What did the angels do during the creation?

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    Quote (shimmer @ Aug. 03 2010,13:15)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Aug. 03 2010,16:33)

    Quote (shimmer @ Aug. 03 2010,02:35)

    Quote (Arnold @ Aug. 03 2010,07:41)
    Men are called Angels???? Would you please show me a Scripture that shows that?

    Hebrews 13:2
    Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some have entertained angels without knowing it.

    Hospitality to strangers? it does not say that they are men.  look at sodom and gomora that when they saw the angels, they were something different that they also wanted to perverse, that the guy even wanted to give up his virgin (stupid) daughters to protect the angels.  

    Many times angels have taken the form of man, when we know very well that the angels mention by ezekial and relvelations look NOTHING like men. that there true form is beastly and i guess marvelous in some sense, that even JOHN tried to worship in Angel in revelations, but the angel stoped him adn told him to worship God.

    Point is that just because the angels had the power to limit themselves in to a man form, doenst mean that they are man.

    SimplyForgiven I know that, I was simply quoting a verse that's all, Jeepers now everyone's all worked up,  ha

    oh ok, well than this is pointless.. blah


    Quote (Arnold @ Aug. 04 2010,01:23)

    Quote (JustAskin @ Aug. 03 2010,16:01)

    No such thing as Half Angels. The offspring, Nephilim, are Men – Scriptures clearly says “Men” of renown.

    The Nephilim died in the flood – but the wicked Angels shed their flesh body and returned to the heavenly realm where God them ordered for them to be 'chained' and then access to earth was banned to all angels except with God's authority.

    So when in says in Genesis 6 that the Son's of God came and married the Daughter of men and bore children they are not Hybrids?  When you mix two natures or two Animals they are called Hybrids….You are wrong.  They are from an Angel and a human Woman…. That makes them a half Angel and half Human, does it not???? The are called Hybrids….It is because all flesh had become evil that God destroyed mankind…..only Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD and He then built the Ark.  The rest of the story you know…..Irene

    Hi Irene,

    I have been debating the issue for a long time.

    Its hard to be sure. but one thing i know is that we cannot hold that as biblical fact.

    We know that the hebrew for sons of God was bene elohim, but we dont know if that refers to Seth offspring or Angels in other since, SOLELY BASED ON THE BIBLE.

    2. There were other giants in the days of Moses an David, so we cant say all giants were based in those days.
    3. The only things to say DIRECTLY but does not elude, is the book of Enoch, which is not included in the bible.

    So again even though in belief i would agree on this point, but to say that scripturally fact, i wouldnt. I would rather give anyone who feels confused the boths sides of the debate because either one has its flaws.

    on one side its based on Seths and Cains mixed geneology which is biblical vs fallen Angels and Cains daugthers who is mainly supported by an unbiblical text.

    Kind of a tuff dilema there, either way guess what THEY DIED!. that is what matters.




    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Aug. 05 2010,19:17)
    We know that the hebrew for sons of God was bene elohim, but we dont know if that refers to Seth offspring or Angels in other since, SOLELY BASED ON THE BIBLE.

    Hi D,

    But Seth was a human, right?  So why word it like this:

    Genesis 6:4
    The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

    Seems odd to distinguish the daughters of HUMANS if the “sons of God” mentioned were also only HUMAN.  Don't you think?




    If you remember scripture used the word “world” to designate the present corrupted environment of earth that is full of sinful desires.

    The sons of man are those who seek to fullfil the desires of the flesh while the sons of God are those who seek after righteousness.   The children of Israel are also called the children of God because they recieved the law.  

    Scripture states that mankind begain calling on the name of the Lord after briefly listing a few generaltion of Seth. Previously it listed a several generations of Cain without stating the same thing.  In addition it goes on to list the decendents of Seth from Seth to Noah and his Son even though is has immediately previously stated the first few generations of Seth.

    Jesus states angels neither marry or are given in marriage.

    Edited to correct spelling error.



    a mule ? is it a horse or a donkey ?? neither,

    angel offspring from a women is also neither a angel or a men ,

    it does not take much to understand this.is it??



    II Peter 3, “world(kosmos) that then was”, correlates with Gen. 1:1, In the beginning…..
    This was when God created the heavens and the earth, no time factor given. This was the time spoken of in Job, when the “morning stars and the sons of God sang for joy”, this was also the time of levithan and behemoth. God created that world in absolute perfection, He created it for Him and His sons to live upon, He was the light of that world. Isaiah 45:18, “For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain (or tohuw), he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.” So, the earth in the beginning was not created empty and desolate. The “cherubim that covereth” became puffed up with pride and went in rebellion against God, wanting to be God, he caused chaos and confusion amongst God's “sons”. God had His government in that world, His Son sat upon the Mercy Seat, Cherubim, Archangels, Seraphim, and His “sons and/or morning stars”. (It is possible that sons and angels are one and the same, as many angels or messengers sent to the prophets refused to let the prophets worship them and called themselves fellowservants, God can use His creation as He sees fit.)

    For this rebellion God removed Himself and His “sons” and destroyed the face of the earth(1st shaking), this correlates with Genesis 1:2, the earth becoming void and without form or “tohuw va bohuw”. Jeremiah 4:22-28 explains this, as God gave him a vision back to that time to look upon this destruction. II Peter 3, says it was destroyed by being overflowed with water. King David describes the end of the first earth age in Psalms 104:
    5, Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever.
    6 Thou coveredst it with the deep as with a garment: the waters stood above the mountains.
    7 At thy rebuke they fled; at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away. (correlates with Gen. 1:3)
    8 They go up by the mountains; they go down by the valleys unto the place which thou hast founded for them.
    9 Thou hast set a bound that they may not pass over; that they turn not again to cover the earth. .
    10 He sendeth the springs into the valleys, which run among the hills
    This was not Noah's flood, here the waters fled, hasted away, whereas Noah's flood lasted a little over one solar year and the waters slowly evaporated by the gentle wind caused by the Holy Spirit.

    The “world which is now” begins in Gen. 1:3, God returns and the earth's light also returns, the Holy Spirit hovers over the waters and then separates the water above in the atmopsphere from those fleeing on the earth to their designated places. God begins rejuvenating the earth for flesh man and flesh man will have everything he needs to survive once he is created. Notice this male and female of the sixth day was CREATED, as were the animals, these were humankind and wild animals for the EARTH(Gen. 1:26 – You have “adam” without the article or particle, referring to “mankind” in plural. Gen. 1:27 – You have “eth-adam” which includes the article, yet without the particle, referring to the single gender of man and woman.)

    Everything God created was good and then He rested. Now God says He does not have a man to till the ground, this man He FORMS from
    the dust of the ground, calls his name Adam, and the animals which Adam shall name are also formed, he and these animals are for the FIELD, a farmer with animals for working in the field.(Gen. 2:7 – You have “eth-Ha'adam” which includes both the article and the particle, making it the man who is named Adam). They were not made for the Earth, but for the Garden of Eden, which was where the Tree of Life would tabernacle with him. There were male and female created, all the races, except one, and there were male and female formed, the race from which the Messiah would come, two separate events. (Eve was formed from Adam's rib, which means “curve”, the Helix curve of his DNA, thus bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh.) They were to keep one commandment from God, they were not to have anything to do with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil(also the serpent, aka Satan), they did, and sin came into the world. So, each soul/spirit which now comes to the earth through the womb of woman, will have a choice to make, follow God or Satan, that's the only reason we exists.

    The Nephillim were “fallen angels/sons”, who refused to be born of woman and mated with daughters of Adam's bloodline. This was Satan's second attempt to destroy the seedline from which the Messiah would come, his first attempt was in the Garden with Eve. He began a deliberate seedline there, in the womb of Eve, Cain(father of the Kenite nation), and this seedline will have enmity always with the seedline of Messiah through Seth(Abel, was killed), right up to the end of this “world which is now”. Eve was impreganted by Satan(look up “seed”, speaks of posterity, lineage, zirmah(Hebrew), sperma(Greek) or sperm, an issue of seminal fluid, God brings up the subject of seed) and look up “touch”, to lie with a woman(Eve adds the word touch) and shortly thereafter she was impregnated by Adam. Today this is called “hetero-paternal superfecundcation”, woman releases two eggs, has relations with two different partners, at two different times and carries twins in separate bags of water. Second witness as to being twins, both called to bring sacrifice before the Lord at the same time, being of the same age. Two seedlines were birthed, the “children of light” and the “children of darkness”, the wheat and the tares, and the good and bad figs, and there has been enmity, just as God declared there would be. Cain was not Adam's son, Adam has his own genealogy and so does Cain.

    The offspring of the Nephillim and flesh women were Geber, giants, and God destroyed all of them and all the people that delighted in being wicked with them in Noah's flood, that was the reason for the flood in the first place. It was not a world wide flood, it only encompassed the then known world or land of Adam's bloodline. But in Gen.6:4, there is also a second influx of fallen angels(sons) mentioned, “and also after that”. Satan sent them to Canaan, so they would be in place when Abram got there. There were many nations living within Canaan, and the fallen angels inbred with them. Abram lived in relative peace with these nations, when Moses got there and sent spies in they were to afraid to take the land, these giants were so fierce and wicked, so they wandered for 40 years. After that they did go into the Promised Land, and it was for this reason God told them to kill all the men, women, children and animals of these nations, for they had all been corrupted by the fallen angels(sons).

    But at the end of this “world which is now” there will be the 1000 reign of Jesus upon the earth, then the judgment. A “new heavens and new earth” is yet to come after the great war, the eternal world of heaven on earth, God with His people.

    Ed J

    Hi MoldMe,

    Are you familiar with “Sheppard's Chapel”?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Hi moldme.
    So according to what you say, if there are two seedlines, who is who? (today) – if they are still here.


    God has His elect in every generation, He told Elijah there were 7000 in his generation which had not bowed a knee to Baal. (The 7000 of the very elect shall be used in the last days, these shall be from the teaching of the Church of Philidelphia, because of what it taught, the'll have the Key of David, they know who those are that “say they are Jews but are not”, even up till the final generation and please notice these 7000 have already attained their crowns.) I don't know who the elect are today, and they don't know who they are either, but the Bible does teach God has them. It seems that the number who stood for God may be much smaller, than the number which rebelled, but then there are also those which did not take a side either way, lukewarmers, I'd guess you'd call them. God puts the souls of His elect in whomever He chooses, at His timing, to be bron in whatever generation for His purposes wherever on the earth He has need of them and He can intervene in their lives to do His will, these do not have free will. Abram, on the surface of His life seemed just like every other ordinary man, living his life from day to day as he chose(appearing to have free will), but once God called, Abram picked up his family, and went where God told him to go and did what God instructed him to do(predestinated to do God's will). The same can be said for Noah, Moses, Issac, Jacob, Jacob's sons, King David, the major and minor prophets, to name just a few from the OT and Mary, Joseph, John the Baptist, the disciples and Paul from the NT. Even as a child I wondered what the many great people in the Bible had done that caused them to be especially chosen of God to accomplish His work, I could never get an answer that was satisfactory. The vessels of mercy are God's elect, and they have already earned their crowns of righteouness, they did this back in the “world that then was”, they stood on God's side during the cherubim's rebellion. One third of all God's created sons followed God's adversary in his rebellion, Rev.12:4, And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born(morniing stars and sons of God from Job). For their stand, they received predestination(called out, chosen), justification(judgment) and glorification(crowned in righteousness), they are the firstfruits, the ones no one can pluck from the hand of Jesus. Jesus was their reward, and He shall be the firstfuit among them all, and they are joint-heirs with Christ. Romans 8 and 9 are written specifically to and for God's elect. Being of the election does not make them loved by God more than anyone else, it is just that through the elect, God will accomplish His will among men on the earth. So the election (very elect and the election according to grace) live and walk among us, in this the final generation, and they have a destiny to be fulfilled, and they shall be sealed when the appointed time comes and by what they do and say before mankind, during the time of the false christ, shall cause many to come out of Mystery Babylon just before Jesus Christ returns. But many will still stand with the false christ, and be caught in the bed of spiritual adultery upon the return of Jesus. Jesus warned, Woe to those who are with child and are caught giving suck upon His return, in other words, they shall be pregnant in their minds with the doctrine of the false christ and they are giving sustanance to that doctrine by actively working to bring others into it.

    The vessels of wrath, would be the souls born of women from those “sons” who rebelled during the “world that then was”. These have free will, and God will let these of humankind live by their own will. They were wicked in that previous world and will be wicked in this “world which is now”, they think like their leader, their father. Are we to worry about them, go and search them out? No, Jesus told us in the Parable of the Wheat and Tares, to leave the tares alone and let them grow alongside the wheat, at the end of all flesh His angels will do the sorting out. God will let them use their own evil imaginations to accomplish His work, but He always counteracts their evil and turns it to good for His people. One third of God's “sons” rebelled against Him, this number must be staggering, one estimate given as to the number of people that have ever lived is 106 billion, and that may be conservative. Just how many more are to be born, is also unknown, but Jesus won’t return until all the souls of God’s “sons” are born of woman. We have no way of knowing how many “souls” or “sons of God” were created for that first earth age. These have been, are and will be the seedline of Cain, the Kenites, but they, just like the House of Israel, over low these many years, don't know their true identity either, they just live their lives for themselves, which in turn pleases Satan, their father. But salvation by grace is offered to them, if they turn from their evil ways by accepting Jesus, repenting and turn to following Him and living for God. There are many ruthless, powerful, wicked men working in all systems throughout the world today, they believe they are working for the power, position and money for themselves, but in reality all they are doing is setting up the world for the reign of the false christ. That is what the four horsemen of Revelation represent, the economic, education, government and religion systems, of Jesus' time and of today also. They were sitting in high places of religion and government in Jesus day, Jesus knew who they were in His day, He called the Pharisees, a generations of vipers and children of their father the devil. As far back as Joshua, the Kenites began to insinuate themselves among God's chosen people, and King Solomon set up the Nethinims, “those called to service” from out of heathen nations(Kenites were among these nations) to do menial service in God's Temple, even though God strictly forbid it. Once the House of Judah was carried off to Babylon, the priestline of Levi became very lazy, and they began appointing these Nethinims to do their priestly work, as scribes. Once King Cyrus invaded Babylon and allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem, Ezra states plainly not one true priest of the line of Levi returned to Jerusalem with them, he knew this when he made a headcount and did background checks of all those which had returned. He did go back to Babylon and get some true Levitical priests to return with him, but neither he nor Nehemiah removed the imposters. This had to be so, for those claiming to be Jews, but are not, had to be sitting in the seat of the lawgiver, Moses, when Jesus appeared on the scene. The true bloodline of Judah did not require Jesus death, but the Kenites pretending to be Jews did, they were more concerned for their own power and position, for this was the biggest threat posed to them, loss of everything if the people choose Jesus to rule over them. Much trouble and saddness has been laid at the feet of true Judah because of these imposters. And these wicked and evil people are still doing thier father's work today, look at the governments of the world, the judicial systems, the education systems, the economic systems and the religious systems, all are turned upside down and inside out, but again, this must be so, for the entire prophecy of God's word and will must be accomplished exactly as it is written. It seems most of these souls have been reserved for the final generation, in which we are now living, look at all the world systems, at the depravity in the minds of people living today, Sodom and Gomorrah is rising again all over the earth. How much longer shall God look upon it, I'd say the time is getting very short, the second great shaking by God is on the near horizon.

    That leaves the lukewarmers. Whenever there is rebellion, sides are take
    n, some for the leader already in charge, some for the new leader who wants to take charge, and some who just can't make a call which leader to follow. Just how many of these “sons” there were, no one knows, more than the number of the elect, but less than the number of the 1/3 that followed Satan. These will be born of woman having freewill. It could be that the majority of this number have already been born, seeing that the world is now becoming so wicked.

    So, yes, living, breathing, walking and talking, all three groups are living on the earth today. Does each know in which group they reside? Probably not, but God knows, and His divine paln for mankind will play out exactly as it is written.

    22 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to makehis power known , enduredwith much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fittedto destruction:23And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore preparedunto glory,24Even us, whom he hath called , not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?25 As he saithalso in Osee, I will call them my people, which were not my people; and her beloved , which wasnot beloved .


    John 17:24
    Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation(throwing down, katabolh) of the world(that then was).

    Ephesians 1:4
    According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation(throwing down, katabolh) of the world(that then was), that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

    1 Peter 1:20
    Who verily was foreordained before the foundation(throwing down, katabolh) of the world(that then was), but was manifest in these last times(world which is now) for you,

    The “cherubim which covereth” led a rebellion against God in the “world that then was”.
    In Isa. 14, there are a several things are going on. Verses 1-11, concerns the antichrist at the end times and God is talking about the end times, and what will happen to the antichrist at that time. However, in verses 12-15 (the 9-fold taunt of hell given to Lucifer), those verses deal only with Lucifer (Satan) in his role as the “cherubim that covereth”, and why he fell, how he fell, and when he fell, and is not a reference to the role he shall play as the antichrist in the end times. Verses 16-27, then revert back to the antichrist at the end times.

    Verse 14:12, Lucifer fell from heaven, meaning he was in heaven before. So when did he fall? By the time that he is introduced into the Garden, he had already fallen. And he also “didst” weaken the nations (past tense). So, when did he weaken the nations? At the time of Adam and Eve, there were no nations per se (plural, more than one).

    Verse 13, 14, Lucifer says in his heart, “I will ascend into Heaven, put my throne above the stars(sons) of God, I will be like the most High”. So, the question is, when did Lucifer say all of that. Logically, it had to be what caused him to fall, meaning he had to say it sometime before the 6 days of Creation and sometime before Adam and Eve. If that is correct, then there were nations and people, at sometime in the past, before Lucifer fell and way before Adam and Eve were formed.

    It was in the “world that then was”, meaning the earth before it was rejuvenated for mankind in the flesh, long before Noah's flood. The “world which is now”, is a refernce to the current world after its' rejuvenation for flesh mankind. Also, the description of the earth in 2 Peter 3:5, does not match the description of the earth in Genesis 1:2, which does match the descriptions in Ezekiel.

    Ezekiel also mentions the earth having no life, and all plants, man, and animals, being destroyed by water, a world wide flood, but all life in the oceans, and plant life, and man, were not destroyed in Noah's flood, since it was only regional. So, the logical conclusion has to be that the world which had been created and perfectly ordered and arranged suffered a great calamity, which would have to have been at the time of Lucifer's fall.

    An ongoing debate for many years, as to when the earth was created. The argument has been given that after God created the heavens and earth in verse 1, of Genesis 1, that there was a vast time period between verses 1 and 2, the time after Lucifer's fall, and then God returns to the earth and rejuvenates it, in verse 2, to begin the world again for flesh man. Many do not see it this way, but to me it is the only thing that is logical and brings the scriptures together in harmony.

    2 Peter 3:
    5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
    6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
    7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

    Ed J

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 11 2011,20:22)
    Hi MoldMe,

    Are you familiar with “Sheppard's Chapel”?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Bump for moldme


    John 17:24
    Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation(throwing down, katabolh) of the world(that then was).

    Ephesians 1:4
    According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation(throwing down, katabolh) of the world(that then was), that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

    1 Peter 1:20
    Who verily was foreordained before the foundation(throwing down, katabolh) of the world(that then was), but was manifest in these last times(world which is now) for you,

    The “cherubim which covereth” led a rebellion against God in the “world that then was”.
    In Isa. 14, there are a several things are going on. Verses 1-11, concerns the antichrist at the end times and God is talking about the end times, and what will happen to the antichrist at that time. However, in verses 12-15 (the 9-fold taunt of hell given to Lucifer), those verses deal only with Lucifer (Satan) in his role as the “cherubim that covereth”, and why he fell, how he fell, and when he fell, and is not a reference to the role he shall play as the antichrist in the end times. Verses 16-27, then revert back to the antichrist at the end times.

    Verse 14:12, Lucifer fell from heaven, meaning he was in heaven before. So when did he fall? By the time that he is introduced into the Garden, he had already fallen. And he also “didst” weaken the nations (past tense). So, when did he weaken the nations? At the time of Adam and Eve, there were no nations per se (plural, more than one).

    Verse 13, 14, Lucifer says in his heart, “I will ascend into Heaven, put my throne above the stars(sons) of God, I will be like the most High”. So, the question is, when did Lucifer say all of that. Logically, it had to be what caused him to fall, meaning he had to say it sometime before the 6 days of Creation and sometime before Adam and Eve. If that is correct, then there were nations and people, at sometime in the past, before Lucifer fell and way before Adam and Eve were formed.

    It was in the “world that then was”, meaning the earth before it was rejuvenated for mankind in the flesh, long before Noah's flood. The “world which is now”, is a refernce to the current world after its' rejuvenation for flesh mankind. Also, the description of the earth in 2 Peter 3:5, does not match the description of the earth in Genesis 1:2, which does match the descriptions in Ezekiel.

    Ezekiel also mentions the earth having no life, and all plants, man, and animals, being destroyed by water, a world wide flood, but all life in the oceans, and plant life, and man, were not destroyed in Noah's flood, since it was only regional. So, the logical conclusion has to be that the world which had been created and perfectly ordered and arranged suffered a great calamity, which would have to have been at the time of Lucifer's fall.

    An ongoing debate for many years, as to when the earth was created. The argument has been given that after God created the heavens and earth in verse 1, of Genesis 1, that there was a vast time period between verses 1 and 2, the time after Lucifer's fall, and then God returns to the earth and rejuvenates it, in verse 2, to begin the world again for flesh man. Many do not see it this way, but to me it is the only thing that is logical and brings the scriptures together in harmony.

    2 Peter 3:
    5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
    6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
    7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.


    Hello Ed J,

    Sorry I missed your post!

    Yes, I have watched Shepherd's Chapel, but it has been years since I have watched it. I have also watched many TV preachers, and have learned something from each one, also rejected a lot of what some had to say also. I do my own studies, and have learned some of the Bible is to be taken literally and some is to be taken spiritually, while to some both apply.

    I'm new to posting on forums, and I don't know all the lingo, I'm old and out of touch I guess, but what does “Bump” refer to?

    God bless and have a great evening, if it is evening where you are, if not have a great day!

    Ed J

    Hi MoldMe,

    Bump means: A post which brings the thread to the front page,
    which in turn should also bring it to the attention of another.
    Yes, I guess it is “forum lingo” to get someones attention.  

    God bless
    Ed J


    Wakeup……….you are right , but there are some here who believe Jesus was a MORPHED Angel. and will talk to their blue in the face trying to tell us that is the case, and Then there is the Trinitarians who think that Jesus was a past God who came in the Flesh, but as i see it two wrongs don't make a right . I believe God and His word are one and the Same Just as a Man and His words are one and the same. God Said He ALONE and BY HIMSELF Create the world and all that is in it, and it seem you also see it that way, I do too.

    peace and love to you and yours……………………………………….gene


    Quote (JustAskin @ Aug. 01 2010,07:32)
    What did the Angels do while the creation was being effected?

    Did they just 'watch'?

    Scriptures says that the 'Stars' sang together and that the 'Sons of God shouted with joy'

    Who are the 'Stars' and who are the 'Sons of God'?

    We also know that one of the Stars has fallen. Which Star, who, might that Star be?

    And if the answer is as i feel you agree, then 'Stars' are the 'Princes', the 'PRINCiplE' Sons of God, of which 'Jesus' is PreEminent.

    This, then, clearly shows, in as much as it is believed by virtually everyone that Satan is 'PreExistent' before falling to Earth, that also Jesus must also have been PreExistent before coming to Earth.

    Michael, the Archangel, is said to be 'ONE' of the Captains of the army of God, God Himself being the 'Field Marshall', so to speak, so who are the other 'Captains of God's army, hosts of powerful angels, sons of God'.

    They, then, must be the other 'Stars', Principle sons…perhaps Twelve Sons altogether, perhaps…what Scriptural fractal might reflect this idea?

    Hi just askin.

    Can you just read my post(scriptures and biblical teaching)



    Wakeup………..He was kicked off the site by our illustrious monitor and his co-harts a while back. He did have a lot of good points here, but push came to shove and our monitor push him out. So i doubt you will recieve an answer to your question from him.

    Peace and love to you and yours……………………………………………….gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 24 2011,08:10)
    our illustrious monitor

    Thank you for those kind words, Gene.  :)

    Here's some more from Asana in the “Just brought to my attention” thread:

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Dec. 24 2011,00:30)
    Mike you must be a great moderator because I didn't even know you were a moderator until recently which means your arguments are not geared to bully anyone…………

    You guys need to stop it. I'm getting all swelled up with pride. :)


    Mike………..Getting? surely you jest! Now that is worth a laugh :D :D :D

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