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  • #811621

    Hi Richard,

    How does you view sit with Is 52 and 53?

    No glorious demigod seen there.


    NICK…..The calling of God is not revoked, and his spirit was given to us to abide with us “forever’. And while it is true every mans work will be judged, he who has built with precious jewels, gold, silver, will recieve a reward, he who has built with wood,hay,or stubble will suffer lose, because fire (intense judgement ) will try all mens work, but even if one suffers lose, he himself will be “SAVED”, YET AS BY “FIRE”(intense judgement), so it is indeed better to build with what gives a reward, but salvation is a different matter, it has been settled, thank GOD, through the sacrifice his lamb, which “HE” kept without blemish , JESUS Christ our lord, but better, our brother.

    FOR IT IS BY THE GRACE OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, who is our “GOD,” WE “HAVE BEEN” (past tense) SAVED . I DO NOT EVER DENY, THE GRACE THAT BOUGHT ME, DELIVERS ME, AND KEEPS ME. No matter how worthless all my works are now or ever will be, because, it is though “FAITH” I was called and it is through “FAITH’ I WILL BE KEPT. My salvation is a done deal, but that is “NOT” saying I will not be held ACCOUNTABLE for any wrong thing i do, for sin has it’s own recompense just as good has it’s own also. That will exist forever because good and e ilis what life consists of. Butthanks betoGOD THE FATHER,if we confess our sins He is just to forgive us, “and” TO CLEANSE US FROM “ALL” SIN.

    IT’S ALL about FAITH, but when the Son of Man comes, will he find “FAITH” ON THE EARTH? Thats the question. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours. ………gene


    Hi GB,

    The net is pulled in full of fish.

    But then the Fisherman sorts through the catch.


    Only useful fish are kept

    Danny Dabbs

    “T8 @DannyD

    Can you disprove the conclusion written here?”

    To be honest with you, No I can’t.


    Danny Dabbs


    I no longer believe that God is a Trinity.

    I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son OF God.

    There is a God and He has a Son. The Holy Spirit is God’s own Spirit, not another person.

    On the point of pre-existence I’m still not sure.



    Danny Dabbs,

    Do you understand that as far as his humanity is concerned Jesus is the chief son of humanity but as for the Spirit God gave him he is the chief son of God?


    Hi Danny,

    Yes it is important to know who God is not.

    But it is more important to know Him and be known by Him.

    Danny Dabbs

    Hi Nick,

    I absolutely agree with what you said.

    Danny Dabbs

    Hi Kerwin,

    No, sorry I don’t understand.


    Hi Danny,

    Repent and be baptised in the name of Jesus.

    You must be born again of water and the Spirit.


    Then you will begin to see the kingdom.



    He is the son of God in the same way others are for like them he was fathered by the Spirit of God. (Galatians 4:6 and Romans 8:15)

    He is the Author of our faith for he was first human to become the son of God by God giving him the Spirit of God. That us why we are instructed to follow him.

    He is the Finisher of our faith mediating between God and humanity as believers are taught to walk according to the Spirit at all times. (Hebrews 12:1-2)

    In short it is only through him we can obtain the righteousness of God. (Romans 3:21-26)

    So if you understand how a believer is the son of God then you understand how Jesus is. The differences are Jesus was never without the Spirit in order to fall short of the glory of God and he is the one God chose all other human beings to receive the Spirit by.


    Hi KW,

    Why do you keep propagating your opinion that Jesus always had the Spirit?



    Kerwin…..While JESUS WAS INDEED BEING KEPT BY GOD, HIS FATHER FROM BERTH, he still never had the SPIRIT OF GOD OR THE CHRISTO’S UNTILL HE RECIEVED IT , he as we are, was born again also, by the recieving into him the Holy Spirit of God the Father, at the Jordan river. God can shield a person from sinning as he did Job, by not allowing evil to get to him, but when the protection is removed then comes Satan to attack him like he did Job, and Jesus also, in the wilderness, GOD the father was THEN KEEPING him by being “IN” HIM, JUST DIFFEREN WAYS OF BEING KEPT, one external the other internal. Remember what Jesus said, “you must be born again” of water “and” Spirit. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours. …….gene

    Danny Dabbs

    Hi Nick,

    I have repented and was baptized in Jesus Name but still don’t know everything.



    He bore the fruit of the Spirit from the time he was first tempted.

    It is your speculation that he was born of Spirit at the Jordon as there is nothing written to confirm that and he bore the fruit of the Spirit before that time.

    Gene thinks he was kept from sinning by God til the Jordon but that idea is at odds with the idea he was tempted as we are but without sin.


    Hi Danny,

    If a child asks his father for bread will he give him a stone?

    Neither will the Heavenly Father refuse His Spirit to His children who ask.

    Danny Dabbs

    Hi Nick,

    I agree.


    Hi KW,

    Where is the written evidence?

    When was he first tempted and how?


    KERWIN, IF YOU BELIEVE HE is exactly as we are and yet with out sin, then something had to keep him from sinning right? That something was, SATAN could not get to him because GOD his EARTHLY FATHER AS WELL AS HIS HEAVENLY FATHER, WAS PREVENTING HIM from getting to him, untill he was born of SPIRIT AGAIN, THEN JESUS WAS TEMPTEDIN EVERY WAY WE ARE AND BECAUSE OF THE ABIDING SPIRIT OF GOD, “AFTER” HE “RECIEVED” IT, THE SPIRIT KEEP HIM FROM SINNING FROM THAT TIME ON, AND SCRIPTURE SAYS “THEN” HE WAS LEAD OUT INTO THE WILDERNESS TO BE TEMPTED BY THE DEVIL, NO WHERE DOES IT SAY HE WAS TEMPTED to sin before that time. If there is a scripture that says he was tempted before that time, please produce it.

    GOD THE FATHER can keep us “both” externally and internally. Jesus was kept from sinning from the time of his berth even till now, it’s “ALL” a work of GOD THE FATHER , from the beginning to the end, only the Father “ALONE” get “ALL” the glory for our SALVATION, as well as JESUS’ SALVATION TOO. Now if we “OVERCOME” EVEN AS HE DID, we do it “ALL” by the POWER OF GOD the Father. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours. ……gene

    Danny Dabbs

    Oh Lord Jesus Christ please save me. Give me the truth. I’m very confused. Amen.

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