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    Quote (Istari @ June 29 2011,06:17)Mike says that the Body that Jesus was raised up in 'BECAME A SPIRIT BODY' just before Jesus entered Heaven.Oh, hold up… But the SPIRIT of Jesus had to have been put back into the FLESH AND BONE BODY THAT WAS RAISED UP ….before Jesus ascended … But none the less is there something we missed…?Yes… The…[Read more]

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    One more thing Irene:If you live by Faith through Jesus Christ our lord… Therefore you must practice your life through Jesus Christ our Lord.If you believe in a particular good food, you definitely eat that particular Good food. Jesus is the best whole food for your soul, so consume whole Jesus' food through Him and in His name except…[Read more]

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    Quote (Pastry @ June 29 2011,08:21)Quote (csaliba @ June 29 2011,07:53)Something else which you most probably are not aware of is:That in these two thousand years from Jesus death,all nature became spiritually born with Jesus Spirit,since it replaced Satan's.Therefore our body through all kind of food  are being purified gradually from generation…[Read more]

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    Quote (Pastry @ June 29 2011,07:44)Quote (csaliba @ June 29 2011,07:05)One more important thing,The reason that between Adam and Noah humans lived up to 900 years,for the simple reason that humans had the filthiest flesh ever,therefore Satan spirit only was able to abide in them.While after the flood God generated cleaner flesh through Noah,and…[Read more]

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    Something else which you most probably are not aware of is:That in these two thousand years from Jesus death,all nature became spiritually born with Jesus Spirit,since it replaced Satan's.Therefore our body through all kind of food are being purified gradually from generation to generation, and purified spiritually through living the gospel. So…[Read more]

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    One more important thing,The reason that between Adam and Noah humans lived up to 900 years,for the simple reason that humans had the filthiest flesh ever,therefore Satan spirit only was able to abide in them.While after the flood God generated cleaner flesh through Noah,and Satan's spirit could only abide 120 years in them!!

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    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ June 28 2011,23:58)Mike………if there is no resurrection of a Body then your faith is in vain because Jesus no longer lives,  Paul plainly said that. Our hope is in the resurrection of our bodies exact DNA as Istari brought out.  You can not exist without a Body as a “living Soul” again after you die unless God r…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ June 22 2011,09:38)CharlesQuote Pierre,Quote  there are two places who are  with evil spirit that is the heaven and the earthSatan and his angels are fighting in the heaven and the powers of the earth, No  No  Pierre, All that is over and done withyou are right so hem I ,the heaven around the earth not the heaven in front of…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ June 21 2011,14:33)Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 21 2011,20:17)Quote (terraricca @ June 20 2011,19:44)3)spirits = are heavenly being and some are called angels.Hi Pierre,A demon is nothing more than an angel who chose NOT to follow God.  Like angels, demons ARE spirits, which means “a spirit being”.Kar, I agree with Pierre that…[Read more]

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    Quote (Wispring @ June 20 2011,14:57)Charles,   You go right ahead pondering and theologizing. When your done I will still be here, being a lover of God and a disciple of Christ. Some of what you post is good. Alot is theological/mental/spiritual rambling. I can see now you are a spiritual seeker. I have been there in my life. I understand. When…[Read more]

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    Quote (Tim Kraft @ June 20 2011,21:14)Charles: You have made another long old test. disertation of pain, agony and destruction. You misguide people to destruction with hope only after you die. Typical of the old test. that created a lying, cheating religious organism that beat people down, calling them sinners and unworthy feeding them defiled…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 21 2011,12:06)Wow, what a busy thread today!  :)Pierre:  Good line of reasoning and great responses in your discussion with Ed.  Keep it up, brother.  :)Ed:  Istari and Kar used to claim what you did – that ONLY Jesus has a body in heaven.  I'll ask you what I asked them:  Does it seem logical to you that the person God placed…[Read more]

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    Correction:,the body Satan's property,and the soul God' s property two to become one. Should be :the body Satan's property in the flesh,and the soul God' s property two to become one, through Jesus our redeemer.

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    Quote (Istari @ June 17 2011,06:20)Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 16 2011,12:10)Quote (Rena @ June 15 2011,05:35)So I think that sums up my answer?No, not at all.  The question only requires a YES or a NO answer, Kar.  Would you do me the honor of DIRECTLY answering a DIRECT question that was put to you?  Or will you play games like Istari do…[Read more]

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    Hi wispring and all,Just found this mysterious piece of writing which I am convinced is truth!!Also I believe it is a reference to SatanThe fact that he is a Muslim philosopher makes you ponder!! Persian mystic Jelal ed Din Rumi (1207-1273): “I died as a mineral and sprouted into plant, I died a plant and animal became, I…[Read more]

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    Quote (Wispring @ June 07 2011,15:22)Hi Charles,Quote Hi wispring,Explain to me in a simple way.Why Jesus felt that it is necessary to massacre the flesh,and not simply having his head chopped??   In order to fulfill prophesy. Quote Psalm 22:15-17King James Version (KJV) 15My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ June 11 2011,06:40)TKQuote There are not efforts or works to be holy. Holiness is a gift of God, no price.Job 22:30 He will deliver even one who is not innocent, who will be delivered through the cleanness of your hands.” Ps 18:20 The LORD has dealt with me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands h…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 13 2011,07:22)Quote (SimplyForgiven @ June 06 2011,23:30)So My question still stands, what was the POINT in your opinion of why Jesus was called by that name if it is not for the purpose to state that he is “God with us”.That my Premise, that you been ignoring.Hi D,Let me answer your question by asking one of my own:If one…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 15 2011,12:28)Hi Charles,How is it that you know Jesus does have a body in heaven right now?  Just curious.mikeMike ,You didn't read my post properly????I stated so:The kind of body Jesus has is one that could materialize and go back to a spiritual one as He feels, and when He feels like.John 10:9 I am the door: by me if any…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 14 2011,11:43)Quote (Rena @ June 12 2011,20:06)Mike, Jesus is not 'alone as the only spirit body in heaven. The first resurrection of the dead has taken place already. And I believe that those who die don't wait in the grave they're taken up straight away.Hi Kar,I partly agree.  I believe that ONLY the elect who die for…[Read more]

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