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    Keith,  you are right it has everything to do with politics,  it is the main way this whole world operates, and governs,  it’s economy,  this system of economics we operate under was started by The first world ruling power, the KINGDOM OF BABYLON. And has continued to ‘OPERATE’ unto this very day, it is the very same way the “Economy ” of “BUY AND SELL FOR GAIN”  it is the “System the Governments ” of the past and present world operates under. This economic governance created by Satan, that causes “SLAVERY ” “USERY” and “IDOLATRY” the world over, and “ALL”, the nations, of this present earth operate through that same system of rule,  that was started by the Kingdom of Babylon .

    Here is a list that exactly conforms,  to what John wrote in Revelation 17:8-10

    “the beast (Satan) that you saw was and is not (at the time of this prophecy) , why, because at the time of this prophecy taking place, Satan is still in the “bottomless pit”. he hasn’t been released yet. “and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit,  and go into perdition :  and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not  written in the book of  life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast (Satan) that (WAS) ,  (before the millennial reign of Jesus and the Saint’s) but a the time of this prophesy is speaking too, he, “Satan” is still in the “Bottomless Pit”, he hasn’t been released yet, “and is not (now at the time of this prophecy) and yet is.” (Satan is alive in the Bottomless Pit at the time of this prophesy,  during the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ and the resurrected Saints.

    Now we’re told Rev 17:9…..”And here is the mind which has wisdom, the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman (Babylon)  sits .  A mountain is a rising, this is telling us that the Babylonian Type of empire’s will rise and fall Seven times.

    Now we get to the main point that gives us the exact timeline of the prophesy.
    Rev 17:10……”And there are seven (world ruling) Kings  or kingdoms: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is (yet) to come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

    At the timeline of this prophecy,  these Five world ruling powers will be fallen listed below

    1 ……..the Babylonian Empire ………king Nebuchadnezzar 

    2……..the Medo-Persian Empire…….Kings Cyrus and Dyrus

    3………the Grecian Empire……………..King Alexander the Great 

    4………the Roman Empire ………………different  Caesar’s and Emperor 

    5………the present world…………………Different nations all around the world
    We are living in the Fifth Babylonian world ruling kingdom. Different nations who do not operate as one nation as other four kingdoms did, as Daniel said it would be , before the mountain cut out by God will destroy the Babylonian type of rule and Satan will be captured and placed in the bottomless pit for about a thousand years, then released for a short time at the end of the Millennial Rein of Jesus and the Saint’s.

    The (Sixth) , world ruling kingdom on this earth,  will be the Kingdom of Jesus and the Saint’s.

    At the end of the sixth millennial kingdom , the seventh world ruling kingdom will rise out of this earth, the deadly wound inflicted on the fifth Babylonian kingdom will be healed for a short time, and after this,  then BABYLONIAN will be destroyed for ever.

    He that has eyes to see and ears to hear, let him .

    peace and love to you all and yours……….gene




    DT……I quoted you the scriptures that show “how I know it”.  But you reject those scriptures, so there is no way you will agree with anything I or anyone else shows you from the scriptures.  You are your own “religion”.  accepting your own self drawn conclusions.  When you reject the very scriptures we present to you every time we present them.

    Well we will see how that all come out , won’t we?.

    peace and love to you and yours DT………..gene


    DT you said, “Can you explain how your faith/belief system is the right one and has ALL the correct understandings of Paul? What makes your faith so special?”

    The difference between my Faith and yours is, I understand what Jesus and the apostle Paul said and meant,  and you are as Peter said, in,

    2 Peter 3:15-16…….”AND account that the long-suffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our “beloved brother” Paul also according to the “WISDOM” given unto him, has written unto you. As also in “All” his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which  are some things hard to be understood, which they that are “UNLEARNED”  AND “UNSTABLE” wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own “DESTRUCTION”. 

    DT, you are going the way of Cain and run greedily after the error of Balaam for reward,  and will certainly parish in the gainsaying of Core,  unless you repent.  IMO

    peace and love to you and yours DT………gene


    DT……. Jesus said……that “ALL”LAW,  and the prophets were hinged on these “TWO THINGS”, “love” for God, and “love”for man . SO, Paul was right it seems  when he said,  “LOVE” FULFILLS “ALL”. the law. That totally agrees with Jesus the Messiah of God.

    When PAUL said we were not under the “works” of the law , he was not referencing the Ten Commandments he was referencing how law Works, in life (through the process of “forced obedience” , which can never make anyone right in their hearts, it takes the “love” of God shed  abroad in our hearts to make us right in our hearts, and that is how a true converted person becomes right with God,  something a “LAW”  any law, COULD NEVER DO, as witnessed and proven by the Israelites in the Old Testament. None of them were ever made right by the way “lAW” WORKS.

    Again the apostle Paul was 100% right.   I understand you’re in ability to understand Paul, just like Peter said, some of his writings were hard to understand, and some twist them up to their own destruction. As it appears you are doing. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours DT……..gene



    DT……, “love is the fulfillment of the law” it is the “underlining principle” of all the law given to us by God the Father himself.  Only a “idiot” can’t see that, IMO.

    I suppose you don’t believe the account of Jesus’s death also, or Stevens, or the way Jesus said Peter was to die either, just face it, you are writing your own belief system and it certainly does not match the old or New Testament as we have seen in you posts.

    You simply a “bait and switch” preacher, trying  to convince people of you own form of “religion” garbage, we will see how that works out for you in the end.

    peace and love to you and yours DT…….ge


    DT……, “love is the fulfillment of the law” it is the “underlining principle” of all the law given to us by God the Father himself.  Only a “idiot” can’t see that, IMO.

    I suppose you don’t believe the account of Jesus’s death also, or Stevens, or the way Jesus said Peter was to die either, just face it, you are writing your own belief system and it certainly does not match the old or New Testament as we have seen in you posts.

    You simply a “bait and switch” preacher, trying  to convince people of you own form of “religion” garbage, we will see how that works out for you in the end.

    peace and love to you and yours DT…….ge


    DT……, “love is the fulfillment of the law” it is the “underlining principle” of all the law given to us by God the Father himself.  Only a “idiot” can’t see that, IMO.

    I suppose you don’t believe the account of Jesus’s death also, or Stevens, or the way Jesus said Peter was to die either, just face it, you are writing your own belief system and it certainly does not match the old or New Testament as we have seen in you posts.

    You simply a “bait and switch” preacher, trying  to convince people of you own form of “religion” garbage, we will see how that works out for you in the end.

    peace and love to you and yours DT…….gene


    DT……Jesus said the “greatest commandment was to “LOVE” THE LORD, OUR GOD WITH ” ALL” OF OUR MIND, “ALL” OF OUR STRENGTH, “ALL” OF OUR SOUL,  and he “Demonstrated” That “LOVE”, by loving God the father, even more the his own life, and proved it, by offering up his very own life unto death, in obedience to the “Will ” , of the Father.

    Paul and the other despises  did that also, they also gave up their lives in service to GOD the Father and Jesus the Christ of GOD.

    Only an “IDIOT”  can’t see that CLEARLY,  written in our scriptures .  You continually “strain out the gnats and swallow camel’s”, as the saying goes .  The scripture that applies to you most, is this one,  “while professing themselves to be wise, they became fools”> IMO

    Peace and love to you and yours………gene


    Keith you said, ” They serve the GOD Israel served=YHVH (Jehovah) and accept Jesus as the Messiah.” 

    That is absolutely the “TRUTH”.  

    Peace and love to you and yours Keith………gene


    Keith……I completely disagree with so-called “free Will salvation”., everything works through “cause and effect”.   God the Father is the “cause” of all salvation.  IMO

    Peace and love to you and yours Keith……..gene


    DT, what do you do with this scripture……> Jer 17:10…., “I the LORD search the (heart) , I try the reins (mind) , even to give “every” man according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings”.

    GOD THE FATHER EVEN TRYS PEOPLE BEFORE THEY ARE EVEN BORN,  just as he did in the case of Jacob and Esau. Saying,  to Rebekah, “two nations are in your womb, and two manner of people, shall be separated from bowels, and the one expletive shall be stronger then the other people, and the elder shall serve the younger.

    Now as the apostle PAUL brought out clearly, this was said “before they were born”, neither had done good or evil yet.  SO THIS SHOWS, us that God does choose people’s faits before they are even born.   So where does you “self willed” righteousness fit in that DT?

    Cloud Esau, have repented and changed his destiny? , I think not, neither can you or I on our own, change our hearts or our minds.  Only God the Father can do that. IMO, EVEN JESUS SAID YOU CAN’T EVEN COME TO HIM, “UNLESS” THE FATHER DRAW YOU”,  AND it is obvious you aren’t drawn to him , by the very words of your own mouth.

    Again I say to you, “if you reject the messenger, you are also rejecting the one who sent  him”.

    peace and love to you and yours DT………gene



    DT, you said…….You claim to be “filled” with the “spirit”, do you still sin? If so, how; doesn’t the spirit lead you like it lead the Jesus?

    DT, show me where I ever said I was “filled” , with Holy Spirit. I said I have the Holy Spirit, (the spirit of truth) Abiding in me, that is how I know you are not of the truth , in rejecting Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul, and the whole New Testament,

    I am not perfect yet, but the spirit of God that abides in me, is working for that goal, just as it says,  ” for he (God) works in us, both to Will,  (cause us to desire) and do of his (God’s) good pleasure’.

    Jesus was right,  if we “lust” after a woman,  we are commuting adulatory with her in our hearts, so you are guilty of committing the act , (in your heart)> if you do it in your heart you will do it .  …..“so a man thinks, so he is”.   That is also written.  God judges not only our actions but also our hearts, as in the case of Cain, God know before Cain committed the act , what Cain would do. Think about that  “O” WISE ONE.

    Peace and love to you and yours DT……..gene



    DT…….Jesus and Paul were “ALL”, about mastering sin, and showed us all how that is accomplished.  It wasn’t them that created the “quick fix”, that was fallen so called “CHRISTIANITY”, that created the “quick fix”.
    Jesus and Paul,
    showed us all “the way” to overcome sin, and it’s the exact same way they did, by the exact same power, the power of the Holy Spirit from God the Father, that enables us to “OVERCOME”  OR “MASTER” , sin.

    Your belief of “self empowerment” through “self will”,  to overcome sin is a complete “false teaching”,  Tell me have you completely over came you sins?,  I highly doubt it.  If you haven’t yet then why not?,  seeing you believe you can “self will”. your own way out of sinning?. Let’s see how that works for you in the end.

    THERE is,  “only one way” to overcome sins, and that the exact “way” Jesus , demonstrated to “all”.  There is no other “WAY”.   Jesus did not pay off our sin debt that is true, we all must “REPENT”, BUT, JESUS SHOWED US ALL THE WAY, TO TRUE REPENTANCE AND  LIFE, He is the good and “FAITHFUL” Shepard,  sent from God to guide us, “his sheep”, to eternal life, by showing and “DEMONSTRATING”  to us the way to have that right relationship with God the Father, and it’s no different then his relationship with God is.

    Peace and love to you and yours DT……….gene


    Berean…..if you can’t read the text and see that is exactly what Jesus was telling them, them you simply are blind to the truth, IMO.

    Peace and love to you and yours Berean………….gene



    Proclaimer……YES……Jesus said the ….“greatest commandment ” Is to love the lORD your God , with “ALL” your heart, “ALL” your mind, “ALL” your soul, “ALL“ your strength, and the “SECOND” is like unto it,  (but it is not the same). “You shall love , your neighbor as yourself “.

    On these “TWO” hung “all” the law and the prophets”.

    A door has ” TWO” hinges, they both support the door, but they are not the exact same hinge.  There is a first hing and there is a second hinge they both work to support the same door , so it is with the love of God, the “FIRST LOVE IS THE LOVE FOR “the LORD OUR GOD ,the “SECOND LOVE IS THE LOVE FOR YOUR NEIGHBOR,  Jesus and the rest of man kind,  They are similar, but are not the ” THE EXACT SAME.

    That was the fall of the church at Ephesus in revelations.  They replaced Jesus as their “FIRST LOVE”, and was rejected for doing that, and told to repent or their candle stick would be removed.  We need to make sure we don’t make that same mistake or we also will be rejected at the return of Jesus>

    Peace and love to you and yours  Proclaimer…….gene





    Keith……true, good post, and we must all remember also, Jesus said…..“the words I am telling you , are not “my” words, but the words of him who sent me”. Another words,  (God’s the fathers word’s )

    We all must all come to obey God the father just like Jesus did. God the Father must alway be our, “first love” , Jesus and everyone else our “second love” , as Jesus letter to the Ephesians at Ephesus shows, . Rev 2-4

    peace and love to you and yours Keith…….gene


    DT, Can’t believe your so ignorant that you ask such questions,  it only shows how much you truly do not know what scriptures say.

    1….”FAITH IS,  the substance of things hoped for, (how) by the “EVIDENCE” of things not seen.  You need to get your own “proof” that God does actually exist, and is involved in you life. Without that you have only “suppositions” gained by hear sayer, as it appears you now have, by your words.  You don’t seem to have proven God is actually in your life yet.

    2…..God in scripture says,   “Be you “HOLY” , because I am holy, be you “PERFECT” because I am PERFECT”. 

    DT, you seem to have very little retention of scriptures, why is that?

    peace and love to you and yours DT…….gene


    DT, you said…….> “Finally you say, “Jesus came as a flesh human” – so, he’s divine?!? What you’re saying doesn’t make sense, explain exactly what did the Jesus “DEMONSTRATE” that mankind was to follow? He told everyone to keep the law.

    Please make sense of it.”

    Me…..How does being born as a flesh being make you Devine? I don’t believe Jesus was Devine at all, if that were the case he could not have “DEMONSTRATED” how human flesh could live perfectly .  He had to be “exactly” as we are, in ever sense, in order to demonstrate, to us all how to have a right relationship with God the Father, it is all based on “FAITH” in God, we must all come to that “exact same “FAITH” Jesus had, by the “EXACT SAME WAY the “man” Jesus did, through the working of the SPIRIT OF GOD, just as it says. ……> “for He (God) Works “IN” us both to “WILL” and do of “HIS” ( God’s), good pleasure”.

    That is what Jesus “DEMONSTRATED” to us “ALL”, WHAT “FAITH” IS REQUIRED  TO PLEASE GOD THE FATHER’S “WILL”.  we must all come to give up our lives (the way we live) to the “will” of God the Father, by the exact same spirit working in Jesus Christ our lord.

     Just as the apostle PAUL said..…>“till we “all” come in the unity of the “FAITH” , and the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a “PERFECT” man, unto the measure and of the stature of the, “FULLNESS” of Christ”.

    REMEMBER what Jesus said,  ….> ” he that will save “his life” (the way he lives) , will lose it, but he that will lose his life (the way he lives)  for my sake, will save it. ”

    Those are true words and applies to us all,  we must all come to be,  “exactly” like Jesus was, in our “FAITH”,  In God the Father , that’s what it takes to become a Joint heir with Jesus .  Hope this helped you better understand.

    peace and love to you and yours DT………gene



    DT, you said…….You say the Jesus prophesied of his own death for the sins of others; I’ll ask again, when did God change his mind and say the innocent can take on the guilt of the wicked?

    Jesus whole life was for the sins of others, meaning all of mankind, he “DEMONSTRATED” to USA all, what is required OF  us “ALL”  to have a right relationship with God the Father, it requires our whole being to love and obey God the Fathers Will, as Jesus did,  It is in that “SENSE”, he died for us all, not that he himself , Paid off anyone’s  sin debt,  we must all, “repent” and cease from signing, and come to live “Exactly” , As Jesus did, and that is what will takes away our sins. JESUS CLEARLY SAID …… > we are to “love the LORD our God with “ALL” our hearts, “ALL” our soul, “ALL” our minds, “ALL” our strength”.   
    Jesus came as a flesh human being to “DEMONSTRATE” TO US ALL WHAT IS “REQUIRED” OF US ALL.  SO IT IS IN THAT “SENSE” , HE DIED FOR ALL, get it? 

    Just as Paul said,  Eph 4:13……> “till we “all” come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a “perfect” man, unto the measure of the stature of the,  “FULLNESS” of  CHRIST.  Get it?

    peace and love to you and yours DT……….gene


    DT……If you can’t tell that the Old Testament and the New Testament agree with each other you’re not even close to understanding scriptures.  Your efforts of trying to divide them  and saying they disagree with each other is wrong, There are some mistranslations in both texts, but  by far,  they agree with each other, IMO.
    Jesus said he did not come to destroy the (books). Of the law or the prophets, but to fulfill them.

    Nothing wrong with being a critical thinker, I believe I am a critical thinker also, I weigh most everything I hear and read,  by the Spirit God has given me,  because the “spirit of truth” gives us the power to discern the truth from a lie when we read or hear it.

    Your evil work of trying to say the old and new testaments disagree with each other, only shows  me what spirit is working in you, and trust me, it is not the Spirit of God, that causing you to think like that DT, IMO.

    peace and love to you and yours DT……..gene

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