The Trinity Doctrine

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  • #799287

    The Deity of Christ is revelation given by the Holy Spirit..

    Whom, Jesus said, would come to magnify the Son..

    “He shall glorify Me: for He shall receive of Mine, and shall shew it unto you.”


    John 17:3
    Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

    Okay, now is the time for you to explain why Jesus words here do not mean what they say.

    Show us how to interpret these words of eternal life please.
    We are all ears.

    But do you have ears to hear…?

    Jesus’ words mean what they say – but not what you say….because, you have put them into a different context than what they are spoken in (ie. your anti-trinity context)… when Christ is obviously not referring to His own Deity here, as He does in other places.

    Question: If the Father is the only true God, then what does Scripture refer to when it speaks of the Godhead..?

    Within the Godhead (unity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit), the Father is Head…ie. He is the only true God…!!!

    Does this deny the Deity of Christ (as you hope – so as to prove your false conclusions)..??

    No – of course not…!!!

    It only proves that you don’t understand Scripture – but instead misuse it to justify your own corrupted teaching.



    Hi davidl,



    Can you show where either of the two uses of the word GODHEAD -found only in the KJV- refer to God  as some bizarre triune being?




    Even the AV of the KJV does not use it the way modern Trinitarians do. Its modern meaning has come about because of corrupt and ignorant humans who changed the meaning because they chose not to find out what it actually meant. As Paul said better five words with understanding that a multitude without.


    found only in the KJV

    I am learning that in the history of the English Bible, the KJV text is really the only one to be trusted as the other 3 main ancient codices (derived from Alexandria), upon which our modern translations are founded, although possibly older, have actually been shown to be completely tampered with and corrupted, which in fact has been the underlying aim and ongoing work of the Vatican by which to counter the great work of the reformers through undermining the authority of Scripture (KJV and it’s reliance on the Textus Receptus) as the word of God.



    God is often spoken of as HIM and HE, never THEY or THEM as would be grammatically correct if we held to the Trinity Doctrine.

    The Hebrew name for God is “Elohim,” and is used more than two thousand times in the plural form in the Bible. Further, the name “Elohim” occurs only in Hebrew and in no other Semitic language. This is a plural noun, but the verb is singular which is not a normal use of grammar. Normally a plural noun would have a plural verb. But, if you wanted to teach that God is one and also a plurality, using the unique grammatical construction of using of a plural noun with a singular verb would be used. Therefore passages like Gen 1:1 teach that there is one God who exists in a plurality.


    Hi KW,

    Do you not know the Father and the Son?

    If you did your imaginations would cease.



    Do you not know the Father and the Son?

    If you did your objections would cease.


    Hi davidl,

    But hold on.


    Why do you ignore the one you say is a third god?

    If you have been anointed from above surely you would not forget the Holy Spirit of God?


    You prefer your own ideas.
    end of story.


    Hi davidl,

    So you worship the Spirit of God?

    Or does the Spirit help in your worship[rom8]


    You forget the Spirit when you offer your multiple gods.


    DavidL, clearly I and others prefer scripture and not the doctrines of men and demon, especially those that came centuries later and contradict scripture which precedes it. Surely you can understand our concern.



    If you had any creditability in my eyes you would loose it with that nonsense about the AV of the KJV which is not the original Authorized Version of KJB. The original authorized version was intentionally made more pro royalty but not to the degree of the Bishop’s Bible. It was also a work of the Church of England though efforts were made not to alienate Roman Catholics.

    It has errors but nothing that will prevent someone guided by the Spirit from finding the truth.

    For instance it calls the Passover Easter after Jesus’ death and labels both Sheol and Gehenna as Hell.

    It is interesting that many translators choose to translate the same words as “living creatures” when they refer to an animal and “living soul” when they refer to a human being.

    I read the AV of the KJV but I choose not to blind myself to its faults.

    It is the Spirit that reveals the truth.


    Do you not know the Father and the Son?
    If you did your objections would cease.

    Do you not know that the only true God is the Father and the Son is the one that God made both Lord and Christ?
    If you did, then your objections would cease right?



    Islam for example blatantly proclaims that Allah (God) has no son. This would by biblical standards make that of the Antichrist spirit. A God that does not have a son cannot be the God spoken of in scripture.

    You make reference to Muslims who deny the Son (as they also do the Trinity), and also to the Jews – whom you try and use as proof against the Trinity..!!??

    again all these arguments stem from your natural mind..

    But if you would speak of Muslims then please consider those who have had their lives changed through visions and dreams of Jesus Christ (there are many – and their testimonies are not hard to find)…suddenly they have no problem with the Trinity – because in Jesus they have encountered the Living GOD…!!!

    Their beliefs are no longer based on theological doctrine (man’s interpretation of Scripture) – for they have encountered the REALITY of Jesus Christ Himself.. which confirms both the reality of the Trinity, and the Deity of Jesus Christ..(unless you have heard of a Unitarian ex Muslim convert to Christ)…!?!

    T8 – your ongoing denial of the Trinity is based on the misapplication of Scripture, due to the absence of the Spirit in your study – like Saul before his encounter with Christ, you continue to attack the Christian faith, thinking you are representing the truth…when in fact you are walking in blindness.


    Hi davidl,

    Scripture never teaches any polytheistic trinity but you do.

    Yet you say the teachings of God burn in your heart??


    Do you not yet know the Father and the Son
    in the One Holy Spirit?

    you are the author of you own confusion.


    Hi davidl,

    Surely you would prefer to know THREE and not TWO?

    Or do you now believe only in a binity god?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Admin.


    Do you not know that the only true God is the Father and the Son is the one that God made both Lord and Christ?
    If you did, then your objections would cease right?

    Wrong – because the very SON whom God made both Lord and Christ, declares – “I and the Father are One.’..!!

    When you cherry-pick verses to support your man-made arguments… your arguments will always crumble in the end.

    Your eyes are blinded by your own anti-trinity bias…

    because the very verse you use to deny the Son – actually declares the Oneness of the Son to the only true God…!!!

    “And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent.”



    Hi davidl,

    Your confusion extends to believing the Father is the Son?

    false logic leads there

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