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  • #153420

    Wow! Oness doctrin does attract many. What does the Bible say? from the beggening of time God has been One. In the beggining he created the heaven and the earth, He destroys and restores. He forgives and condemns. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. I believe we all can agree with that right. The title Father was instituded from creation of all living things, As redeemer he shed blood to cover Adam and Eve's sin (singular) Also His mercy and grace came upon them after and so did judgement. This happen all through the Old covenant (Old Testament) by the sheading of blood such as animal sacrifices for thier sins (plural) All throught Old testament Jesus has been prophesied in many accounts. Why? The blood of animals was not good enough it needed to be pure human blood. Remember! We did not create ourselves. Sin was allowed through us! God has a plan and that plan is to destroy Satan. Satan was the first Angel to Sin. We are the first to be decieved into sin. There is a differece, Satan has no salvation, redemtion along those who followed. Jesus was not a new thing, The New Testament has been God's plan from the beggining. God was being prophesied from the get go! know man decided to put thier own opinions in who God is? who Jesus is? and who the Holy Spirit is? and brought a great confusion. God did not give us that spirit. His word reveals all truth. God, Jesus, HolySpirit are from the beggining!! The father The son and the Holy Spirit is not a new doctrine! Trinitarian is a new doctrine belief. There is a start in this doctrine (teachings) of three gods. Know there is a well known church that decided to use this term to ratify this confusion. also this teaching excalated to a triune doctrine bringing more confusion. The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit is not a new teaching. The Father: as the creator of all living things. The Son (Jesus): Savior, Redeemer, Advocate etc. The Holy Spirit: Comfort, Revealer. Know if we seperate this the number will be three. Keeping it together it will be one. All the questions about Jesus and the father is crazy:( Then the question is why isn't then the Holy Spirit even mentioned in the debate? It is because Satan has develope the debate between doctrines. There is no debate in God's absolutes Word. I am a One God Believer, In the name of Jesus I am redeemed, and in God's Spirit I am comforted (HolySpirit) The Father Son And HolySpirit Has only one name and that is Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God did come down from heaven to give His ultimate sacrafice. In the flesh to man God's creation is Son. He was concieved by the Holy Spirit So who is the Father??? Immanuel is translated “God with us” The Son And The Father are one in spirit. There are only two beings that God created through His Spirit All creation on earth and all creation in Heaven! Know if you give The Holy Spirit a person title Where did he come from??? and from What spirit??? It deos'nt make sence. I Believe In One God One Lord and One Spirit His name is Jesus. I also can give you the rundown in that name but it has to be reavealed to those who truly want to now Him as One. I attend a apostolic congregation, but I follow Jesus not man. The word Apostolic has no power all. I onlyt signifies the teachings From Jesus to His Apostles and it is not limited to twelve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look I am not trying to prove any thing to any one. I am expessing my relationship with Jesus. His word proves other wise.
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