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    Charity Another beautiful message. To truly be united to His cause. To truly Love with all of our Heart. To praise His Holy Name, to love and serve others. To truly understand the Wisdom how God loves us, unconditional. To love others that way, that truly is Love. To truly love your enemy, that is Godly Love.To pray for those that despise you,…[Read more]

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    Jodi Two sweet little girls, how nice. Madeline Jane is going to be the big sister. My Heart swells with Love for you, I love babies. Wish you all the best with all. Please tell your Mom and Dad congratulation on their new soon coming Granddaughter too.Thank you for your Post. Hope somebody else will understand besides Mandy, Charity, Gen and…[Read more]

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    Ken So sorry, but I do care about the Sabbath, I do not hate it. Those are your words.I did not see you congratulate Jodi.I am done with you and I am not going to waste anymore of my time. I answered all the scriptures in previous post and once is enough for me. I A M D O NE .aLL I am going to do for you is prayPeace and Love Mrs.

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    Laurel If you take a look at your scriptures most if not all come out of the O,T, and that is exactly my point, you do not understand that we are under a New Covenant. You can give me all the scriptures you want, it does not make any difference to me. I am under Jesus Blood and I am going to stay there, if you or anybody else likes it ore not. I…[Read more]

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    Ken Did You at all read Jodi's Post? It was my Husband that answered you Not I .He signed it Mr. I was His typist tho, so I know what He said. What makes me wonder about you how you can ignore an event like having a Baby and say nothing. Are you even Human? Do you have any Love in…[Read more]

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    keyonn Yes we do have a German Bible, but I very seldom us it. I like the King James version the best. My Husband has used it more then I have just to compare. Even tho I have problems spelling, I have mastered English fairly well. Our children and grandchildren do not speak German at all. When they were little I had a…[Read more]

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    Ken There is only one way that you will understand the true meaning of the command that Jesus gave us; “Love one another as I have Loved you, ” Wait for the Millenium. Mr.

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    Wiseman Welcome, I know what you mean about the English Language , it has a lot of Latin in it, I was told when I first came to America and went to School to learn this Language. I am glad we have the spelling check, I have always had problems with spelling. I was almost 16 when we came here, I did not speak any English at all. It was…[Read more]

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    Hi Mandy Just like to say how God works and encourages us in the belief that we have, when others like Jodi comes and writes and confirms, that we are on the right track. It is God's Holy Spirit at work, Jodi worked at this for some time. It made my day.Peace and Love Mrs.:D :D :D

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    Gen Thank you. I am very pleased that you agree with Jodi. Peace and Love Mrs. :D :D :D

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    Ken and Laurel That is exacly what I thought you two would answer to that instead or trying to see what she is talking about, you go into your same modes. And to ignore that she is with child, really shows what you are all about. You two simply do not understand the Covenants of God.Peace and Love Mrs. :blues: :blues: :blues:

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    Jodi My Husband and I have just finished reading your Post. First Congratulation on your Baby Girl. Enjoy Her they grow up so fast. Is this your first? Will pray for you that everything will go O.K. with your delivery with that precious bundle of Joy.Now, my Husbands reply to your Post was Amen. So is mine, I have tried for so many times with Ken…[Read more]

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    Charity I have to bring this up again, it is so beautiful, how Love is. Eternal Love how God loves us that He even send His only begotten Son do die for us, so we can have eternal life. Grant me Your Love Oh Heavenly Father so I in return give it to others and share in that great Love that combines us and makes us Brothers and Sisters in Christ…[Read more]

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    Tux There are several Post on the trrinity, that you can check out too.Peace and Love Mrs.

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    Ken Thank you for the compliment, I love you too. And I will pry for youPeace and Love Mrs.:cool: :cool: :cool:

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    Tux That is what the Catholic Church believes and my Husband and I were in that church from birth until God called us in 1984. When we started to read the Bible. Sorry I am not going to dissect all of that. I know it is wrong. I gave you enough scriptures to see how wrong the trinity is. There is several article that Heaven Net has that you can…[Read more]

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    Ken You and others have said plenty about not to celebrate Birthdays, why do you want me to enter the conversation. All has been said before.I am sick and tired of you always accusing me of something. Are you God? And I did say something about that before, and why should I repeat it for. That is badgering a person and is so wrong to do. You do not…[Read more]

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    Why are you doing this again ,did we not go through this before? You know what I am beginning to think that this Website is nothing then a Gossip Site were others leave their frustration out onto the keyboard on their computers. God help us all.:blues: :blues: :blues:

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    David I am so sorry I just read your post again, and yes I did read that wrong. I was very tired last night, have trouble sleeping at nights. So I get up and go on the Website sometimes. Sorry……Peace and Love Mrs.

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    Aliving Stone You are lucky that you can afford to teach your own children, but not all people can do that and have to rely on the Public Schools. Since we were in the Catholic Church our children were taught in the Catholic Church. God called us when my Husband was 45 years old and I was 44. So our children were grown when we started not to keep…[Read more]

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