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    kejonn Would you explain John 17:5 ” And now O' Father glorify Me together with yourself with the glory which I had with you before the world was. John 6:62 ” What then if you should see the Son of man ascend WHERE HE WAS BEFORE?COL. 1:15 ” He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.verse 16 For by Him all things were…[Read more]

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    Hi Mandy This is really a rough one. I know that you are filled with so much Love and want to share on the Day when the world, to some degree, shows love to some unfortunate children and give them all kinds of material Food etc. I really had a bad time with this too. But it is a fact that Christ first of all was not born on Dec. 25 and Nimrod…[Read more]

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    Charity and Mandy! You are not going to believe this, after I prayed tonight I could feel your spirits like you were right in the room with me. This has happened to me before when my best friend died and I was thinking of Her, the whole Room that I was in was filled with Love. It is so powerful and you know not everybody feels so deeply either.…[Read more]

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    W.J. What is the whole Point. Is it not that you believe in the trinity and t8 does not? Leave me out of your argument. I just gave you scripture. How you interpret that is your problem not mine. I do not believe in the trinity, because I have proven to myself that it is wrong. How? The trinity believes that all three are co-equal. And do not…[Read more]

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    W.J. Oh, yes Jesus did say what t8 said in Psalm 82:6 andJohn 10:34-36So God be my witness I just read it in my K.J. Bible.What is that called what you just did?I don't understand do you ever check on scripture before you make a statement that turns out to be false?I don't like to get in between others discussions, but this is not right to do…[Read more]

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    942767 I can barely read the above Post without having tears in my eyes. Knowing some of the miseries of war firsthand, I went through the bombing in Germany as a child, know what fear is and how those children must be suffering not to speak of the Christians that gave their lives for Christ and still doing it. So much miseries. All we can do is…[Read more]

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    not3in1 You are bringing tears to my eyes. Freedom indeed and a free gift from God.What a wonderful God and Savior we have.I wonder at times how many people are aware of all of the wonderful gifts that God has given us.Thanks to our Savior and our Heavenly Father.Peace and Love Mrs.

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    Mandy Have a good time this coming Weekend.Good night In Christian Love and Peace Mrs.

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    Mandy Yes Charity is such an inspiration and like to join you in Prayer to our Heavenly Father. In times like this when we are struggling to understand, we need to hold on to each other. Mandy there is a Bell on Charitys Rhymes that I received from someone and have shared there, have you read it? You will be in my Prayers tonightWith all the…[Read more]

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    Dear Father I like to add to consider the children in this world, were there is so much filth and sorrow.Thank you for everything that you have provided here for us, even with those that we don't even know. But they believe in you and want to pray to you that you will Bless us and keep us in your Love until you will return. Come Jesus…[Read more]

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    t8 take it while you can, believe me time passes very quickly. Some might think I am kidding, but I am not.Peace and Love Mrs.

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    Charity You are so right, I rather talk about what Love is what Jesus taught us. That is the New Commandments that He gave us. To Love God with all of our Hearts and our neighbor as thyself. And these are the GREATEST COMMANDMENTS OF ALL. So many of us forget to look at the Sermon on the Mount. I am also guilty of that. We all are slack at times…[Read more]

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    THE NEW COVENANT Luke 22:20 likewise he also took the cup after super saying, THIS CUP IS THE NEW COVENANT IN MY BLOOD WHICH IS SHED FOR YOU.Mark 12:30 “And you shall love the LORD your God with all of your Heart, with all of your soul, with all of your mind ,and with all of your strength. This is the first Commandment.verse 31 ” And the…[Read more]

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    Laurel Romans 14:13 Judge not so you may not be judgedI do keep the commandment, but spiritual according to the new Covenant that Jesus gave us. and that you do not understand. I am so sorry that you think you have to keep the Feasts. You have put yourself under the law and have fallen from Grace. You would do well to do a study on the Covenant.…[Read more]

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    Ken The Old Testament law I believe and my Husband shares that , is both the Ten Commandments and the sacrificial Laws and both were inside the ark. They were written on two Tablets. Deut. 10:5 Then I turned came down from the mountain, and put the TABLETS in the ark which I had made, and there they are, just as the LORD commanded. My Husband…[Read more]

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    Gen My Husband thinks that people in the Millenium will have Gods Holy Spirit. I don't see why they would not. Is there a scripture that proves your belief?Peace and Love Mrs.

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    Ken One thing in your article I would like for you to give me a scripture toWere does it say that the Law was placed on the OUTSIDE OF THE ARK. Please give me a scripture.Peace and Love Mrs.

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    Gen Have thought about why we will keep the feast of Tabernacle in the Millenium, but have never come up with an answer. But I asked myself will they not too receive the Holy Spirit and be Born again?You bring up a good point. Have to pray about this one for awhile. May God keep us in His Love.Peace and Love Mrs.

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    Ken Guess what I agree with you for a change how about that. And thank you. Peace and Love Mrs.

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    Wow Kejonn have a good time.Peace and Love Mrs.

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