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  • #338333

    LOL, bY THE WAY, I hope the Muslim Brothers don't use them on the USA.

    Asset is a good way of Trading, Gift; some one needs to be honest with the people


    Quote (charity @ Feb. 27 2013,20:12)
    New world Order 2013

    Muslims get F-16 FIGHTERS as gift from USA

    Nothing else to Hope FOR now, except The New world order will be Fair WITHIN its CONTROL.

    Good Luck all.


    Quote (942767 @ Mar. 14 2013,12:08)

    Quote (charity @ Mar. 12 2013,23:25)
    Some one is rich an Blessed, an some One Has fallen asleep an given a gift# or wish!

    Transported a second Hand Lung from the Hospital to the tarmac where a Private Jet was waiting to fly it down to the new Owner!

    Hi Charity:

    Someone is blessed when their sins have been forgiven.

    Mat 16:26   For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?  

    Love in Christ,

    yes, I considered whom was going to be blesses with a new organ, being at the top of List!

    God must have a list to.



    Quote (942767 @ Mar. 14 2013,12:08)

    Quote (charity @ Mar. 12 2013,23:25)
    Some one is rich an Blessed, an some One Has fallen asleep an given a gift# or wish!

    Transported a second Hand Lung from the Hospital to the tarmac where a Private Jet was waiting to fly it down to the new Owner!

    Hi Charity:

    Someone is blessed when their sins have been forgiven.

    Mat 16:26   For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?  

    Love in Christ,

    Yes, The Roman Catholic church is forgiven by people for Destroying an cutting off Jesus 97.

    Not by me 97, All I see is, The Jewish nation has been tormented with out a ruler until the 1900,'s.

    God is breach of forgiveness. Or men are not Judging sanely.


    To The thread…AN POLL, Mystery Babylon.

    Not That you want to hear from me, as I am Imprisoned down south of heaven net nz for the reason of being skeptical; but still writing to you anyway.

    JESUS is said to have Handed The Battern relay on to the risen Queen of the south an the Men of Nineveh to complete His mission; for being cut off.

    Be AWARE, That your Bible has many suggestions for Belief.


    true COLTER, working either way, for Better or worse!

    The States is Playing with something Way smarter, an powerful enough to cause a war that demands US TROOPS OFF SHORE.
    You cant be to sure who is befriending you to a game of chess!
    great way to destroy there Land an loved ones while their not Home!
    If you Had been given all the books, all the words from the Catholic church, you Might see how a Large Nation getting to powerful for its self, has to be delt to; war is won over an over again by the fearful tricking the large Nation into Alliance; To Trample it with Iron boots.

    Foreign military personnel are already here in the US. Groups of them have been spotted in Colorado, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Georgia.


    University of Arizona, Vatican and Jesuits Name New Telescope ‘Lucifer’

    The University of Arizona, together with the Vatican and Jesuit Order named its newest high-powered telescopic instrument ‘Lucifer’.

    There has been a great deal of speculation, among Vatican critics, why in the first place the Jesuit Order was allowed to build a huge stellar observatory on Mt. Graham in Arizona – on holy Indian ground – in cooperation with the state-run University of Arizona.

    With the naming of Lucifer, critics claim the Vatican has showed its true colors, using God and Jesus as shills for their true master — Lucifer.

    According to an article in Popular Science by Rebecca Boyle the “new instrument with an evil-sounding name is helping scientists see how stars are born.”

    The article went to explain the name Lucifer stands for (deep breath) “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research.”

    “And yes,” according to Popular Science, “it’s named for the Devil, whose name itself means “morning star.”

    However, according to a spokesman for the University of Arizona,it wasn’t meant to evoke any connotations of evil. Lucifer has three interchangeable cameras for imaging and spectroscopy in different resolutions. It has a large field of view and high-res capabilities, which allow a wide range of observations.

    Critics are now shaking their heads even more, wondering why the Vatican would have its own stellar observatory and why they would have the audacity to name a new telescope after the Devil himself. According to Mitch Battros some people believe “it is for the purpose to monitor a warning presented in the Bible.

    Could it be it is named “Wormwood” coming from the New Testament book of Revelation, saying:

    “And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.” (Revelation 8:10, 11 – King James Bible).

    Battros added this reference to the end times as well as Mayan prophecy:

    “Is it possible the Vatican has the same information as the Mayans? Both speak of an event coming from the center of our galaxy Milky Way. Both indicate a powerful celestial event. But the most important question of all is “when”.

    “I do not believe any scientist or focused individual can argue that all of space science and cosmology appears to have a certain urgency for discovery. From galactic ‘charged particles’ to new found asteroids, there is a sense of ‘let’s find it as soon as we can’.”

    Here is an article that appeared in the Native American Roots web site, explaining how the Vatican violated Native American holy ground:

    For many Native American nations there are certain geographic places which have special spiritual meanings. These sacred places are often portals to the spirit worlds. For the Apache in Arizona, one of these sacred places is Mount Graham: this place is called Dzil Nchaa Si An (Big Seated Mountain) and is mentioned in 32 of the sacred songs which have been handed down through the oral tradition for many generations. It is here that the Ga’an, the guardian spirits of the Apache, live.

    In 1873, Mount Graham was removed from the boundaries of the San Carlos Reservation and placed in public domain. The spiritual value of Mount Graham to the Apache was not considered. This action set the stage for conflict a century later.

    In 1984, the University of Arizona and the Vatican selected Mount Graham as a site for a complex of 18 telescopes. The fact that this is a sacred place for the Apache was not taken into consideration. To get around the legal barriers of the American Indian Religious Freedoms Act, the University hired a lobbying firm to put pressure on Congress to remove this, and other, roadblocks. The area in question is administered by the U.S. Forest Service.

    The Vatican has an observatory staff which is officially support by the Vatican City State. The Vatican Observatory Foundation is supported by private donations. One of the important duties of the church is to maintain an accurate calendar and this requires astronomical observations. Hence the involvement of the Vatican with astronomy. The first Vatican observatory was established in 1774.

    Congress passed the Arizona-Idaho Conservation Act in 1988. In response to lobbying by the University of Arizona and the Vatican, the Act included a provision to allow the construction of three telescopes on Mount Graham without having to comply with the American Indian Religious Freedoms Act or with environmental laws.

    The following year the Apache Survival Coalition was started by Ola Cassadore-Davis, the daughter of Apache spiritual leader Phillip Cassadore. The purpose of the Coalition was to save Dzil Nchaa Si An from desecration by a telescope complex to be built by the University of Arizona and the Vatican.

    In 1991, the San Carlos Apache Tribe passed a resolution stating that Mount Graham is sacred to them. Furthermore, the resolution stated that the tribe supported the efforts of the Apache Survival Coalition to protect the religious and cultural beliefs of the tribe.

    Following the declarations of the sacredness of Mount Graham by the Apache Survival Coalition and the San Carlos Apache Tribe, the Vatican in 1991declared that Mt. Graham was not sacred because it lacked religious shrines. Jesuit Father George Coyne, director of the Vatican Observatory, indicated that he could not find an authentic Apache who thought the mountain was sacred. Father Coyne stated that to convince him that the mountain was sacred he would need to see evidence of shrines and that he would not accept Apache oral history or statements by Apache-speaking Euro-American anthropologists.

    Father Coyne further declared that Apache beliefs were “a kind of religiosity to which I cannot subscribe and which must be suppressed with all the force we can muster.”

    The Arizona Republic (Phoenix, Arizona) reports that the Jesuit Father Charles W. Polzer calls opposition to the construction of the telescope complex on top of Mount Graham “part of a Jewish conspiracy” and comes from the Jewish lawyers of the American Civil Liberties Union who are out to undermine and destroy the Catholic Church.

    In spite of opposition by the San Carlos Apache tribal council, Apache spiritual leaders, and environmental groups, actual construction of the project began in 1991.

    With flagrant insensitivity to American Indians, the University of Arizona announced that it intended to name its new telescope on Mount Graham the Columbus telescope in honor of the European explorer. The University was apparently unaware that Columbus is not considered to be a hero by American Indian people. Ultimately, the University withdrew the name following public response against it.

    The San Carlos Apache tribal council in 1993 reaffirmed resolutions opposing the construction of the telescope on Mount Graham. The council resolution stated that the telescope “constitutes a display of profound disrespect for a cherished feature of our original homeland as well as a serious violation of our traditional religious beliefs.”

    After meeting with Apache elders and spiritual leaders at the San Carlos Apache Reservation, the National Council of Churches in 1995 passed a resolution calling for the removal of a telescope from Mount Graham.

    The President’s Advisory Council on Historic Preservation in 1996 declared the entire Mount Graham observatory project to be in violation of the National Historic Preservation Act because of the project’s harm to Apache culture and spiritual life, but the telesco
    pe was not removed.

    In 1997, the spokesman for the Apaches for Cultural Preservation was arrested for praying on Mount Graham. The Apaches for Cultural Preservation feel that the Forest Service, the University of Arizona, and the Vatican developed the project on Mount Graham knowing that it would violate Apache religious beliefs.

    President Bill Clinton, using the line item veto, deleted $10 million in federal funds for the operation of the University of Arizona’s Mount Graham telescope project. San Carlos Apache Chairman Raymond Stanley and the White Mountain Apache Cultural Resources Director Ramon Riley sent letters to the President thanking him for the veto.

    Beginning in 1998, the University of Arizona began requiring Indians to obtain prayer permits before they crossed the top of Mount Graham near the University’s telescopes. The University’s prayer policy required that the permit be requested at least two business days before the visit and that it include a description of where on the mountain the prayers will take place. Only people who were enrolled members of federally recognized tribes were allowed to pray.

    In 1999, the University of Notre Dame, a Catholic university, announced that it would also build a telescope on Mount Graham. The University president claimed that he was unaware that Mount Graham was sacred to the Apache and that the Apache opposed the desecration of this sacred place. This was in spite of the fact that the building of telescopes on this sacred mountain by the University of Arizona and the Vatican was a controversial issue and had been the subject of many news stories.

    In 1999, the White Mountain Apache tribal council passed a resolution urging the U.S. Forest Service to “honor its duties to protect the physical integrity of Mount Graham and its long-standing and ongoing historical, cultural and religious importance to many Apaches.”

    Realizing that they were making little headway with the bureaucracies of the American government (Department of the Interior and Department of Agriculture) and Congress, the Apaches took their cause to the United Nations in 1999. Ola Cassadore Davis testified before the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities. She stated:

    We Apache wish to bring to the people of this world a better understanding of Indian people, in order that we are able to preserve and freely live by our traditional culture and religious beliefs.

    She asked that the special use permit by the Department of Agriculture Forest Service be terminated. She concluded:

    In conclusion, we Apache would respectfully urge this body of the United Nations to recognize and acknowledge that the disrespect and suffering caused by the nations and governments mentioned above be terminated forthwith. We Apache petition you for a resolution consistent with the National Congress of American Indians of 1993, 1995 and July 1999. They stated that the public interest in protecting Apache culture is compelling, and that the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture should accordingly require the prompt removal of the telescopes from Mount Graham.

    In 2004, the San Carlos Apache rejected an offer of $120,000 from the University of Arizona, calling it a bribe. Saying that the University had done nothing but tell lies to the Apache people, the San Carlos Apache indicated that they would continue to honor their sacred mountain. One tribal council member indicated that if the University did not have a telescope on Mount Graham they would have no interest in the Apache people.

    The conflict over this sacred site is still not resolved. On the one hand it can be viewed as a conflict between two different cultures. On the other hand, it can also be seen as a conflict between science and religion.

    The Mount Graham International Observatory is home to three telescopes: the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope, the Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope, and the Large Binocular Telescope. On their website, their version of the history of Mount Graham focuses on James Duncan Graham and mentions the Spanish Conquistadores. There is no mention of the Apache. Their section on the legal actions necessary for the building of the complex mentions environmental concerns, but there is no mention of the Apache spiritual concerns.

    The telescopes sit on land which has been leased from the Forest Service and the lease must be regularly renewed. Efforts by American Indian people and various environmental groups have so far been unsuccessful in convincing the Forest Service to deny the renewal of the leases.



    Nassim Haramein Home Page –
    Nassim Haramein Videos –

    Lucifer Project –….ontents


    I did not kill Jesus

    Tell God That, He may already Know you sold yourself in exchange for a seat in their heaven.


    Quote (terraricca @ Mar. 13 2013,15:31)

    Quote (charity @ Mar. 13 2013,07:45)

    Quote (terraricca @ Mar. 13 2013,11:40)

    Those are bla,bla,bla. Present something more true with true documentation,

    Like you like to Kill Jesus, that you might live. good American with a roman heart..your Land will be in trouble before you know it.

    perhaps eventually linked to Dating…where ever they want to. if possible…about time you consider the old stradagy of beasts before your numbered with the deceived.[/quote]
    I did not kill Jesus ,and for your info you may see that many men are ready to die for protecting their family,

    you are not from this planet ???  :D

    do you feel proud of yourself bringing fire down earth protecting the catholic church belief?


    Appart from the Fact, nothing is a fact.


    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 16 2012,22:21)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Jan. 16 2012,19:38)
    I have noticed here on this forum you can have several Christians who will allow all types of things they disagree with to pretend to have unity so when you debate with them you find that most ofthe Christians will remain silent on many erroneous foolish ideas. The funny thing is if you did accept their standard of Christianity all of a sudden all the other absent Christians would appear to “put you on the right path” it's as if the crazies are allowed to at least stir your interest and afterwards those who think “they know the truth” will then come to help in other words those who think they know the truth are really lazy and those who are on the fringe have much stronger belief


    :D  :D  :D

    this is the view of a non christian ,Muslims ,division ???????

    we are judge by God for our own doings


    bull dust!

    christians hold up the catholic church all are united in destroying the Value of Jesus flesh, YOUR THEIR LITTLE ARMY with little clues as to how you KEEP THEM GREAT!


    iF YOUR Jesus RETURNS, apearing from the unseen existence; it will only mean that more faith an patience will rise up an be convinced their Image of their Jesus may also return, seeing this is possible.



    iF YOUR Jesus RETURNS? apearing from the unseen existence; will IT mean that more faith an patience will rise convinced their Image ALSO, of their Jesus may ALSO return, seeing this is possible….


    Who Are we?


    iF YOUR Jesus RETURNS, apearing from the unseen existence; it will only mean that more faith an patience will rise up an be convinced their Image of their Jesus may also return, seeing this is possible.


    Who Are we?


    Hearts divided between Roman catholic Books an Their home Land Have always made it all worth The battle.

    All christians are seduced into sacrificing Jesus with The Roman an Judeism Alliance.

    Muslum an Catholic are The same, they Hold Moses Laws. It will Not Make a difference which one ends up in alliance with Government. The goal is access To the code of Authority Punishment in the Name of God, where any ruler walks away an God is left with mark.

    best you waste some time on helping your Land stay free of invasion, greed, an secret Hate an desire to enslave you in any way.


    Quote (terraricca @ Mar. 13 2013,11:40)
    Those are bla,bla,bla. Present something more true with true documentation,

    Like you like to Kill Jesus, that you might live. good American with a roman heart..your Land will be in trouble before you know it.

    perhaps eventually linked to Dating…where ever they want to. if possible…about time you consider the old stradagy of beasts before your numbered with the deceived.


    Quote (terraricca @ Mar. 13 2013,11:40)

    Quote (charity @ Mar. 13 2013,06:26)
    Not so Long ago, Balaams Dates were shifted Back to Moses Time, however Balaam also is connected with The Book of Job, being, Balik may be the son of Job's oppressor?

     Job an His redeemer words, are strange when used before David's Date Span.  

    Even David dose not mention Him?

    Those are bla,bla,bla. Present something more true with true documentation,

    Oh Man, YOUR evidence enough that people are slapped silly by Roman Catholic BOOKS BEING THE Gods holy word…being the most lightly point Im trying to Make.

    Go A head an keep destroying earth an the people…over having to be right!

    Good on ya! you think the Catholic church would tell you anything That might prove, they pushed their way into the Jewish Gods House, to know enough, That they could over the faith.


    Not so Long ago, Balaams Dates were shifted Back to Moses Time, however Balaam also is connected with The Book of Job, being, Balik may be the son of Job's oppressor?

    Job an His redeemer words, are strange when used before David's Date Span.

    Even David dose not mention Him?


    Balaam, apares to be placed on the earth Around Moses Time, Around Davids time.

    An before Nehamiah, for what ever reason returns the People back to jeruslem.

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