The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block

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    1) The Word became flesh. Jesus Christ came in the flesh. The Lord and messiah was born in Bethlehem.

    2) That Adam was from earth and Jesus from heaven.

    3) The Son of God is the prototype offspring of God. He is the image of the invisible God. All things were created through Him and for Him and he is before all things.

    1) ‘Jesus’ is NOT whom scriptures says came in the flesh. It is the WORD that came, God’s Word, God’s PROMISE OF A SAVIOUR (a Christ). John the Baptist did not call Jesus,’The word’ but rather, ‘The Light’:

    John 1: 6-‘There was a man sent from God…,’ (Note that “sent from God does not mean ‘is God’ ”) ‘…whose name was John This man came as a witness of the Light, that all through him (the Light) might believe. He (John) was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light’.

    Whom did John the Baptist bear witness to?

    2) In what was was Jesus [the] Christ born? Was it not in the same manner as Adam… was it not through the breath of God, the Holy Spirit, and not of the seed of sinful man ? In this way BOTH Adam and Jesus were SINLESS AND HOLY: ‘Sons of God’?

    3) t8, your post here is ultra-vague, literally a cut and paste of nonsense. The ‘prototype’ Son is AFTER Jesus completed his task… You cannot call something untested ‘Complete’.

    And, ‘offspring of God’… what does that mean? Did you just throw those words in hoping they would seem impressive… sorry, waste of time!

    The term, ‘image of God’ was ALSO given to Adam, and Adam was ALSO called, ‘Son of God’… so ‘prototype’ cannot refer to BOTH the sinner and the sinless at the same times. Didn’t you read ‘prototype’ as being AFTER Jesus was raised from the dead and taken up to heaven?

    t8, ‘All things were created THROUGH him (meaning Jesus Christ)’? Where do you read those words in scriptures and find them cohesive with scriptures… Does scriptures not say that ‘GOD ALONE’ created all things? Are you turning binitarian now in your old age of hosting?


    Jael….brother, i do not think it was a contingency or backup plan, but was planned from the get go. That is why it says Jesus was sacrificed from the foundations of the earth. It was a1l in Gods plan from the beginning. Everything that has happened sence creation was Gods doing, that is why He offered up His Sacrifice for all sins , because He takes credit for it al1. Both good and evil.

    Just as a man in would have to take a sacrifical Lamb and offer it up to sacrifice for his sins, so God the Father offered up his only begotten son, for the sins of the whole world , He is taking full responsibility for it all, and in so doing removes it from us. But that is what it took to give us the real understanding of good and evil, we all needed so we could become like him. Just as it is said , look man has become as we are , Knowing Good (and) Evil. All of this was needfull in His creative worksm of making ys more like Him. He takes responsibility and glory for it All.

    Peace and love to you and yours………gene


    Jael, you are right many take Jesus to be the word himself, not understanding that the word which is God came to be in the man Jesus. Many think the word christ means the man Jesus, when in fact it is the (anointing spirit) given the man Jesus at the Jordan river when he recieved it. That is when the word (came to be IN) the man Jesus. The word never (became) flesh as many assume, that is impossible, because the word is spirit, and spirit is not flesh.

    The anointed one is not himself that anointing he recieved after his berth as Jesus did. I am glad you understand these things brother.

    Peace and love to you and yours…….gene


    Gene, yes, Jesus BECAME ‘The Christ’ at his baptism at the river Jordan. You rightly state that it means, ‘Anointed [one]’, which is exactly what occurred to him.

    But it also means, ‘Chosen One’.

    If Jesus was God Almighty, isn’t it a strange thing that ALMIGHTY GOD should say to him, ‘This is my son in whom I am well pleased!’?

    This would certainly draw an image of Almighty God blessing ALMIGHTY GOD for being ‘Well Pleasing’? But how could Almighty God be anything other than ‘Well Pleasing’… oh well, I guess a trinitarian would say, ‘Exactly, God was well pleased with Jesus in a human body still being God!’ (Trinitarians do not like using the title ‘Almighty God’ because even they recognise that ONLY THE FATHER is ALMIGHTY and that Jesus IS NOT!!)


    Hi T8,

    You say Jesus was born with a spirit like us.

    No you do not really mean that because you think his Spirit was the Holy Spirit which we are not born with.


    You do not think he is a man but a demigod.


    Hi T8,

    Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.

    Understand this verse spiritually and you are learning.


    Jael…Yes it would have created a (IMAGE) of Jesus being a GOD , AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT TOOK PLACE. Fallen christanity through the false teachings of the Gnostic’s, creaed a false Jesus. Which is accepted today in nearly all christanity. This false (IMAGE) OF THE MAN JESUS being a prexisting GOD IS EXACTLY WHAT HAS CREATED “THE MAN OF SIN” spoken of in 2Ths 2.

    There is no “Real” man of sin, the man of sin is simply a false (IMAGE) of JESUS HIMSEL, CREATED BY Satan himself in THE FALLEN OR APOSTATE CHURCHES, IT IS A “LIE” ABOUT JESUS, which Jesus out of his own mouth will abolish at his return. Remember what it says, because they recieved no the love of the truth God will send unto them a deludng spirit, inorder for them to believe a LIE. That “LIE” IS ABOUT JESUS HIMSELF.

    JAEL, remember what God the Father said, “you shall have no other God besides me”, and we are not to “Make any “IMAGE” OF HIM in heaven above or earth beneath”. Making a false image ofJesus being a God, and worshiping him as such, turns the real JEASUS in the minds of those preaching him as such into “man of sin”.

    God bless you and anyone else to understand this Jael.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……..gene


    Hi Gene,

    Theological convolutions to bolster your weak case?


    Yes, Gene, trinity certain makes a false image of the Son of God: ‘Jesus, a man sanctified by God’…

    When scriptures calls Jesus, ‘a Man’, Trinitarians ignore it. They, instead, try to force innocent verses to claim that Jesus is saying he is God…even when Jesus goes out of his way to say, ‘I am not God’.

    In fact, Jesus saying, ‘I AM not God’, would convince Trinitarians that Jesus WAS saying he was God…!!!


    NICK…..PERHAPS,WEAK to those who may not understand the truth in this. Maybe it would be more helpfull to explain why you say the ‘SEVEN SIRITS OF GOD, mentioned in scruptures are really seven angels, according to your “weak thelogical convolutions” of scriptures.

    I have explained what i have said, and ask you many questions about it, and you have faild to address any of them, you are in hardly a position to speak of a weak theological convolutions imo. Tell me Why do you try to hinder the truth of scriptures because of your lack of understanding?

    Let him who has an ear hear what the spirit is saying, concerning 2 Ths 2. You seem to have no truth concerning it, or at least you never shown you have. So why criticize anyone who does, rather me or anyone else?

    Peace and love to you and yours. …….gene


    Hi Gene,

    Some of your ideas make reasonable sense.

    But they do not link to 2 Thess 2 except in your imagination.


    Hi Gene,

    Are you not familiar with the Seven spirits of God?

    They are named in the book that the Holy Spirit in Jude quotes from.









    The Holy Spirit Of God is one.


    Hi Gene,

    Some of your ideas make reasonable sense.

    But they do not link to 2 Thess 2 except in your imagination.

    Nick, you have opposed Gene for a long time now. When he said that Jesus did not exist as the Word and that he is just a man like Adam, you debated him. Now you see as he does. Have you thanked him for trying to show you what you think is now the truth? While I disagree with both of you on this, I am pointing out the lack of acknowledgement. Surely we should say, I was wrong and you were right or something to that tune?


    @jael. You clearly state that Jesus did not come in the flesh:

    1) ‘Jesus’ is NOT whom scriptures says came in the flesh. It is the WORD that came, God’s Word, God’s PROMISE OF A SAVIOUR (a Christ). John the Baptist did not call Jesus,’The word’ but rather, ‘The Light’:

    Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.

    Here is another translation which seems slightly different. Being such an important topic, I feel I should quote both:

    Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.

    What am I supposed to conclude from your confession Jael after reading this?


    Hi t8, what you should conclude is that you are deliberately mistaking two different things concerning ‘came (or coming) in the flesh’.

    In John 1, the ‘WORD’ of God, God’s Promise to send a Saviour took on flesh, came true.

    The second point was against those who refused to believe that Jesus the saviour had come (died and rose again). There were many Jews who still did not believe, even today. They are still awaiting THAT PROMISE from God.

    Do you notice the ‘FROM GOD’? Whether you believe Jesus IS GOD, or you believe Jesus is some kind of Procreated Spirit offspring of God (Even God cannot do the impossible and remain God!!), the scriptures states that Jesus was a man sanctified BY GOD and sent into the world…

    FIRST, he was a man, next he was SANCTIFIED, and finally, SENT INTO the world.

    t8, ‘have you been …’ preaching ‘so long and have not recognised …’ what “Into the World” means?

    t8, ‘Into the world’ means, ‘against those who oppose God; against the evil one’. It does NOT mean, ‘Born in humanity’. This is, in fact, where many wrongful ideas stem from but is easily cleared up when you read that it was AFTER Jesus was BAPTISED (apology for previous post where I said John the Baptist didn’t call Jesus ‘the word’, I meant ‘John the Apostle/Disciple) that he was ‘Sent into the world’. John 10:36 states this… Jesus answered the jews saying, ‘what of the one the Father sanctified and sent into the world…’.

    t8, why would Jesus in heaven need sanctifying (some say, Consecrated) before being born as a baby on Earth (in the world)?

    In fact, can you say where in scriptures it says that God consecrated, ‘set apart’, Jesus? Hint: ‘This is my son in whom I am well pleased’!!


    Hi T8,

    Yes we should be humble enough to admit we have erred.

    I have changed and learned a huge amount since coming here through a wide variety of vessels such as Gene.

    What of you?



    Hi Jael,

    Jn 17.18

    As you sent me into the world,

    I also have sent them into the world.


    Not birth.


    Yes, Nick..

    Jesus sent the disciples ‘into the world’, sent them to oppose the evil and Satan’s regime.


    Hi Jael,

    Yes Enoch shows how the evil angels brought sin into the world.

    Now an anointed man is sent into the kingdom of darkness to bring back light and humiliate those mighty angels.


    Hi T8,

    You seem to immediately assume that those who do not see as you see are of the wrong spirit.

    But perhaps it is you who cannot yet see the kingdom spiritually.

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