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    A hologram teaches us that some things in the universe may not lend themselves to this approach. If we try to take apart something constructed holographically, we will not get the partial pieces from which it is made, we will only get smaller wholes.a Indeed, the relationship between Church and Eucharist is significant as we recall the words of…[Read more]

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    this view, the Church, the “whole Church” is first and foremost “the faithful everywhere.” Hence, the unity of the Church depends on all the local Churches being joined to their ontological head (in this case the Roman Church), to form a single worldwide body called “the Catholic Church.”a However, before discussing the ecclesiological paradigm mo…[Read more]

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    and call them ‘a Church.’ “Exiles” and “saints” in Asia or Galatiaa certainly, but not as Church. The same can be said of our modern use of ‘Church’ (as in ‘Orthodox Church’) to refer to a worldwide communion of local catholic Churches, what we often call ‘the universal Church.’ As in the case of regional Churches, there is no ‘universal (worldwid…[Read more]

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    space and time, ‘this side of the curtain.’ In the Eucharist, we experience an intersection of the eternal “lamb slaughtered from the foundation of the world”a with our ‘here and now.’ The very institution of the Eucharist makes the connection, indeed the identity Eucharist-Church obvious: “this is my body” refers to both interchangeably…[Read more]

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    Scholarly research in the origins and meaning of early Christian worship, which was itself based on Temple worship, confirms this approach. In a paragraph fittingly entitled Time and Eternity, one such scholar documents how “beyond the veil” of the Holy of Holies, the whole history of the world appeared in one glimpse, as a literally ‘om…[Read more]

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    Moreover, the books and the Apostles declare that the Church belongs not to the present, but existed from the origin .a In order to understand reality properly, that is according to the mind of the Spirit, we must discern within time and creation a dynamic movement towards its telos or end.b On the one hand, our human consciousness experiences the…[Read more]

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    Quote (david @ Aug. 31 2009,09:17)Quote Jesus called 12 Apostles, one hung himself that left 11; later Jesus called Paul, an Apostle, that made it 12 again, period, there are no other apostles. The 12 apostles, which included Matthias would disagree with you.  Even Baranabas was called an apostle. (Acts 14:14)To say that there are no other…[Read more]

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    Also…IF you really were a Catholic, you wouldn't say that we think that the pope is our “heavenly father” on earth. This is so far from the Catholic mindset it is silly.So either you didn't know your faith AT ALL and were easy prey to some pretty sly wolves….or you were never really Catholic. Because you sound absolutely ridiculous. I can't…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Catholic Apologist

    Quote (Cindy @ Aug. 31 2009,15:23)You know what makes me think twice before I belief in anything, is that the Bible tells us to prove all things1 Thees. 5:21  How so many Catholics can still belief that Mary even stayed a Virgin is unbelievable to me,  When we belonged we never read the Bible.  But when we did, and seen all things that were wr…[Read more]

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    Quote (Cindy @ Aug. 31 2009,16:35)The woman in Rev. 12 is the Church and not Mary.  It sure looks like that the Holy Spirit reveals things to the person, who was Baptized according to Scripture, and not sprinkled like in the Catholic Church.  IreneFor the first time I'm tempted to doubt your story of once having been Catholic. (I still believe y…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Catholic Apologist

    For those of you who haven't listened (which I hope you still do), here is what we are referring to here expressed in brief:Peter the RockDialogue of Catholic w/”missionary” at his door”Finally the missionary got to Matthew 16:18: “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church.””Hold it right there!” I said. “I know that verse. That’s w…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Catholic Apologist

    For those of you who haven't listened (which I hope you still do), here is what we are referring to here expressed in brief:Peter the RockOne of the points I try to emphasize when giving a seminar is that you can begin to be an effective apologist right away; you don’t have to wait until you become a theological whiz. Just work with what you k…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Catholic Apologist

    Quote (CatholicApologist @ Aug. 31 2009,14:31)Hi CA: And the apparent interpretation of the Catholic church is that the Lord is saying that the Apostle Peter was the rock that upon he would build the church, but the Apostle Peter is only part of the building.  In this revelation, God our Father reveals to humanity that Jesus is the Christ, the S…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Catholic Apologist

    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 29 2009,09:55)Hi CA:No, I am not a JW, and no, Mary is not my mother, but the mother of my Lord Jesus.  My mother has passed away.  God is my Father having adopted me into His family, and therefore, Jesus is my elder brother.  I have listened to the series on the pope and apparently, the Catholic basis the whole issue of hi…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Catholic Apologist

    Quote (david @ Aug. 29 2009,15:45)Anyway, now that I've shown CA's jumping all over the quote from Augustine to be in error (see above), let us leave this and consider at least some of what I said.Have a minute before more company comes over today…I said you mis-INTERPRETED Augustine. I didn't say you mis-quoted him.The church is founded upon…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Catholic Apologist

    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 28 2009,14:05)Quote (CatholicApologist @ Aug. 26 2009,07:21)Has ANYONE listened to all of at least ONE of these recordings?If not, what are you doing even posting on this thread?Please, listen!Hi CA:First, let me thank you for posting this information because it will help me understand so that we can discuss our differences…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Catholic Apologist

    Quote (Cindy @ Aug. 28 2009,07:49)Catholic Apologist!   I just talked to my Husband and He told me to go to the Internet and google Tetrtullin.  His whole name is Quintus Septimus Florens Tertullian.  I don't have to prove it to myself you do!IreneIrene, Our disagreement is not about Tertullian's name. I'm not arguing about his full name. But I&…[Read more]

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    Quote (david @ Aug. 28 2009,10:45)Quote You know, David, you were the guy I was tempted to stay on and debate.  I think the moderator dude was getting under my skin.  He's kind of hard to not get annoyed at.Sorry, Nick, you deserve the truth.As I said before, Nick is here to make us stronger, more patient.  Consider him a precious gift that sh…[Read more]

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    Quote Hi AllIf everyone was honest here , some of the earliest records and writings of the Church Fathers goes way back to around 110 AD by the third Bishop of Rome which was Ignatius who was a disciple of the beloved John the closest one of the 12 to Jesus.I am not sure about the first 2 Popes which they say the first is Peter, maybe CA can…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Catholic Apologist

    Quote (david @ Aug. 28 2009,08:38)CA, why can't we just discuss the Bible ever?  Quote whenever the Watchtower finds evidence in the Fathers suggesting that Jesus is inferior or subordinate to God, they take this as proof that Jesus is therefore not coequal with the Father.  On the surface, this conclusion seems appropriate – after all, how can…[Read more]

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