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  • #253085
    Ed J

    Hi Everyone,

    You read about Clement in Philippians 4:3.
    Phil 4:3 And I entreat thee also, true yokefellow,
    help those women which labored with me in the gospel,

    with Clement also, and with my other fellowlaborers, whose
    names are in the book of life. (Clement1 was definitely inspired)

    1Clement reads much like Steven's dissertation, but in much more detail.
    With everyone's blessing, I will begin posting his Epistle to the Corinthians.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Ed J,
    Personally I like anything that could shed extra light on scripture,  Although I always regard it with some suspicion and disregard it if it conflicts with scripture.

    However there have been times that I have changed my beliefs on a subject where the additional information is incorporated into a new line of thinking (altering my belief) as long as it still keeps harmony within the whole of scripture.

    So for my part post away


    Ed J

    Thanks Wm,

    I want to hear how others weigh in on this,
    because it's quite a long read for a forum.
    2Clement was NOT written by Clement;
    so it is NOT comparable to 1Clement.
    Clement is mentioned in Philip.4:3.

    I also have “the book of Enoch”, which is mentioned in Jude 1:14.
    And “the book of Jasher”, mentioned in Joshua 10:13 & 2Samuel 1:18.
    Both these books are interesting reads; but 1Clement is a biblical synopsis.

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus.
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (seekingtruth @ July 21 2011,07:08)
    Ed J,
    Personally I like anything that could shed extra light on scripture,  Although I always regard it with some suspicion and disregard it if it conflicts with scripture.

    However there have been times that I have changed my beliefs on a subject where the additional information is incorporated into a new line of thinking (altering my belief) as long as it still keeps harmony within the whole of scripture.

    So for my part post away


    Hi Wm,

    Are you referring to the “book of Enoch”?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Hi Everyone,

    Chapters 1 and 2 start out slow (compared to the rest of the book)
    so don't let these Chapters dissuade you from reading the rest. ~ Ed J

    To help with the reading, I took the liberty of putting added breaks in the text;
    with a note, letting you know that they are NOT paragraph breaks; to enjoy it better.

                                           CHAPTER 1
                                       Clement's Salutation

    1 THE Church of God which is at Rome, to the Church of God which is at Corinth,
    elect, sanctified by the will of God, through Jesus Christ our Lord: grace and
    peace from the Almighty God, by Jesus Christ be multiplied unto you.

    2 ¶ Brethren, the sudden and unexpected dangers and calamities that have fallen upon us,
    have, we fear, made us the more slow in our consideration of those things which you inquired of us:
    3  As also of that wicked and detestable sedition, so unbecoming the elect of God, which a few heady
    and self-willed men have fomented to such a degree of madness, that your venerable and renowned name,
    so worthy of all men to be beloved, is greatly blasphemed thereby. 4 For who that has ever been among you
    has not experimented the firmness of your faith, and its fruitfulness in all good works; and admired the temper
    and moderation of your religion in Christ; and published abroad the magnificence of your hospitality, and
    thought you happy in your perfect and certain knowledge of the Gospel? (Note: No paragraph break)

    5 For ye did all things without respect of persons and walked  according to the laws of God; being
    subject to those who had the rule over you, and giving the honor that was fitting to the aged among you.
    6 Ye commanded the young men to think those things that were modest and grave. 7 The women ye exhorted
    to do all things with an unblameable and seemly, and pure conscience; loving their own husbands, as was fitting: and
    that keeping themselves within the bounds of a due obedience, they should order their houses gravely, with all discretion.
    8 Ye were all of you humble minded, not boasting of any thing: desiring rather to be subject than to govern;
    to give than to receive; being content with the portion God hath dispensed to you; (No paragraph break)

    9 And hearkening diligently to his word, ye were enlarged in your bowels, having his suffering always before your eyes.
    10 Thus a firm, and blessed and profitable peace was given unto you; and an unsatiable desire of doing good;
    and a plentiful effusion of the Holy Ghost was upon all of you. 11 And being full of good designs, ye did
    with great readiness of mind, and with a religious confidence stretch forth your hands to God Almighty;
    beseeching him to be merciful unto you, if in any thing ye had unwillingly sinned against him.
    12 Ye contended day and night for the whole brotherhood; that with compassion and
    a good conscience, the number of his elect might be saved. (No paragraph break)

    13 Ye were sincere, and without offense towards each other; not mindful of injuries;
    all sedition and schism was an abomination unto you. 14 Ye bewailed every one his neighbor's sins,
    esteeming their defects your own. 15 Ye were kind one to another without grudging; being ready
    to every good work. And being adorned with a conversation altogether virtuous and religious,
    ye did all things in the fear of God; whose commandments were written upon the tables of your heart.

                                           CHAPTER 2
                                   How their divisions began.

    1 ALL honor and enlargement was given unto you; and so was fulfilled that which is written,
    my beloved did eat and drink, he was enlarged and waxed fat, and he kicked. 2 From hence
    came emulation, and envy, and strife, and sedition; persecution and disorder, war and captivity.
    3 So they who were of no renown, lifted up themselves against the honorable; those of no reputation,
    against those who were in respect; the foolish against the wise; the young men against the aged.
    4 Therefore righteousness and peace are departed from you, because every one hath
    forsaken the fear of God; and is grown blind in his faith; nor walketh by the rule of
    God's commandments nor liveth as is fitting in Christ: 5 But every one follows his own wicked lusts:
    having taken up an unjust and wicked envy, by which death first entered into the world. (Link)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)



    were can i get that Clement s book ?? link?


    Ed J

    Quote (terraricca @ July 29 2011,16:33)

    were can i get that Clement s book ?? link?


    Hi Pierre,

    What's the matter, you can't wait?   …just kidding.
    I edited in a link (first post) where you can read
    (“the same” translation) of this book on-line.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    To All,

                  I hope everyone is enjoying the reading of Clement I so far.
                  It's like Stephen's disorientation in Acts 7, but more replete.

                                           CHAPTER 3
                                     Envy strife and disorder.

    1 FOR thus it is written, And in process of time it came to pass that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground
    an offering unto the LORD. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock, and of the fat thereof:
    2 And the LORD had respect unto Abel, and to his offering. But unto Cain and unto his offering he had
    not respect. And Cain was very sorrowful, and his countenance fell. 3 And the LORD said unto Cain,
    Why art thou sorrowful? And why is thy countenance fallen? If thou shalt offer aright, but not divide
    aright, hast thou not sinned? Hold thy peace: unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.

    4 And Cain said unto Abel his brother, Let us go down into the field. And it came to pass,
    as they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.
    5 Ye see, brethren, how envy and emulation wrought the death of a brother.
    For this our father Jacob fled from the face of his brother Esau.

    6 It was this that caused into bondage. Envy forced Moses to flee from the face of Pharaoh king of Egypt,
    when he heard his own countrymen ask him, Who made thee a Judge, and a ruler over us? Wilt thou kill
    me as thou didst the Egyptian yesterday? 7 Through envy Aaron and Miriam were shut out of the camp,
    from the rest of the congregation seven days. 8 Emulation sent Dathan and Abiram quick into the grave
    because they raised up a sedition against Moses the servant of God.

    9 For this David was not only hated of strangers, but was persecuted even by Saul the king of Israel.
    10 But not to insist upon antient examples, let us come to those worthies that have been nearest to us;
    and take the brave examples of our own age. 11 Through zeal and envy, the most faithful and
    righteous  pillars of the church have been persecuted even to the most grievous deaths.

    12 Let us set before our eyes the holy Apostles; Peter by unjust envy underwent not one or two,
    but many sufferings; til at last being martyred, he went to the place of glory that was due unto him.
    13 For the same cause did Paul in like manner receive the reward of his patience. Seven times he was
    in bonds; he was whipped, was stoned; he preached both in the East and in the West; leaving behind him
    the glorious report of his faith: 14 And so having taught the whole world righteousness, and for that end
    traveled even to the utmost bounds of the West; he at last suffered martyrdom by the command of the governors,

    15 And departed out of the world, and went unto his holy place; being become a most eminent pattern of patience unto all ages.
    16 To these Holy Apostles were joined a very great number of others, who having through envy undergone in like manner
    many pains and torments, have left a glorious example to us. 17 For this not only men but women have been persecuted:
    and having suffered very grievous and cruel punishments, have finished the course of their faith with firmness; and though
    weak in body, yet received a glorious reward. 18 This has alienated the minds even of women from their husbands; and
    changed what was once said by our father Adam; This is now bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh. 19 In a word,
    envy and strife, have overturned whole cities, and rooted out great nations from off the earth. (Chapter 4 coming soon!)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Thanks for this Edj.

    I have been wanting to post some of these epistles to the static part of this site for some time. But I wanted to read them first of course.

    This could be a good way because there will be some scrutiny.

    Feel free to add other topics dealing with other writings.



    Quote (Ed J @ July 26 2011,12:36)

    Quote (seekingtruth @ July 21 2011,07:08)
    Ed J,
    Personally I like anything that could shed extra light on scripture,  Although I always regard it with some suspicion and disregard it if it conflicts with scripture.

    However there have been times that I have changed my beliefs on a subject where the additional information is incorporated into a new line of thinking (altering my belief) as long as it still keeps harmony within the whole of scripture.

    So for my part post away


    Hi Wm,

    Are you referring to the “book of Enoch”?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Yes it was.

    Thanks for posting, I haven't had time to read it but I will as soon as possible.

    Thanks, Wm


    Quote (Ed J @ July 30 2011,08:24)
    (Chapter 4 coming soon!)


    Ed J

    Quote (t8 @ Aug. 27 2011,12:44)
    Thanks for this Edj.

    I have been wanting to post some of these epistles to the static part of this site for some time. But I wanted to read them first of course.

    This could be a good way because there will be some scrutiny.

    Feel free to add other topics dealing with other writings.


    Hi T8,

    I don't like the translation of the Book of Enoch you've posted on this site.
    It would be akin to a translation of the bible other than the AKJV Bible.
    I have the translation of Book of Enoch by Warren F. Draper (1982).

    Likewise the most prevalent copy of 1Clement on the internet
    is NOT the one I have in my library, which is the one I'm posting.

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus!
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Hi Everyone,

                                           CHAPTER 4
    Clement exhorts them to live by the rules, and repent of their divisions, and they shall be forgiven.

    1 These things, beloved, we write unto you, not only for your instruction, but also for our own remembrance.
    2 For we are all in the same lists, and the same combat is prepared for us all. 3 Wherefore let us lay aside
    all vain and empty cares; and let us come up to the glorious and venerable rule of our holy calling.
    4 Let us consider what is good, and acceptable and well-pleasing in the sight of him that made us. (Paragraph break is at verse 9)

    5 Let us look steadfastly to the blood of Christ, and see how precious his blood is in the sight of God:
    which being shed for our salvation, has obtained the grace of repentance for all the world.
    6 Let us search into all the ages that have gone before us; and let us learn that our Lord has
    in every one of them still given place for repentance to all such as would turn to him. 7 Noah
    preached repentance; and as many as hearkened to him were saved. Jonah denounced destruction
    against the Ninevites: 8 Howbeit they repenting of their sins, appeased God by their prayers:
    and  were saved, though they were strangers to the covenant of God.

    9 ¶ Hence we find how all the ministers of the grace of God have spoken by the Holy Spirit of repentance.
    And even the LORD of all has himself declared with an oath concerning it; 10 As I live, saith the LORD,
    I desire not the death of a sinner, but that he should repent. Adding farther this good sentence, saying:
    Turn from your iniquity, O house of Israel. 11 Say unto the children of my people, Though your sins should
    reach from earth to heaven; and though they shall be redder than scarlet, and blacker than sackcloth;
    yet if ye shall turn to me with all your heart, and shall call me father, I will hearken to you, as to a holy people.

    12 And in another place he saith on this wise: Wash ye, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings
    from before mine eyes; cease to do evil, learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless,
    plead for the widow. 13 Come now and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet,
    they shall be as white as snow; though they he red as crimson, they shall be as wool. 14 If ye he willing and obedient,
    ye shall eat the good of the land; but if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword; for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.
    15 These things has God established by his Almighty will, desiring that all his beloved should come to repentance. ( ¶ means a paragraph break)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
    Note: There are 24 Chapters total to 1Clement.


    Hi Ed,

    I'm glad you are doing this the way you are…………….little by little, so I can soak it in slowly.  Actually, I'm glad you decided to do this at all.  :)

    You've got me thinking about doing the same with Enoch.  Post a chapter, discuss, post the next chapter, discuss, etc.

    I read the first 33 chapters yesterday, and it simply blew me away.  Now, if only I knew for sure that it was inspired writing.  But that discussion will be for that thread – not this one.  :)

    peace and thanks,

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 29 2011,03:54)
    Hi Ed,

    I'm glad you are doing this the way you are…………….little by little, so I can soak it in slowly.  Actually, I'm glad you decided to do this at all.  :)

    You've got me thinking about doing the same with Enoch.  Post a chapter, discuss, post the next chapter, discuss, etc.

    I read the first 33 chapters yesterday, and it simply blew me away.  Now, if only I knew for sure that it was inspired writing.  But that discussion will be for that thread – not this one.  :)

    peace and thanks,

    Hi Mike,

    Make sure it is the translation by Warren F. Draper (1982).
    I can help you find the link to it, if you want; OK? (Link)

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus.
    Ed (Joshua 22:34)
    PS> I edited in the link for you.


    It's by a dude named Lawrence.  The site also has one by Charles.

    This is the link.

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 29 2011,04:19)
    It's by a dude named Lawrence.  The site also has one by Charles.

    This is the link.

    Hi Mike,

    Translations can definitely be uninspired.
    Not sure of the one you possess?
    But the sites copy is 'squag'.

    After looking at the link you gave and comparing it to the
    copy in my library, it looks like the copy you are reading
    has A BUNCH of added words compared to my copy.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    I just read some of your link, and the author mentions the many variations between known copies. I'll read it again from your site if that would make you happy. :)

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 29 2011,04:39)
    I just read some of your link, and the author mentions the many variations between known copies.  I'll read it again from your site if that would make you happy.  :)



    This is a “better” translation in KJV English with footnotes. (vol 1)

    God bless,

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