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    Marthinus,Hi. You are right, I am becoming frustrated and angry toward Nick, which I shouldn't. I do feel that he usually doesn't answer my questions, or those of people who disagree with him. I'm glad that has not been your experience.Tim

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    Hey Ken,I do remember the email you sent me now, forgive me for forgetting. Um, but I still don't see anywhere that explicitly says the harlot is the one who changes God's law. I do see the ungodly man in Daniel 7:25 doing this, but I still don't see why this is necessarily the harlot. You do raise many valid criticisms of the Roman Catholic…[Read more]

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    Tim2 replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 17 years, 4 months ago

    Nick,The Spirit is sent by Jesus. John 15:26.Tim

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    David,I see you're trying to focus on the translation of John 1:1, so I'll try to stick to that, although the rest of the Bible is pretty relevant here. :) The strongest argument I'm hearing from you is that there is a rule of Greek grammar that Quote “with an anarthrous predicate preceding the verb, are primarily qualitative in meaning. They i…[Read more]

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    WhatisTrue wrote:Quote Numbers 23:19 says:God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?Read this verse very carefully, as there is more depth to it than a casual reading might yield. It does not simply say that God can…[Read more]

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    haha Nick you're funny. I hope you're also amused with these jokes.But seriously, the Son of Man is God, as you say. I was referring more generally to any son of man. A son of man is man, right?But I should know by now you're not going to respond to my questions, because that's not your job as an admin. Tim

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    Yes Nick, Jesus is the Son of God. Now don't you believe that the Son of God is God? What else could He be? The son of man is man, isn't he?

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    Woah, Ken, calm down. I was just asking a question -what is the Harlot? I understand you're very concerned about the Harlot attacking God's people, as you should be, but why don't you try to help me by calmly discussing the matter with me? I'm concerned about the Harlot too, so I'd like to find out who it is. Can we talk about it, please? As…[Read more]

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    Tim2 replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 17 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Nick,Then the finger of God is sent by Jesus? John 15:26? If Jesus isn't God, why does God's finger obey Jesus?Tim

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    Tim2 replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 17 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Nick,I believe in one Trinity. I believe there is an ontological aspect of this Trinity, just as I can consider the ontological aspect of you or me. I also believe there is an economic aspect of this Trinity, seen in the economy of salvation, whereby the Son and the Spirit voluntarily submit themselves to the Father for our salvation. I'm…[Read more]

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    David,Sorry about the first point, I misread what you wrote (about being God or like God).I don't think your comparison of of 1 Corinthians 15 to John 1 and Colossians 1 proves that Jesus is created.  Using strict parallelism, which there's no reason to do because they aren't parallel, they're talking about two different things, all it would show…[Read more]

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    Tim2 replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 17 years, 4 months ago

    Quote So wouldnt that make Jesus his own Father?NoQuote If there only one God..Somebody has to be the Father in Charge?Actually no there doesn't. There is not a chain of authority within God.Quote Who is the Son if there all Gods? And which one is Really the Father of Jesus? If Jesus is not the Father then who is he?The Holy Spirit?They are not…[Read more]

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    Hi Ken,I've noticed you toss around the harlot a lot and like to tell people to come out of her. How exactly do you know what the harlot is, and who her daughters are? What is your definition?Tim

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    Quote (kenrch @ May 10 2007,02:40)Quote (Tim2 @ May 08 2007,06:51)Ken,Good question about the image of God.  It was actually the icing on the cake that only a few months ago made me a full blooded Trinitarian.Genesis 1:27: “God created man in his own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”So I think it's clear…[Read more]

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    Tim2 replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 17 years, 4 months ago

    Quote If the Father is separate from the Son, and the Holy Spirit is a serperate person from them, then who is Jesus's father? Mt.1:18-20 reads, Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit.U, the Father is the Father of Jesus…[Read more]

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    Quote (WhatIsTrue @ May 10 2007,09:36)Since the following post did not receive a response in the Trinity thread, given the subject matter, I thought that I would place it here for comment.Quote (WhatIsTrue @ April 25 2007,05:03)Is 1:18 wrote:Quote Hmmm….so are you saying it would be impossible for the omnipotent, eternal SUPREME being to divest…[Read more]

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    Quote You weren't asking how someone who isn't God could be God himself.You were asking how someone who isn't God could be like God.David, what's the difference?Quote It in no way makes Jesus 'completely' different from God.  It means his existence is of a different length.  That's all it necessitates.  Anything else is your own added th…[Read more]

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    Tim2 replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 17 years, 4 months ago

    That's gonna keep me laughing for a while, Is1:18. :D

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    Quote (david @ May 10 2007,17:48)Quote How can someone who isn't God be like God?  As much of your Christology as you can would be greatly appreciated.–Page 13, Tim2How can someone who isn't God be like God?  1.  Humans aren't “God Almighy.”2.  God Almighty is divine.3.  Certain humans will be given “divine nature.”Hence, someone who isn't God…[Read more]

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    Tim2 replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 17 years, 4 months ago

    Unisage,I agree, God is a Spirit.  I don't believe in multiple Spirits, but in one Spirit, God.And I agree with you that the Holy Spirit is God.  And the Holy Spirit is the Father's Spirit, such that when the Father says, “My Spirit,” He means the Holy Spirit.What you haven't shown anyone is that the Holy Spirit is the Father.  None of your ve…[Read more]

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