IM4Truth replied to the topic Charity's Rhymes in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 17 years, 6 months ago
Just wanted to share just two Sentences that i had gotten of a service that I was listen to. Can't remember who it was tho. I destroy my enemies by making them my friends.Forgiveness is the step to feeling free.And Pray for all.Peace and Love Mrs.
IM4Truth replied to the topic Prayer for Others in the forum Prayer & Advice 17 years, 6 months ago
So many sick and some may leave this earth and will rest in Jesus for awhile, til Jesus return and we will all be reunited together with Jesus in the Millennium. May God Bless those that are in sorrow, may He comfort those, may He heal those were it is His will, and give all of us strength to keep on the Path to eternal Life in Christ Jesus. And…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Am i a failure in the forum Prayer & Advice 17 years, 6 months ago
I wonder why so many come and go! Is it that they see how others argue and want no part of it, and then leave. I must say, even tho I have been part of arguing, it is so wrong. Debating is one thing, but constantly pushing one's own belief on others I find is wrong. My new intention is to try not to post over and over what I have posted before.…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Sabbath in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 6 months ago
WJ and Mandy That is what the New Covenant is all about. We are not under what Moses was commanded on Mount Sinai. We are under the Commandments that Jesus gave us, and I have given them over and over again, but it seems that not one of you has agreed with me. Even tho we are free in Jesus and are under His Blood, it does not mean that we are…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Covenants in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 6 months ago
Ken So only you has the truth ,ha how self righteous, just like the Scribes ans Pharisees. Thank you for your Post. That is all for me.Will pray for you Mrs.:(
IM4Truth replied to the topic Prayer for Others in the forum Prayer & Advice 17 years, 6 months ago
thehappyman Thank you for all of your work that you are doing. Have ask God for all their healing that are on your list, and that His Love will touch them and give them Peace. in Jesus Name Amen.Peace and Love Mrs.
IM4Truth replied to the topic What is the mark of the beast? in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 6 months ago
Hi KenIn one of my replies I explained that the heaven in Rev. 13:13, does not mean the heaven above. Heaven above is God's throne, thee place of all authority, while the heaven of Antichrist is his place of authority, the Vatican.The fire he brought down on the earth; earth meaning people, are the tortures and executions on all them that would…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Worlds Last Chance in the forum Prophetic News & Eschatology 17 years, 6 months ago
Hi KenYes I did, he, the Pope, is even called god of god's, the mighty or ruler of the mighty or rulers,Dan. 11:36. I talked about it in my topic “The king of the North”, I also explain how the Popelost his power to rule, and by whom. Look it up, more fuel for your afterburners.Bless you
IM4Truth replied to the topic Repentance in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 6 months ago
942787 Of course repentants is to do away with sin, but do you think that we will ever overcome sin completely? Paul tells us that He does what He does not wants to do. But does not what He should be doing. Sin is not imputed to us, if we walk in the spirit we do not sin. Does that mean that we will never sin again in my humble opinion, I don't…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Wisdom of Solomon, The Wisdom of Ben Sira in the forum Exta-biblical Writings 17 years, 6 months ago
Charity The answer is Christ. Because of His sacrifice we have a gift from God by Faith in Christ Jesus our Lord. Eternal Life. Not by works so none would boasts. I enjoyed reading about wisdom, the Book is some to behold.Thank you for posting it.Peace and Love Mrs.:D
IM4Truth replied to the topic Sabbath in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 6 months ago
Ken The Royal Law the New Covenant and the Commandments that Jesus gave us. Love God with all of your Heart and your neighbor as thyself.T H E S E A R E T H E G R E A T E S T C O M M A N D M E N T O F A LL And He magnified the Law on the Sermon on the Mount that is what the New Covenant isRead the scripture that you like to quote it…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Sabbath in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 6 months ago
Ken I am not against keeping the Sabbath, it is the way you think others should keep it. That is what has always been the case. I personally can keep any day, but you see you do not know my circumstances and therefore you cant understand. You keep up with pushing the subject down others throat, that is what I don't like. Again let God do His Job,…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Sabbath in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 6 months ago
Ken I believe that you are taking scripture out of context. You have thirty-four percent in the New Testament and a quarter per cent in the O.T. by quoting Deut. 10:4. the Old Covenant and other commandments come from Jesus in the N.T. Covenant. You are always forgetting that Jesus has fulfilled all and we are under grace and not under the O.T.…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Charity's Rhymes in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 17 years, 6 months ago
Mandy Thank you for sharing about your childhood. Very nice. Since I have been sick, I have a hard time sleeping. I cat nap a lot. My Medication makes me tired when I have to take it, so I sleep sometimes early at night, then wake up after a couple of hours and then stay awake til 4:30 A,M, when I take my insulin and more medication, go back to…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Worlds Last Chance in the forum Prophetic News & Eschatology 17 years, 6 months ago
Here is another one
IM4Truth replied to the topic 2nd beasts in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 6 months ago
Ken, why do you post so many same topics?
IM4Truth replied to the topic What is the mark of the beast? in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 6 months ago
Hello KenYou said, “Lets see heaven comes from the earth?”Where did I say that?I never said, what you said was garbage, unless you are the producer of those tapes.What if I say, I did have a revelation from God, what would that change; and would you believe me?I do know this, my understanding is not my own, it does come from God.However, it is not…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Prayer for Others in the forum Prayer & Advice 17 years, 6 months ago
thehappyman Just did what you asked in Jesus Name. Amen Peace and Love Mrs.
IM4Truth replied to the topic What is the mark of the beast? in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 6 months ago
Ken, I have to say, I wonder about you. You have given me at least the impression, that you are interested in the truth, and are trying to assist others in a better understanding. After viewing only parts of some of the tapes that you put on here, I have serious doubts of your intentions. Just what is your purpose of putting on such nonsense; I…[Read more]
IM4Truth replied to the topic Head number seven, Rev. 17:10 in the forum Prophecy 17 years, 6 months ago
Hello KenYes, that is what it is saying. The eighth beast, the UNITED NATION, came out of the collapse of the seventh beast, the LEAGUE OF NATION. It is basically the same beast, when you think about it, only the name was changed. From Rev. 17:10Head # 7 was “the League of Nation”,the one that is, was “Rome”, #6,the five that were already fallen,…[Read more]
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