Satan was NOT the God of this age

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    Mike………..the God he is talking about are the “FALSE” Gods of people WHY YOU ASK? Because God would be counteracting himself if he said there were true other Gods. That should have been obvious to you Mike and should not needed to be answered at all> IMO

    peace and love……………………………………………..gene


    Does the scripture say that Jehovah is the “God of false gods”?


    Mike………..Yes it does , did not Paul say that when he mentioned the Gods of the GREEKS , They had a FALSE GOD for every thing there was, do you really believe those statues that were there were indeed “REAL” God's , do you need me to show you scripture where God himself said they were?. Can Do it!. I can't even believe i am having this conversation with you about other so-called GOD'S. Just learn to believe what GOD HIMSELF SAID, is that asking to much. Quit trying to supplant his words that he clearly said and quite going down every rabbit hole you can find to not agree with what He SAID. He PLAINLY SAID THERE IS “NO” GOD BESIDE HIM. You not arguing with me MIKE but GOD HIMSELF. IMO

    peace and love……………………………………………………..gene


    Quote (shimmer @ Jan. 24 2012,21:02)
    All, Satans powers have been BOUND for the past 20000 years.

    How do you think the 'Good News' of the Gospels were sent around the WORLD if Satan had full control?  No way.

    Just beware from now on.  A strong delusion has been sent and Satan is going to have one last go at deceiving the whole world and then the end will come, not a thousand year “Millenium”, thats now.  Its the thousands of years untill the DAY OF THE LORD which is the end of all things and the begining of the NEW.  Eternity.

    I haven't been following this thread so excuse me if I have no idea what exactly it is that you are talking about RIGHT NOW.

    Hi Shimmer:

    Not according to the following scripture:

    1Pe 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

    Love in Christ,


    The following scripture for your consideration:

    Rev 12:12   Therefore rejoice, [ye] heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

    Love in Christ,


    The devils are thoughts or information against the truth of God. Deceptive, errant wrong thinking against the truth/God. They are not trying to ''get'' you or make you do ''bad'' things! They are trying to get you to believe that doing things is evil and separates you from God. Deception continually comes against the truth. We have powerful minds of Christ that create and form our futures whether we are aware of it or not. The war that mankind is in is between dark and light. Truth or information in the mind/heart of man, pondered, contemplated and mixed with intention and desire when released in this world will bring forth the situations and circumstances that create that world around you.

    If a person could only hear and understand Gods pure love truth he/she would live seemingly, totally in that world.

    Our perfection is not about how good we act! Its about how purely we can believe what Jesus gave to us. Our purification unto God is by faith alone not based on anything we do or don't do. We didn't earn it…we must only believe it.

    The power of deception against the truth has become so great that all people of God seem to do is talk about seasons and times and comings and goings and almost completely denying the power of the NOW! The salvation and purification of God from Jesus starts, NOW if we will believe it and it gets stronger and stronger as the perfect light keeps coming. We grow in light/understanding. Until we reach the fulness of the stature of Christ Jesus. IMO, TK


    Tim…………Well put, truly it is a matter of FAITH brother.

    peace and love to you and yours Tim…………………………………………………..gene


    “My dear brothers, never forget, when you hear the progress of enlightenment vaunted, that the devil's best trick is to persuade you that he doesn't exist!” –  From a 1864 short story written by French poet Baudelaire

    The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. – Kaiser Soze in The Usual Suspects


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 29 2012,15:21)
    Mike………..Yes it does , did not Paul say that when he mentioned the Gods of the GREEKS , They had a FALSE GOD  for every thing there was, do you really believe those statues that were there were indeed “REAL” God's , do you need me to show you scripture where God himself said they were?. Can Do it!.  I can't even believe i am having this conversation with you about other  so-called GOD'S. Just learn to believe what GOD HIMSELF SAID, is that asking to much. Quit trying to supplant his words that he clearly said and quite going down every rabbit hole you can find to not agree with what He SAID. He PLAINLY SAID THERE IS “NO” GOD BESIDE HIM. You not arguing with me MIKE but GOD HIMSELF. IMO

    peace and love……………………………………………………..gene


    I can not remember were that scripture is in the bible ,could you tell me ???? I mean what Paul says ,



    I agree Pierre.  Paul doesn't say “false” god, and even though the idols themselves were not gods, many times they represented a real spirit being that the people who made the idol worshipped as their god – much like the golden calf that Aaron made.  The Israelites did not make themselves ANOTHER God, but made the calf to represent Jehovah.  So although the calf itself had no power, it represented one who did.


    MIke and Pierre……….Representing something and “ACTUALLY Being That SOME is completely different, a picture or Idol is NOT the REAL thing. But becasue you both are Metaphysical believers you simply in you minds make it a real thing Just like the Greek and all Pagan Do, O an by the way Mike, that golden calf was no GOD at all, and what it represented was an illusion in their minds, why do you think Moses and God became so angry with those fruit cakes. God told us , that we are to make NO IMAGE of HIM of Stones or wood or “ANYTHING”.
    That is called “IDOLATRY” That is the very reason GOD kicked Israel out of their LAND and rejected then, it was becasue of IDOLATRY.

    So if you truly believe in “OTHER REAL GOD'S” What does that say about you, and If MY GOD said there were “NO” GOD”S Beside HIM, I for one will Just Believe HIM, Now you and Pierre can make up all kinds of other GOD in the Chambers of your minds if you want, but I chose not to, I'll just believe what GOD said, and i truly do not believe Paul taught any differently then GOD. Seeing He was taught all about the Law and was taught under the Gamaliel all about the law and the Prophets. He would have never said there were “TRULY other “TRUE” God, he would never make such a statement such as that.

    Again Just more of you and Pierre lack of true understanding of what scriptures are truly saying. IMO>


    peace and love…………………………………………….gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 29 2012,12:12)
    MIke and Pierre……….Representing something and “ACTUALLY Being That SOME is completely different, a picture or Idol is NOT the REAL thing.

    I agree, and have never said any differently – so keep your insults to yourself, Gene.

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 29 2012,12:12)
    If MY GOD said there were “NO” GOD”S Beside HIM, I for one will Just Believe HIM,

    Isaiah 43:11
    I, even I, am the LORD, and apart from me there is no savior.

    Isaiah 45:21
    Declare what is to be, present it— let them take counsel together. Who foretold this long ago, who declared it from the distant past? Was it not I, the LORD? And there is no God apart from me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none but me.

    Is God literally the ONLY savior, Gene?

    Nehemiah 9:27 NRSV ©
    Therefore you gave them into the hands of their enemies, who made them suffer. Then in the time of their suffering they cried out to you and you heard them from heaven, and according to your great mercies you gave them saviors who saved them from the hands of their enemies.

    Who then, were these mentioned in the scripture above?

    10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.

    And who then, is this mentioned in the scripture above?

    Gene, it seems your view doesn't align with scripture – as usual.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 30 2012,12:12)
    MIke and Pierre……….Representing something and “ACTUALLY Being That SOME is completely different, a picture or Idol is NOT the REAL thing. But becasue you both are Metaphysical believers you simply in you minds make it a real thing Just like the Greek and all Pagan Do, O an by the way Mike, that golden calf was no GOD at all, and what it represented was an illusion in their minds, why do you think Moses and God became so angry with those fruit cakes.  God told us , that we are to make NO IMAGE of HIM of Stones or wood or “ANYTHING”.  
    That is called “IDOLATRY” That is the very reason GOD kicked Israel out of their LAND and rejected then,  it was becasue of IDOLATRY.

    So if you truly believe in “OTHER REAL GOD'S” What does that say about you, and If MY GOD said there were “NO” GOD”S Beside HIM, I for one will Just Believe HIM, Now you and Pierre can make up all kinds of other GOD in the Chambers of your minds if you want,  but I chose not to, I'll just believe what GOD said, and i truly do not believe Paul taught any differently then GOD. Seeing He was taught all about the Law and was taught under the Gamaliel all about the law and the Prophets.  He would have never said there were “TRULY other “TRUE” God, he would never make such a statement such as that.

    Again Just more of you and Pierre  lack of true understanding of what scriptures are truly saying. IMO>

    MIKE come on YOU have GOT TO KNOW THIS RIGHT?  

    peace and love…………………………………………….gene


    like I have said before , much talk but no scriptures to support your own believe,

    but no scriptures to degrade others so what knowledge do you carrying opinions that it .



    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 27 2012,01:11)
    T8……….It is not a Satan who is the rulers of this word it is Men in HIGH PLACES who rule this world, Your Satan is not a GOD of anything it is a Spirit of Evil working in the hearts and minds of Men who rule  this world. You attribute that to one being Satan you call a GOD, but i see the rulers of this  worlds darkness as men who do not have the spirit of God leading them.

    John 12:31
    Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out.

    YHWH is not cast out, nor will he be cast out.

    You forget Gene that everything has a source and the originator can be called God.
    Such as the Most High God and the God of this age which are not the same God.

    The source of wickedness and sin is not YHWH. This is basic stuff Gene.

    Men who do not have the spirit of God leading them have another spirit leading them.

    1 John 5:19
    We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.

    Gene, I honestly do not think that these scriptures will sway you as you have a past of ignoring scripture that infringe your doctrines. But for others who love the truth and are teachable I give you these. And you have these as a witness Gene. Up to you.


    Quote (t8 @ Jan. 30 2012,11:56)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 27 2012,01:11)
    T8……….It is not a Satan who is the rulers of this word it is Men in HIGH PLACES who rule this world, Your Satan is not a GOD of anything it is a Spirit of Evil working in the hearts and minds of Men who rule  this world. You attribute that to one being Satan you call a GOD, but i see the rulers of this  worlds darkness as men who do not have the spirit of God leading them.

    John 12:31
    Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out.

    YHWH is not cast out, nor will he be cast out.

    You forget Gene that everything has a source and the originator can be called God.
    Such as the Most High God and the God of this age which are not the same God.

    The source of wickedness and sin is not YHWH. This is basic stuff Gene.

    Men who do not have the spirit of God leading them have another spirit leading them.

    1 John 5:19
    We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.

    Gene, I honestly do not think that these scriptures will sway you as you have a past of ignoring scripture that infringe your doctrines. But for others who love the truth and are teachable I give you these. And you have these as a witness Gene. Up to you.

    t8: Gene is right on target with this doctrine! All doctrine is knowledge, information thoughts, spirit and it is either Truth from God, which is eternal and stands forever….or it is distorted knowledge, information and thinking, that is not Gods truth, which is an ''illusion'' of truth. Illusion of truth is not eternal. It is temporary and apart from God/Truth, until corrected.

    One key to understanding the scripture in John 12:31 is..”the world” that Jesus is referring to is the religious order he is talking to…the Jewish religious world order was about to change. They quoted their own “law” in V34 so he was talking to Jews.

    Now judgment is upon ..”this world”..(Jews):(because) now, the prince of this world(Jesus the prince of peace) will be cast out….(condemn by the Jews, killed and then be exalted by God) lifted up and draw all men unto him!

    Then at 1John5:19 you quote…We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one. DOES IT MAKE ANY SENSE THAT WE WOULD BE CHILDREN OF GOD BUT EVERYBODY IS UNDER CONTROL OF AN EVIL ONE?

    If we are all under control of evil then why say greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world! It would be worthless to say. If evil has control of all, we might as well quit.

    I believe the scripture meant the whole, Jewish, religious order. That world was under control of evil. They were in sin and darkness. Hence the need for Jesus/light. IMO, TK


    Quote (t8 @ Jan. 30 2012,11:56)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 27 2012,01:11)
    T8……….It is not a Satan who is the rulers of this word it is Men in HIGH PLACES who rule this world, Your Satan is not a GOD of anything it is a Spirit of Evil working in the hearts and minds of Men who rule  this world. You attribute that to one being Satan you call a GOD, but i see the rulers of this  worlds darkness as men who do not have the spirit of God leading them.

    John 12:31
    Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out.

    YHWH is not cast out, nor will he be cast out.

    You forget Gene that everything has a source and the originator can be called God.
    Such as the Most High God and the God of this age which are not the same God.

    The source of wickedness and sin is not YHWH. This is basic stuff Gene.

    Men who do not have the spirit of God leading them have another spirit leading them.

    1 John 5:19
    We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.

    Gene, I honestly do not think that these scriptures will sway you as you have a past of ignoring scripture that infringe your doctrines. But for others who love the truth and are teachable I give you these. And you have these as a witness Gene. Up to you.

    T8………..Your switching topics we are talking about “OTHER GODS” you are talking about rulers (BIG) DIFFERENCE in my books. There are many bad rulers in this world and there are GOOD rulers also. The rulers of this age are Men not GODS, and some are evil men in hight places deceiving people , greedy for power and wealth. But the question is is God still behind it all, answer YES, Need scripture?

    Psa 78:49….> He (GOD) cast upon them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, and indignation , and trouble, by sending evil angels.

    T8 read the whole chapter of Psa 78 you and your Co-harts and then come back and tells who is deceiving who. What is interesting no so much as One word about a so-called Satan “BEING” mentioned there.

    Need More OK
    Hears something that there is both good and evil in this earth,

    Pro 15:3 …> The eyes (seven Spirits of GOD) are in (EVERY PLACE) beholding  the “EVIL (AND) the GOOD”.

    Yes T8 GOOD (AND) EVIL, is that not what “MAN” Partook OF to KNOW. GOOD (AND) EVIL and I tell you it is MAN that does this NOt some elusive GOD called the devil. The devils are the greedy and power hungry People themselves that are allowed rule  this earth , not some elusive Beings Person call a devil> who you say is a GOD.

    But wait there is more
    Pro 16:27……> An ungodly (MAN) digs up evil and his lips are a burning fire.

    Isa 45:7….I (GOD) form the light,and create darkness: I make peace, and create “evil” , I the LORD do (ALL) these things .

    Jer 2:2…..> Israel was holiness unto the LORD, ans the “firstfruits” of his increase: all that devour him shall offend; “EVIL” shall come upon them saith the LORD.

    Jer 4:6…..> Set up the standard toward Zion, retire, stay not: for (I) will bring EVIL from the north and a great destruction.

    Jer 4:22 For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish childern, and the have none understanding : they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.

    Jer 11:11……Therefore thus saith the LORD, Behold (I) will bring “evil' upon them, which they shall bot be able to escape and thought they shall cry unto me , I will  not hearken unto them.

    Ecc 9:3  This nis an evil among all things that are done under the sun, that there is one event unto all: yea, also the
    heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.

    T8 it is men that do evil in their hearts and God uses evil to against those evil men. You give Power to a false God called a Satan, but the truth is it men themselves that do evil themselves and God sends evil on them for that , Just as it is men that can seek God and try to live by his commandments also and strive to attain the what is Good, with GOD'S help that is. IMO

    T8…> don't blame a hidden devil who you call a “GOD” for what men themselves are doing this world is in the condition it is because of Man evil Hearts working evil (IN) them they themselves are responsible not some elusive unknown being call a devil , they are the devils themselves. IMO

    I still maintain T8 there is ONLY ONE TRUE GOD> IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………….gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 31 2012,08:14)

    Quote (t8 @ Jan. 30 2012,11:56)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 27 2012,01:11)
    T8……….It is not a Satan who is the rulers of this word it is Men in HIGH PLACES who rule this world, Your Satan is not a GOD of anything it is a Spirit of Evil working in the hearts and minds of Men who rule  this world. You attribute that to one being Satan you call a GOD, but i see the rulers of this  worlds darkness as men who do not have the spirit of God leading them.

    John 12:31
    Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out.

    YHWH is not cast out, nor will he be cast out.

    You forget Gene that everything has a source and the originator can be called God.
    Such as the Most High God and the God of this age which are not the same God.

    The source of wickedness and sin is not YHWH. This is basic stuff Gene.

    Men who do not have the spirit of God leading them have another spirit leading them.

    1 John 5:19
    We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.

    Gene, I honestly do not think that these scriptures will sway you as you have a past of ignoring scripture that infringe your doctrines. But for others who love the truth and are teachable I give you these. And you have these as a witness Gene. Up to you.

    T8………..Your switching topics we are talking about “OTHER GODS” you are talking about rulers (BIG) DIFFERENCE in my books. There are many bad rulers in this world and there are GOOD rulers also. The rulers of this age are Men not GODS, and some are evil men in hight places deceiving people , greedy for power and wealth. But the question is is God still behind it all, answer YES, Need scripture?

    Psa 78:49….> He (GOD) cast upon them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, and indignation , and trouble, by sending evil angels.

    T8 read the whole chapter of Psa 78 you and your Co-harts and then come back and tells who is deceiving who. What is interesting no so much as One word about a so-called Satan “BEING” mentioned there.

    Need More OK
    Hears something that there is both good and evil in this earth,

    Pro 15:3 …> The eyes (seven Spirits of GOD) are in (EVERY PLACE) beholding  the “EVIL (AND) the GOOD”.

    Yes T8 GOOD (AND) EVIL, is that not what “MAN” Partook OF to KNOW. GOOD (AND) EVIL and I tell you it is MAN that does this NOt some elusive GOD called the devil. The devils are the greedy and power hungry People themselves that are allowed rule  this earth , not some elusive Beings Person call a devil> who you say is a GOD.

    But wait there is more
    Pro 16:27……> An ungodly (MAN) digs up evil and his lips are a burning fire.

    Isa 45:7….I (GOD) form the light,and create darkness: I make peace, and create “evil” , I the LORD do (ALL) these things .

    Jer 2:2…..> Israel was holiness unto the LORD, ans the “firstfruits” of his increase: all that devour him shall offend; “EVIL” shall come upon them saith the LORD.

    Jer 4:6…..> Set up the standard toward Zion, retire, stay not: for (I) will bring EVIL from the north and a great destruction.

    Jer 4:22 For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish childern, and the have none understanding : they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.

    Jer 11:11……Therefore thus saith the LORD, Behold (I) will bring “evil' upon them, which they shall bot be able to escape and thought they shall cry unto me , I will  not hearken unto them.

    Ecc 9:3  This nis an evil among all things that are done under the sun, that there is one event unto all: yea, also the
    heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.

    T8 it is men that do evil in their hearts and God uses evil to against those evil men. You give Power to a false God called a Satan, but the truth is it men themselves that do evil themselves and God sends evil on them for that , Just as it is men that can seek God and try to live by his commandments also and strive to attain the what is Good, with GOD'S help that is. IMO

    T8…> don't blame a hidden devil who you call a “GOD” for what men themselves are doing this world is in the condition it is because of Man evil Hearts working evil (IN) them they themselves are responsible not some elusive unknown being call a devil , they are the devils themselves. IMO

    I still maintain T8 there is ONLY ONE TRUE GOD> IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………….gene


    are you a butcher ?? because you are good at cutting scriptures

    you like your meat cut very fine ,

    you make sure that what you say meet your requirement,even if for this you have to morphed all the verses you are quoting,

    :D :D :D



    How is it possible that Nehemiah speaks of saviors God has sent, and the angel in Luke speaks of the Savior Jesus' birth, when Isaiah 43:11 and 45:21 say there are no saviors apart from Jehovah?

    How is that possible, Gene?


    Mike………Please tell me you do understand this , God was Behind all saviors He sent , the key words there Mike is “APART FROM ME” GOD was the one who sent them and empowered them to carry out his purposes and Plans. Therefore He was the TRUE Savior even if He used someone else to bring about His Purpose. 

    Mike please tell me you do understand this to be right.

    peace and love…………………………………..gene


    Absolutely I understand it just like that, Gene.

    Now, tell me the difference between “apart from me, there is no savior”, and “apart from me, there is no god”.

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