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    Quote I tend to believe that there is a trinity and that the Holy Spirit and Jesus are different persons. Jesus explained it many times by referring to the Holy Spirit as “he” and the “comforter” designating a separateness. Also, Jesus says that sins against the Father and of the Son will be forgiven, but total blasphemy against the Holy Spirit…[Read more]

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    bic replied to the topic Rapture in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years, 6 months ago

    Quote I cannot understand why you would believe the creator of the universe would need to design and build human forms of transportation?? For HUMANS? (Did He even NEED to create and form humans?)Quote Scripture says he went to heaven at this time and he did not need to wait around to finish his role. The word heaven, just like hell, is used to…[Read more]

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    bic replied to the topic Revelation in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 6 months ago

    I was saying to compare Hebrews 11:5 with those listed verses and not Matthew. Sorry for the confusion.

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    bic replied to the topic Rapture in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years, 6 months ago

    MM: Quote Well this was post-ascention so I would have thought He was in heaven.Didn't Jesus appear to the disciples for 40 days after His resurrection and expound the scriptures as they related to Himself to them? It seems that He had some UNFINISHED business on earth even after His resurrection. There's no reason to think that He went back to…[Read more]

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    bic replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years, 7 months ago

    Revelation is a tough book to understand EVEN THOUGH it is called a REVELATION. Yet, if we read CAREFULLY, we see that Jesus returns just in time to spare humanity from extinction. Even more amazing, He is coming to “DESTROY those who destroy the earth” (Rev:11:15-18; 14:19-20; 16:16-21; 19:11-21). The return of Jesus not only ushers in the…[Read more]

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    Quote … E.g., souls under the altar of God in Revelation…but it does appear that the dead, or some of the dead were raised up after Christ was raised. I think that most people forget that John's vision in Revelation takes place sometimes in the (possibly far) distance. Also, those bodies of the saints that rose up from the graves and were seen…[Read more]

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    The inner man is that very same thing that Adam and Eve partook of in the Garden of Eden: The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It is our conscience.We are concerned with the terminology of the spirit, the body, and the soul. Let's examine 'us' from creation. First, I don't think that there is much disagreement with the body: our physical,…[Read more]

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    bic replied to the topic Revelation in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 7 months ago

    t8: You're taking that bit of verse out of context and you are extrapolating meaning that just isn't there. A vision is not an actual being, no more than a video image is the actual item it portrays. For example, if I see a documentary about Elvis and he is saying that he is still in the building, I know that, in reality, he is not: Elvis HAS left…[Read more]

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    bic replied to the topic Rapture in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years, 7 months ago

    Quote It is difficult to understand how the return of Jesus could be a surprise to the world if so many dramatic things happen.3:3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,3:4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were…[Read more]

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    bic replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years, 7 months ago

    Each and every one of these verses refers to the Judgment, whether of Israel or not. In each case, the wailing, weeping, and gnashing of teeth results from being REJECTED as the CHOSEN of God.

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    Good points, all. Nick I agree with you that the Holy Spirit guides us and we need not be anxious where we tread. You answered well (as did everyone else). Sometimes I act or talk like a mother hen. However, and I am sure that you will agree, not everyone has the guidance of the HS. Many of our brothers and sisters in the Lord (and I am speaking…[Read more]

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    bic replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years, 7 months ago

    Quote One speaks of weeping and gnashing of teeth and that does not suggest instant obliteration.If you could spend a night on death row you would understand the anguish that is felt while one awaits their death sentence to be carried out. There is no reason to think that the wailing and gnashing of teeth happens AFTER they are cast into the fire.…[Read more]

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    bic replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years, 7 months ago

    Would you agree that there will be mortal human beings STILL living on the earth during the millenial reign? If not, who will Jesus and the elect be REIGNING over? What nations will go up unto the house of the Lord and learn of His ways? Who will be the 'dogs' outside (liars and thieves, etc.)? Who will Satan gather up (after his release) to march…[Read more]

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    bic replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years, 7 months ago

    Nick said: Quote Two of those scriptures suggest ongoing retribution rather than just instant destruction as the second death.I don't see that…can you explain what you mean? Also, what version of scripture are you quoting? The KJV says this:20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire andbrimstone, where the beast and…[Read more]

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    bic replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years, 7 months ago

    Nick, you could be right and the devastated earth could be restored. However, Uranium-238 has a half-life of approxiamtely 4.5 BILLION years, which means it would lose only half its mass in that given time. If nuclear fallout is as widespread as one might imagine, the earth could be uninhabitable for quite some time. Of course, God's hand is not…[Read more]

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    bic replied to the topic Revelation in the forum Prophecy 19 years, 7 months ago

    First, Nick, Enoch and Elijah (and Moses, too), like all others, are still waiting for the resurrection. I know that scripture SEEMS to say that they were taken up without seeing death, but it doesn't and they weren't. There are a lot of great sites that explain this quite well (do a google search on Enoch and Elijah). If you read the faith…[Read more]

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    bic replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years, 7 months ago

    Nick: In Matthew 24, Jesus says that if He didn't return when He does, no flesh would be spared. It's pretty obvious that the earth will almost be uninhabitable (i.e., destroyed) even before Jesus returns. When He returns, it will only get worse (before it gets better). It will definitely need to be rennovated, refurbished, renewed, restored, etc.…[Read more]

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    The general consensus of Christianity (as I know it) agrees that the books of the Apocrypha do not belong as part of scripture. From what I have read in them, this was the correct choice. If these books are not inspired of God (which I am firmly convinced that they are not), they introduce error and deception into the hearts and minds of all who…[Read more]

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    bic replied to the topic Rapture in the forum Scriptural Teachings 19 years, 7 months ago

    MM: I do think Zechariah can be taken literally and there is no doubt that His feet will stand upon Mount Olives and that He will return in like manner as He left. However, I think that there are many 'mysteries' (or unrevealed details) than can be extrapolated from what is given in text.For example, in your posted verses, a “cloud hid Him from…[Read more]

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    bic replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 19 years, 7 months ago

    I read Adam's post and pretty much agree with most all that he said. Did you not notice that you point out the destruction of the earth as recorded in Peter and yet Adam said that the earth would NEVER be destroyed? You then call his post excellent…I couldn't help but smile.BTW, I think Gehenna and/or the lake of fire have EVERYTHING to do with…[Read more]

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