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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 03 2008,16:33)Hi Tow, As you show the temple is now spiritual, currently in heaven where only the priest Jesus can minister and then on the renewed earth. Christ, the lamb of God, is the sacrifice of the new priesthood. So there is no place for the levites to sacrifice now or in the future.Really, here. Reread it and show…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 03 2008,16:20)Hi Tow, You may be overwhelmed by what you see but we are mystified that you cannot see what is plain.I list what is plain in scripture, you respond with opinion and false ideas pulled from the pulpits of Christianity.Quote God is true. His writings are true. Then why do you refuse to see what is written in…[Read more]

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    I offer scripture, you reply with apologetics and excuses. Should I then be wise and keep these scriptures to myself?What you are is people of blind faith because you refuse to see what is before you out of fear.

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    I don't need to give you direction. I give you evidence. Yet you disbelieve the evidence because I give it. That makes no sense because I give evidence from a book you say is 100% true. You are only fooling yourself. Stop blaming me and look.

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    Ah but I do Nick, I do. I believe the messianic prophecies. And the fact is YOU say you believe every bit of it is true. So how can you reconcile the evidence?Stop looking at me and look at the evidence before you. If a jury lets a murderer free because they have overwhelming evidence he committed the crime but had “faith” he did not do it, does…[Read more]

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    Eze 40:47  And he measured the court, a hundred cubits long and a hundred cubits broad, a square. And the altar was in front of the temple. Eze 41:5  Then he measured the wall of the temple, six cubits thick, and the breadth of the side chambers, four cubits, all around the temple. Eze 41:13  Then he measured the temple, a hundred cubits long; an…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 03 2008,15:33)Hi tow,That temple as also shown in Rev 22, does not exist physically now but will and we in Christ shall be kings and priests to our God. Compare Rev 11 and you will see the spiritual temple exists now and soon the measuring will be complete and those still in the outer court of religion will see no…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 03 2008,15:25)Hi tow, Hosanna to the son of David. Even the stones would cry out.You are not greater than what is written.You are right, I am not greater than what is written but I sure can read what is written. And what is written proves Jesus is not King Messiah.

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    Then what will you do about the temple in Eze 40-44?

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 03 2008,15:20)Hi tow,It is better to be as children.The extraordinary unity and harmony of words written by 4 different people perhaps years later such that now each word is loved can only be from the power of God.Children are also taught to believe in Santa Clause. I'm beginning to understand the analogy: children…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 03 2008,15:16)Quote (Towshab @ Jan. 04 2008,08:06)How will he do it?  adead man cannot usurp a throne from its rightful ruler.Hi Tow, He is of the line of David and appointed as King of God's kingdom on earth.He lives and will return as King of the earth.Nope, not the line of David on the side that counts: paternal. And…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    So let me get this straight:Jesus told his disciples he would be killed and would rise again three days later. When it supposedly happened they forgot what he said even when they didn't understand it? Shouldn't they have put the two things together?But you make the disciples out to be buffoons and simpletons. Perhaps they were.

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    Oops. But notice I provided a link to 18:23. Typo. So what's your beef with 18:23?

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    Just bringing this back up because Nick has given no real answers. Thought some other person more knowleable might give it a try.==========================================Christians say that before Jesus died on the cross, the only true way to receive forgiveness of sins was via animal blood sacrifice. Even Hebrews saysHeb 9:22 Indeed, under the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    How will he do it? adead man cannot usurp a throne from its rightful ruler.

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    Quote (Towshab @ Jan. 03 2008,14:01)Did anyone know that Jesus was to rise from the dead? Let's investigate:==============================Joh 20:2  Then she runneth, and cometh to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and saith unto them, They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre, and we know not where they have laid…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 03 2008,14:55)Hi tow, The pharisees wanted proofs too. The sign of Jonah was all those unbelievers got.He and his brothers are not entertainers for the purveyors of doubt.Wrong Nick, they were looking for a sign. A sign is not proof. You can't even get the words of your own scriptures correct.

  • Profile picture of Towshab

    More proof that the new covenant has not come, directly from the mouth of Jesus himself:Mat 28:19  Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Mat 28:20  teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the a…[Read more]

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    In other words, you have no proof, only speculation and misguided faith. Just as I thought.

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 03 2008,14:47)Hi tow,The gospels were not written immediately based on notes taken that day. Again the miracle of God's Spirit is to remind them of every word spoken some time later. The strength of God show up best in weak vessels.What does that have to do with what Jesus said to them?

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