The Trinity Doctrine

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    I found this quote and I think it will be helpful in this discussion:

    John 5:18 says they sought the death penalty against Jesus, charging Him with blasphemy “because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God.”

    In that culture, a dignitary's adult son was deemed equal in stature and privilege with his father. The same deference demanded by a king was afforded to his adult son. The son was, after all, of the very same essence as his father, heir to all the father's rights and privileges—and therefore equal in every significant regard. So when Jesus was called “Son of God,” it was understood categorically by all as a title of deity, making Him equal with God and (more significantly) of the same essence as the Father. That is precisely why the Jewish leaders regarded the title “Son of God” as high blasphemy.

    By John MacArthur

    Calling Jesus, God's Son, makes Him equal with God. Even Jesus acknowledged there is only one Lord God. So, Jesus knew full well that by being called the son of God was the same as saying, “I am God.” And for saying this, they killed Him because they wanted to prove Him wrong.

    In love,


    Hi bb,

    How foolish of them! God has made it plain to them that they too are sons of God so how could this be blasphemy?
    Deut 14.1
    “You are the sons of the Lord your God;you shall not cut yourselves nor shave your forehead for the sake of the dead. For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for His own possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth”

    Is 1:18

    In that culture, a dignitary's adult son was deemed equal in stature and privilege with his father. The same deference demanded by a king was afforded to his adult son. The son was, after all, of the very same essence as his father, heir to all the father's rights and privileges—and therefore equal in every significant regard. So when Jesus was called “Son of God,” it was understood categorically by all as a title of deity, making Him equal with God and (more significantly) of the same essence as the Father. That is precisely why the Jewish leaders regarded the title “Son of God” as high blasphemy.

    Very interesting, thanks beenblake. Its always good to get a cultural insight.


    Hi beenblake,
    Then what of the Jews themselves? If claiming God to be your Father is blasphemy they they convicted themselves:
    Jn 8.41
    ” They said to him
    'We were not born of fornication;we have one father, God”


    Dear Nick,

    “True servanthood to a Lord involves obedience to him. Indeed forgiveness is available to all who submit to baptism into the Son.”

    Forgiveness is not something a person can earn. You are not forgiven for your sins by being baptized. That is foolishness. That is not true forgivness.

    Forgiveness is something given and accepted. That is why it is called grace. God's grace is free. It can be given to anyone who turns to Christ and repents. Anyone who believes in Jesus may have eternal life. It doesn't say, “anyone who believes Jesus.” This is a big difference. To believe in Jesus means that you believe in His person. This means you believe that Jesus came to earth and lived as a man. He was a real man who suffered and died for our sins. This also means you believe Jesus is God. Only God can forgive sins. If Jesus is not God, then He can't forgive your sins. Jesus is God. Jesus can forgive sins.

    God does require a sign of our faith. It is not a work he requires. It is not something we do to earn forgiveness. It is merely acceptance. We accept forgiveness. We do this by believeing in Jesus.

    True baptism is something God gives us. It is not something we earn. When you have truly called out to Jesus in repentence and humility, then Jesus baptizes with the Spirit. He does this to help us. He does this to save us.

    However, this is not something you can earn. This is something given. And unless you call out to Jesus Christ, you cannot recieve this gift. It does not come from any other way. Jesus is the way. He is the only way.

    In love,


    Can I ask a question?

    If God is called the Father so many times and Jesus Christ, or the Anointed Messiah is called Lord so many times… is it not feasible to say that the many times stated plainly should outweigh the few times it is only implied that Jesus is God but never once actually stated plainly. Jesus calls God, God and Father but the Father never once calls the Son, God nor God the Son… He was made Lord and Christ was he not… Acts 2:36 states:

    Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom you have crucified, both Lord and Christ.

    Almost every one of Paul’s epistles and almost all of the other epistles say: grace and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.

    So why is there no mention of the Holy Spirit in these greetings? Surely this is an oversight from the 3rd Person in the Trinity who is supposed to be co-equal and co-existent and is the inspiration for all these scriptures.

    Await your reply.


    If Jesus was God, then why did he have to teach all that the Father showed him… why did he not just preach his own message instead of the one that the Father gave him to speak? Language makes no sense if this is not plainly readible… see

    Jesus declares that he is not the author of his own doctrine.

    “My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me,” John 7:16, 17.


    just another question:

    Jesus Christ it is stated in the Scriptures to have been “tempted of the devil,” Matt. 4:1. But “God can not be tempted with evil.” James 1:13.

    Can anyone help here?


    Another thought… can God become lower than his creation? Can immortality take on mortality? – does not seem to match up with scripture.

    “Jesus was made a little lower than the angels,” Heb. 2:9

    How can he be given a name above all names if he is already GOD. Surely that is the highest name the universe can know? if so, then to be given a title, means he did not hold that title till he had fully obeyed his Father in all things, including death on the cross.

    I am open to thought… as always


    “But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but my Father only,” Matt.24:36, Mark 13:32.

    Funny that… Neither Jesus nor the Holy Spirit know the hour or the day, but only the FATHER… cant see equality here.

    Can anyone help please?


    that is all for tonight… I enjoy discussion but the last few pages have been a waste of time. lets get back to the topic this forum is meant to be discussing.


    HI Artizan7,
    Good points all. I agree.


    Hi beenblake,
    ACTS 2.38

    Did the disciples forgive sins? were they God too?
    Jn 20 22
    ” And when he ahd said this he breathed on them and said to them
    'Receive the Holy Spirit, If you forgive the sins of any , their sins have been forgiven them, if you retain the sins of any they have been retained”


    t8 don`t presume that your my brother! i have called you a false prophet who willfully manipulates scripture, so i have not given you any credibility.


    David you read an occultist translation of the bible, your words are of no account, you carry no weight. In other words your not a man of truth. Your a byproduct of your cult.


    Hi soxan,
    I am looking forward too a positive presentation from your of clear revelation of trinity theory in the bible. Unless you can do this then your negative attacks on men are just that…useless and negative.


    Many people have presented, including myself, with scripture[and it`s not a theory,nice try wolf] but you and t8 have rejected the scriptures. And to make things worse you guys have added and manipulated the scriptures in a similiar fashion as the other cults have!


    negative attacks, thats what you and t8 do to those who oppose your your treachery.


    Dear Nick,

    If you notice, it says “BE BAPTISED IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST.” This means that you are baptized by Jesus Christ. I was baptized “in the name of Jesus Christ” by Jesus Christ who was working through a representative of His.

    When the disciples went forth, they performed all miracles “in the name of Jesus.” They acted as His representative, in place of Him. They could only do those miracles and forgive sins, not because they actually had the power to forgive, but because Jesus was working through them. Only those disciples whom Jesus sent had the power to do such miracles. Only those He chose. Not anyone could say, “in the name of Jesus” and see the power of God. Jesus had granted those disciples the power of His Spirit, and it was acknowledged that the power came from Jesus by saying, “in the name of Jesus.”

    Thus, the disciples did not forgive sins. Jesus forgave sins.

    There is no other name on Heaven or earth that bears such power as the name of Jesus Christ. You cannot be baptized into any other name. There is no other way to Heaven accept through Jesus Christ.

    Here is some questions for you….

    If Jesus is not God, then how could He breath the Holy Spirit (God's Spirit) onto the disciples as it says in John 20:22?

    And….have you accepted Jesus as your Lord?

    In love,


    Dear Nick,

    You said, “How foolish of them! God has made it plain to them that they too are sons of God so how could this be blasphemy?”

    The Pharisees were not idiots. They were intelligent and well-educated men. They knew that Jesus was not just proclaiming to be any Israelite, any child of God. Jesus was proclaiming to be the “Christ.” He was proclaiming to be the Messiah.

    They knew the Messiah would be called the son of God, as it is made apparent in the Old Testament. Isaiah 9:6 says “a son is born to us.” Psalms 2:12 says “do homage to the son.” They new that God's annointed one would come from Heaven. They knew He would be God for He would be God's chosen King to rule over Israel. Israel had but one King, the Lord. The Messiah would be the Lord.

    That is why they accused Jesus of blasphemy. They did not believe in Him. Jesus said He was the Christ, and they rejected Him. They wanted undeniable evidence. They thought if they could kill Jesus, that would prove He was not God.

    In love,

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