• Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Proclaimer wrote:

    I wasn’t speaking of paying a “fine”; I’m speaking of taking on the guilt of another; assuming the punishment of the guilty. Simply paying a “fine” is a monetary extortion of breaking a law and is used for compliance;

    Sin has a cost and so does breaking man’s law. The cost for breaking some laws is a fine. The c…

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  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Proclaimer wrote:

    (DT) Matt 2:15 to Hosea 11:1; do they agree? Explain how if you believe they do.

    (Proclaimer) Carnality cannot see the deeper truths of scripture and wisdom. It is superficial. Jonah was in the belly of the big fish for 3 days and so the Son of Man was in the belly of the earth. Both rose from that hell.

    What does…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Proclaimer wrote:

    (DT) What about Matt 5:43 where the Jesus says “you shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy”; where did God said to “hate your enemy.”

    (Proclaimer) It does not say, “It is written”, but rather, “it hath been said”.

    So, who said to “hate your enemy”? It definitely ISN’T written within the Tanakh. In fact the o…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Proclaimer wrote:

    (DT) I’m still waiting for when G-d, speaking thru the prophets, said the blood of the messiah was to save mankind from eternal death and sin.

    (Proclaimer)Think about it, if God let out that part of his plan as you think he should have if it were true, then Jesus Christ would not have been sacrificed on a cross. S…

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  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Proclaimer wrote:

    I am not sinless. Besides that, it is not hard to understand that another can pay your fine. God is merciful, but if you reject his mercy, then go ahead and pay your own fine. That is your choice.

    I wasn’t speaking of paying a “fine”; I’m speaking of taking on the guilt of another; assuming the punishment of the gui…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Hi desiretruth.

    I see you have a problem that I see many others have today. No matter what is put forth, people are stubborn like mules and refuse to change. But I am not responsible for decisions that only you can make. I simply put forth truth and if someone hears it they have ears and if they cannot hear it, they are deaf. If they…

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  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You say the Jesus prophesied of his own death for the sins of others; I’ll ask again, when did God change his mind and say the innocent can take on the guilt of the wicked?

    The idea of the innocent bearing the guilt of the wicked is a key theme in the New Testament. It’s not about God changing His mind but rather a gradual r…

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  • Profile picture of DesireTruth



    YOU: You say the Jesus prophesied of his own death for the sins of others; I’ll ask again, when did God change his mind and say the innocent can take on the guilt of the wicked?

    ME: I explained this to you thoroughly with scriptural examples, but your response was to ignore it and change the subject. God didn’t change his mind, you m…

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  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    What are you talking about? I have said repeatedly that Jewish people are people of the tribe of Judah, to which is one tribe of the 12 tribes OF ISRAEL. This is not difficult, If you are of the tribe of Levi you are not Jewish/of the tribe of Judah, but both tribes of course are of Israel.

    False! “Jew” isn’t a reference to a single tribe…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    DT, Can’t believe your so ignorant that you ask such questions,

    WOW!!! I see the Jesus shining in you! I find it funny when “christians” respond with personal attacks, it reveals their insecurity and puts a smile on my face when a simple question invokes an ire in them.

    1….”FAITH IS, the substance of things hoped for, (how) by the “EVIDEN…

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  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    What specifically did the Jesus “demonstrate” that mankind was to follow? You keep saying the same thing over and over that he “demonstrated”, but never say what he did. One leads by example, what did he do?

    You keep saying we must have “faith” and “faith in God”; how do you understand “faith”, what does it mean to you? What was this…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    DT, you said…….You say the Jesus prophesied of his own death for the sins of others; I’ll ask again, when did God change his mind and say the innocent can take on the guilt of the wicked?

    You may want to consult with Jodi as I copied and pasted her words. Stop shooting the messanger.

    Jesus whole life was for the sins of others, meani…

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  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Hi DT,

    YOU: Nothing is written that says the Messiah was to come, do nothing, leave for a couple millennia, and return one day. Why do the Jews reject the Jesus as the Messiah; he never did what was prophesied and there is no verse that says the Messiah was to come twice.

    ME: Just to pull what I said all together in my last posts that was…

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  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Hi DT,

    YOU: To say he will accomplish what was prophesied when he returns is improvable. Nothing is written that says the Messiah was to come, do nothing, leave for a couple millennia, and return one day.

    ME: Do nothing???????

    Do we say he did nothing? We believe through God, according to God’s will, plan and by the power of His Spirit,…

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  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    In the following “You” being myself and the “Me” being yourself

    Yes, of course Jesus would need to meet all of the requirements, not just one which is why I provided a response to each of the requirements that you gave.

    YOU: The reason the passage about the Messiah being Jewish is included, is because it’s a requirement; why would I l…

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  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    The reason the passage about the Messiah being Jewish is included, is because it’s a requirement; why would I leave it out? This wasn’t suppose to be “gotcha” moment! Out of the “list”, the Jesus fulfill one item. The Messiah can’t miss a single requirement outlined in the Tanakh and still be called the Messiah and since he only met one,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    In the following “You” being myself and the “Me” being yourself continued from post #946829:

    YOU: NO, I meant IMPROVABLE; because you cannot prove “in vitro” fertilization is what happened. This is a creation of your mind and is the most “logical” solution for you because we cannot have God impregnating mortal women because that’s what hap…

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  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    In the following “You” being myself and the “Me” being yourself from post #946829:

    YOU: Jewishness is represented by the fact the child’s mother is Jewish and has nothing to do with tribal association. We can say the Jesus’ mother is Jewish, thus making him Jewish. The contention is his daddy, because the father is who determines…

    [Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    You: Our God gives mercy upon mankind otherwise, we’d all be brute beasts.

    Me: Aren’t we created in the image of God? If we ignore God’s natural law of the “knowledge of good an evil”, we can become wicked. To call us beasts, is a stretch

    You: our hope is in having God’s Spirit also lead us in all the ways we should go.

    Me: You have to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You: with your reasoning then, HOW can “anything” be “preordained”

    Me: This make no sense, you seem to be missing a word or two or misspoke. I never suggested “nothing” couldn’t be preordained; I quoted Peter and John saying the Jesus’ death WAS preordained/foreordained. Foreordained means an inevitable, predestined, or established befor…[Read more]

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