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    Mike, Kathi, t8 and William! Thank you for your kind words…. I come here to seek love and understanding from my Brethren…. I am waiting at Home, to hear from our Son what happened with the Baby. Ralph our Son wanted me to stay Home, since it is so stressful for me…. However it is harder when you can't be there with them…I can only pray…[Read more]

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    Quote (Lightenup @ Nov. 09 2011,21:47)Irene,What difficult times you are facing!  As always we are to keep our eyes on Jesus during the storm and during the calm.  He is the lifter of your head.http://www.womensministry.net/public….art.cfmMy prayers are with you, your family, and the others injured.  May God give His healing touch and comfort at…[Read more]

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    WM, shimmer, and Mike thank you for your advice…We have not said to much to Ralph, and He has had many visitors that care so much for Him…. He is in shock still and acts like nothing happened….He also has a Pastor that  was His best man at the Wedding, who talks to Ralph all the time… Then He has the Pastor of Debbie's Church and a…[Read more]

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    Thank you shimmer and Katji all prayers ared very much appreciated….Peace and Love Irene

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    Please all pray for our Family, we lost Debbie our Daughter-In-Law, they just got married on Oct.15…….. She died in  Car Accident, lst night….. Irene

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    We have been hit again…. Satan is trying his best to upset us all… Now two of our Daughters-In-Laws have cancer…. Debbie who hs cancer under Her armpit, had radiation treatment and it seems She is doing better…. We still are looking at an operation to remove the cancer completely….please pray for Debbie….Christy our other…[Read more]

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    Thank God for His mercy, and thank you for bring the prayer requests to us,happyman…..

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    Quote If you want to judge, then judge, I cannot help that . but one day you will understand. Peace and love Irene- I hope ya'll are well-MarkMark! No I am not going to judge anyone….this site is for debating Scriptures and that is what I am doing…. I also wanted to show you, staying in the Catholic Church is not the best situation to all…[Read more]

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    Quote (shimmer @ Nov. 05 2011,17:55)I remember reading clearly in scripture the wicked dead are sent to the lake of fire to burn in torment forever, and people said thats what happens. I had heard a different side (from the JWs). So I thought maybe the eternal torment believers were telling the truth. They were the majority. I was angry at God if…[Read more]

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    Quote Group: Regular MembersPosts: 1294Joined: Dec. 2009 Posted: Nov. 04 2011,22:14 QUOTEOh Irene. I am not taking anyone down. I say what I do not agree with. I do the same thing with my church. You do too. You have said some very bad things about me and my church, what I have said does not come close to the judgements you have thrown at me.…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 05 2011,09:17)Quote (Pastry @ Nov. 03 2011,19:39)Even if the Scripture in Ecc. and Psalms, means for a long time, there is still Malachi to deal with… If God will destroy the earth completely the Saints will not walk on the surface of the earth..Hi Irene,Can't the saints walk on the surface of the NEW earth?Mike! I…[Read more]

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    Quote Hi Mike,For the record I agree with the JW's and Irene on this one as well.If you want to discuss this with me at greater length, let me know? :)God blessEd J (Joshua 22:34)http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgHi Ed! I am curious how did you come to that understanding also?Peace Irene

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    Mark, Pierre and all! There are a lot of Scriptures and to sort them all out, only those who have Gods Holy Spirit will understand…. There is no way all truths are being known or even grasped…. God in His wisdom will let us know in due time…..Mark, you say I said sad things to you, are they true? You should know…Why are you denying how…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 04 2011,20:28)God has the power to know at any second how many hairs you have on your head. God has the power to cross 7 universes and 9 Galaxys in a nanosecond. God has the power to die and rise from the grave. God can completely renew the earth while we watch, and we can dwell on a brand new world without sin. God can…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 04 2011,16:36)irenepay attention to gen;1;1 and see what it says GOD CREATED THE HEAVEN ,AND THE EARTH but the heaven was created first then the earth ,and  the heaven is not the sky what it is ,this is the heaven of God ,pay attention to what is written into the days of creation,so when it says that God will shake the…[Read more]

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    Nicene CreedFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIcon depicting Emperor Constantine (center) and the Fathers of the First Council of Nicaea of 325 as holding the Niceno–Constantinopolitan Creed of 381 The Nicene Creed (Latin: Symbolum Nicaenum) is the creed or profession of faith (Greek: Σύμβολον τῆς Πίστεως) that is most widely used in C…[Read more]

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    Pierre! You are right on… When Jesus will come again He will smite the nations with a sword of the wrath of GodRev 19:11 ¶ And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. Rev 19:12 His eyes as a flame of fire, and on his head many…[Read more]

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    Quote fear him. Also, the things i read from the tracts they leave do not make scriptural sense to me. You condemn the Catholic church as being Babylon and the Pope is the anti- christ and support him? They are all flawed Irene. Only God is good. Only God's word is truth. Like you quoted, God is spirit. Jesus and the Father are one. They are one.…[Read more]

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    Quote (Kangaroo Jack Jr. @ Nov. 04 2011,07:34)Thank you Irene and Keith!JackYou welcome, Jack…Peace Irene

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 04 2011,11:51)Hi Irene,Then you believe like the JWs on this matter.  I agree with them on many subjects, but not on this one.  Of course, this is the first time I've even discussed this subject at any length, and I haven't ever delved into it.  As impossible as it sounds, I could be wrong!   :D  :laugh:  :D But read what I told…[Read more]

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