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    Quote When the Apostles wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to the Churches did they need someone to interpret them? Or did they have the anointing, the Holy Spirit within them that Jesus said would guide them into all truth?They had more than this. They had the personal revelation of Jesus Christ in the flesh. And they passed this…[Read more]

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    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Sep. 10 2009,07:50)Quote (CatholicApologist @ Sep. 09 2009,15:32)Quote Hi CAI for sure am not doubting or confused. I know in whom I have believed!So no we do not have to lean on the arm of flesh for the truth of the scriptures.However, I believe in accountability and in the gifts given to the Church the body of Christ to…[Read more]

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    Quote (wisslewj @ Sep. 08 2009,17:48)The HS doesnt fail anyone.  But man has a will and when it overrides the gentle nudging of the spirit, we have problems.Since the men you are speaking of here is the pope and his cronies, I will be blunt.  Their fruit doesnt look good to me, so I will not trust them.CA, I fear that you do not understand what i…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Catholic Apologist

    Quote Hi CAI for sure am not doubting or confused. I know in whom I have believed!So no we do not have to lean on the arm of flesh for the truth of the scriptures.However, I believe in accountability and in the gifts given to the Church the body of Christ to bring us to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, or into maturity, so…[Read more]

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    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 10 2009,06:39)Quote (CatholicApologist @ Sep. 10 2009,05:58)Quote (thethinker @ Sep. 09 2009,04:47)Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 09 2009,04:38)Quote (eveh @ Sep. 04 2009,19:05)Thomas recognized Jesus and the Holy Spirit that was God in him. That is why he said, “My Lord and my God”…he was not calling Jesus, God. He was remembering…[Read more]

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    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 10 2009,06:43)Quote (thethinker @ Sep. 09 2009,04:47)Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 09 2009,04:38)Quote (eveh @ Sep. 04 2009,19:05)Thomas recognized Jesus and the Holy Spirit that was God in him. That is why he said, “My Lord and my God”…he was not calling Jesus, God. He was remembering a few days before, when Jesus told them, the…[Read more]

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    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 10 2009,06:10)Of course I've conducted my own study which has spanned many years now beginning in 2003…..  But I'm beginning to believe it's all a matter of opinion depending on who you read.Actually, that was exactly the type of answer I was looking for. Now since this is a public forum I want to be the first to say that…[Read more]

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    Catholic Apologist replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 15 years ago

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 10 2009,06:03)Quote (CatholicApologist @ Sep. 09 2009,05:46)Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 28 2009,06:43)Hi CA, Why quote carnal men whose pleasure it is to invent all manner of follies? Scripture never mentions any trinity and it is the rock.I think you missed this part:”Because Modalism asserts that there is only one person in…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Catholic Apologist

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 10 2009,05:57)Rabbit trails….love them!  In fact I think I'm part-rabbit, so you'll have to forgive me.  :;): Some of the assumptions I have are based on things I have heard from my husband's family.  For instance, when I was first married my mother-in-law did not recogize our marriage because it wasn't in the church.  Is thi…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Catholic Apologist

    Quote (thethinker @ Sep. 09 2009,04:47)Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 09 2009,04:38)Quote (eveh @ Sep. 04 2009,19:05)Thomas recognized Jesus and the Holy Spirit that was God in him. That is why he said, “My Lord and my God”…he was not calling Jesus, God. He was remembering a few days before, when Jesus told them, the Father is in me. When he saw Jesus…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Catholic Apologist

    Quote (thethinker @ Sep. 09 2009,04:44)Quote (CatholicApologist @ Sep. 02 2009,07:28)Quote “Sometimes a member of a class will refuse to engage in the canvassing for the books because there are some mistakes in the books, and says his conscience will not permit him to put books in which there are mistakes into the hands of the people. Of course…[Read more]

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    Catholic Apologist replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 15 years ago

    Quote (Gene @ Sep. 10 2009,03:18)Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 09 2009,18:40)Hi CA, Why are you so frightened to learn from the Scriptures?Nick…………good point. I would like to know that also.peace and love………….geneI WAS “frightened” with my own weakness and inability to hear infallibly from God. But I am at great peace now. Praise the…[Read more]

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    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 10 2009,04:23)CA,  WOW.  I need a moment to take this in.  WOW, again.  The circular argument is so obvious in this little skit.  Hmmmm.  Although I also believe a little of what Nick is presenting, too.  Some of the Catholic “traditions” seem far away from what the boys would have been involved in.  Say like, the rosary,…[Read more]

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  • Profile picture of Catholic Apologist

    Quote (942767 @ Sep. 05 2009,15:48)Hi CA:The church of the Living God is indeed visible.  Jesus stated:. Quote Jhn 13:13   Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for I am.   Jhn 13:14   If I then, Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet.   Jhn 13:15   For I have given you an example, that ye shoul…[Read more]

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    Marty,I really would appreciate an answer to my last question…when you have time.Actually I would love anyone to answer that question. Here are some links to give you some food for thought:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aozoXFdr80http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JInrWhks9c

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    Catholic Apologist replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 15 years ago

    Quote (942767 @ Sep. 09 2009,10:32)Quote (CatholicApologist @ Sep. 09 2009,05:46)Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 28 2009,06:43)Hi CA, Why quote carnal men whose pleasure it is to invent all manner of follies? Scripture never mentions any trinity and it is the rock.I think you missed this part:”Because Modalism asserts that there is only one person in…[Read more]

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    Catholic Apologist replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 15 years ago

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Aug. 28 2009,11:56)CA,Jesus is/was a man anointed by God and you are part of the gentiles that God calls a foolish nation. Now you should understand why ther are called a foolish nation. No Jew could bear the foolishness of the Catholic belief that God is triune so the prophecy has definitely occured and it has driven the Jews…[Read more]

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    Catholic Apologist replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 15 years ago

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 28 2009,06:43)Hi CA, Why quote carnal men whose pleasure it is to invent all manner of follies? Scripture never mentions any trinity and it is the rock.I think you missed this part:”Because Modalism asserts that there is only one person in the Godhead, it makes nonsense of passages which show Jesus talking to his Father…[Read more]

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    Quote (wisslewj @ Sep. 08 2009,09:17)CA,notice the Spirit will lead us into all truth and teach us.  that means that we may chose not to follow and the process isnt instant.Are you suggesting that I put my faith in a man? Despite the bible saying that the SPIRIT will be my teacher?  I think not.  Noone claims infallibility.  Noone would have the…[Read more]

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