IM4Truth replied to the topic Trinity – t8's proof text #1 in the forum Debates 17 years, 7 months ago
WJ I have to say something real quick, I too have to go, but if what you are saying is true the scriptures contradicts because of what it says inEphesians 4:4-6There is one body, one Spirit, just as you were called in on hope of your calling;one Lord, one faith, one baptism.ONE GOD AND FATHER OF ALL WHO IS ABOVE ALL AND IN US ALL.Peace Mrs.
IM4Truth replied to the topic Jn.13:34 in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 7 months ago
TimotyVI Oh, I see. Thank you Mrs.
IM4Truth replied to the topic Are we born with SIN? in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 7 months ago
The topic question is; “Are we born with sin?”, the answer to that is very simple, NO; we are however born in sin. Only when children become old enough to know the difference between right and wrong, can they be held responsible. We know the bible teaches, the wages for sin is death. How then is it that infants and little children die, who have no…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic My Gospel says Paul in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 7 months ago
Michaels John died just like all Humans at the Island of patmos were He wrote the Book of Revelation. What makes you think that I have judged you and want you to burn in Hell. I never said that. Why do you think I am trying to show you were you are wrong, it is done out of Love. Please understand that we are all short of the glory of God and need…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Very dissapointed. in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 7 months ago
Charity I read some of your previous Post were you talk about the Covenant that God made with David.Is that what you believe in, not the Covenant that God made with Israel on Mount Sinai?I would like to know more about that if you Please!Peace Mrs.
IM4Truth replied to the topic feasts and offerings in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 7 months ago
michaels It was not Paul who brought about the divisions in the Churches. You sure do not know your Bible History. It was first the Roman emperors who killed Millions of Christians including Paul, and then it was the Catholic Church who killed millions more. The Christians were not aloud to read the Bible, if they did they first were tortured…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Very dissapointed. in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 7 months ago
Charity Your Posts are like Poetry. God really gave you a gift to use words the way I have never seen done before. Most just give scriptures and a few words and that is all. Yours is like Music. You have been here for a year. I never see you arguing with someone, I really appreciate that. I have been drawn into some and I tell myself the next…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Jn.13:34 in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 7 months ago
TimothyVI You could be right, but He said that Jesus was speaking of His Father being the light. I just read it again. In any event I just think that we should all pray for Him. For that matter we could all stand each others prayers. I will do.Peace and Love Mrs.
IM4Truth replied to the topic Very dissapointed. in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 7 months ago
Charity Was just now reading your Post. It seems to me that you have a lot of Love in your Heart. Yeswonder too how that is going to be to stand in front of God and make an account of everything we ever did. I am not always proud of my ways, and I am glad that God has send us a Savior Jesus Christ who has given His Life for us, so we can live.…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Jn.13:34 in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 7 months ago
Michaels, Michaels can you not read ——my Bible saysJohn 8:12 Then JESUS spoke to them again saying, ” I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have light of life.”I T W A S j E S U S S P E A K I N G.if you cant see that t8 is right, you lost your way. Good luck to you.Peace and Love Mrs.
IM4Truth replied to the topic Love one another as I have loved you in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 17 years, 7 months ago
Chap You are one of the nicest person that I have met on this Website. I have really APPRECIATED your sincerity and your Love. Let it always shine like that chap. If I am staying depends on a lot of things, you know! You keep up the good work there are some very good persons on here. I am having a hard time right now. Will see if Gods willing.…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic First born of creation in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 7 months ago
Jodi I am not making up stories, all I have been doing is giving you is scriptures. All you doing give me other scriptures that have nothing to do with preexisting. Why?Again John 17:5John 6:62Col.1:16-17_18Rev. 3:14Hebrew 1:2You would do yourself a favor and look at these scriptures. Not me. I am done with this.Mrs.
IM4Truth replied to the topic Is the anti-christ in our world now? in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 7 months ago
Hey Chap, have you read my topic “The image of the beast, Rev. 13”?you find it under “Biblical Prophecy”.It may help you with some of your questions.Bless you
IM4Truth replied to the topic First born of creation in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 7 months ago
Why do we as children call our father, father? because he gave us live. Why do we call our heavenly Father, Father? because he is the giver of all live. That is the definition of father, “giver of live”.Why does Jesus, his son, call the Father, Father? because the father gives live to the son. Mary conceived through the Holy Spirit, should not the…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Covenants in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 7 months ago
942767 What I meant was, that I have Gods Commandment written in my Heart, and keep the Ten Commandment according to the innward man. Since Sin is not imputed to us. Jesus did die for all of our sins past, present and future. Does that give us a right to sin, certainly not. I must strife to become more Christ like. Let the mind that was in…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic My Gospel says Paul in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 7 months ago
Michaels LOVE GOD WITH YOUR WHOLE HEART ANDY O U R N E I G H B O R A S Y O U R S E L FT H O S E A R E T H E G R E A T E S T C O M M A ND M E N T S O F A L L.Sorry, but all me have been seeing from your writings is that you judge, even the Apostles who lost their lives for Jesus. Ask for wisdom and Gods Holy spirit.Will pray for…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic First born of creation in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 7 months ago
Jodi If He was first , He was first in everything is that not what scripture is saying? If God says that He created through Jesus the world then He had to be there, how else could Jesus create all.Hebrew 1:2………….through whom He also created the world.” You are giving scriptures that supports that Jesus was there, when the world was…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic First born of creation in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 7 months ago
Jodi No Jesus was called the firsborn of the dead, besides the firstborn of all creation.
IM4Truth replied to the topic First born of creation in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 7 months ago
Jodi To me it simply does not make sense that God had to create Wisdom, when He was all Wise and Almighty in every way. Do not understand WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO SAY? No He did not lie, He was talking about the Jesus that became flesh. Everybody gets mixed up. It was Jesus who had preeminence in all. He became man, in order to die for us. What…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Do you believe the theory of Evolution to be true? in the forum Creation & Science 17 years, 7 months ago
David Thank you for your Articles. What makes me sad is, that our Grandchildren have to learn about evolution. Thanks to the A.C.L.U.Mrs.
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