Toronto Blessing

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  • #251015

    I somehow stumbled across these videos and thought that perhaps this topic hasn't been discussed.

    Do you agree with the views in the videos or not.

    What is your take on the Toronto Blessing.




    Thanks for putting up this documentary. That is creepy! It is good that they showed the same thing happening to the Hindus. I think I'll stay away from this type of thing…far away!


    To all,

    I am more concerned about doctrine and they seem not to see that as important in most expects as I find it difficult to find. I do know they were disassociated with the Vineyard churches.


    So the Vineyard movement has detached itself from it?
    Do you know when?


    T8………….Now that is “BIZZARO” BROTHER , IF THERE EVER WAS . Man these people who practice that form of religion are giving themselves over to controlling spirits that they are allowing to come into them , demonic influences of all kinds. That is indeed Bizarre it is sickening even to watch. Hard to believe people can get so screw up in their thinking. IMO

    peace and love…………………………………….gene


    Quote (t8 @ July 06 2011,12:38)
    So the Vineyard movement has detached itself from it?
    Do you know when?

    According to an quote from Charisma magazine it was done unofficially by the council on Dec. 5th 1995 and made official January 20, 1996.

    Here is my source.


    My take is that these folks are looking for “spiritual experiences” and are not looking to serve God.


    t8, I Managed to see the first two videos on my slow connection, finally, and interesting. I cant wait to show my Mum and see what she thinks.  I see now, what I posted had nothing to do with the topic videos. Please, delete my posts (username Rena) here if you want, and I can put them somewhere else. Sorry.

    It is interesting the exact similarities with the 'kundalini spirit, and how fast it's spreading around the world.

    Heres some interesting writing I found a while back,….on!


    True that is Wispring.



    it is definitely not of God,and those people who join organized religion most of the time do it not to serve God but join like a good club or association witch reflect their own inside .(of cause the leaders know this and so tell them stories that tickles their ears)

    as true Christians and servants of God we should always have God interest in our live ,and so be immune to those action of demons.

    Paul says to make the truth sure in our hearts so we will stand firm wen the test comes.this videos shows you can not rely on your friend to be save on the road to God and Christ.

    this is my personal 2 cent



    I can't for the life of me believe that God would have a use for babbling, thrashing prophets who look and talk like they have brain damage.

    I don't remember Jesus, his disciples, or any of God's other prophets behaving like this – although He did have some of them do some things that probably seemed odd at the time.

    I've always tried to get a mental picture of the time when Saul started prophesying with the group of known prophets. I wonder if that scene looked anything like this.

    My two cents,


    Quote (t8 @ July 05 2011,19:59)
    I somehow stumbled across these videos and thought that perhaps this topic hasn't been discussed.

    Do you agree with the views in the videos or not.

    What is your take on the Toronto Blessing.

    Many things in the videos are not what they seem to be.
    The maker of the videos has a way that he sees things and desires you to see them in the same way. I know because i have talked with him and discussed the videos in question with him. And was present at some of said videos my self and know that there is more to this then what it looks like on the surface. Many are just children gone wild and some is demonic does that make it all of the devil? No my thought.
    We always walk a dangerous path when we decide that what we believe makes every one else wrong.

    Ed J

    Hi cavedave, welcome to H-net!

    Yes, we should be careful about calling others 'wrong'.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    I will also add that I was asked to leave the web site where these videos came from because I would not give in to the idea that Jesus was God. I simply believe Jesus is the Son of God the word of God and our saivor. No more no less pretty simple stuff. No where in scripture does it ever say God the Son and was asked to leave for said belief. And also believe we walk a slipery path we we judge our brothers and sisters by videos made by people who have an agenda or belief system that stems from the very thing that they are condeming and they dont even know it. There is nothing wrong with be wrong we all have been at one time or another.
    When we are children we think like children and that is ok.
    Some people never grow up and think they can teach others.
    This is a very serious thing in the eyes of God our Father. Make sure of what you teach is it in scripture or is it a tradition handed down by men and all take it to be truth. This is alright when a child not as an adult saying you come from God to teach others. If what you believe is truth it will stand on its own with out you condemming others for what they believe. If what you believe makes you and others into a special group and exculds all others you are wrong all ready.
    Truth welcomes all comers and stands on its own let God Himself sort it out. False doctrines demand you to bow your knee and kill all who oppose them.

    Ed J

    Quote (cavedave @ Feb. 17 2012,00:16)

    No where in scripture does it ever say God the Son

    Hi cavedave,

    And no-where does it say 'Jesus the word'?
    But it does say “The Word … is the Spirit”.
    (see Eph.6:17 and see also John 6:63)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 17 2012,00:26)

    Quote (cavedave @ Feb. 17 2012,00:16)

    No where in scripture does it ever say God the Son

    Hi cavedave,

    And no-where does it say 'Jesus the word'?
    But it does say “The Word … is the Spirit”.
    (see Eph.6:17 and see also John 6:63)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    I agree with you no where does it say that just like that.
    I belive Jesus is the Christ and the Christ is the thought or expresion of the heart of God. Just like when we speak and you can know someone from what they say. We can know God through Christ the thought or image of Gods heart or His word. He created all things through His word. I think many times we get triped up by thinking of Jesus as a man instead of who and what he is the thought or out raying of the one God. He was a man for 33 years to perform a purpose that was in the mind of the one God. God always does all things through His word. That word became a man and dwelt amoung men to bring us to the true God who in truth never has gone any where we just could not see him so thought He was off some where. God is invisible and always has been most think He is far away because of this and this is simply not true. Jesus Gods word made flesh came and did all the will of God and now He is in us as the Christ the son of the living God doing all the will of God and making know to us the heart of God. Oh well typing is not my strong suit and so forgive me if my ideas dont come across as I would like them.
    Those who are truly His will know me because they know Him.

    Ed J

    Hi cavedave,

    Did not God create all things via his Spirit?

    And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
    And God said, …” (Gen 1:2-3)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 17 2012,00:47)
    Hi cavedave,

    Did not God create all things via his Spirit?

    And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
    And God said, …” (Gen 1:2-3)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Genesis 3
    And God said Let there be light and there was light.
    All I see is the one God who is Spirit doing something by speaking or expressing what is in His being and it coming to pass. All that we see in the world that has been made by men was in the heart of some man. He spoke it or expressed it on paper and soon it was a building or and idea or something. In this was we are like God. Or little gods if you will we speak or express our selves and we frame our natural world with all kinds of things. God expresses Himself and does this through His son His word and all things came into being.
    Thar is why creation speakes of God it was created through His word. The sun and stars and trees and grass and all; creation speake to us who can hear of God and His thoughts.
    That is why He refers to his children as the stars in the sky.
    These things were made by the one God to express His heart to all of those called to be sons through the one son the Christ or the express image in the heart of the one true God.
    The Spirit and the word are one. God is Spirit He does not have a spirit He is Spirit. When He put His Spirit in us He did not put a part of Himself in us He put His very self in us. Just like He did with the man Jesus who is to be an example to all who would believe.


    Quote (t8 @ July 06 2011,17:38)
    So the Vineyard movement has detached itself from it?
    Do you know when?





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