Who is this Jesus?

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  • #820495

    Hi Ed,

    Romans 8 tells us that the Holy Spirit is in us with our own spirit.

    But you think Jesus Christ and the prophets were different?


    any scriptures?


    Hi Ed,

    Do you think the Holy Spirit left Jesus at Calvary?

    1peter 3 tells us he was made alive in the Spirit after death.


    You really do not understand the ways of the Abiding Spirit do you?


    Hi Ed,

    A mere human SPIRIT OF ANOINTING?

    The question reveals big gaps in your knowledge.

    The  Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of God in Christ Jesus.


    A special portion of the One Spirit.

    In that One Spirit you can know the Father and the Son.


    Ed J

    Hi Ed,

    The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of God in Christ Jesus.

    Hi Nick,

    I know you believe that, but do you have any scripture that specifically says that? I don’t know any

    I always show you the Scripture based on why I believe as I do.
    Produce the goods – What makes you believe that?

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi Ed,

    Romans 8.9 puts the Spirit, the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ in the one sentence..Then the next sentence puts Christ and The Spirit together. The chapter mentions The Spirit in various ways 19 times and Christ or Christ Jesus 9 or so times as well as the Son a couple of times.

    This is well worth soaking into your mind as it shows the easy relationship between these terms.

    Ed J

    Hi Ed,

    Romans 8.9 puts the Spirit, the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ in the one sentence.

    Hi Nick,

    That exemplifies what I believe, not what you believe?

    Two spirits:

    1. the Spirit of God
    2. the Spirit of Christ

    “we will come unto him, and make our abode with him” (John 14:23)

    Do you have any others?

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi Ed,

    God is Spirit.

    God is one.

    The Spirit is one.

    Now the Lord is the Spirit.

    And you can know the Father and the Son in the One Spirit.

    The Spirit in Christ is the servant Spirit, the Spirit of the Son, the Spirit that prays in us TO God rom 8.-7.

    The other Counsellor in the Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of the Father, that speaks through us when we are brought before judges.



    Hi Ed,

    Christ means anointing or anointed.

    So Christ Jesus can have a different meaning to Jesus.

    The Spirit of Christ refers to the anointing Spirit that he received and we can receive.


    It is not the spirit of man that ALL men have and which returns to God at death.

    Mt 27.50,Mk 15.37,Lk 23.46, Jn 19.30

    Ecc 12.7

    Ed J

    Hi Nick,

    I didn’t think you had any scriptures that support
    your supposition, but I figured I would ask : )

    God bless
    Ed J



    Matt 12.18f

    Behold the servant whom I have chosen

    My beloved in whom I am well pleased.

    I will put My Spirit upon him and he will proclaim justice to the gentiles.


    This is Jesus the messiah, a chosen servant to be anointed by God at the Jordan.



    Heb 11.6

    And without faith it is impossible to please Him

    for he who comes to God must believe that He is

    and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.


    When Jesus Christ returns will there be faith on earth or only idolatry and deception?



    1 Tim 2.5

    For there is one God

    and one mediator between God and men

    the man Jesus Christ,


    Hi Ed,

    God chooses words carefully.

    Note in Acts 10 the Spirit in Peter says

    ”..Jesus of Nazareth was anointed with the Holy Spirit..”

    Scripture does not say Jesus Christ was anointed because Jesus Christ means the anointed Jesus.

    Jesus of Nazareth was about 30 years old.

    Ed J

    Hi Nick,

    Do you believe the “spirit of Christ” is God?

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi Ed,

    The Spirit is most interesting and unites God with His Son and the Body of Christ.

    The One Spirit has many aspects and portions.

    So John is Elijah spiritually speaking.




    Hi Ed,

    God is Spirit.

    Now the Lord is the Spirit.

    The Spirit of God is as the finger of God.

    The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of God in the Servant Son of God.


    You can know the Father and the Son in the one Holy Spirit.

    2jn9,1 Cor 2.10,1Jn 1.3.Jn 14.23.





    Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.

    Peter gave us the answer and there is not a better one.


    Yes some say it that s true,

    but he is also the God he is the Son of?


    confusion is thriving.


    Oh I remember this thread!



    To all…..unless you can see Jesus as a another human being who has been perfected by the SPIRIT of the LIVING GOD, which he recieved at the Jordan river, you simply do not see the real JESUS. Mankind was created to be the crown jewel of GOD THE FATHER’S CREATION. Jesus is the first to reach the goal God has in mind for all of us, he is our human brother the first to be resureted from the dead to eternal life.

    Blessed are those who understand this.

    Peace and love to you all. …….gene


    Hi Gene,

    Man the jewel of God’s creation?

    No He chooses the weak to shame the strong.


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