Satan was NOT the God of this age

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    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 21 2012,08:50)

    I can invent a 'god' in my imagination and then make a carved image of it and then consult it for advice. YHWH said that the gods of the heathen are merely carved images (Psalm 135:15-18).The god of Ekron was also a carved image. See Jodi Lee's post on page 7.

    Maybe you or Jodi can tell me who the gods of Egypt were who were able to match many of the miracles that God did through Moses?

    Exodus 12:12
    —and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt.

    How does Jehovah “judge” a carved image?

    2 Kings 3:27 NET ©
    So he took his firstborn son, who was to succeed him as king, and offered him up as a burnt sacrifice on the wall. There was an outburst of divine anger against Israel, so they broke off the attack and returned to their homeland.

    Jehovah helped the Israelites gain victory in that battle.  So who then wreaked wrath upon the Israelites after the sacrifice of the Moabite King's son?

    Why can't you people understand that Jehovah could not possibly be “the God of gods” if there are no other gods for Him to be the God of?

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 21 2012,08:50)
    YHWH's version: Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool.

    Mike's version: Heaven WAS my throne before I gave it to satan and the earth WAS my throne before I gave it to satan.

    Actually Jack, I've only quoted exactly what is said in scripture.  And I didn't notice Jesus saying, “What?  How can you give me the kingdoms of the world when they belong to my Father?”………..did you?  ???

    (Btw, the scripture says nothing about heaven, but only about the kingdoms of the earth.  I know you are adept at adding to scriptures – but please don't start also adding to my words, okay?)

    Hey Mike, if you root for the Ravens tomorrow I will give you Australia.

    Just for that, I'm rooting for the Patriots!  :D


    Quote (t8 @ Jan. 20 2012,21:33)

    Also, how to reconcile that the world is wicked and that you say that YHWH is the God of that wicked world?

    Is that not insulting to God?


    Is saying “YHHW is the God of the Universe or all of creation” Insulting to him since the wicked in the world are part of that universe or creation?

    Isn't it you that claims that the Father is the Father of ALL “spirits”?

    How about the “God of all flesh”?

    Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me? Jer 32:27

    How does that fit into your theology?

    You deride Trinitarians for holding on to their traditions and being decieved by not accepting the truth, well what about you holding on to your traditions? When have you ever changed your views in this forum?




    Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me? Jer 32:27

    JER 32:27 “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?”
    JER 32:28 Therefore thus says the LORD, “Behold, I am about to give this city into the hand of the Chaldeans and into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and he will take it.
    JER 32:29 “The Chaldeans who are fighting against this city will enter and set this city on fire and burn it, with the houses where people have offered incense to Baal on their roofs and poured out drink offerings to other gods to provoke Me to anger.




    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 22 2012,08:35)

    Quote (t8 @ Jan. 20 2012,21:33)

    Also, how to reconcile that the world is wicked and that you say that YHWH is the God of that wicked world?

    Is that not insulting to God?


    Is saying “YHHW is the God of the Universe or all of creation” Insulting to him since the wicked in the world are part of that universe or creation?

    Isn't it you that claims that the Father is the Father of ALL “spirits”?

    How about the “God of all flesh”?

    Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me? Jer 32:27

    How does that fit into your theology?

    You deride Trinitarians for holding on to their traditions and being decieved by not accepting the truth, well what about you holding on to your traditions? When have you ever changed your views in this forum?


    You are not insulting me WJ by saying that YHWH is the God of this world/age.

    This is between you and the creator. I have no part in this confession of yours. If you are willing to make the true God also the God of this wicked age, for the sake of trying to squeeze out a small but false win for the sake of your false doctrine, then this says plenty about your character and motives.

    1 John 2:15
    Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.


    If anyone denies that the Devil is the ruler of this world/age, then they are deceived.


    I want to take KJ to task on this.
    I want him to give a clear and defined explanation to the points I make.
    Hence I challenge KJ to a debate on this subject.

    My guess is he would prefer to not debate his latest false teaching, but if he wants to spite me by prove my assumption wrong then that is even better.

    I will go there now and set the debate up.

    Jodi Lee

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 22 2012,08:15)

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 21 2012,08:50)

    I can invent a 'god' in my imagination and then make a carved image of it and then consult it for advice. YHWH said that the gods of the heathen are merely carved images (Psalm 135:15-18).The god of Ekron was also a carved image. See Jodi Lee's post on page 7.

    Maybe you or Jodi can tell me who the gods of Egypt were who were able to match many of the miracles that God did through Moses?

    Exodus 12:12
    —and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt.

    How does Jehovah “judge” a carved image?

    2 Kings 3:27 NET ©
    So he took his firstborn son, who was to succeed him as king, and offered him up as a burnt sacrifice on the wall. There was an outburst of divine anger against Israel, so they broke off the attack and returned to their homeland.

    Jehovah helped the Israelites gain victory in that battle.  So who then wreaked wrath upon the Israelites after the sacrifice of the Moabite King's son?

    Why can't you people understand that Jehovah could not possibly be “the God of gods” if there are no other gods for Him to be the God of?

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 21 2012,08:50)
    YHWH's version: Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool.

    Mike's version: Heaven WAS my throne before I gave it to satan and the earth WAS my throne before I gave it to satan.

    Actually Jack, I've only quoted exactly what is said in scripture.  And I didn't notice Jesus saying, “What?  How can you give me the kingdoms of the world when they belong to my Father?”………..did you?  ???

    (Btw, the scripture says nothing about heaven, but only about the kingdoms of the earth.  I know you are adept at adding to scriptures – but please don't start also adding to my words, okay?)

    Hey Mike, if you root for the Ravens tomorrow I will give you Australia.

    Just for that, I'm rooting for the Patriots!  :D

    Isaiah 45:6-7 “That they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides Me. I am the Lord, and there is no other; I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I the Lord do all these things.”

    Scripture shows that it is YHWH alone who has POWER. He ALONE, there is no other, that forms light and darkness, that creates peace and brings calamity.

    The Magicians, charmers, mediums, sorcerers, soothsayers, were all LIARS and DECEIVERS.  They performed magic, spoke lies, they practiced ventriloquism , and they were known to drug up their subjects!!

    The magicians that copied after Aaron, had NO powers of their own, everything being done in Egypt to bring the Pharaoh into letting the Israelites go was done UNDER the WILL and POWER of YHWH!


    False images, carved idols often represented kings! Kings often believed that they were gods, and they had images made of themselves and demanded that the people bow down and worship them!! Come on you knew that!!

    You asked, Why can't you people understand that Jehovah could not possibly be “the God of gods” if there are no other gods for Him to be the God of?”

    Deuteronomy 10:17  For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality nor takes a bribe.

    Exodus 4:14 So the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses, and He said: “Is not Aaron the Levite your brother? I know that he can speak well. And look, he is also coming out to meet you. When he sees you, he will be glad in his heart.  15  Now you shall speak to him and put the words in his mouth. And I will be with your mouth and with his mouth, and I will teach you what you shall do.  16  So he shall be your spokesman to the people. And he himself shall be as a mouth for you, and you shall be to him as God.

    The word God, or god in the bible is not black and white! Several different Hebrew words were translated into the English word God. The bible makes it clear that there is only one creator, one who exists with great powers, and that is our Father, YHWH. However we still have lords or masters…. landlords, supervisors, bosses, principals, instructors, coaches, governors, presidents…that hold a position of power over us.


    Quote (t8 @ Jan. 22 2012,12:17)
    If anyone denies that the Devil is the ruler of this world/age, then they are deceived.

    t8: My friend and brother in Christ! Bless you.

    How can you possibly quote one scripture like…..
    1 John 2:15
    Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him…..Do you actually think this is talking about the world we live in? All the beauty and perfection God created for mankind, you now believe we are to hate?

    When everyone knows that…. God ''so loved the world'' that he gave his only begotten son…! You maybe better see which “world” your telling people to separate from.

    Since God hates sin and the religious world that was before Jesus was in sin and darkness….I would bet that the “world” order that John was referring to was the former religious world with its works and deeds for perfection that could not be earned.
    The religious hierarchy were the only ones Jesus disliked and even then it was the condemning, sinful( doctrinal) attacks on men that Jesus hated.

    Here is also a clear case of individual choice of belief. If you say there is one God, of Jesus…..then….''you''….should place no other gods before you…satan is not a god but is doing well at his job of deceiving!!

    You are correct that if anyone denies that devils or lies are the rulers of this world….then they truly are deceived and apart from the truth. IMO, TK


    Quote (Jodi Lee @ Jan. 21 2012,23:42)
    Scripture shows that it is YHWH alone who has POWER.

    Agreed.  When Jehovah says, “I am your Savior, and apart from Me there is none”, I also agree.  But the Trinitarian mindset trys to make that mean that Jesus must BE Jehovah, when really He is saying that apart from Him, there would be no being with the power to save even a hair on their own head – because all power comes from God Almighty.  In fact, God Himself SENT many saviors into the world, so the comment cannot possibly mean that He is LITERALLY the only One, but instead that none of the others would be saviors at all if not for Him.

    Do we agree on this, Jody?  And if so, then you'll also understand that when Jehovah says there is no god apart from Him, the same meaning applies – which is:  There would be no other god had He not given them the power to BE a god.

    1 Corinthians 8:5
    For even if there are those called gods, whether in heaven or on earth, as indeed there are many gods and many lords…………

    Jody, I agree with you that kings and even Hebrew judges were called gods on earth; but can you give me an example of one of these gods in heaven, to which Paul refers?

    Quote (Jodi Lee @ Jan. 21 2012,23:42)
    The Magicians, charmers, mediums, sorcerers, soothsayers, were all LIARS and DECEIVERS.  They performed magic………

    That's a pretty good magic trick to turn water to blood, produce living frogs out of thin air, and turn a wooden staff into a living snake.

    Who is the “Prince of Persia”, with whom Michael had to fight?  A man?

    I await your answers to my previous questions, Jody:

    In what way did Jehovah “judge” a carved image when he judged and punished the gods of Egypt?

    Whose wrath came upon the Israelites after the King of Moab sacrificed his son?


    Quote (t8 @ Jan. 19 2012,21:24)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 19 2012,03:22)
    To All………..There is ONLY ONE TRUE GOD, according to Jesus, So how is it that your SATAN is the GOD of any thing? MY GOD is SOVEREIGN over (ALL HIS CREATION) and that includes this PRESENT EARTH. If you make Satan your GOD then that is who you worship then while SATAN can be considered to be (personified) as a Prince, like Jesus did (IT) certainly is not a GOD of anything. WE have but ONE TRUE GOD and HE (IS) SOVEREIGN. IMO

    peace and love to you all……………………………………………………gene

    Satan is the God of murder. He is called the Father of lies too which makes him the God of lies.

    He is a god. The God of this age in fact.

    T8………… “SORRY” I misquoted what you wrote in this post, Murder is indeed different then Killing, as it says ” of them that “KILL” the “MURDER” shall surely be put to death.

    I think the way your worded it may have throw me off,  Because you used God with a capital letter and murder together may have thrown me off , Because i do not see Satan as the God of anything, much less this earth. I see an “ADVERSARIAL” SPIRIT working (IN) men allowed by GOD who is SOVEREIGN OVER ALL the EARTH and EVERYTHING IN IT< IMO.

    I also believe as, Jesus said in his prayer, “FOR THOU ART THE “ONLY” TRUE GOD”, and as far as I am concerned there is ONLY ONE TRUE GOD, who is SOVEREIGN over ALL CREATION> To me GOD the FATHER is in TOTAL CONTROL of EVERYTHING without exception. Now where in scripture do you see where God turned this earth or it creation over to a SATAN “BEING”, if so then please post that scripture.  

    Even Jesus said to Pilot his power was given him from above. I believe Jesus knew who was in absolute control and it was not a Satan, an Adversarial “Spirit”, can only do what (IT'S)  allowed  to do and works by people inviting it into their lives, (IT) is allowed by the ONLY TRUE GOD IMO.  

    God takes credit for Creating (IT) and uses (IT) to being about His Will and Purposes on the earth, man was given the ability to allow or reject the way it influences their lives from the Garden of Eden until even now , but it is GOD who allowes it work and control us (IT) and can be controlled by us in our lives , GOD want us to “MASTER” (IT), learn to control and overcome it, Why? becasue that Spirit is a important part of Life itself, it give us the opposite view (so to speak) , (IT) causes us to “QUESTION” what we are doing or thinking it is part of all our reasoning process. it is part of what life is, If we allow it go against GOD'S Word it can produce EVIL, in our lives.

    Because men as a whole do not have the SPIRIT OF TRUTH working (IN) them they can easily be decieved by it and be led into all kinds of wrong thoughts and behaviors. But if you have the SPIRIT (intellect) of Truth In you can not deceive by it, IMO

    peace and love to you and yours T8…………………………..gene


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 15 2012,10:07)
    2 Corinthians 4:4 as it reads in most translations:

    whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of the God, should shine on them.

    For much of my christian life life I was misled to believe that the “god of this age” was a reference to satan. I have come to totally reject this interpretation for three reasons:

    1. Christ is the image of “the God” (hotheos) who blinds the minds of men which completely rules out that it can be a reference to satan.

    “The God” (hotheos) who blinds the minds of men in the first clause and “the God” (hotheos) of whom Christ is the image in the second clause are the same person. Jesus is the image of “the God” in the second clause. Therefore, “the God” in the first clause CANNOT be satan.

    2. The term “of this age” is amphibolous and refers to unbelievers.

    The God has blinded the minds of those who of this age do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of the God, should shine on them.

    3. In 3:14 Paul had just said that the unbelievers of the prior age were blinded by God through the putting on of a veil over the face of Moses.

    Therefore, since we have such hope, we use great boldness of speech— 13 unlike Moses, who put a veil over his face so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the end of what was passing away. 14 But their minds were blinded. For until this day the SAME VEIL remains unlifted in the reading of the Old Testament, because the veil is taken away in Christ.

    The instrument of the blindness of unbelievers of both ages was the “same veil.” Satan NEVER had the power to blind the minds of men. And he is NEVER called “the God” (hotheos) anywhere in the scriptures.


    Hi Jack:

    God has said:

    2Pe 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

    If God is not willing that any man should perish, why would he be responsible for blinding the minds of men that they should not believe the gospel?

    And this is the gospel:

    Jhn 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    Jhn 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

    But you seem to take a scripture out of context and try to add your opinions to create an issue. This is the scripture that you quote in context:

    2Cr 4:3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:

    2Cr 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

    They are lost because:

    Jhn 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

    Jhn 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

    Jhn 3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

    Love in Christ,


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 23 2012,04:05)
    I think the way your worded it may have throw me off, Because you used God with a capital letter and murder together may have thrown me off , Because i do not see Satan as the God of anything, much less this earth. I see an “ADVERSARIAL” SPIRIT working (IN) men allowed by GOD who is SOVEREIGN OVER ALL the EARTH and EVERYTHING IN IT< IMO.

    Thanks for the apology.

    Satan is still the God of this age/world.

    I can prove it even outside of 2 Corinthians 4:4.

    And the capital letter is not wrong either. “The god” is translated as “God” in English.

    The god (God) of this age has blinded the minds of….

    Do you believe that the God of this age is YHWH? A simple yes or no to that will suffice.


    T8: That is within your right to do. We all choose a god of choice or no god at all. Choosing a known and recognized, lying deceiver and calling him a god is a bit like waking up in the morning and wishing for a horrible day!!

    I had always thought you were a believer in ONE God! This is news to me. TK


    T8……….NO, i do not believe that brother, I believe GOD the FATHER is the “ONLY TRUE GOD” He even himself installs leaders to bring down a Nation of to raise it Up , He is the ONLY TRUE GOD of all the earth and the Universe, He said Himself “HE is the (only) GOD , and He said He looked for another GOD and said there were None but HIM. Want scripture i can find the for you. It is God that blinds and open eyes of People brother and if he opens a man eyes no one can close them and if he closes them no one can open them not even Jesus or the Disciples. No one can even come to Jesus unless the father “DRAW” Him, according to Jesus. Satan is Not a Being (IT) is the adversarial SPIRIT of Disobedience working in all flesh and (IT) must be “MASTERED” and can be by the power of GOD , that same way Jesus mastered it (IN) himself, by putting His 'WILL TO DEATH” we to with that Same SPIRIT of GOd must overcome (OURSELVES and the WORLD Also. Now if you Have then you are no longer of the World Just as Jesus was no longer of the World and as he said his deciples were not either . We are not of this world , but our CITIZENSHIP is (IN) Heaven.IMO

    peace and love to you and yours T8…………………………………………………………gene

    You are right about the spelling thing becasue all scripture was spelled with capital letter in the original Greek Texts.

    peace and love to you and yours………………………………………………….gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 24 2012,09:11)
    T8……….NO, i do not believe that brother, I believe GOD the FATHER is the “ONLY TRUE GOD” He even himself installs leaders to bring down a Nation of to raise it Up , He is the ONLY TRUE GOD of all the earth and the Universe, He said Himself “HE is the (only) GOD , and He said He looked for another GOD and said there were None but HIM. Want scripture i can find the for you. It is God that blinds and open eyes of People  brother and if he opens a man eyes no one can close them and if he closes them no one can open them not even Jesus or the Disciples.  No one can even come to Jesus unless the father “DRAW” Him, according to Jesus. Satan is Not a Being (IT) is the adversarial SPIRIT of Disobedience working in all flesh  and (IT) must be “MASTERED” and can be by the power of GOD , that same way Jesus mastered it (IN) himself, by putting His 'WILL TO DEATH”  we to with that Same SPIRIT of GOd must overcome (OURSELVES and the WORLD Also. Now if you Have then you are no longer of the World Just as Jesus was no longer of the World and as he said his deciples were not either . We are not of this world , but our CITIZENSHIP is (IN) Heaven.IMO

    peace and love to you and yours T8…………………………………………………………gene

    You are right about the spelling thing  becasue all scripture was spelled with capital letter in the original Greek Texts.

    peace and love to you and yours………………………………………………….gene


    are you deceived ,and you have no idea how much ,

    it is almost helpless,



    Quote (ftk @ Jan. 23 2012,21:38)
    T8: That is within your right to do. We all choose a god of choice or no god at all. Choosing a known and recognized, lying deceiver and calling him a god is a bit like waking up in the morning and wishing for a horrible day!!

    I had always thought you were a believer in ONE God! This is news to me.  TK


    Actually t8 is like the JW's who believe that there are many 'gods.' Even if this were true, which it is not, the “God” who blinds the minds of men in 2 Corinthians 4:4 is NOT satan. Paul said that the unbelievers in Moses' day were blinded to the glory of God by the veil which Moses put over his face. Satan had no involvement in that whatsoever. Exodus 34 CLEARLY says that they were blinded by the act of Moses putting it over his face.

    Paul said that the “same veil remains unlifted to this day” (Paul's day). The correct syntax for 2 Corinthians 4:4 goes like this:

    God has blinded the minds of the unbelievers of this age, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.

    Satan had nothing to do with blinding the minds of men to the glory of God in Moses' day. Aand he had nothing to do with blinding men's minds to the glory of Christ in Paul's day.

    t8 is NOT living up to his signature. The traditional view of the identity of “god” in clause 1 has been effectively refuted. The “hotheos” who blinds in clause 1 is the same “hotheos” in clause 2. Christ is the image of “hotheos” in clause 2. Therefore, “hotheos” in clause 1 cannot be satan.



    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 24 2012,04:00)
    t8 is NOT living up to his signature. The traditional view of the identity of “god” in clause 1 has been effectively refuted. The “hotheos” who blinds in clause 1 is the same “hotheos” in clause 2. Christ is the image of “hotheos” in clause 2. Therefore, “hotheos” in clause 1 cannot be satan.

    KJ, “the God” is identifying God and is not talking qualitatively as I have told you before.

    This also works with Satan who is identified as the God of this age.

    It's that simple.


    Let me get this straight.
    You guys (KJ, Gene, ftk) are saying that God is the ruler of this age/world?
    That is what it sounds like to me.


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 23 2012,11:00)
    Actually t8 is like the JW's who believe that there are many 'gods.' Even if this were true, which it is not……………..

    Jack, you act as if the JWs and t8 just made this up out of thin air.  All we are doing is BELIEVING the scriptures that you choose NOT to believe:

    1 Corinthians 8:5
    For even if there are those called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many gods and many lords)

    Jack, some of us are speaking ACCORDING to scripture, while you and Tim are not.

    The trick is to actually BELIEVE the scriptures, whether or not they “sit well” with your own wishes or doctrines. I keep telling you guys that Jehovah couldn't possibly be the God OF gods if there were no other gods for Him to be the God OF.


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 15 2012,13:59)

    Quote (942767 @ Jan. 15 2012,12:45)

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 15 2012,10:07)
    2 Corinthians 4:4 as it reads in most translations:

    whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of the God, should shine on them.

    For much of my christian life life I was misled to believe that the “god of this age” was a reference to satan. I have come to totally reject this interpretation for three reasons:

    1. Christ is the image of “the God” (hotheos) who blinds the minds of men which completely rules out that it can be a reference to satan.

    “The God” (hotheos) who blinds the minds of men in the first clause and “the God” (hotheos) of whom Christ is the image in the second clause are the same person. Jesus is the image of “the God” in the second clause. Therefore, “the God” in the first clause CANNOT be satan.

    2. The term “of this age” is amphibolous and refers to unbelievers.

    The God has blinded the minds of those who of this age do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of the God, should shine on them.

    3. In 3:14 Paul had just said that the unbelievers of the prior age were blinded by God through the putting on of a veil over the face of Moses.

    Therefore, since we have such hope, we use great boldness of speech— 13 unlike Moses, who put a veil over his face so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the end of what was passing away. 14 But their minds were blinded. For until this day the SAME VEIL remains unlifted in the reading of the Old Testament, because the veil is taken away in Christ.

    The instrument of the blindness of unbelievers of both ages was the “same veil.” Satan NEVER had the power to blind the minds of men. And he is NEVER called “the God” (hotheos) anywhere in the scriptures.


    hi jack:

    I believe that you are reading these scriptures incorrectly.

    Love Christ,

    I invite you to disprove me.


    Hi KJack.

    Dont you understand that God has used satan from the beginning to do the evil works?
    Dont you know that God is in charge of satan?And of all things?
    If you dont believe in the gospel, than satan will take over your mind,therefore he is in charge of you, and close you mind regarding the scriptures.

    2Thess 2:4.Who opposeth and exalted himself above ALL that is called God,or that is worshipped; so that HE AS GOD SITTETH IN THE TEMPLE OF GOD,SHOWING HIMSELF THAT HE IS GOD.(god of this world.)

    Verse11. And for this cause GOD shall send them strong delusions,that they should believe a lie.(and satan is the one to do the job)

    James 4:4. Ye adulteres and adulteresses,know ye not that the FRIENDSHIP OF THE WORLD IS ENMITY WITH GOD?

    This is proof that this world( not the earth) is not Gods,but satans.(satan did promised Christ to give Christ all his kingdoms if he worship satan.)

    Did God not use satans man(judas) to crucify his son?Did not satan go inside Judas?

    2peter.5:8.Be sober,be vigilant; because your adversary the DEVIL,as a roaring lion walketh about,seeking whom he may devour.(satan is doing all the evil works.)(God still in charge).

    John12:31. Now is the judgement of this WORLD: NOW SHALL THE PRINCE OF THIS WORLD BE CAST OUT.
    (who is the prince of this world?)This verse came out of Jesus mouth.

    Rev12:9.And the dragon was cast out that old serpent,calleth the devil,and satan,WHICH DECEIVED THE WHOLE WORLD.he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him.(he blinds the minds,and fill it with garbage).

    In the case of moses and the israelites having the vail; this is Gods own doing,for a purpose; so that the gospel could go over to the gentiles; so we can be saved also,and once this work is done;then the gospel will go back to the israelites,so that we all can be saved.

    The resurrected saints will do the preaching to the israelites,that have been chosen by God; the remnant of israel for a 1000yrs.

    Do not feed on strange flesh,but the flesh of Christ only.(the scriptures.)

    Greetings to you.


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