Satan was NOT the God of this age

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    Ed J

    Quote (david @ Oct. 20 2012,17:07)

    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 20 2012,15:25)
    Hi David,

    Nothing happens without YHVH allowing it;
    that doesn't mean YHVH is the cause.
    Take for example Job's troubles.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed, I agree but don't see how it applies.

    Hi David,

    “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them
     which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ,
     who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” (2 Cor. 4:4)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (david @ Oct. 20 2012,12:07)
    Ed, I agree but don't see how it applies.

    Jn 19:11 Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.”

    just because Gods is fulfilling his prophecies it does not mean he is the god of this world ,this world as been given to Satan the blind,(spiritually)

    Jn 18:36 Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place.”
    Jn 18:37 “You are a king, then!” said Pilate.
    Jesus answered, “You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

    it is understood if the son's kingdom is not of this world would it be no so for the kingdom of his father ??? yes


    Interesting how the Trinitarians, and the Binitarians (Not sure about our resident Quadratarian), say that YHWH is the god of this age, when all other Trinitarians I have met or searched on in Google say it is Satan.

    The reason I believe is because we have taken them to task more than most Trinitarians, and because the Trintarians here say that all who are legitimately called God are YHWH, the god of this age becomes a thorn in their side.

    Simple solution for them is to change it to mean YHWH is the god of this age. Now the problem is solved for them and they can continue teaching their doctrine.

    I wonder if all die hard Trinitarins of the world would do the same thing as the ones here if they were challenged to the degree that we have challenged them?

    If Satan is a theos, then their application of Jesus being theos therefore making him YHWH crumbles to the ground because it shows varying legitimate uses for theos just as Concordances point out. i.e., judges, magistrates, angels, Jesus, God.

    Ed J

    Hi T8,

    There are real Gods and there are false gods. And since
    there is only “ONE” God, all others are false gods.

    This picture fits for 'the god' of this world/AGE,
    since Satan is a false god. But creates a dilemma
    for the Jesus is a god crowd. But when one realizes
    that Jesus is an extension of God this problem is solved.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 26 2013,18:22)
    Hi T8,

    There are real Gods and there are false gods. And since
    there is only “ONE” God, all others are false gods.

    This picture fits for 'the god' of this world/AGE,
    since Satan is a false god. But creates a dilemma
    for the Jesus is a god crowd. But when one realizes
    that Jesus is an extension of God this problem is solved.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    There are real Gods and there are false gods. And since
    there is only “ONE” God, all others are false gods.


    Ed J

    “For all the (false) gods of the nations are idols:
     but the LORD made the heavens.” (Psalms 96:5)


    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 27 2013,05:42)
    “For all the (false) gods of the nations are idols:
     but the LORD made the heavens.” (Psalms 96:5)


    do not add to scriptures ;they are idols in God almighty eyes because they are not like him and can not do has he does ,AND FOR THAT REASON WE NEVER SHOULD WORSHIP THEM AT ANY TIME IN ANY WAY

    Ed J

    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 27 2013,11:06)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 27 2013,05:42)
    “For all the (false) gods of the nations are idols:
     but the LORD made the heavens.” (Psalms 96:5)


    do not add to scriptures ;they are idols in God almighty eyes because they are not like him and can not do has he does ,AND FOR THAT REASON WE NEVER SHOULD WORSHIP THEM AT ANY TIME IN ANY WAY

    Then you agree they are not gods.


    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 27 2013,02:22)
    Hi T8,

    There are real Gods and there are false gods. And since
    there is only “ONE” God, all others are false gods.

    This picture fits for 'the god' of this world/AGE,
    since Satan is a false god. But creates a dilemma
    for the Jesus is a god crowd. But when one realizes
    that Jesus is an extension of God this problem is solved.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    True and false.

    Ye are elohim, ye are all sons of the Most High God. (something like that).

    Later, Jesus quoting this said, Ye are gods, why do you accuse me of blasphemy because I say I am the son of God. (something like that).

    Worship Elohim all you elohims.

    These are not false gods, neither are they the Almighty God.
    Even concordances will verify this if you care to check.

    Satan is the god of this age as it is written and yes Jesus is an extension of God as we should be too. What Jesus is, we will become. Of course when we look at the sons of God, Jesus is unique in that the is the first born, and the only begotten. He is the prototype son of God and we are the sons of God.

    Ed J

    Hi T8,

    That's (in essence) saying worship God ye that are OF God. Trying to
    say it is proving there are other gods is to do the verse a disservice.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Psalm 82:1
    God standeth in the congregation of the mighty (gods); he judgeth among the gods.

    Ed, who are these gods that congregate with Jehovah?


    T8…….. So you don't believe God when he said there was no god besides him he said he looked and found “none. So you just throw that out of you bible and replace it with your false assumptions . Bold are you guy's who believe ther are other then the one and “only” true God to back up your false sayings that Jesus is a “little”god of some kind..

    While the word ELOHIM does imply might or power  but according to your logic we can even say a ant is a god.and not be a liar right? So to you and Mike and Pierre we have billions of things we can call (little gods) so we can not zero in on the (only one true God) because there is not only “one” true God According to your doctrines you guys teach correct?

    I myself like ED J and others believe there is only one true God for me and that is not The man Jesus or any other so-called God, unto all true believers there is only one true God. , just as Paul said unto “US” there is but “ONE” God.  Sorry you have to try so desperately to make Jesus another little God to support you false assumption that he is the word in John 1:1 in order to force your false Preexistence doctrines    

    Peace and love to you and yours…………………….gene

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 27 2013,13:57)
    Psalm 82:1
    God standeth in the congregation of the mighty (gods); he judgeth among the gods.

    Ed, who are these gods that congregate with Jehovah?

    Hi Mike,

    They are “God's Children”.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    That's right Gene, there's only one “GOD”; all others are false gods.


    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 27 2013,14:26)
    That's right Gene, there's only one “GOD”; all others are false gods.

    ED J………Amen brother.

    Peace and love to you and yours………………………gene


    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 26 2013,21:26)
    That's right Gene, there's only one “GOD”; all others are false gods.

    So God's children, such as Jesus, are “false gods”?


    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 30 2013,13:01)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 26 2013,21:26)
    That's right Gene, there's only one “GOD”; all others are false gods.

    So God's children, such as Jesus, are “false gods”?


    Hi Mike,

    Jesus is our brother, not a false god.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Hi Gene, and Ed.

    Yes there is only one God but there is also “Jesus as our Lord” and He was the only perfect man, and we are not, and He was risen from the dead in power and He is now much higher than us, do you not agree?

    Yes, He is a man in scripture.

    1Tim 2:5
    “There is one God. There is also one mediator between God and human beings—a human, the Messiah Jesus.” (ISV)

    But He is also our Lord in scripture

    Acts 2:36
    “Therefore, let all the people of Israel understand beyond a doubt that God made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah!”

    Okay, more to say but that should do for now.

    Ed J

    Hi 2Besee,

    “Lord” means “owner” as we were bought with a price.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    2besee……….I also believe God has made him both Lord or Master (adoni)  lord in a human sense, and Messiah (the anointed one), Yes i do believe that completely, without a doubt.

    But i also believe that God's Goal for all mankind is to come to the full maturity and stature of Jesus the Christ (Messiah)  For what does the scriptures say?

    What is man that thou are mindfully of him thou has made him a “LITTLE” Lower then the angels , but has crowned him with Glory and Honor, and has put all thing under his (mankind's) feet, in that He (God) says He has put “ALL THINGS” under His feet , there is “NOTHING” that is not put under the FOOT OF MAN.

    “BUT” we do not “YET” see all thing put under his (mankinds)foot but what do we see? we see Jesus who (like us) was made a “LITTLE” Lower than the angels for the tasting of death, “NOW” Crowned with Glory and Honor, and all thing are under His Feet.

    This is God's Goal for “ALL” mankind, that God has purposed in the earth. WE are also called Heirs and “JOINT” heirs with Jesus . The word Lord is the same word as Master or a human Lord, not to get mixed up with the LORD or (Yehweh) GOD, it is a completely different word used for term “LORD” GOD.

    I do not separate Jesus from my Own human Identity with him “as a fellow human being”, a Brother in the house hold of “our” God and “our” Father.  What God did for our Brother Jesus, He can also do for us all.  He is the “FIRST” born of many Brothers and Sisters into the Kingdom and Houshold of  the Living GOD. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………………………………………..gene

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