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    Quote (Lightenup @ Sep. 09 2011,09:35)Yes, Irene, I believe that Jesus always did exist.KathiKathi! 1Th 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good Can you????Irene

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    Kathi! The Holy Father is the Pope, and the creed is from the Catholic Church which we attended……They all believe Jesus always existed…..believing in the trinity it has to be so…but is it?????/.Irene

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    Pastry replied to the topic Emmanuel in the forum Scriptural Teachings 13 years ago

    Quote John 17 :6 I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the worldCharles, How do you see this? Jesus had a glory with His Father before the world was…..What was that glory????? We, like Mike and Pierre believe that Jesus was a Spirit Being, the firstborn of all creation…..Col 1:15 He is the image of the invisible…[Read more]

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    Pastry replied to the topic Prayer for Others in the forum Prayer & Advice 13 years ago

    Will keep Her in my Prayers….. Satan is so busy, he knows he only has a short time left…..Peace Irene

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    Quote (Paladin @ Sep. 08 2011,22:41)Quote (Pastry @ Sep. 08 2011,17:57)Let me see wht other translation sayNew Living Translation (NLT) Rev 3:14 “Write this letter to the angel of the church in Laodicea. This is the message from the one who is the Amen—the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's new creation:WoW! Wonder where THAT c…[Read more]

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    Quote If you read Luke 1:36 above then you will find it states that Elizabeth conceived John the Baptist in her inner parts just like Maria did Jesus and yet you do not believe John the Baptist was also an angel changed into an one –celled human being that would grow and develop into a neonatal at birth. In fact the idea that an angel changed i…[Read more]

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    Pastry replied to the topic Prayer for Others in the forum Prayer & Advice 13 years ago

    Thank you Mark……

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    Pastry replied to the topic Prayer for Others in the forum Prayer & Advice 13 years ago

    To All! We just found out that our Daughter-in -Law that the big mass under Her armpit is cancer…….They ruled our Lymphoma, and Leukemia. But they do not know how the cancer started…. She will see the Surgeon next week, and we are looking at an operation…Needless to say we are all upset, and need your prayers for strength, and that the…[Read more]

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    Pastry replied to the topic Prayer for Others in the forum Prayer & Advice 13 years ago

    Mark! As a man I think it must be hard to cry…. But Mark it will relieve some of your stress….God knows you best, and He will do whatever is best for you….. just remember that miracles still happen, and prayers do still get answered….may God guide you in all you ways…. and one day we will have no more pain and sorrow…We pray in Jesus…[Read more]

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    Kathi!   I know what you are after….You will not convince me that both are equal and have the compound unity of Jehovah….. That is for the last time, Kathi is Jesus Fathers name only….. that is according to Scriptures.   Yes, Jehovah God has given Jesus immortality, but that does not make Jesus equal to His Father….. No one ever w…[Read more]

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    Quote o “conceive” is to “cause to be.” Prior to the conception by the Holy Spirit as recorded in Mat 1:20, Jesus existed only in prophecy.That which is conceived of the Hloly Spirit is Spirit. Jesus' spirit was the offspring of the Holy spirit. Jesus' body was “made of a woman, made after the law. Just as Eve was made from Adam's rib.Jesus did…[Read more]

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    Quote Of course I believe that Jesus was conceived by Gods Holy Spirit and became man….. That has never been an Issue with me, or others….What we do debate is does Jesus existed before He became a man….Kerwin, I said this….. Quote I have no idea what you believe the word “conceive” means but I believe it means to come to contain a dev…[Read more]

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    Ed, your just as wrong as Paladin, not seeing that in John 1:1-2 ar two beings The Word of God, WHO WAS WITH GOD…simple as that…. You on the other hand have to add the Scripture and interpret the way you want… beats me why?????Irene

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    Some of these Songs I have put here before, I think, but they are all special…     IF WITH ALL YOUR HEARTS             From Mendelssohn “Elijah” Ye people rend your hearts, rend your hearts and not your garments,For your transgressions The prophet Elijah hath sealed the heavens, through the Word of God,I therefore say to yeFore sake your idols,…[Read more]

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    Mike! Just consider that when those Scriptures in John 1:1 ans Hebrew 1:8 speak of Jesus being God, it is a title, not that Jesus is equal to Jehovah…. Throughout the Bible very seldom is His name translated the Most High God…or Jehovah. It's always either God or LORD in the Old Testament, and mostly God in the New Test.Its no wonder that…[Read more]

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    Quote John is not talking about JESUS in 1:14, he is talking about the Christian in whom Christ lives, personifying the logos of God, which is what John says “became flesh”, and when he speaks of the lgory he uses the expression “as of the only begotten son” which is a reference to the fact that Christians in whom Christ lives have the same glory…[Read more]

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    Mike! You don't ever have to worry that I go back not believing Jesus was the firstborn of all creation, or the beginning of the creation of God….. Some like Paladin and Kerwin just don;t even know what begotten really means…. They also did not read that article I put up, which explains it all….. And Webster Dictionary says begotten simple…[Read more]

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    Kathi! You want others to respect when you specify a tread, so why can't you…. You have every opportunity to reply on your tread………You went as far as having my post deleted, but you are aloud to do whatever you want to????? Respect goes both ways….

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    Quote Irene, when are you going to learn that one set of scriptures does not cancel out another?God “begets” our spirits as his children, then “adopts” our bodies to conform to the image of his son. No flesh can please God, bu those who “conform to the image of his dear son” have been adopted thereby.Paladin! And how did I do that? I didn't….…[Read more]

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    Kathi! We are all Human Beings, but we are not all the same, just like Jesus is mot the same then His Father, that is what is important….. You want to make Jesus the same then His Father who by Jesus own words is greater then He is….. You will never convince me that Jesus is called Jehovah, that is the Father name ALONE……Peace Irene

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