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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 03 2008,23:54)But faith does not need understanding anyway.Classic. And now you know why real Jews cannot accept Jesus.

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    Really? So Paul was a christ? Show me Paul's anointing. Just like Jesus, he was never properly anointed.

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    Towshab replied to the topic Nazarene Essenes in the forum Faith 16 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (Son of Light @ Jan. 03 2008,23:04)Quote (Towshab @ Jan. 04 2008,15:43)The original Essenes were esoteric but not really gnostic. They still believed in the written Torah.There are more than one branch of Essenes and not all Essenes believed Torah. Many thought it corrupted.According to historical evidence, you are wrong. Again, you are…[Read more]

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    Towshab replied to the topic Nazarene Essenes in the forum Faith 16 years, 8 months ago

    The original Essenes were esoteric but not really gnostic. They still believed in the written Torah.

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 03 2008,22:00)Hi tow, Many are fulfilled and the rest will be fulfilled.Show me.Quote Read the NT and see what he did.I have many times. That is why I know he was not King Messiah!Quote God anointed His son.Zeus or Jupiter?Quote He did the loving works of God.He spoke the words of God and those who believefind for…[Read more]

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    Towshab replied to the topic Nazarene Essenes in the forum Faith 16 years, 8 months ago

    This has no basis in the original essenes. It is totally gnostic.

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 03 2008,21:48)Hi tow, Paul was righteous in his own mind as a defender of the OT till he met Jesushad a wee tumble, was shown his blindnessand turned aroundSeems Paul was blown by the winds of doctrine.

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 03 2008,21:36)Quote (Towshab @ Jan. 04 2008,14:28)Hey Nick,Regardless of what you say about me, you say you believe the OT is 100% true. So tell me, why don't YOU believe it?Hi tow, All true.Often misunderstood. Frequently misusedbut all true. Now what about you?If the OT is 100% true why did Jesus not fulfill a single…[Read more]

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    Quote (Son of Light @ Jan. 03 2008,21:39)So Tow, if you believe that much of the Old Testament is fiction or fallacies of man then YOU AGREE with the Nazarene Essenes and yet reject the teachings of their Teacher of Righteousness and Master, Yeshua.I do not say MUCH of the Tanakh is untrue. You've been biased by Nick Hassan AKA Mr. Twister. I do…[Read more]

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    Quote (Son of Light @ Jan. 03 2008,21:35)Quote (Towshab @ Jan. 04 2008,02:31)Here is some evidence for you SOL. From http://www.religiousstudies.uncc.edu/jdtabor/ebionites.html=======================================The Ebionite/Nazarene movement was made up of mostly Jewish/Israelite followers of John the Baptizer and later Jesus, who were…[Read more]

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    Towshab replied to the topic Confused in the forum Faith 16 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (david @ Jan. 03 2008,21:37)Quote David, are you weakening? Your earlier responses to me held more power. These last few are so feeble. They show nothing, prove nothing. Are you finally seeing the GT for the fallacy it is?Once again, i believe you are deeply “confused.” I may be spending less time on these posts, mostly because we're having…[Read more]

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    Quote (david @ Jan. 03 2008,21:33)Quote And this is supposed to mean what? I know people who believe in Scientology and Urantia Book. So will you then accept the validity of these writings?The difference is they believe something they didn't see, or have no way of knowing for sure. The disciples of Jesus did know Jesus. They believed Jesus, a…[Read more]

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    Hey Nick,Regardless of what you say about me, you say you believe the OT is 100% true. So tell me, why don't YOU believe it?

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    Towshab replied to the topic Confused in the forum Faith 16 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (david @ Jan. 03 2008,21:22)To Pharaoh, who considered himself a god and a son of the Egyptian god Ra, Jehovah spoke of Israel as “my son, my firstborn,” and called on the Egyptian ruler to “send my son away that he may serve me.” (Ex 4:22, 23) Thus the entire nation of Israel was viewed by God as his “son” because of being his chosen peop…[Read more]

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    Towshab replied to the topic Confused in the forum Faith 16 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 03 2008,21:19)Hi tow,You continue to try our God according to your puny human moral view.God is sovereign and all belongs to Him.Yes all belongs to Him. Submit to Him and not the idolatrous pagan religion of Christianity. There's still time.

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    Towshab replied to the topic Confused in the forum Faith 16 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (david @ Jan. 03 2008,21:18)Quote Joh 15:5 I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.Well, Christians certainly believe that. Here Jesus says that apart from him, we can do nothing. Interesting in that he also supposedly said:Joh 5:19 So…[Read more]

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    Quote (Towshab @ Jan. 03 2008,07:13)OP to overcome Nickocity:Christianity tries to show that the Torah (called the “Law” in the GT) was incomplete and that it was flawed because no one could perfectly obey it. What does Tanakh say? From the Christian ESV:=====================================Deu 30:11 “For this commandment that I command you today…[Read more]

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    OK, back already, Found treasure in Tanakh. Looked in the GT only found crumbs and litter.

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    Towshab replied to the topic Confused in the forum Faith 16 years, 8 months ago

    Quote (david @ Jan. 03 2008,21:10)When the morning stars joyfully cried out together,And all the sons of God began shouting in applause?–Job 38:7Who can resemble Jehovah among the sons of God?–Ps 89:6Quote Because Christianity claims that YHVH fathered Jesus.The Greek scripturs claim that Jesus was a son of God, more than that, the only begotten…[Read more]

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    Quote (david @ Jan. 03 2008,21:06)Those who wrote the Greek Scriptures believed what they were writing. They weren't making something up. They weren't willing to die for something they knew to be a lie.So just because they believed it, I should too?Seriously David, from our previous exchanges I expected more from you. I was looking forward to…[Read more]

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