GeneBalthrop replied to the topic in the forum Free Will? 10 years ago
Kerwin…..Right i never said you could make a choice apart from you will, that impossible, what i am saying is that that choice is not a “free” one it is based on what is driving your mind and heart, and that is hardly free at all. What is influencing you is a CAUSE, AND THE “EFFECT” IS YOUR WILL, So the will ITSELF was not and is not free at alll. Remember Kerwin, i am not saying wedon’t have freedom to EXCERCISE our influenced and captivated Wills, i am only talking about the will themselves. I believe you understand that and do agree with what i have been saying, this is a very important subject to understand brother.IMO
peace and love to you and yours………gene
Let us not get stuck with discussing free will.
There are more important subjects to discus.
Subjects to the edification of the church.
That builds us up spiritually.