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    adam,what you conceived on mary's(virgin) conception through jewish beliefs? jews are guilty of crucifying jesus.as a result, as they propagated the news that jesus was not resurrected, they twisted/substituted the word'young lady' for 'virgin'.how an young lady gives birth without marriage with an young/old/middle aged man?you mean to say that…[Read more]

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    david,thank you david .when there was no concept of article in original scriptures, we should not bother much about articles and we should not insert any article also.we should not give much importance to articles brought in by english grammaritans.love in christpulivarthy.

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    david,I am not understanding what you are saying.I could understand that you have another bible translated with indefinte article, 'a',.Is it so?what your bible is called like mormon's bible?pulivarthy

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    mr. adam,satan not only affects flesh, but it influences your mind, and works.It has the power to remove your life(according to Job' Chapter) unless there is hedge of holy spirit around you.If God takes way holy spirit and lets satan to affect you, then only satan can do anything.But it always and constantly looks on you to make you fall so that…[Read more]

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    hi shania,thank you and our God the father and lor jesus for your great isights.pulivarthy.

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    hi lu,thank you for your nice quoting.God the father and lord Jesus may bless you.pulivarthy

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    mr adam,simply command can't create anything.if so, man's command also should create some or the other little things.therefore, word is a person in/with god (form of God) who created evrything.before genesis 1:1/3 word(jesus) exists with all his glory and lost everything to save you.holy spirit knows the depths of the thoughts of God and…[Read more]

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    who is son of satan/perdition?whether satan also begets his son/antichrist at end times/please explain.pulivarthy

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    thank you irene for presenting many insights on preexistence of jesus.with love in christ,pulivarthy

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    pulivarthy replied to the topic John 1:1 in the forum Scriptural Teachings 16 years ago

    spirit beings can carry children in them.whether it is true? if true Jesus is in God.The inner man/being of God is jesus who became our inner man also.please explain this.pulivarthy

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    pulivarthy replied to the topic John 1:1 in the forum Scriptural Teachings 16 years ago

    hi dirty connections,Thank you for befitting quotations to Mr. Gene for convincing him on preexistence of Jesus.I pray that GOD, the father will certainly and on one day dispel all his false beliefs(non-trinty) and his own annoted conjectures to the scripture given unto us.with love in christ,pulivarthy.

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    pulivarthy replied to the topic John 1:1 in the forum Scriptural Teachings 16 years ago

    hi dirty connections,Thank you for befitting quotations to Mr. Gene for convincing him on preexistence of Jesus.I pray thay Go, the father will certainly and on one day dispel all his false beliefs(non-trinty) and his own annoted conjectures to the scripture given unto us.with love in christ,pulivarthy.

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    pulivarthy replied to the topic John 1:1 in the forum Scriptural Teachings 16 years ago

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 29 2008,04:55)T8…..> according to Jeff Benners Mechanical translation of Genesis, the name of Lord in Hebrew is (HE EXISTS) And if we add Elohim or GOD to it we come up with Lord God or HE EXISTS WITH POWERS. This would be the correct way of understanding the LORD GOD> T8, You saying Jesus meant that in the new…[Read more]

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    God, our father was doing everything through jesus before foundation of the world.Similarly The God our father opened up this revelation to John through jesus.One can understand from this God was revealing to all prophets of bible throgh Jesus preexisting in him.Therefore,Jesus also knows everything as God Knows , but the dispensation of times or…[Read more]

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    pulivarthy replied to the topic John 1:1 in the forum Scriptural Teachings 16 years ago

    adam & gene,word (child) was existing in the bossom of God.The God used to have inner conversation with his child,word,messiah,craftmanship of God, and he was planned as a sacrificial redeemer by appearing as fleshy and bloody human being.God already set salvation plan as God can know everything in advance, while predetermining everything and…[Read more]

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    gene,you are wrong. instead of word, god/jesus christ might have spoken 'intellect' through john.moreover, intellect means an intelligent person, called jesus was there in him as word form.that intelligent person was his child, called jesus.(according to isaiah:9:6-7niv)jesus /child is there from the beginning, because in niv present tense is…[Read more]

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    hi all,word means , God used to exchange his plans etc. with his child called 'word'.God used to call him simply'word' in a lovely fashion as we do with our kids.therefore God used to having conversations with his beloved child playing/rejoicing in his bosom 'word' before creation of angels and all rest.psb

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    20For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.11The high priest carries the blood of animals into the Most Holy Place as a sin offering, but the bodies are burned outside the camp. 12And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy…[Read more]

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    8The Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: “All nations will be blessed through you.”.The will of God is to keep faith in jesus christ and his works to receive holy spirit and salvation,inheritance to heaven etc…Therefore, the will of God is “Gospel'” and through…[Read more]

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    hi nick & GB,it is neither intellect nor mind.before creation it was the name(identification) of God, as I am identified by name.Naming of Adam also was given by God and we learned importance of word and languages through God.Therefore , Word means ,it could be name of God 'I am ” or 'Jehova” which was the source of evrery thing.pulivarthy sarath…[Read more]

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