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    Ken Read Exodus 32:15 that was the Law, and I believe that was nailed on the cross. Notice the tablets were written on both sides. Read my Post again. You quoted what the Law was and the only once who keeps that Law today are the Jewish People. Since you keep the Sabbath do you keep it in any Church or do you keep it at Home? I don't keep…[Read more]

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    IM4Truth replied to the topic New World Order? in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 8 months ago

    Hi ChapMay I suggest you read my topic on “Head number seven”?As for Antichrist I suggest reading, “The image of the beast” Bless you

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    Hello Mr Steve, and welcome Thank you for your concern.I stand by what I wrote in my topic.Read the scriptures I quoted again, and give yourself a little time to think what they say. To often we just respond because we have our mind made up what they say. I feel my explanations were sufficient, so I have nothing else to add.I have several topics…[Read more]

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    Right on TimPaul tells us in; 1 Cor. 15:22 “For as in Adam ALL DIE, even so in Christ SHALL ALL be made alive.” And let's not forget what Jesus said;John 3:13 “And NO MAN has ascended up to heaven,…”Besides, hear is what we read in;Heb. 9:27 “And as it is appointed unto men ONCE TO DIE, but after this the judgment.”You're right michaels, God…[Read more]

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    David Just have to tell you how I came to buy the “The Two Babylons” We were in the Cath. Church all our lives. When my Husband listened to the World Tomorrow Program Mr. Armstrong was talking against the Cath, Church. Since I was very active in the Church, I was not happy at all. So I set out to prove Mr. Armstrong wrong, and I went to a…[Read more]

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    Nick Thank you and you are right we have to be born from above and receive Gods Holy Spirit. That is how we become Brothers in Christ. I am so thankful to God that He send His Son, so we can have eternal Life. Peace Mrs.IM4truth

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    Ken No the Law has not changed, the letter of the law has changed. There are two sides to the tablet of the stone that God gave to Moses. It was the Ordinanses that Christ nailed to the cross, He is the perfect sacrifice. Christ fulfilled the Law and Magnified it. The sermon on the Mount tells us that If you are angry with your Brother, you…[Read more]

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    Sorry, Dan. 9:27 is under “Biblical Prophecy” same page, 1

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    Hi every oneI see this topic is two years old, but it is still an interesting topic. I only hope that some one will still look at it. I like to add my understanding to it.Cubes; your post touches a lot of subjects.The Dome of the rock is not the abomination; please read my topic “Dan. 9:27”, Scripture & Doctrinepage one.The temple was destroyed,…[Read more]

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    Laurel and No3in1 Have been reading all of your posts and I am so glad it turned out with an apology. I agree with you Laurel on Christmas and Easter. We have not had a Christmas tree in our Homes since 1984 when God called us. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. It was always a Family affair with us. It tore our Family apart. But my…[Read more]

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    chosenone By Faith in Christ we are made perfect. Not of our self lest anyone should boast. It is ironic that you are posting this. I am currently working on a new topic about the two covenant. I am a slow typist because I have Arthritis in my Hands, so it is going to take awhile before I can Post it. You are right. Paul says Eternal Life is a…[Read more]

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    Michael's and Nick How do you explain Eph. 2:8 For by Grace you have been saved through Faith and that not of ourselves; it is the gift of God, verse 9 not of works lest anyone should boast.Romans 3:28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the Law.Mrs.IM4Truth

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    Michael's& Nick I would like to ask you, What you understand about what grace is? Krs.IM4Truth

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    Seems to me, that would make the Holy Spirit the father of the son!?IM4Truth

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    CB Jesus is not the almighty God,our Heavenly Father is the YHWH and the all powerful God. The Doctrine of the trinity was created by a Man. You mention Hyperstacy and that is how I found out that you belief in that doctrine. I had asked you in another Post if you believed in that Doctrine, but you never answered me. As far as the scripture…[Read more]

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    Hi Kejonn! In a way you should be glad that you lost your class, it is very hard to come out of that system. We lost a lot of so called friends because we left the Cath. Church in 1984. And again when the W.W.C. of God split. Now we don't attend no church. I do miss the fellowship, but I will always follow the truth and in a way it has set me…[Read more]

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    Laurel! You are absolutely right about these Holidays, they are all Pagan. Do you know who started all of this? The Babylonian had existed before Christ, that is were all these Holidays originated. Also Child sacrifice. Sun worship etc. Jews used Lambs for their Sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. Even tho Nimrod was a Jew. There were good…[Read more]

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    Hi chapTechnically you're right, because, the moment Lucifer conceived the idea to overthrow God, he became the adversary, Satan.

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    IM4Truth replied to the topic Hell in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Nick … does any one believe; Ez. 18:20 The soul that sinneth it shall die,..The bible clearly states, the breath of God gave man life, not a soul.Who is it that speaks when you do?

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    Hi TimWhen Lucifer s attempt to overthrow God failed, he was cast down to earth;Jesus is speaking in,Luke 10:18 “…I beheld Satan as lightening fall from heaven.”Satan was already on this earth, when God created the garden for Adam and Eve, he was right there to spoil God's plan. Satan didn't know that testing his creation,was God's plan. Satan,…[Read more]

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