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    Quote (Ed J @ Aug. 25 2011,13:07)Quote (Pastry @ Aug. 25 2011,12:54)Ed!  Yes, but we did not exist before we became flesh…..Hi Irene,Speak for yourself. (See 2Tm.1:9)God blessEd J (Joshua 22:34)http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgEd!  Then where did you come from?  Not from your Parents?  Jesus was created by Almighty God, not from the dust of the…[Read more]

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    Ed!  Yes, but we did not exist before we became flesh…..

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    Quote (Ed J @ Aug. 25 2011,12:08)Quote (Pastry @ Aug. 25 2011,12:04)Ed!  You know The Word of God who became flesh, the only begotten of the Father….. He is Yashua who's title is The Word of God and God…..I said all of that before… Only I did not say Yashua….. I said who became Jesus, all the same being….Peace IreneHi Irene,You and me…[Read more]

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    Ed! You know The Word of God who became flesh, the only begotten of the Father….. He is Yashua who's title is The Word of God and God…..I said all of that before… Only I did not say Yashua….. I said who became Jesus, all the same being….Peace Irene

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    Quote (Ed J @ Aug. 25 2011,11:49)Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 25 2011,11:39)Quote (Ed J @ Aug. 24 2011,18:28)Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 25 2011,10:56)What “only begotten”, Ed?Hi Mike,יהשוע (YÄ-shü-ă)God blessEd JOh, so Yashua was the Word who became flesh then?  Good.  I agree.Hi Mike,You changed the question.You asked who was the only begotten, not who…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Aug. 24 2011,23:50)Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 24 2011,23:27)Quote (Ed J @ Aug. 24 2011,19:06)                      Ho Logos(91)  =  Spirit(91)For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye “received the word” of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, “The Word” of G…[Read more]

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    Mike! I know what you are saying…. But how can She use the Scripture in John 14:28….Jhn 14:28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. He said:” I go unto the Father, for my Father is greater then I. Its like…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Aug. 25 2011,07:18)Quote (Pastry @ Aug. 25 2011,07:13)Quote Give God's spirit time to work on you.Ok Gene….. You can't explain Rev. 19 so you have to take to belittle me, is that what it is??? :D :D :DHi Irene,How is me explaining Rev.19:11-21 going to change your mind?I have said to you many times to compare Rev.19:11-21 with Isaiah…[Read more]

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    Quote (Paladin @ Aug. 25 2011,10:30)Quote (Pastry @ Aug. 24 2011,12:15)Quote That's all right Irene, you are not addressing any of mine to you.Back to top Paladin!  What question???Question?Who said anything about a question?Why are you changing the focus now?Paladin! Whatever I didn't address….Irene

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    Quote (Ed J @ Aug. 25 2011,07:18)Quote (Pastry @ Aug. 25 2011,07:13)Quote Give God's spirit time to work on you.Ok Gene….. You can't explain Rev. 19 so you have to take to belittle me, is that what it is??? :D :D :DHi Irene,How is me explaining Rev.19:11-21 going to change your mind?I have said to you many times to compare Rev.19:11-21 with Isaiah…[Read more]

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    Quote Give God's spirit time to work on you.EdOk Gene….. You can't explain Rev. 19 so you have to take to belittle me, is that what it is??? :D :D :D

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    Quote (Ed J @ Aug. 25 2011,07:08)Quote (Pastry @ Aug. 25 2011,06:57)To All! They didn't believe Jesus and Jesus said:” If they didn't believe me, they will also not believe you…… So when members say something against us, we will consider the source….  One day they will have to, when Jesus comes and sets all straight…IreneHi Irene,Has…[Read more]

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    Quote I don't see the name Jesus in those verses; how is it that you do?You have a lot of trouble understanding “Rev.19:11-21″is talking about The “HolySpirit”; but I can help!So the Holy Spirit has a vest on dipped in blood.  The Holy Spirit has a name written on His tight “The Word of God”  The Holy Spirit would have to be a person.  And then be…[Read more]

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    To All! They didn't believe Jesus and Jesus said:” If they didn't believe me, they will also not believe you…… So when members say something against us, we will consider the source…. One day they will have to, when Jesus comes and sets all straight…Irene

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    Quote (Ed J @ Aug. 24 2011,19:06)Quote (Pastry @ Aug. 24 2011,16:02)Kerwin, then God became flesh?  Because the Holy Spirit is of God and not that His Spirit is a separate being from God…. it is part of God…. verse 14 tells us that The Word of God also is the only begotten of the Father, so it cannot be the Holy Spirit of God, it makes no…[Read more]

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    Pastry replied to the topic The Beast Revelation in the forum Prophecy 13 years, 1 month ago

    PierreYou should use the KJV.Rev. 17:1; The great whore is a reference to the Roman Catholic church.”Sitting on many waters” – means, ruling over many nations, peoples.17:2; The pope had such power over the kings, they would do whatever the pope wished from them; and all the people followed her doctrine blindly.Rev 17:3 So he carried me away in…[Read more]

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    t8  It it so amazing that many theologians have translated these Scrioptures Psalm 83:18 that the most Highs name is Jehovah name alone….alone withPsa 68:4   Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name Jehovah and rejoice before him.  Psa 97:9   For thou, LORD, high above all the earth: thou art…[Read more]

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    Pastry replied to the topic in the forum Preexistence 13 years, 1 month ago

    Pierre!   You are so right that God through Jesus created allJhn 1:3   All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.  Col 1:15   Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:   Col 1:16   For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invis…[Read more]

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    Pastry replied to the topic in the forum Preexistence 13 years, 1 month ago

    Kerwin!  Jehovah God is not a created being, true.  But Jesus is, and He too is called God, the Son of God…. He is called God because He came forth from God…. Quote Nothing him existed at one time.  All that is exist, exists because he gives it being and in that way he is the Father of all.I don't know what you are trying to say here…. Th…[Read more]

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    Pierre! Let me answer this…. Love is an experience… Love is of God, and when He shows His love to you, you will know it…. It fills the whole hearth and room you in. Some time ago when my best friend died, at age 57 I was upset. We had talked about previously how it would be, if it hurt to die, or what it would be like. The day after She…[Read more]

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