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    Quote (Raziel @ Oct. 14 2011,01:09)Quote (Pastry @ Oct. 13 2011,10:38)Quote (Raziel @ Oct. 13 2011,05:46)Before I reply to any of these quotes I have a question. What are you all going to do on halloween?  Normal day? Christian halloween? Got something planed that so happens to be on halloween on coincidence?  I was going to evening church but w…[Read more]

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    Quote (princess @ Oct. 14 2011,10:07)Quote I disagree with defense and find it blasphemous to say something was added to the bible because of man's input. i think of the word as 100% God's word.Man added to the what you call the bible, and also took away. Tis documented fact, the catholic church decided for you what your bible was going to be.you…[Read more]

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    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 14 2011,11:04)All, including Mike,There are three. Theres the Son, the Father, & the Holy Spirit.This is all in scripture.  The Holy Spirit is here now. The Father is in heaven. The Son is in heaven.  God is the Father and source of all.The Son Jesus is under God. Jesus tells us to worship the Father.The Holy Spirit is from e…[Read more]

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    Quote (carmel @ Oct. 13 2011,02:20)Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 12 2011,11:40)Quote (carmel @ Oct. 11 2011,00:33)Although He is another,since there's no logic with God,it is the same one God.The word “another” tells us there are TWO, not one.Quote (carmel @ Oct. 11 2011,00:33)1Corintians 3:23  And you are Christ's; and Christ is God's. 23 and you are…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 13 2011,10:03)Quote (Raziel @ Oct. 12 2011,13:25)That is the reason I disagree with the God hates faggots signs.Leviticus 20:13 If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.I stand by GOD'S words, not our…[Read more]

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    Quote (Raziel @ Oct. 13 2011,05:46)Before I reply to any of these quotes I have a question. What are you all going to do on halloween?  Normal day? Christian halloween? Got something planed that so happens to be on halloween on coincidence?  I was going to evening church but was wrongly told it took place on a Sunday and it turns out it's a M…[Read more]

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    Shimmer, since the Orthodox Churches are similar to the Catholic Church I will not go there….This is also an article about that Church… Whether the Catholic Church is the original Church that Jesus founded, I don;t know, if their claim us true…. We have two Books, one Book that state it was Constantine who founded the Universal Church….Or…[Read more]

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    What gets me, that people go to Hunted Houses, and get scared out of their minds… Just like listen to those scary Movies….Satan has them all brainwashed…. to put a young man in a play to portray Satan????……

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    Quote there is no sting of death ,because there is no dead,Pierre! Tell that to someone who just lost their So in the war!!!!! my Mother did, I have felt that sting ever since… living without my real Father….Irene

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    mike! Does the NWT say in John8:58 “I have been. rather then I am…Irene

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    Mark! Do you go the Mass? Do you participate? You sing with them? So you must stay for the Mass….And what kind of Songs do you sing???….And what about saying the creed? I miss the fellowship also, but Scriptures tell us to come out of Her my people….And Mark, why did you leave and come back???? I don't understand…. But I said this before…[Read more]

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    Hi shimmer!  Yes, the Catholic Church does call the Pope Holy Father. Not only that, he is also called VICARIVS FIL[[ DEI which means VICAR of the Son of God…..Mark said that is not written on the triple crown the Pope wears, but when we went to the Catholic Church from birth til-1984 the Pope did wear one…and it was one the crown then….…[Read more]

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    Quote (Raziel @ Oct. 11 2011,13:40)A witch is one who practices witch craft and believe in paganism. A child who goes out for candy as spider man is not a witch but a child. God judges the heart and if one's heart is not of satan then no bad judgment will go through him/her.Is that of God? i don't think so….A child will also buy anything, and…[Read more]

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    Quote A church will tell you that you are going to hell when you don't part your hair the right way.A Church will tell you a lot of things which are not true… Take the trinity, three persons in one God…. That is not according to Scriptures… And there is no hell….. a lake of fire maybe, but hell is a Gehenna, a hole in the ground where the…[Read more]

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    Quote (Raziel @ Oct. 11 2011,10:03)That is true. Lest keep in mind there is a very big difference between kids eating food, having candy, dressing up and having a good with witch craft hexes burning people alive etc. To celebrate halloween satans way is not the commercial way but to do all the black magick stuff and etc.Hey, they still are…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 09 2011,14:36)It seems to me that Paul is listing his spirit as something OTHER THAN his mind/intellect.Is this perhaps another use of “spirit” that doesn't fit into your “one size fits all” understanding?  ??Hi Mike! This is what Georg and I believe also….Irene

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    Richard! Any time you do something that has the name or customs of demons, witches etc. you walking on a fine line…..Satan in these end times is very busy…. and we who want to have Christ in our lives, should be aware of it, and not participate in those feasts…..it is simple wrong….no matter what day it is….Peace and Love Irene

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    Hi Mark, Richard and shimmer! Hope all is well…Was reading some of the posts made here…. I also was wondering is it really OK with God to stay in a Church that teaches wrong doctrines? To mind comes this Scriptures that says Jhn 4:24 God a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship in spirit and in truth. I am not going to judge you…[Read more]

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    Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 10 2011,22:06)Quote (Pastry @ Oct. 08 2011,17:20)Quote (shimmer @ Oct. 06 2011,08:22)Irene that is GOOD! God is watching over you. I will never forget the feeling and I am continually reminded of it on a daily basis. God heals, and God saves us, through his righteous son Jesus. He takes our burdens, renews our strength, and…[Read more]

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    I used my magnifying glass and read some of your post….About Christmas….Jesus was not born on that day…. But a Sun God did…. Would you celebrate your Sons Birthday on Hitlers Birthday? I don't think so….When was Jesus born? We need a Gods Calendar to figure it out the Month Jesus was born…. I also find it interesting that the Bible…[Read more]

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