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    Pastry replied to the topic in the forum Preexistence 13 years ago

    Kerwin! The Soul is not the Spirit, the Soul is our bodies….The breath of live is our Spirit, which goes back to God who gave it, at death…..Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

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    Quote I agree but I will also point out that you are making a similar error it is clear that a Son is of the same kind as his physical Sire and since Jehovah is of the physical God kind then Jesus would also be of the physical God kind just like Jehovah. That obvious point caused the Trinitarians a problem since they also hold there is only one…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 10 2011,13:26)Now WHERE did THAT come from?  “SUCH AS”?  But I thought the word “whether” meant that ONLY those things mentioned were created through Jesus!   :D  :laugh:  :D And this, from Paladin's new favorite translation!  Oooh, that's got to hurt.  :)Mike! That is why I like the Blue Letter Bible on the Internet, I can look a…[Read more]

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    Quote O.K. Irene, Let's see if you bleieve the words of John and Paul? ? ?John 6:62 What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before?TRINITY ARGUMENT: Since Jesus said that he was going to return back up to where he was before, he must have been in heaven, and therefore, must have been God.Paladin! Lets see what your favorite…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 10 2011,13:43)Hi Princess,Nice avatar.  :)  Do you have any idea why the ancients settled on THREE in their Godheads?mike!  You asked princess a question, I hope princess don't mind if I say something about it.  At that time when Constantine was the Roman Emperor, He changed so much. Gods Calendar became the Roman C.  th…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 10 2011,09:09)Quote (Pastry @ Sep. 08 2011,23:35)Kathi!  Jesus is not Deity, never was…. If Jesus was Deity like His Father, He would have never been able to come to earth and die for us.Good point Irene.  :)Thanks Mike….. :D :D :D

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    Quote Nope! Not in the Greek in that verse.Scripture teaches that God the father alone created all things.Jesus created all things new.Paladin! You pick on one Scripture, and that is not even so…… God through Jesus created all…..And what Scripture says that Jesus created all things new????New Living Translation (NLT) Col 1:16 for through him…[Read more]

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    Quote Group: Regular MembersPosts: 714Joined: Oct. 2010 Posted: Sep. 06 2011,07:40 EDIT QUOTEHi  Mike, I just read all of this….. I thought it pretty funny that Kathi does not want to discuss Scriptures with you…. Maybe that is what I should have done to Her….. What is She afraid of????Maybe She knows She can't  proof the compound doctrine S…[Read more]

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    Kathi! Again Jesus is not Deity, so you were not afraid to face Mike…. I don't kno9w for the world what you want me to prove…. That I said that? Ore if is true?The Jehovah Unity between Jesus and His Father, is not true….and this Scripture proves itPsa 83:18 That may know that thou, whose name alone JEHOVAH, the most high over all the…

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    Pastry replied to the topic Puns for Educated Minds in the forum Chatroom 13 years ago

    Pierre! At this time, when we are at the end of our days…. and then find out that one of our loved ones might die, it brought tears to my eyes….. Thank you for it….please pray for our Daughter-In-Law Debbie, She is looking at a bad time to come…… She has a growth under Her Armpit and it is cancer…… details are on the prayer tread…..

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    Pastry replied to the topic Where is God? in the forum View Points 13 years ago

    TK It is not John who gave us the New Covenant it is Jesus, under His blood.Luk 22:20 Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup the new Covenant in my blood, which is shed for you. And then Jesus gave us the Great Commandments in Mat 22:36 Master, which the great commandment in the law? Mat 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou…[Read more]

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    Pastry replied to the topic Prayer for Others in the forum Prayer & Advice 13 years ago

    Quote (thehappyman @ Sep. 09 2011,06:34)Beloved Prayer warriers   We shall keep her in our prayers as well , I just recieved news that my great nice Kimberley is in the emergency room for having seizers and that she has MSD, please keep her in your prayers as well. She went to the college where she goes and pasted out and had an seizer. She is…[Read more]

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    Pastry replied to the topic Prayer for Others in the forum Prayer & Advice 13 years ago

    Hello again! We have an update on our Daughter-In_Law Debbie. She went to the Surgeon yesterday, and He wants to do more testing…. He believes it could be Bone Cancer. He also wants to do Radiation Treatments for 6 Weeks…. Debbie does not want to do so…. Needless to say She is very upset. Please pray for strength and patience and…[Read more]

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    Pastry replied to the topic in the forum Preexistence 13 years ago

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 08 2011,13:45)Kathi,Jesus is called by the title “god”, just as Satan is.  Do you assert that Satan is also without beginning?Other than that, I know of Col 2:9, where it is said that the fullness of THE Deity dwells in bodily form in the person of Jesus.  But we already knew that from Col 1:15, right?What scriptures are y…[Read more]

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    Quote (kerwin @ Sep. 09 2011,14:13)Irene,Quote Let me see what other translation sayI agree that Rev 3:14 is hard to understand as the Greek word used in the original manuscripts is approximately similar to the English word “leader” and therefore has different meanings according to the context.  Never the less I believe we both agree that Jesu…[Read more]

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    Quote You can sure dish out the accusations but you can't take them, Irene. And you have dished out many false accusations against me, on this page alone you have dished out two.Kathi! MANY FALSE ACCUSATION AGAINST YOU? Which ones….. So I said you invented the doctrine of the Jehovah Unity…..Oh, I am so sorry I said 'invented” what else did…[Read more]

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    Kathi!Colossians 1:15 – Did Jesus Have a BeginningHe is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. — Colossians 1:15One claims that Colossians 1:15-20 makes no sense except in the context that there is a trinity. And, yet, in order to get the trinity doctrine into the the verses, one has use the great human spirit of ima…[Read more]

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    Quote Think about it, Irene.  You don't like accusations towards you but you dish them out towards others.  The problem is when one dishes out accusations that aren't true.  You shouldn't dish out false accusations against others.  God doesn't condone that.-KathiAccording to you I dished out the accusation that Jesus was created…. However I giv…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 09 2011,12:54)Quote (Lightenup @ Sep. 09 2011,16:35)Yes, Irene, I believe that Jesus always did exist.KathiIreneKathi believes what trinitarian believe that Christ always existed and that he was not created,so she disagree with scriptures,like Col; Col 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all…[Read more]

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    Kathi!  Jesus is not Deity, never was…. If Jesus was Deity like His Father, He would have never been able to come to earth and die for us.The only one that is Deity is  His Father…..The everlasting one,.The self-existing oneThe immortal one….Jesus did not always existed, He had a beginning….Col. 1:15 and Rev. 3L:14Jhn 5:26   For as the Fa…[Read more]

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