The last generation will only hear things that “tickle their ears”

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  • #829275

    I amen your amen.


    So called Christanity loves to get their ears tickled, that is why those lying televangelist are making billions of dollars, tickling their folowers ears, while the decieved give buckets of money to them. They are twice dead, in this life and the one to come. Clouds without water, Liers and decievers, spuing out their own shame, to the destruction of themselves, as well, as to all who follow them, cursed childern, who themselves are the spon of Satan.

    May GOD come and strick them dowm, crushing them and their lies, into eternal damnation.

    My prayer is how long, how long, “Ò” GOD will these things continue, before you raise your arm and crush those decieving dogs under foot Father, how long before it’s over and you rightiousness reigns in the earth? Is it not enough by now FATHER?

    peace and love to all that are in the truth. …..gene


    I hope so T8. Be so much of a comfort.

    My ears tickling is the best part of this world.

    Lol your amen to Nick’s


    “So called Christanity loves to get their ears tickled, that is why those lying televangelist are making billions of dollars, tickling their folowers ears, while the decieved give buckets of money to them”

    But what is the favorite verse of the televangelists you speak of?  Mal 3:10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. The very verse you used at me in the other thread about faith needing proof.

    The televangelists love this one for if you give your money to them then you give God the opportunity to make yourself rich and pour you out a blessing and vs 11 he’ll rebuke the devourer -ie devil and the curse of the law and make you prosperous in every area of your life. And all the souls they save with your money will also go into your account in heaven! Isn’t that a great deal Gene? how can you beat that? Prove God! Let God prove himself by giving your livelihood to Him through his servants. Psalm 35:27  Let the Lord be magnified which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servants!

    And many of these televangelists also claim to have seen Jesus-Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Jessie Duplantis as well as many that are passed away such as Kenneth Hagin,Lester Summrall, Oral Roberts and others and they were and are all filthy rich living in in million dollar mansions. It seems God really proves himself to them huh? That’s why they have such great faith and boast of all kinds of miracles, and claim God always upholds his word and answers all their prayers.

    And so many of the end time prophecy pundits are floating on cloud nine with millions of dollars off all their book sales which tickle the ears of the faithful yearning for their mansions in the sky, vengeance on their enemies  and rulership on earth during the millennial reign.

    Do you think they are all lying Gene? about seeing Jesus and performing miracles? So many people believe them and they claim they have proof of God and boast that God has made them rich. If all these have proof for their faith then why do you think they are wrong? God certainly seems to be answering their prayers.



    AndrewAD. …scripture say “have you faith, have it unto yourself”. Faith is personal, “for God gives a measure of faith to all. But those televangelist’s faith is in the gullibility of there following. Who want to recieve money and riches like tbeir teacher. There only proof they give is how gullible people really are, who can’t see past there shams.

    Let go back to your mentioning of a quote i gave from Mal 3:10, because that was one of the first things i did to “prove” GOD was indeed in my life and that he truly existed.

    I was a young man around 30 years old, married with two childern. Was brought up with parents and grand parents who believe in God. So i “supposed” there was a GOD, but had “no real” proof myself, but was schearching for that proof earnestly, i truly wanted to know if that invisible God did exist and if that “invisible” God would prove his existence to me, so i studied scriptures seeking something that i could find that would give “me” that proof, i was seeking “hard evidence” myself, not hear say of others.

    So one day while reading and studying i came across MAL 3:10, where God gave the challenge to the Israelites, to prove him by giving their tithes. So i thought there it is, a way to get “MY PROOF”
    I needed, in those days we had very little money to live on. I told my wife i was going to give a tenth of my check to a church, any church, it didn’t matter to me which church it was, i just wanted to get my proof of a God. My wife argued with me about taking money we need to live on and giving it to a church, but i told her i was only to do it one time, and if God did not do anything that proved himself then i would do it no more.

    So i sent it to a church my Father was involved with, and waited to see what would happen, after all i took God’s challenge right, so now lets see his proof, well the week drug on and i saw nothing for a few days, but was still waiting. I used to to buy things and fix them up and sall them on the side for extra money, besides my regular job, about the third day i recieved a phone call from a friend who know i did that, and he told me about a old haybailer, that a farmer had for sale for 50 dollars, so i went and bought it, and took it to my house, to repair it and put it up for sale, then about a day or two later a person knocked on my door and ask me if i wanted to sell it, i told him i didn’t know if it worked yet because i hadn’t had time to work on it yet, so he said would i sell is as is, i said yes i would and ask how much would he give me for it, he responed 250 dollars, is it yours.

    This was the first proof God gave me, i was so excited, i told my wife look what happened, she said it was just a quncedence, that could have happened even if i didn’t send the money to that church. So i said it could have, so i sent another tithe in and the very next week another thing happened right out of the blue a guy came and brought a old Jeep i had fixed up for way more then i paid for it, so i tithed again m then that same week i got a raise on in pay at my work, then so i thited again, the next week a person came by and offered me way more money for and old tractor then i gave for it, it was one thing after another, i took a test for a contractors liecense and the test took almost 8 hours to do, i din’t think i passed it, but my wife called me at work and said i did. so even my wife admitted these things could not just be a consequence, just to many things there was something going on.

    Then i became an electrical contractor, when i began i had to quite my jod , and no money was comming in, i had printed up about a thousand cards, and went all over handing them out after several 3 week i had not one responce not one, i thought i had made a mistake becomming a contractor, money was running out, i had not yet begin to pray, but just relied on God proving himself to me by tithing response, so i decided to seek him through prayer.

    So i told my wife i was going to pray to God and see what happens, i prayed, and the phone started to ring with Job requests, one after another, but not one from the cards i handed out, it was simply a mircale, and after a month or so the work would dry up, and the phone stopped ringing, so i told my wife again i will pray and ask God for help, i no sooner got up from prayer and the phone started ringing again, one jobe after another and the work lasted for another month and stopped again, so i prayed again and t h e phone started ringing again, this just kept happen over and over, untill both me and my wife had to laugh, at t h e mircales God the father was doing in our lives.

    This was jut the beginning of the miracles AndrewAD, one thing though i was from the heart seeking real “EVIDENCE” OF A TRUE GOD AND HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH ME, AND HE WAS FAITHFUL TO “HIS” WORDS.

    Peace and love to you and yours. …….gene


    AndrewAD. …Now consider This Andrew the money i was givibg had nothing to do about a true church or not, GOD was not looking at the church, he was looking at my heart, i was not looking at the profit from the money, i was just wanting to know if there was a real God who was involved in my life, it had nothing to do with financial gains at all. Only wanted “evidence” of a real GOD and if he was involved in “my” life. What i have written was only tip of the “personal” evidence he gave me directly. Here is some of the other things.

    We had two girls already, but i wanted to have a Son, we did not for three years of trying, so I said to my wife i will ask God and prayed about it, that very month my wife became pregnant, and i ask God not for just any Son, but to give him a good heart, and my son now is over 45 years old and is known for his good and kind heart.

    Here is just a few more things i have seen

    When i was shocked by the little mangeled and deformed girl, so i went away and cried and raised my voice to God and ask him, how could you allow such a thing as that to happen?, and a very soft voice came to me and said, “I did that, for your sake Gene”. I actually heard his voice.

    I saw the dead raised back to life, a new born baby who was born dead, and when i called out to God she instantly came to life, four witnesses were there and saw it also. That baby was my youngest daughter, is alive today with three childern of her own.

    I was once at the point of death myself could not eaten or drank, with fever so high the skin on my lips actually pilled of my skin off. I called the elder of the church i was in at that time, to come and anoint me, he did, but i just kept getting worse, and after seven days, i was so week i believed God was goin to let me die, so I LOOKED UP AND SAID, it looks like your going to let me die Father, and really thought i was going to die, i was layibg in my bead faceing north and south, the door was to the south end of the bed, and suddenly there came a round cricle about a foot and a half in diameter, about a humans head high , it looked like water, it was spinning slowly, it advanced through the door at a right angel from my position and when it got to my feet, it turned and advanced toward my head, and at my head it stopped advancing possed a few seconds and reversed and went back the same way and left the room. I was instantly heald, there was no recovery just as fast as you could smap your fingers i was completely healed. Call for my wife and told her, God just heald me, and ask her to go and cook me a steak, i was hungry.

    I could go on and on AndrewAD. ….there just isant time here. But i think you can easly see my faith was build with “real” “personal” (EVIDENCE). therefore i believe as it says, “HAVE YOU FAITH, HAVE IT UNTO YOURSELF.

    It is incumbent on ever one to seek there “own” proof, do not believe those televangelist they are nothing but thieves and liers, who only serve manon, but not God, or they would never live the way they do. Do you see in scripture any apostle, living like they do, did Jesus live like that going around begging for money, saying it for the work of GOD, they are a cursed breed, whose end will be exactly what they deserve, a special part in hell, where they and their covantness ways, will come unto a bitter end.

    True faith is your own “personal” “evidence”, apart from any church teachings it is personal “evidence” given by GOD HIMSELF DIRECTLY TO US., or its just “supositions” empty talk a cloud without water, a vapor that gives FALSE hope and dissappears. A true wittnes has his own proof, given him by GOD THE FATHER. IMO.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……gene


    Hi Gene,

    lk 4.5

    And he led him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

    And the devil said to him

    ’I will give you all this domain and all it’s glory; for it has been handed over to me,

    and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore if you worship before me, it shall all be yours’


    We know that the devil is a liar, but how much of his claims made here are true?

    Does he hold the power to give riches and power on earth?

    When was the right handed to him?

    Jesus did not deny what he said.

    Is not poverty an advantage in the sight of God?

    Bleesed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of God



    Nick….Amen brother, those that preach for filthy lucre are enimies of Christ Jesus, as they go about sporting themselves without fear, they are most assuredly the servants of Satan, whose end is near, their lavish living proves it over and over.

    1 Pet 5:2….Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversite there of, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind. Verse 3, .. Neither as being lords over GOD’S heritage, but being “examples” to the flock.

    Tell us AndrewAD, what kind of “examples” are those money grabbing liers setting. Is it not to use people and grab all the money you can out of the needy and poor, and aged, and give false hope to the inferimed, i tell you the fires of hell are ready burning for them. They may kid themselves and others all they want to, but surely they shall give account. Woe unto them!

    AndrewAD, show us where any true deciple of Jesus, ever lived lavishly, off the brethern, tell us of one. Even Jesus was among us as a poor person as a servant, was he not vexed with our inferimites, what about PAUL surely he could have been “RICH”, but no he even worked as a tent maker to help pay for his keep, all the while watching over 27 churches. All the apostles died poor in mammon, but rich in FAITH, real faith AndrewAD. THE KIND GAIND BY REAL “EVIDENCE”, not suppositions given by liers.

    Peace and love to you and yours……gene



    Had you sent your money to one of the televangelists and then sent them your testimony they may have used it to boost their ministry and then you’d really be convinced they were of God. That’s how the propaganda works but the majority of people who send their money can’t even afford to pay their bills. They know this and prey upon them with bible promises of “prove God” but when it never works it’s guilt trips and get your heart right, and give more money. And yes Praise the Lord anyway!!! It’s all a sham.


    Oh I just saw the next page. So you think I am in support of the money grubbers huh? Did I ever say I was? I asked you pertinent questions on faith and you give the exact same speil as they do which is why I brought it up.


    AndrewAD. …no my point was i never was trying to get money, from any one, as they do. I “only” cared about God showing me he existed and was he in my personal life. If nothing would have happened after the “first” time i took God’s challenge, i would have never tithe again. I could have given that tithe to any church or anyone, and the same result would have happened, because it had “nothing” to do with money, just proof of his existence in “my” life. Infact i don’t believe tithing is even required at all today.

    I even once had a scripturial descussion with some elders of the WWCG, for 6 hours, showing them every scripture proving we are not under any thithing laws at all. They finally admitted, there was no scriptural proof for tithing in the NEW TESTEMENT CHURCH. There is proof of giving, BUT TITHING NO. But they refused to quit preaching tithing, even telling people they would go to hell if they did not tithe’. So i left that church. Tithing was a form of “tax” that took care of the LEVITES, who supplied many services to the other 12, tribes of Israel, they were their doctors, Judges, Preist’s teachers of the words of God, they could not own property, their complete livelihood was on the tithes they collected from the rest of the tribes. Tithes were simply a form of taxes, it was a Law, in ISRAEL.

    But today it is not required, our taxes cover that and way more.

    I apsolutely do not support any of those televangelist’s at all, as to what i have posted, prayer given in earnest produces far more evidence to all those who truly believe, my point is GOD GIVES EVIDENCE OF HIM BEING IN OUR LIVES. Did he not say, “I am found by them that “seek” me”. My overall point is we each need our own “PERSONAL”, EVIDENCE, of GOD. Those who God the Father is with, he will show himself to them. SINCERE PRAYER IS THE BEST WAY. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours. …..gene


    It is good to share our testimony. While people can debunk understanding, science, beliefs, we all have our very own testimony of God working in our lives. No one can take that away from us.

    People can call you you a liar or whatever, but in your heart you know when God reaches out. Our own faith is not absolute proof of God to others,  but to yourself. Others need to have their own faith in God.

    faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.


    Hi T8,

    Yes calling others liars is your specialty.

    Every word is noted.


    Who is the liar, the one who denies Jesus is the Christ.

    I show you that Jesus was born the Christ.

    A man under inspiration of the Holy Spirit sees the Christ.

    But Nick teaches that he was not the Christ and tries to correct me when I quote the scripture.

    And who is the liar, but he who denies Jesus is the Christ.

    Your problem is the scripture not me.

    Shooting the messenger doesn’t rewrite scripture.

    Does it?

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