IM4Truth replied to the topic The deadly wound, Rev. 13:3 in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 8 months ago
Hi 942767; I think you would find my topic, “The King of the north”, interesting.
IM4Truth replied to the topic Original Sin in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 8 months ago
Hello Tim, that would be the beginning of you becoming a liar.
IM4Truth replied to the topic Trinity Challenge #2 in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 8 months ago
This is Mrs. IM4Truth, Are you making fun of the scriptures? I don't think Jesus appreciates you saying what you just did. I don't like what you wrote either. Read Ephesian 4:4-6 that scripture should clear up your confusion about the trinity Doctrine. Men invented it and it is wrong. I used to be in the Cath. Church and know what the trini…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Proof that universalism isn't true in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 8 months ago
Hi ChapYou posted an interesting topic.The problem of misunderstanding these scriptures, begins with our Pastors who preach, unless you are saved now or before you die, you go to hell.Did anybody ever wonder what the millennium is for? If all the saved go to heaven, and all the unsaved go to hell; who is left? Christ is going to rule and reign for…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 17 years, 8 months ago
Hi acertainchap! You are so welcome. I am happy that I could help. Good luck in further studies of the Bible. Once you have God's Holy Spirit, and seek him, you have, He will show you more and more truth's. In Christian Love Mrs. IM4Truth
IM4Truth replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 17 years, 8 months ago
Hi acertainchap! This is Mrs. IM4Truth. Please dont give up. Read the Bible daily. Not3in1 is giveing you good advise; I do want to add a couple of scriptures that has helped me. We came out of the Cath.Church and I taught the trinity doctrine to our Childreen, so I know what it teaches. THREE PERSONS IN ONE AND EACH IS EQUAL IN POWER. THE…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Original Sin in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 8 months ago
Hello Chap, Tim and allBabylon and Tyre are examples; they were two powerful kingdoms, but their pride and self confidence brought about their downfall too. Their legacy is a comparison to Lucifer/Satan. I'm sure you are all familiar with the history of the two kingdoms.Lucifer was the pinnacle of God's creation. He was one of the original…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Original Sin in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 8 months ago
Hello acertainchapAll things were created;Col. 1:16 “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominion, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him.”That includes Lucifer, his original name; means light bringer, or bright morning…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic The image of the beast, Rev. 13 in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 8 months ago
Ken, how do you know when you are let by the Holy Spirit, and when not?
IM4Truth replied to the topic The image of the beast, Rev. 13 in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 8 months ago
Ken, all I can say is, I tried
IM4Truth replied to the topic The image of the beast, Rev. 13 in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 8 months ago
Hi kenrch, this reply is to your post under “The mark of the beast.”I do appreciate your enthusiasm.Ken, sea and earth are metaphors. Sea does not mean ocean or real water, it means the sea of nations. Coming up out of this sea means, one nation grew stronger than the others and rose up above the rest, conquered them. The beast in Rev. 13:1 is…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic The mark of the beast, Rev. 13 in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 8 months ago
Hi kenrch, Ken I know you meant to post this reply under “the image of the beast”, that is were I responded.
IM4Truth replied to the topic The image of the beast, Rev. 13 in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 8 months ago
Hi kenrchHeaven above is used to show the place of all authority. Heaven on earth is used to symbolize a place of religious authority. The Vatican is the heaven/place of the Popes authority. Mecca is the heaven/place for who ever is the authority for the Muslims. The Buddhist, the Hindus, all religions have a heaven/place of authority.The second…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic The deadly wound, Rev. 13:3 in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 8 months ago
942767: The events you refer too in Ez. 38 and in Zech. 14, are in fact about to come to pass. The problems in the middle-east are just the beginning of the end. But they have nothing to do with the deadly wound. The wound was given to one of the seven heads/kingdoms. The seven heads/kingdoms…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic The image of the beast, Rev. 13 in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 8 months ago
kenrch: No Ken, you reading it wrong; The image is not a conquering kingdom; The image is a religious organization; The image is imitating Rome; Rome was a conquering kingdom. I did explain heaven. The image has never performed any miracles or wonders, except make people…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic The image of the beast, Rev. 13 in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 9 months ago
acertainchap; I'm not sure what number you referring too, 1260 or 666. In the book of Daniel are many numbers mentioned, that are for the end time; we are in it. They are meant to be understood. I know nothing about Astrology or Tarot Cards, I don't even read horrorscopes.kenrch:…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Daniel 9:27 in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 9 months ago
Hello LamontreYes, you are absolutely, and so is 942767, who made mention of Dan.12:11. Jesus, in Mat. 24:15even says, “the abomination spoken of by Daniel”.Let me just summarize what I said in my topic. Also, there are two more points in v. 27, which I did not get into before, but will do it now. I will also address Dan. 12:11+12.I started by…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Daniel 9:27 in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 9 months ago
My reply is to both of you, Lamontre and 942767I'm reading from the “King James Version”, the Ryrie study bible; have been for over 20 years.I have a NIV, a James Moffat, and several other versions. I personally find the King James the most accurate and reliable of all.What you quoted from the NIV, Lamontre, (I tried to bring up as a quote what…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Daniel 9:27 in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 9 months ago
Hi 942767Try reading verse 25 this way, now notice, I am not changing the words, I only restructure the verse.9:25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem, shall be seven weeks,even in troubles times, and threescore and two weeks unto the Messiah the Prince.9:26 And after…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Daniel 9:27 in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 9 months ago
Good morning LamontreMy point is; Dan. 9:27 is not about Antichrist, it's all about Jesus Christ.
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