Bibliophile replied to the topic Jesus in the Old Testament in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 7 months ago
Dear Artizan,Here are some of the prophecies fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
HOW THE MESSIAH FULFILLED BIBLE PROPHECYProphecy Matters Foretold Fulfillment Stated Prophecies in PsalmsPsalm 2:1, 2 Rulers act against anointed Matthew 27:1, 2Psalm 2:7 Jehovah declares Jesus “Son” Romans 1:4Psalm 16:10…[Read more]
Bibliophile replied to the topic Jesus in the Old Testament in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 7 months ago
Hi,Getting late but I will get back with you on this. Promise!
Bibliophile replied to the topic 1 Timothy 6:13-16 in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 7 months ago
Hi David,Yes, I have just stummbled onto this thread. I mentioned to Is 1:18 that after going home and researching this verse (because translations were contradicting themselves) I am moved to agree with him and you that this verse is speaking of Jesus, not Jehovah. I will be honest, I have never run across this before so much investigation from…[Read more]
Bibliophile replied to the topic Jesus in the Old Testament in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 7 months ago
Hi Arizona,Please tell me, how is it that Jesus fulfilled in every detail over 300 prophetic Hebrew scriptures?For example, is it possible for one to prophesy where he would be born, especially since there were 2 different Bethlehems?
Bibliophile replied to the topic Jesus in the Old Testament in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 7 months ago
Heh Is 1:18,After alot of research and studying today on 1Timothy 6:15, you may be right.
I may have to retract my first post….maybe.I am still in the process of collecting scriptural eveidence so I will get back on this later.
Bibliophile replied to the topic Do you believe the theory of Evolution to be true? in the forum Creation & Science 17 years, 7 months ago
Hi Stu,These scriptures do not indicate sinning on the part of YHWH. Is it a sin to rid those ruining the earth? This is righteousness on YHWH's behalf since he is without sin. YHWH has standards that are just. When man chooses to rebel against those righteous standards, whose fault is it? Man's. Perhaps you would be so kind to elaborate on your…[Read more]
Bibliophile replied to the topic Why did the Father choose that time? in the forum Faith 17 years, 7 months ago
Kernch,How about to fulfill his own prophecy in Daniel involving the 70 weeks of years? Daniel 9: 24-27 24 Seventy weeks are decreed about your people and your holy city—to bring the rebellion to an end, to put a stop to sin,to wipe away injustice, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most h…[Read more]
Bibliophile replied to the topic Jesus in the Old Testament in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 7 months ago
Hi Is,Sorry, but I have to disagree with you on this one. The context is discussing God (YHWH). Although I am able to see where there might be confusion here. A lot of Translations indicate Christ as Potentate. Notice the following. 14that you keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the (AJ)appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15which…[Read more]
Bibliophile replied to the topic The adversary in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 7 months ago
Hi ACC,Yes, we need to choose our battle's wisely. Remember though, we should always speak truth (2 Timothy 2:15 (Amplified Bible)15Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing the Word of Truth.Glad to help out!
…[Read more]
Bibliophile replied to the topic The adversary in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 7 months ago
Hi Chap,At Genesis 1:31 God says that “everything that he had made and look! very good.”Obviously, the angels were created before man but at this point in time God says everything is very good. God created all beings (spirit or human) with free will. This would have included Satan. However, Satan wasn't always Satan (this word means resister of…[Read more]
Bibliophile replied to the topic Apostacy in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 7 months ago
Michaels my friend,I am sorry for not being able to understand your thoughts completely.
I will leave you in peace and blessings.
In Christ
Bibliophile replied to the topic Apostacy in the forum Scriptural Teachings 17 years, 7 months ago
Michaels,I will try this conversation with you one more time. My being offended has nothing to do with Jesus. It has to do with your lack of tact when speaking. Yes, let's read Isaiah 9:6. This verse says that the Son is called everlasting Father. Do you believe Jesus is the Father? Please just answer this one question.Thanks
Bibliophile replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 17 years, 7 months ago
Hi Cas,Thanks for your thoughts. Obviously, I am only able to speak for myself, but I Believe Is would agree that yes, picking on words continually would be missing the point of scripture. I don't normally breakdown specific words but I do feel it is necessary sometimes in order for each other to truly understand where the other is coming from.…[Read more]
Bibliophile replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 17 years, 7 months ago
Hi Is,I agree its late. look forward to other dicussions. Just so you realize, I don't believe Satan is truly god. He is a false god simply because he made or rather placed himself in that position. YHWH did not give him the authority to act as god. Satan took it upon himself.Till next time,In Christ
Bibliophile replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 17 years, 7 months ago
Good question!All gods in existence that are uncreated and divine would be false. For example, man-made gods. What if Gog/YHWH designates one of his creations as god? Would this creation be a false god since YHWH gave him authority as god? For example, Satan is called 'god of this system' at 2Corinthians 4:4. Is Satan a false or true god? I…[Read more]
Bibliophile replied to the topic Jesus in the Old Testament in the forum Truth or Tradition 17 years, 7 months ago
Heh Ken,Why isn'y the holy spirit ever called Lord of Host? Also, where inscripture is Jesus called sovereign?
Bibliophile replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 17 years, 7 months ago
Hi Is,Yes, I completely agree. That is an excellent choice of words. I will have to use that sometime in the future.
Bibliophile replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 17 years, 7 months ago
Hi Is,I too believe that there is only one (numerically speaking
) true living God. I also agree his name is YHWH no matter how one chooses to interpret it, Jehovah/Yahweh/Yehovah, etc… It is in this sense that I too am monotheistic. Obviously, we agree on this because this is what scripture tells us. The only true God YHWH is creator as you…[Read more]
Bibliophile replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 17 years, 7 months ago
Hi Is,Wow! I am impressed with your depth of knowledge through study of God's word. Very commendable. I think you would concur that many today do not spend as much time searching the srciptures for truth. That is indeed disappointing and sad. Your thoughts and conclusions are well thought out and from what you presented i would have to almost…[Read more]
Bibliophile replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 17 years, 7 months ago
Hi Is,Absolutely not. I do however see it as needing clarification in English. I am also not truly sold on 'a god' as the best rendering, but it does clarify and distinguish. Personally, I would like the rendering 'and the Word was Godly or Godlike.” What do you think?
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