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    David,Do you think Jesus' disciples knew about Isaiah 53? If they did, why did Peter say this to Jesus?Mat 16:22 And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying, “Far be it from you, Lord! This shall never happen to you.”After all, all Jesus would have to do is present Isa 53 to his disciples and they would know the truth, right? Or…[Read more]

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    Quote (david @ Dec. 30 2007,23:36)Or this:”He was crushed because of our iniquities.”What about it? Jesus was not crushed, he was crucified.

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    Quote (david @ Dec. 30 2007,23:33)Ok, I remember now. You think it is referring to “Israel.”I'm wondering how this part applies to Israel: “he was cut off out of the land of the living. . . . And they made his grave with the wicked.” JPThis is an interesting site:http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/m.sion/jmiisa53.htmCan you verify each of t…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 30 2007,23:24)Hi Tow, Elijah was aniointed by the Spirit of God in power and Elisha was given a double portion and raised the dead. Were these just old wives tales too? It must be hard for you to have to decide what is true and what is false in the OT. Clearly you feel you have an even greater portion if you can judge…[Read more]

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    Correction, “Get Out of Hell Free” card :p

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 30 2007,23:20)Quote (Towshab @ Dec. 31 2007,15:27)Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 30 2007,13:10)Hi Tow,Your god is not our God.Agreed. YHVH would not copulate with a virgin human like so many other pagan gods supposedly did.Quote Perhaps you are serving the god of this world?According to your GT, 'satan' is the god of this…[Read more]

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    Quote (david @ Dec. 30 2007,23:16)“Behold, My servant shall prosper, he shall be exalted and lifted up, . . . for he shot up right forth as a sapling, and as a root out of a dry ground . . . He was despised, and forsaken of men, a man of pains, and acquainted with disease, and as one from whom men hide their face: He was despised, and we e…[Read more]

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    Quote (david @ Dec. 30 2007,23:13)Quote So as a supposed servant of God you have ascribed to yourself the right to accept only portions of the OT.–nick”You got it.”–towCould you please go over the parts that you believe and the parts you don't.Basically this David:* I do not believe that G-d told men to commit genocide. If G-d wants to destroy…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 30 2007,23:13)Hi Tow, Satan appears in your OT, but O, that's right, you allegorised poor old Job.You continue the hatchet job on God and His works through men. You really think men are cleverer than the sacred Word?Nick,Who told the writer of Job of the scene in heaven?

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    Quote (david @ Dec. 30 2007,23:07)Quote G-d has all power, man does not. That is why you hear of so many miraculous healings, but no verifiable healings via a faith healer. No man gets the credit, and that includes your pagan god-man, Jesus.Yes, faith healers are quaks. But Jesus healed things that weren't merely pycho samatic.Is that the right…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 30 2007,23:03)Hi Tow, Did God do any miracles in the OT or were they all magic tricks done by deceivers?Ah, Nick, the word twister. I never said those people were deceivers but again your lack of comprehension prevents you from seeing this. Or again, you are just twisting because I now think that is your true purpose…[Read more]

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    Quote (david @ Dec. 30 2007,23:03)Quote You tell people 'accept Jesus or burn in hell'.Wrong again. The torturous burning in hell (hades/sheol) is nowhere taught in scripture. sheol/hades is the common grave of mankind. We are actually told that “hades” (hell) along with death would be thrown into the lake of fire. Why would fire be thrown…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 30 2007,23:01)Hi Tow, Do you agree with Isaiah's reference to a young woman? Our God does not have a body but is spirit. Your attempts to minimise Him continue.No, you are wrong. My G-d has no body. Christianity brings G-d down to the level of men by saying he is Jesus or that Jesus was the product of G-d and Mary. 100%…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 30 2007,14:45)Quote (Towshab @ Dec. 31 2007,05:33)Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 30 2007,02:44)Hi Tow, If you only accept PORTIONS of the OT then your foundation is not the OT.(1) OT is not Tanakh (2) My 'foundation' is not found in words written on paper, but a living G-d. Quote So please do not quote it lest you later decide…[Read more]

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    Quote (david @ Dec. 30 2007,13:48)Quote No, they will not have to go anywhere. People will come to them.-towI'm wondering what you think is going to be happening to people in the final part of the days. I'm wondering how you think this will end. Not everyone today has the internet. Billions don't even have “clean” drinking water and a billion…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 30 2007,13:10)Hi Tow,Your god is not our God.Agreed. YHVH would not copulate with a virgin human like so many other pagan gods supposedly did.Quote Perhaps you are serving the god of this world?According to your GT, 'satan' is the god of this world. And since he seems to be winning, he must be the most powerful god in…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 30 2007,02:44)Hi Tow, If you only accept PORTIONS of the OT then your foundation is not the OT.(1) OT is not Tanakh (2) My 'foundation' is not found in words written on paper, but a living G-d. Quote So please do not quote it lest you later decide what you quote is in fact an unacceptable PORTION.I do as I please. Sorry…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 30 2007,02:37)Hi Tow, So is it written that the revelation of God ceased after Malachi?No. Is it written that G-d no longer speaks after GT? If not, why not believe in Book of Mormon or Koran? I choose to not believe in the GT because it conflicts greatly with Tanakh.

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 29 2007,23:57)Hi Tow, You close you eyes and ears to the continued revelation of God through His Son. Really? You are the one who continually holds up the infallibility of OT&NT which were written thousands of years ago. So how are you open to 'continued revelation'?Quote If you knew God you would recognise Him in His…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 29 2007,22:56)Hi Tow, The OT revealed the relationship of God with His chosen people.You are not among them and your abuse of their sacred words is evidence too.Are you a child of Noah? I am. If YHVH was Noah's G-d, then He can be my G-d if I choose to worship Him.Quote They, as His sons through Abraham, were offered the…[Read more]

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