IM4Truth replied to the topic Sabbath in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 6 months ago
Keyonn After the World Wide Church of God split and they went back to believing in the trinity, we went to were our Son worships in the Baptist Church. For awhile I did not know that they believed in the trinity, but when I found out that they did, we stopped going. And because of the music, my Husband does not like all that jumping around that…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Do you believe the theory of Evolution to be true? in the forum Creation & Science 17 years, 6 months ago
Timothy VI I meant sensory you are right it could mean sinsitive for us, because woman are more then Men.
Peace and Love Mrs.
IM4Truth replied to the topic Sabbath in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 6 months ago
Keyonn If we look a little closer what God is saying in Exodus we will find that He made that Covenant with Israel.We are under a New Covenant that Jesus gave us. The Royal Law and that is” To Love God with all of your heart, and your neighbor as thyself.”The are the greatest Commandments of All. I asked you what is more important that we keep…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Prayer for Others in the forum Prayer & Advice 17 years, 6 months ago
thehappyman How wonderful that your Daughter sings at such a young age. Singing gives so much joy.You are so happy as a Father I can sense that. God Bless you and yourswill continue to pray for all, please keep us posted about them, thank you for all of your work you doing for your Brothers and Sisters.Peace and Love Mrs.
IM4Truth replied to the topic together in the forum Prayer & Advice 17 years, 6 months ago
God Father Almighty It has been a hard time on this web and I hope and Pray that we all can come together as your children, to be united in your Holy Spirit. We all fall short of the glory of you Heavenly Father, let me overcome whatever might be causing the problem at hand. Keep Satan and his demons away from us and give us your Peace. I ask it…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Do you believe the theory of Evolution to be true? in the forum Creation & Science 17 years, 6 months ago
Stuart What do you mean by saying – the chances are much higher than we think?Well there is such a thing as Extra Sensitive Perception. That goes deep, Stuart. There are a few that have it. Mostly woman have it. Sorry do you feel insulted?Peace and Love Mrs.
IM4Truth replied to the topic Prayer for Others in the forum Prayer & Advice 17 years, 6 months ago
thehappyman Just prayed .Amen Peace and Love Mrs.:D
IM4Truth replied to the topic Truth Or Nothing in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 17 years, 6 months ago
Ken I completely agree with Mandy, I just responded to you on the Sabbath and I had the feeling that you are asking because you want to argue with my Husband and I. Vote Mandy so will I. You have not shown Love to any that have disagreed with you. There are other People that know what you know about Christmas, but are we pushing it through Mandy's…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic What is the mark of the beast? in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 6 months ago
Ken first why are you addressing this to both of us? My Husband does not get into anything that contradicts. He is not here to teach, just to let people know what God showed Him. So Please only address it to me, I am the one who responded to your Posts. Second of all, no I do not mind if someone corrects me, if I am wrong. But with Love and not…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Sabbath in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 6 months ago
Keyonn I like to add something about the Catholic Church, since My Husband and I were both brought up in the Church and also taught our children, I am well qualified to do so. First it was Constantine the Roman Emperor who first brought the Christian out of hiding and established the Universal Christian Church under His rule. It was then called…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Divorce in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 6 months ago
Hi jblI just came across your topic, and I can't tell you how sad I am, reading about your situation you and your family is in. I will pray for you, but I also want you to know how great a respect I have for you, the strength and courage you show. Honor you Father at all times, he is your father no matter what, but as has already stated, don't let…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Do you believe the theory of Evolution to be true? in the forum Creation & Science 17 years, 6 months ago
Stuart I don't think so, they would not have walked away. But you can believe what you will, I believe in Angels. Besides I had an experience before too. We had snow and the Highway I was driving on had a icy spot. I was going about 50 miles an hour when I was spinning around several times. I screamed for God and someone took over the wheel for…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Moses in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 6 months ago
Michaels We do know that David did sin, but so do we, and we think we are not sinners the truth is not in us. But we have a Mediator Jesus Christ so we can go to the throne of God and ask for forgiveness, and He is quick to forgive us.Michaels me do not understand why you are so quick to judge persons like David and Paul. They were sinners, but…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Truth Or Nothing in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 17 years, 6 months ago
Psalm 112:4 “When darkness over takes you, light will come bursting in”Psalm 63:8 ” My Soul clings to you your right hand upholds me.”Romans 4:21 Do not waiver in my faith through unbelief, but God will use my circumstances to strengthen my faith and to give Glory to God.”Heb. 13:6 ” The Lord is my helper I will not be afraid God will never leave…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic What is the mark of the beast? in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 6 months ago
Mandy You are very Welcome. I have been rather sad lately because of all that is going on this Website. I am glad you put a stop to it. Prayer is a powerful tool and that is about all we can do under the circumstances.We really have to show more Love towards each other, I don't know why it is so hard for some to do that. God is Love and Jesus has…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Prayer for Others in the forum Prayer & Advice 17 years, 6 months ago
Please Pray with me for all the brethren on this Website.Peace and Love Mrs.
IM4Truth replied to the topic Do you believe the theory of Evolution to be true? in the forum Creation & Science 17 years, 6 months ago
Charity Thank you, you do a really good job on responding to Stuart, I guess I better call Stuart by His name. You say you read the Book of Enoch. We never read that. Maybe we can find it in our Bible Stores now too. Yes my German Heritage some times comes through when I put together sentences, but nobody so far has complained, Stuart. Talking…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic The Rapture in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 6 months ago
942767, an interesting discussion indeedLet me start with your last quote, 6:63.Jesus was saying that the words he was speaking, were the bread of life, the body would not profit from them, our mind, our spirit, would.Man says we have a soul, God does not. When God breathed into the nostrils of Adam, he became a living soul.The breath is what gave…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Do you believe the theory of Evolution to be true? in the forum Creation & Science 17 years, 6 months ago
Hi CharityLike your Poem. Wonder if Stuart going to receive it and believe it. Love that pass knowledge is the only way. Love for God that is. I wonder why He is still sticks around. It is almost like He wants to learn of God. We should set a good example to love each other.Peace and Love Mrs.:D
IM4Truth replied to the topic Bible words in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 6 months ago
Mandy I know what you are saying. To overcome our Human nature is very hard to do. In the past I always asked God show me my faults. And of course He did big times. I too have failed some tests, and it is comforting to me that we have a Savior that has died for our Sins. Now a days it is more the inner man I have problems with. Just thinking and…[Read more]
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