What does it mean that Jesus came in the flesh?

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    Tartarus is only described as aresidence of evil angels in scripture is it not?



    It is a Greek word used to describe a Hebrew idea. The word itself is only in Scripture one time but the idea is in Scripture more often. Tartarus is also the place of the wicked dead just like Hades is the general place of the dead in general. I think but have not confirmed it is known as Abaddon in the OT.

    From what I understand those angels and the wicked dead of the human race are put in the same place. That place will be destroyed at the end of this world.



    Job 31:12 does link fire to Abaddon but most translators choose to translate Abaddon as destruction. Here is one of the exceptions.

    Job 31:12English Standard Version (ESV)

    12 for that would be a fire that consumes as far as Abaddon,
    and it would burn to the root all my increase.

    It is possible Abaddon is a name for the Lake of Fire that was later surpassed by Gehenna.


    Hi KW,

    Your own ideas add little to truth do they not?


    Hi KW,

    The blood of Jesus was poured out unto water at Calvary.

    Life is in the blood.


    He never claimed to be of blood but only flesh and bones after being raised.

    His life is in the Spirit.


    Do you think we will rise bloodless like him?



    Your own ideas add little to truth do they not?

    I proposed some ideas I have not tested but then I do not say they are true since I do not yet know whether or not they are. I just told you what I know though perhaps not all of it as Jesus speaks of only a place of the wicked dead and a place of the righteous dead and Tartarus is a part of Hades to the Greeks of that time. Abraham’s bosom is a paradise as described by Jesus in the parable of the rich and Lazarus. Sheol is translated to Hades in the NT books and I think but am not certain that Abaddon is translated to Tartarus.



    The blood of Jesus was poured out unto water at Calvary.

    Life is in the blood.

    He never claimed to be of blood but only flesh and bones after being raised.

    His life is in the Spirit.

    Do you think we will rise bloodless like him?

    A mortal man does not live long without blood nor does he live long being mortal wounds that killed him the first time in less than a day. He would only stay living by a miracle of God and his pain would also be suppressed by another miracle. Neither miracle is mentioned in Scripture.

    I doubt he lost all of his blood anyways as he did not bleed out as the spear in the side revealed when water and blood came out from his side after he was already dead. A body does not bleed after it is dead as the heart is not beating and so blood does not flow.

    He gave his soul for our souls in that he perished that we would not as the soul who sins is the soul who will die. As you pointed out the soul is in blood according to Scripture.

    I do not think that the Spiritual body is bloodless but I am not going to insist that is the case since I do not have what I consider a solid case that is true.

    I believe we will arise in a flesh and bone body just like his.


    Hi KW,

    Do you define miracles by your observations?

    Was not everything about his resurrection miraculous or only that which your mind cannot compass?



    Hi KW,

    Do you define miracles by your observations?

    Was not everything about his resurrection miraculous or only that which your mind cannot compass?

    I see no reason to outside what is written.


    Hi KW,

    Then why do you try to use reason alone to make sense of what is spiritual?



    Reason can only detect breaks in a doctrine. The Spirit is necessary to determine which doctrine that is not broken is the true doctrine and it is necessary to have faith in the truth.

    A broken doctrine is either incomplete or it is false. An incomplete doctrine is false until it is made whole.


    Hi KW,

    But in the process you add to and remove from the truth.

    Submit your mind to the Spirit of God.


    Hi KW,

    Do you think the natural body was originally imperishable but that changed?



    Hi KW,

    But in the process you add to and remove from the truth.

    Submit your mind to the Spirit of God.

    You accuse me of the sins you yourself are guilty of. You are constantly adding and subtracting from Scripture in order to justify your chosen interpretation of 1 Corinthians 15:50.

    1) Jesus was buried in a perishable body and rose in an imperishable body as an example of those that resurrected on that day. He is the first born of those that will be resurrected on that day. So instead of believing these things you was not the first born from among the dead but instead changed while living. In addition you claim Jesus cannot be an example of the final resurrection.

    2) You claim that Adam and had the ability to perish before they were cursed with the ability to perish. In doing so you make both God’s warning to them and his cursing them with death of no effect.

    Not only are your words not written in Scripture but they are in conflict with what is written. You go to great lengths to justify your own word(interpretation).



    Hi KW,

    Do you think the natural body was originally imperishable but that changed?

    I am confident that Scripture is true when it states that there was a time God subjected creation to frustration. Before that time it was not subject to frustration. I am confident that in Eden there was no death, no sorrow, and no illness before humankind sinned and man was kicked out preserving that for those that overcome, Revelations 2:7. I am confident that the rule of corruption that is the nature of this sinful world will pass away and the freedom from corruption that was in the beginning will be reestablished as the nature of the new world.


    Hi KW,
    So we were created perishable?


    Hi KW,
    Where is it written that the raised body of Jesus was imperishable?



    So we were created perishable?

    I am answering this question no and you are answering it yes.



    Where is it written that the raised body of Jesus was imperishable?

    Another lawyer type question.

    What dead do you think he is the first born of?


    Hi KW,
    Those who have died in baptism and are reborn of the everlasting Spirit.
    So will you answer my question and show where it is written?

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