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- August 3, 2016 at 9:56 am#816452
ParticipantTO ALL second Thesalonians is one of the most key scriptures in religion today,just as it was in the day the apostle Paul wrote it, it explaind the condition of the chrurches of his day, and the drection they were heading, it is a cruciel book identifying many thing that concerned the apostles then and shows us what was to happen in the churches of GOD.
1….2Ths 2:3 A falling away was begining to take places in the churches. It hadn’t happened yet, at the time of this writting, but was just starting to form. This “falling away” first, was connected with the revelation of a paticular man, called a man of sin, the “son of predition” Greek, (Apoleia) ; ruin or loss (physical, spiritual or eternal) .
2….2Ths2:4 This one is to sit “in” the temple of GOD, Greek (apodeiknumi) show off, OR, BEING EXHIBITED; figuratively to demonstrate, that is accredit:-(ap-) prove, setforth, shew,…. as a GOD.
3…. 2Ths 2:5&6 Paul said when he was with them he was warning them of what was comming in the churches. Paul was not speaking about the world as some kind of world events taking place, but to the church itself, he was warning them what was going to happen within the church itsef. he was telling them that someone would rise up in the church and be presented as a GOD, But it had not happened yet so Paul was warning them what to look for in the future.
4…. 2Ths 2:7 Paul also told them that this mystery of iniquity was already working in the churches but was being supressed at that time and kept from surfacing, even though it was already forming. Notice it says it is a “mystery of iniquity” that is a very important term , because to understand it you must know what an “iniquity” is. AN INIQUITY is not just a sin it is a “TYPE OF SIN”. This type of sin is developed by the apearance of something that seem good, but is still a sin, “thy sins “and” thy iniquities scripture tells us. So what was to come Paul was telling them would appear as good but actually be a sin.
5…..2Ths 2:8 Jesus will himself at his comming and by his own mouth (KATARGEO) From G2596 AND G691; to be (render) entirely idle (useless), literally or figuratively: – ABOLISHED, cease, cumber, deliver,destory, DO AWAY, become (make) of none effect, fail,loose, bring to nought,put away (down) vanish away,make voild, at his return All of these descriptions reflect not an a REAL person, but something else , like a (LIE) about a real person.
6…..2Ths2 9-11 Tells us that it is after the workings of Satan, and contains lying wonders, notice that the word LIE, is being introduced into the text at this point, and being tied to decievableness of unrightiousness in them that parish, because they did not love the truth that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them a strong “delusion’, WHY?, that they should be a “LIE”, so what are they beliving is “NOT” a real human being it is a “LIE” ABOUT A REAL HUMAN BEING. Yes in fact it is “A LIE” they are believing and that LIE IS ABOUT a real human being, and that real human being is Jesus Christ and that “LIE” is “A LIE”, ABOUT JESUS CHRIST BEING A GOD.
He that has ears to hear let him hear.
peace and love to you all and yours. ……..gene
August 22, 2016 at 6:59 am#816841GeneBalthrop
ParticipantTo all, has the shock of this post caused all to become slient, seening it has been concilled for so many years? It’s time for us all to wake up. IMO
peace and love to you all and yours. …….gene
August 22, 2016 at 1:44 pm#816843NickHassan
ParticipantHi GB,
I guess folks are waiting for supportive evidence.
Your opinion is not worth much.
Like your spirit is intellect idea.
August 23, 2016 at 1:33 am#816845GeneBalthrop
ParticipantNick….I listed the suport scriptures,
3…. That mystery of iniquity was already forming at the VERY time of the APOSTLES. “in the churches”.
4….THE letter was addressed to the churches not the world in general, as many suppose.
5….That “LIE” still and will exist till JESUS RETURNS AND ABOLISHES IT.
6….That “LIE” is about Jesus himself, a “LIE” that makes the image of Jesus into a GOD, the has never been another human being who is sitting in the temple of God and is being worshiped and desplayed as a God, but Jesus hinself.
7 THIS “LIE” turns the “image” of Jesus in the church into a man of sin why?, because IT BREAKES THE FIRST COMMANDMENT OF GOD, “you shall have no other Gods besides me”.
IT ALL FITS and should be plain to those who have eyes to see it, it’s all their, the spirit of God should have shown you it by now if you have it. Nick why don’t you tell us what you believe 2 Ths 2 is saying then, or is this also like your lack of understanding about what spirits are and do in people, even though there are many scriptures that show what they are and do in humans and others. AND BY THE WAY, YOU HAVE YET TO SHOW US WHERE THE SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD ARE ACTUALLY SEVEN ANGELS AS YOU PREACH. Don’t you think you need to get the log out of your own eye first before you accuse others?
Why put down others because of your lack of understanding, I AM MORE THEN WILLING TO DESCUSE THIS IN DETAIL WITH ANYONE HERE, THAT’S WHY I POSTED IT. I WANT FEED BACK FROM OTHERS. But you offer nothing reguarding subject matter, but just accuse and slander me, why is that Nick? is that same accusing spirit that was working in you still troubling you Nick?
peace and love to you and yours. …….gene
August 23, 2016 at 6:22 am#816846NickHassan
ParticipantHi GB,
We are still waiting for scriptural support outside of 2 Thess.
Did you just want our opinions too?
August 23, 2016 at 11:32 am#816847GeneBalthrop
ParticipantNICK…..Go to my first post, and it is their. clearly for those who have eyes to see, go read again 2Ths 2 and put it together. every thing i have said fits like a hand in a glove. TELL US WHAT MAN DO YOU KNOW OF WHO NOW SITS IN THE TEMPLE OF GOD , BEING DESPLAYE AS A GOD? DO YOU KNOW OF ANY OTHER THEN JESUS, FOR THE LAST 1700 YEARS WHO IS BEING PRESENTED, BY “FALLEN” CHRISTANITY AS A GOD AND WORSHIPPED AS SUCH?
But if that is no enough, then try to put with it , scriptures where God said “you shall have no other God besides me”, AND SCRIPTURE WHERE JESUS SAID HIMSELF “many will come in my name saying “I AM”, AND DECIEVE MANY”. Saying He was what?, a GOD PERHAPS, THE GREAT “I AM”.
NICK you should be rejoicing that GOD has allowed this understand to come out at this time, it makes no difference if it is through me or anyone else here, you should rejoice in the truth, this should eddify you and all others here who know JESUS is not A GOD, and have the spirit of truth in them, I have not buried this but have put it in the bank that God the Father may have it back with usery and perhaps some intrest. I have other things shown me also and have posted then here over the years also. GOD The Father can reaveal many thing to his servants, why does that bother you?, we are told to eddify one another, but you seem to want to provoke to doubtful disputations, all the while produceding nothing to show us any “evidence” of why you or anyone here should be doughtfull. kerwin and Marty brought some things that major christanity believes and i addressed them.
peace and love to you and yours. ………gene
August 23, 2016 at 11:35 am#816848NickHassan
ParticipantHi GB,,
Yes your opinion is strong.
But we need more evidence than you offer.
You quote scripture about seeing eyes and hearing ears as if you feel your opinions are divinely inspired?
August 24, 2016 at 3:34 am#816853GeneBalthrop
ParticipantNICK….IF it is only my opinion then show where it is wrong, and yes i do believe it is true and accurate and was shown me by the spirit of God, DOES THAT OFFEND YOU?, are you unable to put it together in your mind, showing your lack of spiritual perception. if you have another view then please present it, or are you simply “lying”, and do see and understand it? You seem unable to offer any other explanation of these scriptures but only passover the subject matter to personal sarcastic accusations, while continually avoiding presented scriptures. As i said “it is not about me”, but the truth of what those scriptures say, and yes i do believe in spritual guidence in us all, as our teacher. ANYONE who is guided by the spirit of truth should be able to understand those scriptures presented and the explanation offered.
NICK please quiet making this about me. and stay on subject matter, can you just please do that? We are supose to all be here to grow in “grace and knowledge” Satan would like nothing more then to derail this subject , don’t let him use you to do that Nick.
peace and love to you and yours…….gene
August 24, 2016 at 3:57 am#816854GeneBalthrop
ParticipantTO ALL….Please consider this thread ON 2 Ths2 carefully and also the one on SATAN’S “DOCTRINE OF SEPERATION.”. 2Ths2 shows how Satan worked he teaching into the “church” causing the falling away to take place, over a process of time, it shows how satan in the beginning and at the time of the original apostles was instigating his plan slowly into the church, he know that if he could get the true church to view Jesus as a God, it would cause them to fall away from God, and become rejected by God. He also knew that it would work to move away Jesus’ “idenity” from his human origins and cause us to SEPERATE JESUS FRON OUR OWM HUMAN IDENITY WITH HIM, BY TURNING the “image” of HIM INTO A GOD .
MY hope is that Understanding this will work to stablize us and bring us out of the present confusions in christanity, by understand the reasons behind the false teaching of the trinity and the prexistence of Jesus.
peace and love to you all and yours. ……….gene
August 24, 2016 at 5:32 am#816855NickHassan
ParticipantHi GB,
If you cannot offer more scriptural support then why do you think you are guided by the Spirit of God?
Test the spirits.
August 25, 2016 at 3:44 am#816876GeneBalthrop
ParticipantNICK….PAUL gave it as a prophesy concerning the church, but there are many scriptures that support it, i have presented some of them, and the history of what has taken place in the church over time itself is further proof that supports what i have said. Even the teachings of the gnostic’s supports it because they believed and preached Jesus was A GOD, every perceptions of Jesus’ prexistence and him being a God supports it.
Nick by all means test the spirit and if you did you should know it is the truth, i believe you do believe it , but it is so forign to what you have ever heard about it, it presents you with a problem which is fine, but ask your specific questions and we can proceed from there, in fact i ask anyone here to ask questions and i want their imput. This is a extremely important subject and i want every one here to come to understand it clearly, it should strengthen their resolve and understandings.
peace and love to you and yours. …….gene
August 25, 2016 at 6:27 am#816878NickHassan
ParticipantHi GB,
First establish your teachings as truth by comparative scriptures.
2cor 13.1
The Bereans showed us how to do it.
Otherwise you are alone in your personal opinions.
August 25, 2016 at 12:03 pm#816880GeneBalthrop
ParticipantNICK…..AS far as being like the breans i have always studied that way and will continue to, i am not a novice Nick, So for your sake how about this, “you shall have no other God ,besides me”. Does that establish any proof for you?, does that not allow a false GOD TO BE ESTABLISHED AS A “LIE” ABOUT JESUS BEING A GOD? Nick i have aleady posted those scriptures, plus more. Nothing i posted on this disagrees with any scriptures in the new or old testement, if it does please post it, Please try to stay on the subject an stop making it about me, it is not about me, but about the truth of scripture. YOU SEEM TO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ME NOT WHAT I HAVE POSTED, IF YOU FIND A FLAW THEN POST IT.
peace and love to you and yours. …….gene
August 25, 2016 at 1:26 pm#816881NickHassan
ParticipantHi GB,
As soon as you post backup scriptures we can look at it.
We are not here to discuss your ideas.
August 26, 2016 at 1:57 am#816893GeneBalthrop
ParticipantNICK….Same to you, as soon as you can produce scriptures that deny what i posted about 2THS 2, THEN WE CAN DISCUSS IT ALSO? BUT YOU SEEM UNABLE TO, AT LEAST WE HAVEN’T SEEN ANY YET, and by the way i have produced all the backup scriptures needed , why haven’t you denied them NICK, SHOW US WHERE ONE THING DISAGREES WITH SCRIPTURE AND WE WILL DESCUSSE IT, BUT IF YOU CAN’T THEN WHY TRY TO DERAIL THIS SUBJECT.
ALL who are lead by the spirit of the living God can easely understand exactly what i have posted, about 2Ths 2, only those void ofthe spirit can’t, but you are worse then they because you do understand it and are more on the verage of blasphemy then you may realize. Going against the truth has it’s consequences Nick.peace and love to you and yours. ……..gene
August 26, 2016 at 4:56 pm#816903Proclaimer
ParticipantTo all, has the shock of this post caused all to become slient, seening it has been concilled for so many years? It’s time for us all to wake up. IMO
peace and love to you all and yours. …….geneLet me tell you straight what is going on. Most if not all here on Heaven Net do not take your ideas seriously. Thus they didn’t bother to read your topic. I only read it now because I was up to date with replies to other topics I am engaged in. BTW, I didn’t read your opening post as it was too long for me to read a post from you.
But I noticed your second post and hence my reply.
This explains why no one is really replying to you here I think. It wasn’t because people were shocked by your level of truth or something similar.
August 27, 2016 at 1:37 am#816905GeneBalthrop
Peace and love to you and yours. ……gene
August 28, 2016 at 7:06 am#816941NickHassan
ParticipantHi GB,
No you are not the source of truth.
To disagree with your approach is not to blaspheme.
You are not our God.
August 29, 2016 at 3:03 am#816947GeneBalthrop
ParticipantNICK…..That’s very true, “if” it is from the persons own understanding, however if what is said was reavealed by the spirit of God, to that person, then those who speak against it could be blaspheming (speaking out against) the spirit of truth. Here is an example, PETER SAID TO JESUS, “you are the christ the son of the living God, now if i say PETER was speaking from himself and resist by saying it was from his own intellect, when it was “reavealed” to him by the spirit of God, Am i not also speaking against the spirit of truth working in him and through him? Now we know all things of God are reaveald by the spirit of God to us, and as God the Father adds to our knowledge and understandings we need to not resist the spirit as it continues to teachs us, and we should share it with the brothers for edification of the whole body of believers.
Look Nick i do not care who here reaveals some new truth to us because it is not about that person, but the spirit of God working in and through that person whoever he or she is. IF we believe that the spirit of truth is in a person it will show him if what is said is true or not, now if the spirit of truth shows you what i have said is not true then simply do not believe it, i will have to give an account of what i have said, will i not?, but if the spirit of truth shows you it is true, why resist it and make it about the person, and not praise GOD for giving us more understanding as we grow together in “grace and knowledge” . I am not here to justify myself, i am nothing, the truth is what is important, not me. Now if the LORD give me something and i do not say it then i am an unprofitable servant, but if i present it to others, then i have done what is required me, have i not? We all have to give account before God , do we not?
LOOK i will not let any man judge me, i have a judge that will judge me and he is not a man, i don’t judge anyone here even though i may disagree with what they have said, who am i to judge another man, unto his own master will he stand or fall, i don’t even judge myself it is God who knows the intent of my heart and all others here also, not me. “judge nothing before the time”, we are told.
peace and love to you and yours. ……..gene
August 29, 2016 at 6:22 am#816948NickHassan
ParticipantHi GB,
You say spirit is intellect.
Such folly finds no echo in what is written.
That is not teaching from above but from down below.
Test all things and hold fast to what is good.
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