Songs to Praise God

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  • #155674

    Hi Kathi!

    I did talk to Georg and this is what He believes of Christmas.
    “Why is it when God says don't do this, man will do; when God says do this, man will not.
    God says there is no God but one God; Man said, no, you are three in one.
    God says you are a Soul, man says, no we have a Soul.
    God says no one goes to heaven, man says, O yes we do.
    Did Jesus say remember my resurrection?
    No He said remember my death. Did He say anywhere to celebrate His birthday?
    No, we don't even know His day of Birth;
    It seems to me, man always knows better then God, or He at least thinks He has to improve on God.

    Chritmas is an early Christian adopted pagan Holiday. Christmas today, was pagan Solstice Season, pagans used to celebrate the rebirth of the “Sun God” and Christians made it to the Birthday of
    “The Son of God.”
    The reasons? Pagans would not give up their Holiday.

    That is what Georg believes, and as His Wife I have no other choice.
    I will put up a New Tread about Christmas.
    Also if you have an Encyclopedia Britannica, it has a big article on Christmas.
    I know how hard it is to believe something else rather then mainstream Christianity, but I do wonder how God sees all of this.

    Peace and Love Irene


    For the Christian, Christmas replaces a pagan holiday, it doesn't adopt a pagan holiday. Christmas honors God's gift of His Son, the pagan holiday did not do that. We Christians can tear down what went before and rebuild a different celebration. Man can institute an annual celebration to honor God…look at Purim and Hanukah. Did God disapprove of those celebrations? Did God have the Jews doing annual “feasts” in anticipation of the birth of Christ? If yes, then why wouldn't He approve of our annual events honoring the birth of Christ. Is there a reason that God did not institute the annual celebration? Could that reason be because He wants us to celebrate the birth of Christ not out of compulsion and following a ritual but from our hearts? Just my two cents there Irene. You have to follow your heart on this and pray. You do want to respect your husband, I understand that.

    Love, Kathi


    Kathi!  Let me ask you a question, if your Son's Birthday is in October, but you celebrate it on a Monster days Birthday how do you think your Son is going to like that.  Well, I think He will be upset with you.  So what do you think how God feels about alll of this.  Since we do know when Jesus Birthday Month is, and we keep it on the Sun-Gods day?  I tell you I have to agree with my Husband after I rethought all of this again.  I really don't want to take that chance that God will not like that.
    I just needed to say this to you.  What you do is up to you, and I will always Love you, Irene


    I'll copy your post to me and put it on the appropriate thread, then respond. Kathi



    I sing the Mighty Power of God that makes the Mountain rise,
    That makes the flowing Sea's abroad and builds the lofty sky.
    I sing the Wisdom that ordain-es the Sun that rules the day,
    The Moon shines full by His command an all the Stars obey.

    I sing the goodness of the Lord, that fills the earth with food,
    He formed the creature by His words and then proclaimers them good.
    O Lord thy wonders are displaced, o'er ear I turn my eyes,
    If I servey the ground I tread and glaze upon the Stars.

    There's not a plant and flower below, that makes Thy Glory known
    The clouds arise and templates blow, by order of Thy Throne,
    While all that borrows life from Thee is ever in Thy care,
    And everywhere that man can be, that God is present there.

    Peace and Love Irene


    1 O LORD my God when I in awesome wonder, consider all the works Thy Hands have made,
      I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the Universe displayed.

      Then sings my Soul my Savior God to Thee, how great Thou art, how great Thou art,
      Then sings my Soul my Savior God to Thee, how great Thou art, how great Thou art.

    2  When through the woods and Forest Glads I wonder, and hear the Birds sing sweetly in the Trees
       When I look down from lofty Mountain Grander, and hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze.


    3 When I should think that God His Son not sparring send Him to die, I scares not take it in,
      When on the Cross my burden gladly barren, He bleed and died to take away my sins.


    4  When Christ shall come with shouts of acclamation, when He returned what joy shall fill my heart.
       Then I bow down in humble adoration, and there proclaim, My God How Great Thou Art.


       Peace and Love Irene



    The LORD is my light and my salvation,
    Whom shall I fear? Whom shall I fear?
    The LORD is the strength of my life,
    Of whom shall I then be afraid?
    Thou an host of men where laid against me
    Yet shall not my heart be afraid
    And though they rose up war against me
    Ye will I put my trust in Him.

    For in the time of trouble
    He shall hide me in His tabernacle
    In the secret places of His dwelling shall He hide me
    And set me upon a rock of stone.

    The LORD is my light and my salvation
    Whom then shall I fear? Whom then shall I fear?
    The LORD is the strength of my life
    Of whom then shall I be afraid?
    Of whom then shall I be afraid?
    Of whom then shall I be afraid?

    Peace and Love Irene



    1 Blest ad happy is he, who obeys and fears God
    He shall earn his daily bread, and it shall be well with him.
    With his wife in his house, as a vine that bears fruit,
    And his sons around his table, shall like olive plants be.

    2 Blest and happy is he, who obeys and fears God,
    Out of Zion the Eternal will this his blessing send him;
    All the days of his life, he and his sons shall thrive,
    They shall see Israel flourish in Jerusalem peace.

    Peace and Love Irene


    Then, then shall the King say unto them upon His right hand
    Come ye blessed of My Father
    Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you
    From the foundation of the world
    Come ye blessed of My Father
    Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you
    From the foundation of the world
    Come ye blessed of My Father

    I was unhungered and ye gave me met
    I was athirst and ye game drink
    I was a stranger and ye took me in
    Naked and ye clothed me
    I was sick, sick and ye visited me
    I was in prison and ye came unto me, ye came onto me
    Therefore come ye blessed of My Father
    Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you
    From the foundation of the world
    Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you
    From the foundation of the world

    Come ye blessed of My Father
    Come, come, come

    Peace and Love Irene


    from “Xerxes”, by G. F. Handel

    Holy art Thou
    Lord God Almighty
    Glory and majesty
    In Heaven art thine

    Holy art Thou
    LORD God Almighty
    Blessing and glory
    To the Lamb forevermore

    LORD God Almighty
    Holy art Thou
    Nations and kindreds and people
    Give thanks to Thee forevermore.

    Very beautiful Melody by Handel
    Peace and Love Irene


                    By Felix Mendelssohn

     I waited for the Lord
     He inclined unto me
     He heard my complaint

     Oh blessed are they tat hope
     And trust in the Lord
     I waited for the Lord
     I waited for the Lord
     He inclined unto me
     And He heard my complaint

     I waited for the Lord
     He inclined unto me
     He heard my complaint

     Oh blessed are they that trust he Lord
     Are they that hope and trust
     They that hope and trust in Him, in Him
     Are they that hope
     And trust in the Lord

     I waited for the Lord
     I waited for the Lord
     He heard my complaint

     Oh blessed are they that trust in the Lord
     Oh blessed are they that hope and trust

     Oh blessed are they that hope
     And trust in the Lord
     Trust in the Lord
     I waited for the Lord
     He inclined unto me, unto me
     Oh blessed are they tat hope and trust
     That hope and trust in Him.

     Peace and Love Irene



    Two man went into the Temple to pray
    The one a Pharisee and the other a Publican
    The Pharisee stood and prayed thus within himself
    “God I thank Thee that I am not like te other men,
    Extortioners, unjust or even like this Publican
    I fast twice a week
    I give tithes of all that I possess”
    And the Publican standing afar off
    Would not lift up so much as his eyes unto Heaven
    But smote upon his breaths saying:
    “God be merciful unto me, God be merciful unto me
    A sinner, a sinner
    Be merciful unto me a sinner
    O God, be merciful unto me

    I tell you, I tell you, this man went down to his house
    Justified, justified rather than the other
    For he that humbles himself shall be exalted
    Exalted, exalted,exalted, exalted
    God be merciful unto me.”

    Peace and Love Irene


    1 O LORD my God, when I in awsome wonder,
     Consider all the works your Hands have made.
     I see the stars I hear the rolling thunder,
     Thy power through all the Universe displayed.


     Then sings my Soul my Savior God to Thee, how great Thou art, How great Thou art,
     Then sings my Sould my Savior God to Thee, how great Thou art, how great Thou art.

    2 When through the woods and forest glades I wander, and hear the Birds sing sweetly in the Tree's,
      When I look down to lofty Mountain glander, and hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze.


    3  When I should think that God His Son not sparing,
       Send Him to die, I scares not take it in.
       When on the cross, my burden gladly barring, He bled and died, to take away my sins.


    4  When Christ shall come, with shouts of acclamation,
       Then He returns, what joy shall fill my heart.
       Then I shall bow in humble adoration,
       And there proclaim my God how great Thou art.


    Peace and Love Irene



    1 How great is the love of our Father, Who calls us His dear Sons!
    When Christ comes again, we shall be like Him, we'll see Him like He is.
    And this is the love He has shown us, that Christ laid down His life for all.
    So we ought to lay down our lives for our brethren, to this end you are called.
    2 When bringing your gift to the altar, you think of an offence,
    You go and become one with your brother, then bring your gift again.
    And should someone sin against you, go see him you and him alone,
    Be kind, have compassion, let go of your anger and be at peace again.

    3 To all our example of living should be a shinning light,
    Be willingly under authority, give due respect to all.
    And if you endure pain and suffering from unjust cause or oversight,
    Then stand strong and live Christ's example before us, trust Him who judges all.

    Forgive and you shall be forgiven, Show mercy and this you will have soo,
    Do good to all, even your enemies.
    Be merciful to others as your Father is to you.

    Peace and Love Irene


    1 This is my command that you love each other as I have loved you all.
    This is my command that you love each other, be sure to heed my call.

    2 Love your LORD with all your being, with heart and soul and mind,
    Always love your neighbor as he loves you, show love to all mankind.

    3 Pray for all your foes, bless all those who curse you, and love your enimies,
    Pray and always help those who hate and use you, and God will be well pleased.

    Greater love has no one then this, that to lay down his life for his friends,
    You're my friends if you do what I say, and I'll guide and protect til the end.

    Peace and Love Irene


    Thanks for the songs Banana, Georg, Irene, Tiffany, Cindy, IM4truth…wow that's 6 in one, I mean two-two that are one that is. Whatever! (Don't try to figure it out…it will weakin' ya) I'm glad you are back Irene. :)

    Love ya,


    Quote (Lightenup @ Nov. 23 2009,08:44)
    Thanks for the songs Banana, Georg, Irene, Tiffany, Cindy, IM4truth…wow that's 6 in one, I mean two-two that are one that is.  Whatever!  (Don't try to figure it out…it will weakin' ya) I'm glad you are back Irene.  :)

    Love ya,

    Thanks Kathi! Will you believe this? I don't like to be banana/
    I rather be Irene. Boy I tried everything. What was so frustrating is that the site said they send the confirmation number, and then never send it. Still waiting. As far as using two users names that can't be done on one computer.
    But at least I can post now,
    Love Irene



    1 Salvation found in no one, with Him we shall be raised;
    No other name is given to men by which we must be saved.
    The resurrection and the life, the Son of God Most High.
    Believe Him, live forever even though we surely die.

    2 If we confessing Christ is Lord, with all our hearts believe
    That God has raised Him from the death, His Spirit we receive.
    We cannot say that Christ is Lord except His Spirit guides,
    We're raised with Him and our lives with Christ in God we hide,

    3 God raised Him from the dead, this Jesus Christ, for all our sins He died.
    Repent and be Baptized and seek forgiveness in His Name.
    Receive the Holy Spirit God's great gift for us to claim.

    4 This promise is for us and for our children, one and all.
    For those who live far off, for all the LORD our God will call.
    And who receives His children should receive them in His name.
    So welcome Christ our Savior and the one from whence He came.


    I am crucified with Christ, and I no longer live,
    I live by faith in God's own Son, Whose life for me did give.
    It's a new birth to a living hope , God has raised Him from the dead,
    And with God 's gift Christ within me by His Spirit I am lead.

    Very nice lyrics.
    Peace and Love to all, Irene



    1 Seek you first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness,
    All these things He'll add to you, and He will richly bless.
    Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find.
    Knock and it shall be opened, our God is gracious and kind.
    Seek you first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness.
    All these things He'll add to you, He will richly bless.

    2 Serve the Lord with perfect heart, and with a willing mind,
    Listen now and do your part, seek Him and you will find.
    You the Lord has chosen. do the work, be strong.
    Built your house for His temple, to God salvation belongs.
    Seek the Lord with perfect heart and with a willing mind.
    Listen now and do your part, seek Him and you will find.

    3 Seek the Lord while He may be found, and call while He is near.
    Turn to Him, forsake your way, and He will surely hear.
    For His thoughts are not our thoughts, nor His way our ways.
    God will merciful pardon and bless us all of our days.
    Seek the Lord while He may be found, and call while He is near.
    Turn to Him forsake your way, and He shall surely hear.

    Peace and Love Irene



    To God be the glory great things He has done
    So loved He the world that He send us His Son,
    Who yielded His life an atonement for sin, and opened the life gate that all may walk in.

    Praise the Lord, praise the Lord
    Let the earth hear His voice, Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord
    Let the people rejoice.
    O come to the Father through Jesus His Son,
    And give Him the glory great things He had done.

    O perfect redemption the purchase of Blood,
    To every believer the promise of God,
    The vilest offender that truly believes,
    That moment from Jesus a pardon receives.

    Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord,
    Let the earth hear His voice,
    Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, let the people rejoice,
    O come to the Father to Jesus His Son
    And give Him the glory great things He had done.

    Great things He hath taught us, great things He hath don,
    And great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son,
    But purer and higher and greater will be
    Our wonder our transport when Jesus we see.

    Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, let the earth hear His voice,
    Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord let the people rejoice,
    O come to the Father through Jesus His Son,
    And give Him the glory great things He hath done.

    Peace and Love Irene

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