why the sudden character analysis?

    have i attacked or analysed you on the forum? no.

    so please, i only request a godly and honest response to the questions on TOPIC, otherwise it seems you are unable to respond in a godly and honest way, and if so, then would you consider just saying, “i dont know, i will try to find out and get back to you”, and then do that!



    are you a moderator mikeboll64? you dont act like one. if i have been reading here for months, do i have to make that public knowledge? whatever disputes you have had with someone else certainly isnt my business to comment on. i have taken this to the owner of the site.


    im taking this, what you have both said, to the owner of this site.


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Feb. 03 2011,16:03)
    thankful said;

    jesus said the father is greater than he.

    He said that before He was exalted.


    hmmm. my time here for today is up. but, will think about that.

    God bless


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Feb. 03 2011,14:15)
    Hi all,
    im pretty sure that “thankful” is JA or istari alais.
    if im wrong pls correct me.

    i assure you, im not “ja or istari' though im familiar with “ja or istaris” writings. i have been reading them a lot in the last week here. and i must say, we do agree, it seems, on a lot of things, as i have said i have also read the writings of the front page of this site, and agree, it seems, on a lot of that.

    but, it doesnt make me them does it? why would you say that?

    the reason i never further commented on enquiries into my name, is because why would i use my real name, as a woman, on an internet (public) forum? its called 'internet safety'.



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 03 2011,11:52)
    Thanks for answering. So does this mean you serve the Father who is God but you serve Jesus who is “a god”?

    jesus said the father is greater than he.

    is there something wrong with serving the father and the son? (“whoever denies the son, the same doesnt have the father. he who confesses the son has the father also.)

    many young people (such as i was), believe that jesus is the only existance that is God. they, then, later, may learn there is a father who is above the son. they can still keep praying to the son, but, they know that through the son, God the father hears them. theres no need for even a name. jesus prayed 'father'.

    no-one goes to the father, but through the son.


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Feb. 03 2011,13:06)
    thankful said:

    ALL sentient beings, in the day they are created, are, sons of God…….

    There is no scripture which says that all sentient beings are sons of god. hebrews 1 says that angels are not sons of God, “To which of the angels did He ever say, 'You are my son' “?


    then who are the sons of God in job and genesis?

    “when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?”…….stars are refered to as angels, which here are refered to as sons of God.


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Feb. 02 2011,18:42)
    You say God is the Father?
    Was GOD always the FATHER since Eternity?

    God could not have been ALWAYS the father. to be a father means begetting a son, therefore God was not the father until he begat a son.

    and if God was not a father, then there was no son; and if there was no son, there was no trinity!

    and, before you say anything:  ALL sentient beings, in the day they are created, are, sons of God…….and God is their father. but, they have different degrees of sonship,  

    if jesus, “in the beginning” was alone created and then God created all else through him, he was still the first created by God, and therefore was not until he was, and God was not the father, until he was.


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Feb. 02 2011,18:42)
    You say God is the Father?
    Was GOD always the FATHER since Eternity?

    i wont answer what i dont know.

    God sent the son out to speak. and the son did well.
    God spoke. so go closer.
    listen to him……
    “this is my beloved son, with whom, i am well pleased.”


    from what i heard no deaths have been reported, yet.


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 02 2011,10:23)
    Now can you answer a question for me? In what sense is Jesus not God since Jesus contains  all authority and power and the attributes and characteristics of  God?

    hello worshippingjesus.

    how im understanding it,
    jesus contains all authority and power and the attributes and characteristics of God that is true.
    if you have seen the son you have seen the father, that is true.
    to know God the father we must look exclusivly to the son, that is true.

    jesus is “God”, but God as a title.

    a father is “God” over the household (that he is given to manage)
    a judge is “God” over the court (that he is given to manage)
    a headmaster is “God” over the school (that he manages)
    and jesus is “God” over the kingdom  (that he is given to manage)
    but this kingdom has an owner, and the owner of the kingdom is the father
                                                                                                        – of the son.

    parable of the tenants (matthew 21:33-41)


    and thank you mikeboll64.


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Feb. 02 2011,18:42)
    Look if you dont have the time to discuss scripture than whats the point of posting?
    and seriously if your just going to ignore points that we are making and just say “all of your points are still not telling me that Jesus is God the Father”  without providing evidence and scriptures to REFUTE agaisnt what we are claiming than why bother?

    excuse me? i have responsibilities. i have other things to take care of. so please dont tell me how i should be spending my time answering all of your points. and that i should be copying/pasting scriptures to prove every single thing i say.

    thank you.

    if im wrong, im wrong. im only LEARNING.

    simplyforgiven, i have debated people who can quote scripture so well that they know it off by heart. this includes ex christians who have turned to islam, ex christians who have turned agnostic or athiest. iv also heard of people teaching as pastors etc in churches, who have secretly turned away from all that they believe, though the audience dont know it because they keep on preaching, by habit, as they were taught!

    i use scripture when it comes to mind as im writing, theres nothing wrong with this.
    i get around to posts though not instantly and not all in one login or day.  

    just like now, i have answered this but now i have to go, so i dont have the time, right now, to answer any other points or any other people.

    not till later.

    so, byebye for now.


    hi all. i dont have much time to go through every point right now,

    but, all of your points are still not telling me that jesus who was here on earth is GOD the FATHER Almighty. it doesnt seem anything like the SON of God who was jesus, who is in scripture. a SON is a son, it just doesnt make sense. a son on earth with us (such as my own son) is not the father who he came from, but he is the son.

    jesus is the son, from the father, he does all he sees his father do. “the son can do nothing of himself but what he sees the father do, for whatever he does, the son also does in like manner”
    he spoke the words his father gave him to speak…..”for i did not speak of my own accord but the father who sent me”………..”i speak to the world those things which I heard from Him.”

    it doesnt mean he IS the father.

    God bless.


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 02 2011,10:23)
    Now can you answer a question for me? In what sense is Jesus not God since Jesus contains  all authority and power and the attributes and characteristics of  God?

    i notice worshippingjesus that you said 'In ESSENCE God'. what do you mean by 'in essence' rather than 'in actuallity'?

    jesus isn't God…only in essence… having the power and authority of God but not actually God himself.
    just as joseph was 'in essence' pharoah: having the power and authority of pharoah but never actually being pharoah himself ('everything is yours, …excepting my throne')

    he, the son, jesus, is therefore seated at Gods right hand.


    simplyforgiven, to add, to be like the father, perfect, is not meaning you ARE the father. though you are like him.

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