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    IM4Truth replied to the topic I'm back… in the forum Chatroom 17 years, 5 months ago

    Chap Thank you very nice. He has a beautiful voice. Peace and Love Mrs.:cool: :cool:

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    IM4Truth replied to the topic together in the forum Prayer & Advice 17 years, 5 months ago

    Hi chap How are you nice to hear from you. Have you read Mandy's Post? Please do.Tell me a little about what you are doing in College?Peace and Love Mrs.:D :D

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    IM4Truth replied to the topic together in the forum Prayer & Advice 17 years, 5 months ago

    Ken I know what you are talking about that you were floating, that happened to me already to . It is a weird feeling like you don't have any legs. I also believe that our Spirits can travel. Have experienced that too. I am not afraid either to die and I am not feeling sorry for you either. Just praying for you so you can go in your sleep. That is…[Read more]

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    IM4Truth replied to the topic together in the forum Prayer & Advice 17 years, 5 months ago

    Mandy Talking about Fear. It has always been a big problem for me too. When the Bombs in Germany started to fall, the fear and run for our lives on a daily basis was morew then a 5 year old take. One time we did not make it to the bunkers and my Mother and I ran into our backyard under some bushed, it was saver outside then in the House. Bombs…[Read more]

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    IM4Truth replied to the topic together in the forum Prayer & Advice 17 years, 5 months ago

    Ken I have praying for you for some time know and having but as short time to live is somewhat a Blessing, because you can prepare yourself. To look over your life and see where could I have been done better and then say I am sorry to God. When we die the next time we open our eyes we will have a much better body and that will be so great, right?…[Read more]

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    what happend to t8 Are you t8

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    IM4Truth replied to the topic together in the forum Prayer & Advice 17 years, 5 months ago

    Mandy A Song For You I'LL Never Leave You Five sparrows are for two farthings yet not one will fall to the ground. That is, lest our Heavenly Father shall know for He hears every sound. You know you are worth more then sparrows He numbers the hairs on your head.He knows all your needs and desires so remember the words He has…[Read more]

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    To all Since we have somebody that needs our Prayers and has asked for it, can I ask all of you that we stop all the accusation and come together in Unity and Pray. Were two or three are gathered in my Name there I am in the midst of them. How about it Ken, Gen and all. Peace and Love Mrs.

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    IM4Truth replied to the topic together in the forum Prayer & Advice 17 years, 5 months ago

    Mandy So sorry to hear of your Sickness. I will pray for you always, you are in God's Hand's. I know how scared you are. Let me share my story with you , Mandy, it will be alright, I feel. The first time I almost died was when I was 8 years old in Germany. I had been in and out of the Hospital and the Doctors did not know what was wrong even tho…[Read more]

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    Ken Because the People of God who are the Jewish people never entered that rest ,because Moses disobeyed God and therefore they were not allowed to enter there rest, Or go into the promised Land. Hebrew is a Covenant that is still to come for the people of God ,the Jewish People. They will be grafted back in . Romans talks about that. If you…[Read more]

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    keyonn You are a surprise to me. You actually gone to a Church that keeps the Sabbath? Wow. Most think like the Catholic Church do, that their Church is the only true Church. Most if not all use scare tactics. You know what I belief what the true Church is, first of all it is spiritual and second of all, they are…[Read more]

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    keyonn I do not agree with keeping Sunday. That is a Day that came from the Babylonian Sun-God. When Constantine changed the Calender He also changed all the Holidays and made Sunday the official Day of rest. I do not belief that the first Christians kept Sunday. I do belief they gathered on a Sabbath, but not because they thought it was a must.…[Read more]

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    Aliving Stone Here I agree with you. Every X-mas I can not wait til it is all over with again. Our Children all celebrate X-mas and Easter. However out of Love for a little child I have bought a present for Him and even for our other Grandchildren. My Brother in Law once told me, that I would not show Love to them since they celebrate it. When we…[Read more]

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    sorry I meant Saturday Sunset when He rose, not Sunday.

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    To all I believe the reason Jesus never gave us a Day is because He only wants us to keep Passover. That is what He commanded; not to keep His resurrection. Why, because that is the sacrifice that He made for us, and We should remember that always. If I would have a Church were they would teach all my beliefs, I would also say that we should wash…[Read more]

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    thehappyman Praying every night. Thank you for letting us know. Hazel has Leg trouble. I have that too. It is Nerve Damage. There is a Medication that she could try it is called Requiem. I hope I spelled that right. I guess she is in a Nursing Home, right or not? It is horrible let me tell you. It seems to go through your whole Body.Heavenly…[Read more]

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    swartzc Welcome never seen you here before, you joined in July. So why have you not posted? Would like to hear from you, always like new Brothers in the Lord. Peace and Love Mrs.:blues: :blues:

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    IM4Truth replied to the topic Why all the killing? in the forum Faith 17 years, 5 months ago

    I have to say something here. If there would not have been good Doctors in America, I would have died when I was 8 years old. If there would not be Doctors I would long be dead. I would not have seen our Grandchildren grow up. It is because of modern Medication that I am still breathing. Tried all those Holistic Med. with no results. Til finally…[Read more]

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    keyonn Thank you I had gone already on the web and I seen that it was a Bible. Very interesting. I never heard of that before. Will look into it some more. Peace and Love Mrs.

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