Should a muslim be able to post in believers area?

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  • #164262

    Hi TK,
    So the renewal of the mind occurs without rebirth by water and from above by the Spirit?
    You hope in magic is too much.

    Tim Kraft

    Nick: The renewal of the mind occurs by the washing of the water of the word first to release or remove old testament beliefs and preconceived doctrines. Then re-creation takes place by accepting and believing what Jesus says you are. Jesus the word/spirit of God says we are clean. John 15:2–If we accept that, we are clean! Jesus said we are ordained of God. John 15:16—-Jesus says we are sanctified through his word. John 17:17—-

    Whatever we accept and believe that Jesus says we are is what we are. Its a free gift without any works attached. You are created by the words of God when you believe.As a man believeth in his heart, so he is. As a man believes Gods spirit words he becomes spirit with God. If you say that you are unclean you have just called Jesus a lier. The deceiver and lier is not Jesus. Its a choice of beliefs of what Jesus says or what mankind says which is most probably tainted with deception.

    This is the way the word of God is judging us in this last day! Bless you, TK


    Hi TK,
    The word is never called WATER.
    Try again.

    No new age magic delusions.

    Tim Kraft

    HEY Nick: Maybe you should wake up and look before you snip! Eph 5:26–(referring to the church)…That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word…That sounds to me like somebody being symbolically washed clean by the word/spirit of God.

    Do you want to learn or just argue? I want to learn as much as I can to test the doctrines that God has given me. If we can learn together we will continue. If you feel you know the truth and I am just a lost ball in the high weeds, we will terminate. Bless you, TK


    Hi TK,
    Water through the Word.
    Water baptism has never been bypassed.
    Men imagine they can do without it but God has advised it.

    God is sovereign

    Tim Kraft

    Hey Nick: John said Jesus had the greater Baptism and Jesus did not Baptize anyone with water. He Baptized with spirit which was the words of God.

    If water Baptism was of any importance to God do you not think that Jesus would have been aware and submissive to it?

    Not that it makes any difference but you wrote, …water THROUGH the word…. and the scripture says,…the washing of water by the word…..! It makes no difference, it is washing by, through or with, THE WATER OF THE WORD of God.

    Denial of an applicable scripture is tantamout to denying the truth of Christ for the sake of ones doctrine! Bless you, TK


    Hi TK,
    Jesus baptises clean vessels in the Spirit of God.
    God demands men first repent and be baptised in water for the forgiveness of sin.
    Without blood there is no forgiveness and baptism is into the death of the Son of God, Jesus Christ.[Rom6]

    Tim Kraft

    Nick: The spirit words of Jesus are what cleans the vessel. Nothing can be done or not done to cleanse themselves. It is the washing of the Baptism of the spirit of truth from God through Jesus that cleans the vessel. If you believe it! If you don't believe you are clean or are still in sin then you are an unclean vessel.

    Repentance means to turn from the way you were going.

    Please show me where God demanded man to be Baptised with water!

    Could you please tell me how a water Baptism could remove or forgive sin?

    Thank you, Bless you, TK


    Hi TK,
    So you hope.
    It is true of some [Jn15] but best for all to obey the simple demands of God.[Rom6]


    Quote (t8 @ Nov. 12 2009,20:56)
    Or would it be better to have another category for other faiths including the Muslim faith?

    I think this would have been better,

    With protection, as the believers section
    (against Athiests posting)


    Hi karmarie.

    The problem there is this board wasn't created for the wide road rather the narrow one.
    Even the free for all forums end up being a place where people express doubts about the narrow path.

    So I see it working quite well in its current form.


    Hi T8

    Well, you have a really good site here,

    sorry if I upset anyone in my opinions,

    I think its time for me to move on (spend less time on the net and more with my children!)

    God bless all



    how you acomplish this ??

    2Co 4:2 Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.


    Hi T, I remember this thread.

    what do you mean though?


    Quote (karmarie @ Mar. 24 2010,19:28)
    Hi T, I remember this thread.

    what do you mean though?


    how can you bring together two different religion??

    two different sources of origin,one from the flesh
    and one from the spirit,

    what do they have in common??

    the apostles have separate themselves from all the religion in place at their time ,how is it possible that some Christians can vote to allow even the question.

    it is beyond my understanding.



    You have many different religions that call themselves Christian.  The question is what is the purpose of the forums.  Is there purpose to teach Christians, reach out to the lost,  a mixter of the two, or something else.  

    That is up to those that operate the site.  

    The idea is to stick to the topic of a thread and have the threads be consistent with the forum they are on.  If the operator allows a Muslim to post then they should stick to those rules.  Therefore if they post in the Scripture forum they should quote from the same scripture Christians use and not there Own traditions from the Koran.


    Quote (kerwin @ Feb. 24 2011,23:22)

    You have many different religions that call themselves Christian.  The question is what is the purpose of the forums.  Is there purpose to teach Christians, reach out to the lost,  a mixter of the two, or something else.  

    That is up to those that operate the site.  

    The idea is to stick to the topic of a thread and have the threads be consistent with the forum they are on.  If the operator allows a Muslim to post then they should stick to those rules.  Therefore if they post in the Scripture forum they should quote from the same scripture Christians use and not there Own traditions from the Koran.


    you should read your comment ,and see for yourself that what you ask and say will never be,

    and in my comment i was only answering a question in my opinion and understanding.



    Quote (kerwin @ Feb. 24 2011,16:22)

    You have many different religions that call themselves Christian.  The question is what is the purpose of the forums.  Is there purpose to teach Christians, reach out to the lost,  a mixter of the two, or something else.  

    That is up to those that operate the site.  

    The idea is to stick to the topic of a thread and have the threads be consistent with the forum they are on.  If the operator allows a Muslim to post then they should stick to those rules.  Therefore if they post in the Scripture forum they should quote from the same scripture Christians use and not there Own traditions from the Koran.

    Kerwin!  Someone who does not believe that Jesus is the Son of God, should not be allowed to post in the believers section.  Like I said before kejonn was banned because He does not believe, so why should a Muslim be any different. That would not be fair to kejonn….
    Peace and Love Irene



    If you want someone to learn you should teach those that have something to learn.  

    Those that doe not believe whether they are a Muslim, a Jew, a Buddhist, or even a false Christian are the ones that stand to profit most by hearing the word.  If the rules are enforced and they must base their discusions on scripture then they will be delving into the word.

    T8 had some legitimate problems he chose to solve the way he did.  I merely point out other considerations.


    Quote (kerwin @ Mar. 02 2011,03:44)

    If you want someone to learn you should teach those that have something to learn.  

    Those that doe not believe whether they are a Muslim, a Jew, a Buddhist, or even a false Christian are the ones that stand to profit most by hearing the word.  If the rules are enforced and they must base their discusions on scripture then they will be delving into the word.

    T8 had some legitimate problems he chose to solve the way he did.  I merely point out other considerations.


    I would like all people to learn but I do not want them all in my home,
    my home stand for Gods truth,

    my home is a holy place not a divided house,

    there are places to worship and there are places to argue,

    this is either the believers place or it is and arguing place for all and so we may forget who we are as well,or leave,

    confusion for the least,


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