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  • #115401

    -And as for presenting the truth of the Father and the Son to others – This is how it is for myself- This is what my God has told me. He has told me, and shown me from expierence that if I have the opportunity to do it, then do it, and many times if he is wanting me to say something to the person without me even saying anything they will start asking questions about God or the trinity- etc. “Well, What God do you serve?” “What do you know about this, or this..” — Etc, but my God has told me “Brent, don't argue with ANYONE about what you believe- I have set an appointed time for this when I send those whom I choose out to do the task I have already ordained. If such a person is of me, then they will not resist the spirit but accept it and be willing, they either believe or they don't. It is that simple, they believe or they don't. There is NO need to argue, so don't do it.”

    And this is what has been revealed unto me.


    Hi All,

    I have not read all of the replies but have read a few. So, I myself have been seeking for a couple years and the Father has not led me unto any group fellowship. I have wanted it sooo badly for so long but he has not allowed. I went to many different churchs trying to find the truth and everytime I went my spirit was grieved. I could not worship properly and kept thinking why do these songs say “Jesus you are the Father”- And why is everyone always asking for money? “Sow a seed or you are robbing God!” – What!?!? And why are these pastors out here outright bragging about arriving to church on their personally owned jet when many in their congregation are struggling to pay rent?
    -Then so the trinity doctrine came up, and I believed differently from everyone else I was in fellowship at that current time. I did not believe in 3 Gods in 1 as they did and whenever I presented this to them, I was told to pray and ask God to reveal it to me- or that I should beware of going to hell, etc..

    After many trials and tribulations I am at this point, still going through with one other who I've met in real life that believes in the true Son of God.

    Do not settle for a trinity church, but just wait and be patient on the Father! And most buildings as churchs out there believe in the trinity anyway. !And! remember God is not in mansions or buildings made of wood or stone but break a branch or lift a stone and he is there.

    May the Father recieve glory for those who do have the true foundation of his Son Jesus. For all who believe in this, but don't agree on other things- this is just where their faith level is.

    And know this, this still is only the beginnings of birth pains and the Father is still raising up those who are chosen of his children to lead. He is raising them up for the task and hand and getting them prepared for what is to come. And so when they are ready he will draw all unto each other for fellowship- which is why there is not much fellowship out there in these times. Just be patient, and wait and enjoy the time you have alone with the Father because I can guarantee you when the time comes for fellowship it will not be what you expect. The fellowship of truth- of the Father is not like fellowship of this world (meeting up, acting like everything is okay and dandy-not truely getting to know one another) but TRUE LOVE being there no matter what- staying up for days not getting sleep- going through and going through and going through and going through, leaving all you have for your brother or sisters, giving all you have up for the Father and his other children. Massive trials and tribulations put on from the evil one because he knows what 2 or more in agreement can do. One cast a thousand two cast ten thousand. Many are not ready to go through this yet, which is why many do not have fellowship. But again, be patient while the Father prepares you for these things because I will tell you from my own expierence with only ONE other believer! They are not easy.


    Gene I believe what you do, but somehow when I read scripture it doesn't add up. Even Paul writes, “Praise and honor be to God the Father and his Son Yahshua.” Wait, why give praise to the Son? For all that he has, and even did came from the Father and the Son could do NOTHING on his own- so ALL the praise and EVERYTHING worth ANYTHING belongs to the Father. Now, if the Father says to honor the Son, then I will do it because who am I to contest the Father? What he says goes, but that is only if he says it; I refuse to praise the Son of God, because this is not what he taught. He didn't even teach to pray to him, but he taught to pray to the Father. I will honor him because the Father has said to but to praise, no, and for him to recieve glory thats just something I don't fully understand. I mean, I comprehend that all glory the Father gives will be linked back to him anyway. Such as glory even I recieve from others I have the choice to explain to them where I've recieved (whatever they glorify in me) it from- And that is from the Father; similar to what the Son said, “I can do nothing on my own, but the Father is who enables me..” So is the type of 'glory' which is spoken about in the Bible.? Because, my God said, “MY glory I will not give to another.”

    Hopefully this is correct, and that I am not confused, but if I am someone please correct me. Regardless, I have a spirit that cries, “Abba, Father” – Not Jesus Christ, not Yahshua, noooo I cry Abba, Father. יהוה ! MY ELOHIM! The God of the Israelites, the who chose the Jews and now has grafted gentiles in.


    You are.. A burning flame.. You are..A sea of Frozen Ice
    You are All in all. You choose You decide
    You are the one who took the Israelites as your people. You are the one who sent your Son. You are life
    And that is life. The road to you is narrow and the people are few. You are my words, my love, the fire to drive to strive when I don’t feel alive inside. To have conviction, to be sorrowful when I give in, when I fall down, and when I fall down again, and again. To all who believe you have forgiven the sins of men, the Son who is the lamb has cried ‘Abba Father’- He is the way unto you, and You are the great I am.


    You are.. A burning flame.. You are..A sea of Frozen Ice
    You are All in all. You choose You decide
    You are the one who took the Israelites as your people. You are the one who sent your Son. You are life
    And that is life. The road to you is narrow and the people are few. You are my words, my love, the fire to drive to strive when I don’t feel alive inside. To have conviction, to be sorrowful when I give in, when I fall down, and when I fall down again, and again. To all who believe you have forgiven the sins of men, the Son who is the lamb has cried ‘Abba Father’- He is the way unto you, and You are the great I am.


    Your love is so amazing I’m gazing back to the fact that for the human race you let your Son bleed,
    a pact that you gave and laid with grace for the sake to be freed,
    its hard for me to breathe even with a breeze I freeze but I believe and I’m speechless,
    but you bring words even in my weakness
    even to the weakest
    leaving away with what my flesh would think could be the sweetest sin
    And takin me to a place that I can breathe again,
    My best friend,

    My father you are everything that is worth anything in me,
    And I hope that I can be the tree that started from a seed and please
    help me believe And if you say that I can be, that I’m free
    then I know that it will happen
    I trust your word, I trust in you so help me to adapt in
    While your mappin out the quest, and in my chest theres a beat, a beat and its beating for only you
    Im just trying to catch a glimpse of all that you do
    And What is this mission? I wait on your decision incision with precision in position wishin I could always listen to my listin As its given
    This thing that’s always arrives
    a new day the course you’re the sunrise,
    the source, thrive with rivers and plant life,
    you drive my whole world you’re my sight,
    like if I looked up into the night
    and saw a bright light
    your seed that’s my type,
    needing to ripe, your what I read and I write
    Or maybe like a flight something soaring high over the mountains and the far away terrain
    turning a wildchild to be mild and tame,
    to know his name
    you are gain rain for growth,
    reigning to the holy and highest post
    I need you the most, a different world eyes opened like im scuba divin life in the motions of oceans at the every coast
    An oasis that will never run dry
    Just look in My eye tears drip to my lip when I cry Never ending suspending I know im Mr. mastermind you created time
    You are perfection, my protection when I sleep, when I can’t see or think, even by weather you keep me linked to your Son
    Like a cold day when life from the host huddles close to be one
    so amazing to think of all that you have done
    Everlasting, You are compassion that is felt when I see someone who is homeless
    Stars and Infinite numbers of passion melt when eyes meet with someone who knows this
    Frozen, so loaded with love
    You are What makes a heartbeat,
    Star eleetee,
    Never too far for relief,
    even in a car crash a splash over the streets on a day of super heat,
    but never depleated, never deleted, never ever defeated
    A hand stretched with manna for your people to eat it
    The way you help your children, every day stages planted and the way you give them strength
    Like an organic super drink as much as they want it you let your children take the sip
    Arms stretched to grab, never releasing the grip
    Your so kind, and you give life to live
    forgiveness even granted in an instant all that one has to do is ask,
    Never rejected still standing you can’t miss it, relief from the fall and all that is past
    Forever the life truth and the way coming from your Son and his shining ray
    Of love lacing what a display, Erasing dismay without a delay and takin it to today
    Unexplainable, uncontainable what your willing how your love is so fixed, hugs and now maintainable feelings in the mist, full no filling is missed
    The dough is battered, your people never scattered but mixed
    Those who you love those who know worth should be you because your it
    To worship you
    the flame lit in your childrens hearts never to part forever their starter kit


    Your love is so amazing I’m gazing back to the fact that for the human race you let your Son bleed,
    a pact that you gave and laid with grace for the sake to be freed,
    its hard for me to breathe even with a breeze I freeze but I believe and I’m speechless,
    but you bring words even in my weakness
    even to the weakest
    leaving away with what my flesh would think could be the sweetest sin
    And takin me to a place that I can breathe again,
    My best friend,

    My father you are everything that is worth anything in me,
    And I hope that I can be the tree that started from a seed and please
    help me believe And if you say that I can be, that I’m free
    then I know that it will happen
    I trust your word, I trust in you so help me to adapt in
    While your mappin out the quest, and in my chest theres a beat, a beat and its beating for only you
    Im just trying to catch a glimpse of all that you do
    And What is this mission? I wait on your decision incision with precision in position wishin I could always listen to my listin As its given
    This thing that’s always arrives
    a new day the course you’re the sunrise,
    the source, thrive with rivers and plant life,
    you drive my whole world you’re my sight,
    like if I looked up into the night
    and saw a bright light
    your seed that’s my type,
    needing to ripe, your what I read and I write
    Or maybe like a flight something soaring high over the mountains and the far away terrain
    turning a wildchild to be mild and tame,
    to know his name
    you are gain rain for growth,
    reigning to the holy and highest post
    I need you the most, a different world eyes opened like im scuba divin life in the motions of oceans at the every coast
    An oasis that will never run dry
    Just look in My eye tears drip to my lip when I cry Never ending suspending I know im Mr. mastermind you created time
    You are perfection, my protection when I sleep, when I can’t see or think, even by weather you keep me linked to your Son
    Like a cold day when life from the host huddles close to be one
    so amazing to think of all that you have done
    Everlasting, You are compassion that is felt when I see someone who is homeless
    Stars and Infinite numbers of passion melt when eyes meet with someone who knows this
    Frozen, so loaded with love
    You are What makes a heartbeat,
    Star eleetee,
    Never too far for relief,
    even in a car crash a splash over the streets on a day of super heat,
    but never depleated, never deleted, never ever defeated
    A hand stretched with manna for your people to eat it
    The way you help your children, every day stages planted and the way you give them strength
    Like an organic super drink as much as they want it you let your children take the sip
    Arms stretched to grab, never releasing the grip
    Your so kind, and you give life to live
    forgiveness even granted in an instant all that one has to do is ask,
    Never rejected still standing you can’t miss it, relief from the fall and all that is past
    Forever the life truth and the way coming from your Son and his shining ray
    Of love lacing what a display, Erasing dismay without a delay and takin it to today
    Unexplainable, uncontainable what your willing how your love is so fixed, hugs and now maintainable feelings in the mist, full no filling is missed
    The dough is battered, your people never scattered but mixed
    Those who you love those who know worth should be you because your it
    To worship you
    the flame lit in your childrens hearts never to part forever their starter kit


    heyy i have some poetry up..

    just put a new song up so take a listen to it if you want to ! =) blessings in

    the name of יהוה and his Son Yahshua.

    (i'm gonna post this as a new thread, so ignore it if you see it here! )


    heyy i have some poetry up..

    just put a new song up so take a listen to it if you want to ! =) blessings in

    the name of יהוה and his Son Yahshua.

    (i'm gonna post this as a new thread, so ignore it if you see it here! )


    I agree, the name is very important for those who the Father has revealed it unto. Some are at a certain faith level and as long as they have the Son of God, then they are on the right path (and they may call his name Jesus, or even the Christ)- though this is not his real name. But God is graceful, for I once called the Son of God Jesus, the Christ. And for those who do believe, and who do seek, the Father will reveal more unto them. My God is יהוה and he sent his son יהושע to die for the sins of those who believe. There is one true God, and he is יהוה. Praise be unto him, for he is glorious, righteous and all loving.


    Why is it that you ask? Yes they are mine.


    oops hehe, I mean charity =).


    Hmm I am totally confused.. (104?)- I don't even have a video myspace. Are you dellliiirrriouusss or am I?

    I don't understand what you are saying Chasity could you explain further about the King David part please. Thank you.


    Hi Nick,
    lol, your funny – I like you, hehehe. I am thankful that you do believe in the Son of God. =)


    And this is the last I will say, either you believe or you do not believe; Those who do are the children of light, the Sons of the living Elohim and brothers and sisters of the Messiah.

    May the Father's will be done.


    I believe in the Son of the Living Elohim, the Son of the Father of Mosheh, the Son of the One who came to Mosheh and said, “I am that I am.” The One whom the Father sent to die for the sins of the world. He was and is the Messiah of the Jews and now of the Gentiles; He was tortured and put to death on a stake, and his name is יהושע. The firstborn and only begotton of the living יהוה.


    Joh 5:38 “And you do not have His Word staying in you, because you do not believe Him whom He sent.
    Joh 5:39 “You search the Scriptures, because you think you possess everlasting life in them. And these are the ones that bear witness of Me.
    Joh 5:40 “But you do not desire to come to Me in order to possess life.


    Joh 14:1 “Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in Elohim, believe also in Me.
    Joh 14:2 “In My Father’s house are many staying places. And if not, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

    Yes, it is true. Why is it you ask?


    And yes, I do go by scripture; but it is not my God. My God is my God and he is able to reveal all things unto me. Much of the scripture has been manipulated and translated into man's own understanding and feelings of things. The Father will at times lead me to read some parts of the Bible but so the Son said, “You seek for life in the scriptures but fail to realize that life is in me.” – The Father is the God of all, the creator of the universe and there is not anything to big for Him to do; Do you REALLY think he needs a book of 66 CHOSEN letters to guide one of his children? If you do, then you don't know what the Father is capable of. Now tell me, did Abraham have the Bible to go by, or scripture? No, his God was able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than anything he could ever think or ask.


    When I first came to this website, saw some of the belief system posted I was excited.. But as I go to each post all I see is bickering, arguing, and nonsense blabble. If you are one who is of the Father, and He is in you then you would not be acting this way. I am speaking to those who truely believe the Father sent the Son for you are the ones who the Father has called to make a home with. Come on guys, don't take what I say in the wrong way but hear it as it is said; Check yourselves please! And the reason I am not a 'Christian' is because I don't want to be labled anything but a follower of the Father- A son of the Most High Elohim. I personally do not believe in the name of 'Jesus Christ,' (although I once thought the Son's name was this too). And even when I did, the Father had shown me I was not a term known as a 'Christian', but one of his children. The Son's real name is יהושע .

    May blessings be upon you in the name of יהוה and in his Son יהושע.

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