Songs to Praise God

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  • #116236

    Quote (Tiffany @ Jan. 01 2009,01:35)
    Happy New Year to you too, Charity

    Is it Springtime at your House? Yesterday was a very beautiful sunny day, today is cloudy to start with, maybe it will change yet.

    With all my Love and Peace Irene

    yer its always springtime at my house?  eat of the tiles!

    Oh its so hot here, followed by thunder storms most nights, the lightning is  a spectacular show sent from the heavens, sometimes flashing all the night threw, Mrs, Not that I stay up to count each bolt, but some how even when you sleep, your aware and can see it anyway.
    I'm so glad the sea and breeze don't shut for “new years day”.



    It's a New hour. It's a new day. It's a new revelation in a great new way. Revealing the Father exalting the son changing God's people and making them one.

    It is a brand new year also. May all my brothers and sisters in Christ be prosperous in the body of Christ in this new year that Our Great God has given us.



    Quote (942767 @ Jan. 01 2009,13:20)
    It's a New hour.  It's a new day.  It's a new revelation in a great new way.  Revealing the Father exalting the son changing God's people and making them one.

    It is a brand new year also.  May all my brothers and sisters in Christ be prosperous in the body of Christ in this new year that Our Great God has given us.


    Yes Sir!!! You have a Happy New Year with all the trimming.
    Bang, bang,bang,bang,bang……….Hurray,hurray……May God give all of you both Health and Happiness through out the New Year……..With a thankful Heart and praising God forevermore.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (charity @ Jan. 01 2009,11:57)

    Quote (Tiffany @ Jan. 01 2009,01:35)
    Happy New Year to you too, Charity

    Is it Springtime at your House? Yesterday was a very beautiful sunny day, today is cloudy to start with, maybe it will change yet.

    With all my Love and Peace Irene

    yer its always springtime at my house?  eat of the tiles!

    Oh its so hot here, followed by thunder storms most nights, the lightning is  a spectacular show sent from the heavens, sometimes flashing all the night threw, Mrs, Not that I stay up to count each bolt, but some how even when you sleep, your aware and can see it anyway.
    I'm so glad the sea and breeze don't shut for “new years day”.


    Charity It is hot, wow could stand a little of that right now. It is a cool 22 degree's right now in Cincinnati, Ohio.
    :D :D :D eat of the tiles….. wow So are you scarred of the lightening, I used to be when I was a Child. May Aunt stayed scarred even when She was grownup. We lived in an Island in the North Sea for awhile the thunderstorms were harsh there and scary at times.

    Peace and Love Irene


    :D Thunder and rain makes me wana crawl under the blankets…not being so much scared mrs…but amazed by the voice of thunder. Its not a wonder that it was used by King David, and prophets to express the possible Gods emotions in sequence with the life events happening on earth on the day.

    I mean…can “eat off the tiles” somedays!!!
    :D    :laugh:



    1 Give of your best to your Master, give of your strength of your youth;
    Throw your soul's fresh, glowing ardor Consecrate every part.
    Jesus has set the example, Dauntless was He, young and brave.
    Give Him your love all devotion, give Him your best that you have.

    2 Give of your best to the Master, give Him first place in your heart.
    Give Him first place in His service, Consecrate every part.
    Give and to you shall be given, God His beloved Son gave.
    Gratefully seeking to serve Him, give Him the best that you have.

    3 Give of your best to the Master,naught else is worthy His love.
    He gave Himself for a ransom, gave up His glory above.
    Laid down His life without murmur. you from His ruin to serve.
    Give Him your hearts adoration, give Him the best that you have.

    DC. Give of your best to the Master, give of your strength of your youth.
    Clad in salvation's full armor, join in the battle for truth.

    Peace and Love Irene



     1  When we walk with the Lord, in the light of His Word,
         What a glory He sheds on our way.
         While we do His good will, He bids with us still, and with all who will trust and obey.

     2  Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the skies.
         But His smile quickly drives it away.
         Not a doubt or a fear, not a sight or a tear,
         Can remain when we trust and obey.

     3  Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share,
         But our toil He richly repay,
         Not a grief or a loss, not a frown or a cross.
         But its blest if we trust and obey.

     4  Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at His feet,
         Or we'll walk by His side in the way.
         What He says we will do, where He sends we will go.
         Never fear only trust and obey.

         Trust and obey for there is no other way,
         To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

         Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (942767 @ Jan. 01 2009,13:20)
    It's a New hour.  It's a new day.  It's a new revelation in a great new way.  Revealing the Father exalting the son changing God's people and making them one.

    It is a brand new year also.  May all my brothers and sisters in Christ be prosperous in the body of Christ in this new year that Our Great God has given us.


    I like that rhyme…Thanks 94




    1 Let all things now living a song of thanksgiving,
    To God the Creator triumphantly raise.
    Who fashioned and made us, protected and stayed us,
    Who guided us unto the end of our days.
    His banners are o're us, His light goes before us,
    A pillow of fire shinning forth in the night,
    Till shadows are vanished and darkness is banished,
    As forward we travel from light into light.

    2 His law He enforces the stars in their courses,
    The sun in His orbit obediently shine,
    The Hills and the mountains, the rivers and fountains,
    The deep of the ocean proclaim Him divine.
    We too should be voicing our love and rejoicing,
    With glad adoration a song let us raise.
    Till all things now living unite in thanksgiving
    To God in the highest, hosanna and praise.

    Peace and Love Irene



    1 Now thank we all our hearts with hearts and hands and voices,
    Who wondrous things hath done, in whom His Church rejoices,
    Who from our Mothers arms hath blessed us on our way
    With countless gifts of love and still is ours today.

    2 O may this bounteous God through all our lives be near us,
    With every joyful hearts an blessed peace to cheer us,
    And keep us in His grace, and guide us when perplexed,
    And free us from all ills in this world and the next.

    3 All praise and thanks to God, the Father now be given,
    The Son, the one who reigns with Him in highest heaven,
    The one Eternal God, Whom heaven and earth adore,
    For this it was and is now, and shall be evermore.

    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (charity @ Jan. 03 2009,20:45)

    Quote (942767 @ Jan. 01 2009,13:20)
    It's a New hour.  It's a new day.  It's a new revelation in a great new way.  Revealing the Father exalting the son changing God's people and making them one.

    It is a brand new year also.  May all my brothers and sisters in Christ be prosperous in the body of Christ in this new year that Our Great God has given us.


    I like that rhyme…Thanks 94


    You are quite welcome Charity. I'm just praying for God to hasten in bringing us into unity.

    God Bless



    “Unity” is one of the most powerful bible Motions ever Moved, thinking about it… as being the whole reason we meet to communicate. the going forth to preach the gospel so others may also become like us.
    really unity is another Natural instinct, a form of human vanity, perhaps combating lonesomeness in some, ali begrudging any individual uniqueness, pride, charter, totally annihilating freedom with power.
    Dose god desire that we all be the same in believing, thinking, acting?



    Quote (charity @ Jan. 07 2009,12:53)

    “Unity” is one of the most powerful bible Motions ever Moved, thinking about it… as  being the whole reason we meet to communicate. the going forth to preach the gospel so others may also become like us.
    really unity is another Natural instinct, a form of human vanity, perhaps combating lonesomeness in some, ali begrudging any individual uniqueness, pride, charter, totally annihilating  freedom with power.
    Dose god desire that we all be the same in believing, thinking, acting?


    Hi Charity:

    We are all different in the body of Christ, just as all stars differ in glory, and we are all in different stages in our walk with the Lord, and so we do have differences in our understanding of the scriptures. Hopefully, we are discussing our differences with an open mind, and not with the attitude that we already know every thing.

    But in this last day, God is coming for a church without spot or wrinkle, and He will bring the church to maturity through the 144,000 who have not been defiled through false doctrine.

    I ask God in prayer every morning that if I am teaching anything that is not His Word or doing anything that is not His will to correct me.

    My desire is God's very best for every individual. May God bless you and your family.



    smile thanx 94…Good thoughts

    I guess whoevers my likeness can be my family,
    is this what Jesus preached.
    so who ever is Like Jesus god comes for….144,000

    cutting deep.

    even as a mother raises her children together under one roof, they each  drift & mold.. becoming  different. by circumstances…by being persuaded, myths, and personal Revelations….why!!!
    Whom Came from a mother that has mastered and components of unity first in the home, and could treat all her children  identical,  reacting and responding equally. without favor, unlike the mothers of these 144,000, Rachel loving Jacob most,  than eve loving Cain less.

    Love God & Love People

    the components required for for unity would be one very wise mother for all children, and two generations of proof.


    Quote (charity @ Jan. 07 2009,14:45)
    smile thanx 94…Good thoughts

    I guess whoevers my likeness can be my family,
    is this what Jesus preached.
    so who ever is Like Jesus god comes for….144,000

    cutting deep.

    even as a mother raises her children together under one roof, they each  drift & mold.. becoming  different. by circumstances…by being persuaded, myths, and personal Revelations….why!!!
    Whom Came from a mother that has mastered and components of unity first in the home, and could treat all her children  identical,  reacting and responding equally. without favor, unlike the mothers of these 144,000, Rachel loving Jacob most,  than eve loving Cain less.

    Love God & Love People

    the components required for for unity would be one very wise mother for all children, and two generations of proof.

    Hi Charity:

    God uses the 144,000 to bring the rest of the body of Christ to maturity. He is coming for the whole body not just for the 144,000. There are may false doctrines in the church that must be corrected. God will do this through the 144,000.
    One cannot teach others until one is first taught himself. These 144, 000 will have been ordained by God to teach His Word.

    2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

    Jhn 17:16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
    Jhn 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
    Jhn 17:18 As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.
    Jhn 17:19 And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.

    Although we may have differences in our understanding of scripture, if God has spoken His Word, it can only mean that which He intended. There is only “One Truth”. The rest is a misunderstanding of scripture or a lie.

    God our Father corrects His children just as any earthly father who loves his children does, but God is the source of all wisdom and the correction that He gives is for our benefit. He knows what is best for us.

    Hbr 12:5 And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him:
    Hbr 12:7 If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?
    Hbr 12:11 Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby

    This is probably more than you expected. Yes, the simplicity of the gospel is to love God and to love people. What is love? Is it Charity?


    sorry for spamming this thread mrs.

    94  we should move..where is best?
    charity=eth wisdom, and of coarse THE NECESSITY OF love,
    And the parent that dose not strik out at her child is not welcome.



    1 Blest and happy is the man who does never walk astray,
    Nor with the ungodly men stands in sinner's way.

    Peace and Love Irene

    2 Ne're in scorners chair he sits, for he places his delight
    In God's law and meditates on it day and night.

    3 He shall be a tree that grows, planted by the river's side,
    Which in season yields its fruit, green its leaves abide.


    All He does prospers well, but the wicked are not so,
    They are chaff before the wind, driven to and fro.


    Quote (charity @ Jan. 07 2009,16:07)
    sorry for spamming this thread mrs.

    94  we should move..where is best?
    charity=eth wisdom, and of coarse THE NECESSITY OF love,
    And the parent that dose not strik out at her child is not welcome.

    I don't mind, Love Irene



    Then, then shall the King say unto them upon His right hand
    Come ye blessed of My Father
    Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you
    From the foundation of the world
    From the foundation of the word
    Come ye blessed of My Father
    Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you
    From the foundation of the world
    Come ye the blessed of My Father.

    I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat
    I was a thirst, and ye gave me drink
    I was a stranger, amd ye took me in
    Naked and you clothed me
    I was sick and ye visited me
    I was in prison, and ye came unto me
    Therefore come ye blessed of My Father
    Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you
    From the foundation of the world
    Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you
    From the foundation of the world.

    Come ye blessed of My Father
    Come, Come, Come………

    Peace and Love Irene



                    And Ruth said, entreat ,me not to leave Thee,
                    Or to return from fallowing after Thee
                    Or retreat me not to leave Thee
                    For wither thou goest, I will go
                    And where Thou lodgest I will lodge

                    Thy people shall be my people
                    And Thy God, my God
                    Where Thou direst, I die
                    And there will I be buried
                    The Lord do so-to me, amd more also
                    I aught but death part Thee and me

                    Entreat me not to leave Thee
                    Or from following after Thee
                    O entreat me not to leave Thee

    Or to return from following after Thee
    For wither Thou goest, I will go
    And where Thou lodgest, I will lodge

    Thy people will be me people
    And Thy God my God
    Entreat me not to leave Thee
    O entreat me not to leave Thee
    To leave Thee.

                    Peace and Love Irene

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